ESTABLISHED 1890 Y it iguu 41P :43 at I MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS I , t ====d VOL. XXXVII. Nd. 51 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS SENATOR BORAH DOES NOT EPECT BREAK IN AFFAIRSX WITH MEXICI & i NO THREAT OF ULTIMATUM FOUND BY CHAIRMAN OF RELATIONS GROUP ADMINISTRATION SILENT Official Quarters Give No Disclosure Of Intentions In Regard To Crisis (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Nov. 24.-While bleak official silence met every at- tempt to disclose the Washington ad- ministration's intentions in the Mex- ican crisis, Senator Borah of Idaho, chairman of the Senate foreign rela- tions committee today published his views on the situation, declaring that there "is not going to be any break with Mexico." The state department's position was that Mexico had agreed to the publi- cation of the oil and land law corre- spondence, and that spoke for itself. On the other hand, however ,the Idaho senator said that after hearing the correspondence that he had not found "any threat of any ultimatum." Senator Hess, Republican, Ohio, and Senator Norris, Republican, Nebraska, also issued brisk statements. The Ohioan said if American rights in Mexico are placed in :jeopardy, "we should sever relations," but added that so far they are not placed in jeo- pardy." Senator Norris declared he did not believe the "stern attitude of the state department was justified." State Department Silent The only hint dropped at the state department was that it looked upon the Mexican demand for "concrete cases" as referring to futre specific instances which may arise when the new Mexican law becomes effective in January. Whether the implied Mex- ican invitation for further diplomatic exchanges would lead to renewed cor- respondence and more drastic steps of protest by the United States was not revealed. No attempt was made in official quarters to soften the impression that relations are strained almost to the breaking point and that any definite act of enforcement of the nationaliza- tion policy against Americans by Mex- ico might serve to precipitate a rup-. ture. w In Latin-American diplomatic cir- cles, a tendency was indicated to re- gard the situation as one suited to arbitrational treatment at The Hague. It was suggested that the conflict be-! tween Mexico's new system of owner- ship, and the position of the United States that rights obtained by its na- tionals under the old system can not be cut down to fit into the new, seemed to be an "ideal" one for international arbitration to decide. Kellogg Confers With Coolidge Secretary Kellogg went to the White House twice during the day to confer with President Coolidge but it was indicated that his visits were not re- lated to the Mexican crisis. He saw Ambassador Tellez in the afternoon just before his second trip to the White House. Senator Borah after expressing doubt that American-Mexican 'rela- ions would be broken, summed up his opinion in this way: "Mexico is seeking to work out cer- tain property problems to change the nature of property, as it were, in Mexico. And the state department is seeking, while this protest is going on, to protect the property rights of American citizens. But it does not necessarily follow that we are going to break with Mexico." Russian Envoy Dies At London Embassy (By Associated Press) LONDON, Nov. 24.-Despite the heroic efforts of Lord Dawson, the king's personal physician, to save the life of Leonid Krassin, the Soviet envoy died today in the old Czarist embassy, from pernicious anaemia.; In his death, British officials see the passing of an able diplomat who was expected to do much toward re-estab- lishing the relations of Russia with' the Western nations. The body will be sent to .Moscow, No Students To Be Allowed To Leave Either Gymnasium And Return During The Evening VOTE AGAINST CORSAGES By unanimous vote of the members at their meeting last night, the 1927 J-Hop committee wentuon record as being opposed to the use of liquor in any form at the annual event. No stronger action could be taken, mem- bers of the committee believe, at the present time. Students will not be allowed to leave either gymnasium "a d return at any time during the evening, and further rules for the conduct of the booths will be adopted in the near future. The annual contest for decoration designs will close December 1, as was originally intended, and all students wishing to enter the contest should submit. their idesigns before that date. There will be a prize of $25 to the originator of the accepted scheme. I The committee also voted against the use of corsages at the party, and discussed the possible orchestras for the event. It is planned again to have three organizations of national repu- tation, and though tentative groups are in mind none of the contracts have been signed. Reports on the possibilities of broadcasting and taking moving pic- tures at the event were also discussed, and while no definite action was taken, members of the committee were authorized to act on both questions. it was definitely decided that moving pictures will again be taken, and it is very probable that the music will be broadcast. Rumanian Queen Sails For Home (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Nov. 24.-Queen Marie of Rumania and her children, Prince Nicholas and Princess Ileana, today were aboard the steamship Berengaria, bound for Bucharest, where the king is ill. The queen bade farewell to her "dear America" by radio after a 30- day tour of the United States in a special train that covered 10,000 miles. Her last full day in the new world was filled with excitement, in some of which she did not share. The police bomb squad confiscated bundles of in- cendiary circulars in which the rulers of Rumania were assailed for mis- treatment of peasants and the laboring classes. The queen occupied herself Tuesday with a stroll on fashionable Fifth and Park avenues and thence to First ave- nue and the gas house district, where children broke through police lines I to win her smile by calling out "Hello, Queen," a dinner in her honor given by Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Astor. Preference for Sophomores Ends As General Sale Opens Tomorrow Afternoon At Union WILL DANCEAT UNION Nearly half the quota of tickets for the sophomore prom, which will be held Friday night, December 10, have been sold since tickets were placed on sale Tuesday morning at the booth in the Union, according to Austin J. Paddock, '29E, who is in charge of the ticket sale. The general sale will start tomor- row afternoon,sophomores having been given the preference on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. Many sophomores have not yet applied for their tickets and are advised to do so as soon as possible. The booth is open from 2 to 5 o'clock every afternoon. Announcement of the following de- coration committee' was made yester- day: James Duffield Jr.,'m9, Robert F. Warren, '29, and William R. IKleckner, '29E. The prom will again be held in the ballroom of the Union, and dancing will continue from 9 to 2 o'clock. The; orchestra for the dance will soon be announced. One Of Navy Planes1 Downed In Non-Stop South American Trip' BULLETIN (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Nov. 24.-The PN-1 missing Navy seaplane,' attempting a non-stop flight from Norfolk to Colon,) Panama, has been found the Navy de- I partnent was advised tonight. All four members of the crew are believ- ed safe. The cruiser Cincinnati found the machine with her connecting rod brok en on her starboard engine at 6:35I o'clock last night on the Carribbean sea 230 miles south of the Isle of Pines. Washington, Nov. 24.-With one ofE Navy PN-10 seaplanes attempting a 2060 mile non-stop flight from Hamp- ton Roads, to Colon, Canal Zone, forc-. ed down on the Isle of Pines with an exhausted fuel supply, navy officials waited hopefully tonight for word of the other, last reported 150 miles south of the isle. . The cruiser Cincinnati, guard ship between the Isle of Pines and Old Providence island, over which the number one plane commanded by Lieut. D. J. Connell was to have passed around 11 o'clock this morning, reported he was preceding north from I her station to search for the PN 10. MEXICO CITY. - The Senate has rAtified the constitutional amendmentj regarding the election of former pres- idents. GeneralTicket Sale For "Front Page Stuff" Will Begin Tomorrow At Union General seat sale of . tickets for Applications of Union members "Front Page Stuff," the annual Union which were received up to last night, opera, which will open December 6 at will be filled today in order of their the Whitney theater for a week's run, reception. "Distribution of tickets will begin tomorrow at the main desk through applications has been ex- in the Union lobby, and will continue tremely satisfactory," declared Paul' every afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock Buckley, Opera treasurer, yesterday. until Friday, December 3. The sale Rehearsals of the cast, choruses and is for all members of the Union who orchestra have been in progress dur- did not fill out application blanks for ing the past week, and the work from Ann Arbor Opera performances, pre- now until the dress rehearsals will ference for which ceased yesterday. consist in polishing and fitting the University, women may secure various numbers together so the com- ticket applications at Hill auditorium plete presentation will run smoothly. from 2 to 5 o'clock ,Monday. Prefer- Lester, creator of the 400 costumes ence slips for securing these applica- which will brighten the Opera, will tions may be obtained; any time before make a personal trip to Ann Arbor then at the office of the Dean of wom- sometime next week to supervise the en. Box office general sale of tickets fitting and effect of the gowns and will begin Friday, December 3 at the costumes. Opera shoes, numbering Whitney theater. This sale is open 400 pairs, have already arrived andl to the public. are awaiting a similar fitting. VOLSTEAD LAW TO BE' HLFOF SOPH PROM ENFORCED AT #HP BIDS REMAIN UNSOLD11, COOPER SHOWS CLOSE RELATION OF POVERTY WITH BIRTH CONTROL STATES THAT PEOPLE WERE BETTER OFF WHEN THEY KNEW LESS OF SEX IS SECOND LECTURER Point Out That Lower Classes Are Increasing Three Times As Fast As Higher Classes "World War and Poverty, and Birth Control as a Cure of Them" was the topic of Dr. James F. Cooper's lecture in University Hall auditorium yester- day afternoon. He was the second speaker of the series under the au- spices of the Industrial Research com- mission of the Student Christian as- sociation. ;The aim of his speech was,. not to give an absolute and immediate cure, but to show the statistical rela- tions of war and poverty to the birth rate. Tr. Cooper is the medical director of the Clinical Research department of the American Birth Control league. He has investigated the subject in China, at Fukien Union university, and in Europe, where he served with the medical corps of the British army throughout the war. For the last two years he has been on a lecture tour In the United States where has has assisted the American Birth Control league by his talks. "The less people knew about the sex; problem the better off they were con- sidered," stated Dr. Cooper in compar- ing the old ideas to the new, "while today the topic is openly discussed. The problem of birth control i the, main topic of many groups of sociol- ogists, agriculturists, biologists and. social workers throughout the world and should be of profound interest to all of us.I Population Increasing "The population is increasing rap- idly because of the improved medical treatment and the ease with which we can avert famine through the use of! fast communication and transporta- tion. In the last 65 years the popula- tion of the world has doubled due to the action of these forces and it is in- evitable that at this rate the world will reach the saturation point. This country has already taken' steps to avert the possible over crowding of the land through the immigration laws," the speaker further stated. The first international conference on population will meet at Geneva some time next year through the ef-.. forts of the agriculturists who gave out the figures that it takes two and a half acres of land to produce enough' food for one person for a year. Ac- cording to their estimates the world, at the present rate, will be over- crowded in 200 years. Dr. Cooper, allowing that the estimate was cor- rect said that the over-population of a country brought on war because of the flux of people from one country! to another in search of work. "The lower classes, from a biolog- ical point of view, are incireasing three times as fast as the higher classes." This has led to legislation in a good number of states that aref trying to use a preventitive system of cure. The two types of prevention that are in practical use are segrega- tion and sterilization either of which will be a good preventitive. The earlier legislation tended toward seg- regation and the more modern laws tend toward sterilization. Grid-Graph To Show Army-Navy Struggle Owing to the large number of de- mands and' intense interest shown by the campus in general, the grid-graph management has decided to show the Army-Navy football game Saturday afternoon at Ijill auditorium. This will be the first time the board hasl been used to show any but Varsity games. The telegraphic arrangements for this game will be the same as had at all the Varsity games this year and,; inasmuch as the same operators will control the board, it is expected that the story of the game 'will be as ef- ficient as any of the other showings The Varsity band will play before the game and between the halves, and parade before and after the game. All men on the 1926 Varsity football squad who won the M award will be guests of the management and will occupy seats directly in front of the board. A deviation from the regular price rates will be in effect, as all tickets will be 35 cents, which will admit the bearer to any seat in the auditorium. Tickets are on sale at Graham'% Slater's, Wahr's and Calkins-Fletcher's College fraternity men will meet in New York. city at the Hotel Pennsyl- vania, Nov. 26 and 27, Friday and Sat- urday, under the auspices of the In- terfraternity Conference for a mutual discussion of education and social problems. More than 200 delegates from nearly all national fraternities in United States and Canada will meet. Local representatives for the con- ference will leave today for New York. John Boland, Jr., '27, president of the local interfraternity council, and Frank Graham, '27, also of the council, with Dean Bursley will represent Michigan at the International confer- ence. With the, fraternity officials will meet two score educators, college presidents, and deans from all parts of the country, invited to the confer- ence by its educational advisor, Dean Thomas Arkle Clark of the University of Illinois. Among the college pres- idents will be Dr. William Mather Lewis of George Washington univer- sity, who will make the chief address of the conference. While institutions from every sec- tion of the country will be represent- ed, including the universities of Cana- da, Cornell leads the list with a total of 22. Pennsylvania representatives are second in number with 19. Co- lumbia will have 18 representatives present, Illinois 16, and New York university 12. Reports from the In- terfraternity headquarters in New York say that every fraternity, from Acacia to Zeta Psi, will have five rep- resentatives present. College Fraternity Men Will Discuss Social Problems At New York Meeting MILLIONAIRETESTIFIES Senator Walsh, Who Persisted In 011 Inquiry Until Scandal Developed, Takes Witness Stand (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Nov. 24.- The searching finger of the prosecution pointed swiftly today to some of the I 39OOOO SPECTATORS SEE MICHIGAN GAMErS, Ohtio-Miciigan Attendance of 94,000 ; Breaks All Records In Football History ILLINOIS DRAWS 225,000j (By Associated Press) CHICAGO, Nov. 24.-Football at- tendance and gate receipts broke all records in the Western Conference1 this year. Figures compiled tonight show attendance of nearly a million and a half and receipts of more than $2,500,000. Michigan played to 390,000 spec- tators at home and abroad making an- other Big Ten record and the Ohio-, Michigan battle drew 94,000, the larg- est paid attendance ever attracted to a football game in history-although! 100,000 tickets for the Army-Navy have been sold. The University of Chicago team failed to win a Conference victory and scored only two touchdowns against ' Big Ten opponents they "reversed the field" and finished first in total home attendance and receipts for the season. Chicago lead Illinois, the next . school, by 10,000 in total attendance1 and were more than $100,000 ahead of the Illini in total receipts. The largest single gate of the season was the $170,000 at Michigan-Ohio.' This was greater than the entire sea- son receipts of Indiana, Purdue and Iowa combined. New stadiums at Minnesota, North- western and Chicago helped to in- .crease attendance at those schools 1 and the new field in prospect for i Michigan next fall will give the Yost- men a chance for greater attendance. They had three sellout crowds of 48,000 at home this year. Northwest- ern's new stadium will be doubled in size next season. The at home figures follow: SUND WALL TO SPEAK ON FOURTH PROGRAM "Public Health" Subject Of Physical DIrector; White, Hubbs and Berry Are Other Speakers WWJ WILLBROADCAST Dr. John Sandwall, director of the division of hygiene, public health and physical education, speaking on the subject of "Public Health" will open the fourth Michigan Night radio pro- gram which will be broadcast at 8 o'clock tomorrow through station WWJ, according to Waldo Abbott of the rhetoric department, program manager. He will be followed by Prof. Albert E. White, director of the department of engineering research, who will dis- cuss the contribution of the University to the field of industry. The depart- ment of engineering research has been co-operating withthe industries of the State in their work, and the talk by Professor White will show what has been accomplished by s.uch co- operation. "Fishes From the Pacific," is the subject of the talk by Carl Hubbs, curator of fishes in the Museum. Mr. Hubbs speit th' last year in collect- Ing more than 50,000 specimens from western waters, and it is concerning this expedition that the talk will treat. Closing the series of four minute speeches, Prof. Charles Scott Berry, of the School of Education, will talk on "The Training of Retarded Chil- dren." Samuel Lockwood, violin, Mrs. Sam- uel Lockwood, violin, Pauline Kaiser, viola, and Mrs. Lester' Wieder, cello, all members of the faculty of the School 'of Music, will furnish the 'mu- sical numbers for the program. most vital spots in the government criminal conspiracy case against Al- bert D. Fall and Edward L. Doheny. Then abruptly it was halted as it moved to perhaps the most important point of all, the testimony of the mul- ti-millionaire oil man before the Sen- ate oil committee that he advanced $100,000 to the former interior secre- tary after negotiations for leases in the Elk Hills, California naval reserve had begun. Counsel for the government offered this testimony in evidence and in- stantly defense counsel objected. The jury was excused and after the bat- tery of legal talent directing the case , had conferred with Justice Hoehling at the bench argument one the ques- tion was overauntilmcourt reconvenes Friday. Develop Dramatic Story Before their rapid presentation was halted temporarily, prosecution law- yers had developed the dramatic story of the effort of Fall to conceal from the Senate committee the source of the $100,000, carrying the story down to the point where he asked his per- sonal friend, Edward McLean, pub- lisher of the Washington Post, to sub- cribe to an untruth. Besides McLean, prominent witnes- ses today included Senator Walsh, Democrat, Montana, Prosecutor of the Senate inquiry, Senator Lenroot, Re- publican, Wisconsin, a member of -the oil committee, and Josephus Daniels, secretary of the navy in the Wilson admnistrat~on. The millionaire publisher's 'testi- mony furnished the thrills of the day to which the lease examination of Senator Walsh came as an anti-cli- max. As the dignified, stern-faced Montanan took the witnes's chair, the crowd that packed the court room be- came tense in anticipation of a long direct cross-examination of the man who persisted in the oil inquiry until a scandal that wrought the capital was developed. Walsh Testifies If such a dramatic chapter of the trial is in store, lawyers on both sides deferred its writing, for Senator Walsh was asked only a few questions in reply to which he stated that he caused to be called the meeting of the oil committee on Jan. 24, 1924, at which Doheny testified he was the real source of the $100,000 which Fall used to enlarge his New Mexico ranch holdings. Preceding Senator Walsh to the stand, McLean produced correspond- ence passed in early November, 1921, in which he declined a proposal of Fall to interest himself in branch holdings adjacent to those of the for- mer interior secretary. Shortly after that, Fall called on the publisher personally and persuad- ed him to advance $100,000 in checks against Fall's personal note ,which was to be called within ten days un- less McLean decided to go into the ranch. Before that period expired, McLean said Fall returned the check, explaining he had obtained the money "from another source." Before McLean was called, Senator Lenroot had told of a visit which he and Senator Smoot, Republican, Ut1h, another member of the Senate oil committee, had made to Fall at the Wardman Park hotel a day or two before Christmas, 1923, at which they were informed that McLean was the source of the funds. "TORCH BEARERS" TO BE PRESENTED Members of the play production classes will present on Wednesday, December 1, in University hall audi- torium, the rollicking comedy by George Kelly entitled "The Torch Bearers." This will be the first pub- lic presentation that the class has made this year, and the first under the direction of David Owen, who suc- ceeded Prof. R. D. T. Hollister as head of that division. Seats for the pro- duction will be reserved and unre- served, and both may be obtained at Wahr's Book store or at the Goodyear Drug company. They are priced at 50 and 75 cents REVEAL FALL'S EFFORT CONCEAL SOURCE OF FUNDS TO PROSECUTION POINTS TO IMPORTANT SPOTS IN CONSPIRACY CASE Total Total Attend. Recpts. Iowa....... 43,000 $100,000 Ohio .......183,000 340,000 Purdue .... 41,000 47,350 Michigan ...195,000 350,000 Indiana .... 20,265 15,847 Minnesota ..155,842 266,000 Illinois ....225,000 400,000 N'western ..179,500 325,000 Chicago ...235,000 510,000 Wisconsin .123,000 180,000 Totals ..1,400,607 $2,534,197 Largest Crowds 24,000 94,000 15,000 48,000 7,500 58,5001 58,500 44,500 48,000 .40,000 390,000' HISTORICAL ASSOCIA TION IN NEED OF LARGE ENDOWMENT SA YS CROSS Physics Professors ! To Meet In Chicago Members- of the faculty of the' physics department who will attend the Thanksgiving meeting of thel American Physical society at Ryersonl Physical laboratory of the University of Chicago on Friday'and Saturday,I Nov. 26, 27, are Prof. H. M. Randall, director, of the physical laboratories, and Profs. N. H.nWilliams, W. F. Col- by, 0. S. Duff endack, E. F. Barker, 0. LaPorte, J. M. Nuttall, and C. F. Meyer. The,4neeting will begin upon Friday when papers, dealing with physical research on spectra will be read. Fri-I day night a banquet for the members of the society will be held at the Quadrangle club and the papers and discussions will be continued upon Saturday. R. V. Zumstein, National Research fellow of the University of Michigan, will deliver a paper upon the absorption spectrum of antimony vapor; other papers by faculty mem- bers, will be given by R. A. Wolfe and' O. S. Duffendack, on the excitation of arc spectrum of nitrogen, G. A. Stinchcomb and E. F. Barker, on the fine structure of three infra red ab- srnntion hands of ammonia. G.D. i STUDENT PUBLICATIONS SCHOLARSHIP PRIZES Scholarship prizes of $100 each will be awarded this year, by the r Board in Control of Student Pub- lications, to all students who Y have worked upon any of the publications under the control of the Board, according to the E following rules adopted by thej Board: 1. Every student who has' done substantial and satisfactory work on any student publication or publications for four or more t semesters shall be eligible for( one of these prizes. The Summer Session shall be rated as a half j semester., 2. Every student who has at- j tained an average scholarship 1 record of B or better during per- iod above specified shall receive one of these prizes. 3. Every student who believes himself entitled to a scholarship prize shall file an application for same at the Board office in the Press 'building after the j opening of the University in the fall, and the prizes shall be Sawarded and paid before the Christmas holidays. 4. No student shall be an ap- plicant for any scholarship prize more than once. . 5. The scholarship standing ' j of each applicant shall be esti- mated in accordancq with the system of grading currently em- ployed in the various schools and colleges of the University.j Notice is hereby given that j applications .for these prizesj j must be filed at the Board office in the Press building not later than Dec. 4. Blanks may be ob- tamed at the Board office. BOARD IN CONTROL OF STU- DENT PUBLICATIONS. HAVANTA .--Renntrctinn nf +he "The need for an endowment for the American Historical association is more pressing than ever," in the opmnion of Prof. Arthur L. Cross of the history department. Due to the in- creased number of students being trained, the opening of new archives, where the "economic dictator" will be and the enlargement of manuscript honored with a state funeral. collections, publication of historical Leonid Krassin was an influential I works is more desirable than ever, figure wherever he served, and al- he explained, but the cost of publica- though his full ambassadorial status tion has increased greatly. was not recognized by the British Some'publishers formerly had small government, he was accorded all the funds set aside for the publication of diplomatic privileges. meritorious works from which they White, then president of Cornell uni- versity, had been a professor here. The late President James B. Angell' was also head of the association at one time. Charles Kendall Adams. president of Cornell, was president of the group after leaving his profes- sorship here. Prof. A. C. McLaughlin of the University of Chicago, formerly on the University faculty, was once the executive of the association. Prof. C. H. Van Tyne, of the history department, was once editor of the American Historical Review,, and Professor Cross and Prof. Ulrich B. Phillips have been on the council of the association.! i j derived no profit. but these have most-