AVWDJNI&SI)AY, NOVi,-MB Pil 24, 1026 TI-IL ? TI LC AN DATLY TI1-dF MIVI1I, f1lAM lATI Yd ,,.. Moon"Bak-er Closes On The Sidelines Careier Against Iowa 'rte *3xt '4-7 4r y? .. aY - raa .ri. . Emomm loommobsomw . .s.. NO EU EU EEUZUU~irUUE5NTffU~U~"FIa'. 'II &~ mu mu mumu uuuumuuum KEEN EEUUEUUUEEEUEUEU *E**' * I U- U * I I * U * U * a * ,, a * 7T'L...... ~ CI...,.. * AFW J1tSI'U~ JFWD * I I * 1 * U P/ m By ' lll nSiImpISOi Baeiny Oostecrbaafl, captain-elect of the 1927 Varsity football team, bad. made an athletic record at Michigan which may surpass the enviable nine letter recor'd of Harry lKipke, all- ;American halfback in 1923 and captain of the 1923 NWolevrine eleven. Ooster- baan has played on four major sport teams to date, and has won his "M" in each sport . In addition to that record', he has won four gold. medals, signifying championship teams. He now has two gold footballs, one gold ba.sketball charm, rand a gold base-j ball. 'hen, Ito(, Ooslerbaan has It c :au(*c of miaking all-American agltis year. is defensivie work tis season bas surpassed R , tA3E' record, and his uncanny aa"it to1.0snalre Friedmnan's for. Nvan d ps has aalmnost assured 1111in a, place onlthe "Official" all- Aniaerican.i team chosen by G~rant- Wland ltice<. Oosterbaan's (lefen- :sjyc work li the Obio Slate prose this year showed thle Micigan end at hIls best. According to ' Coeach Yost Oosterbnaiix is the r greatlest enadhel as seen,-anal Yeast Juts seen a lot of great flank- , i t ;. , _ ., ..,., , t .. , . ;' a .. 2. rte., iiLy ^ . t ,,?' / a F. : , i , Zr tx, t7 ., ,.. ; ._.F.t- . -.._ ,i.. a a U U a U I If you are a telephone subscriiber call Jimmnie the Lid-Taker, D~ial 21214, and your wanr ad i beThe Id ichigan I aP%, rsr'e the right to classify-all wasrnts ads u~n4(r approrite head- ings and,' to revise or withhold ''b'ectionat~e Il'his column closes at 3 P. Al. date pr. eed- in pulblication, Notice of any erro'r must beC given in time for the second insertion. CASH RATES Ten cents per reading linie (on the basis of five a'Tcrage words to the line) for one or two insertions. Nime cents per readling line for three or more in ser ii ols Carr classifieds receivedl at the Daily office in The Press Building on Maynard Street. Seil CONTRACT RATES :seilstandardized rates given on applica- LOST { i - -~ ~- I I! No.rthwestern captain, whose brilli-' ant wcrk throng-neat the year aided materially in the; Wildcat's march to a. ie for the Conf_-n"rce championship. His work this year has been out-j standing in all games that he played in, and his leadership has been one of the high spots of Northwestern's suc- cess. Captain Baker led his team to the first chance to claim a title since the clays of the great "Paddy" Driscoll. LOST-In Arcade Pharmacy, Friday al ternoo) , black leather note book and Wild -,& Co. package. Call J. L. Riigeihaupt, 3936. 50 LOST --(xobi Wahl1 Eversharp Penfcil, on or near the campus. Phone 5046 or call 502 E. Ann St. 50 LOST-A pair of tortmoise shell glasses in a lblack leather case. Name in ease Gladys Gorg. Phone 6366. 50-51-52 LOST-Pair of bone rim glasses wth~ name inside of case, at Grid-graphx. Reward. A. A. B~rubaker, Dtial 5482. 49-50-51. LOST--Friday noon, oblong white gold wrist watch, Maynard St. and Sec ond by the way of William St. Inquire 537 Second St. 48-49-50 FOR RENLT FOR RENT-New house, rooms for business people or instructors. 336 S. Division. 49-50-51 In a week or two, Oosterbaan will report for basketball practice again, Last season Coach Mather had dif- ficulty in 'workinig the tall center into his team, but this year Oosterbaan is considered one of the best prospects. MVather experienced difficulty in chang- ing Bennie's style of play. In high schiool at Muskegon. Oosterbaan was ranked as an all-American basketball player. On his high school team, Oosterbaan spent most of his time under the basket and had the' rest of the team "feed" the. ball to him, since he was particularly adept in putting the ball in the basket on short shots. Confer- ence basketball' competition is much 1: C E AST. PRECEDES ES IN MATTER OFWIN Records credit the East with 27 victories in a list of 52 major inter- sectional encounters, indicating on keener and more stress is placed on the surface a markedsproiyo defensive work , and it was in the de- I the eastern brand of football over f'ensive game 'that Oosterbaan failed that of other sections of the country. to come up to the skipper's standard. This margin, when examined carefully, With a year's experience under may be considered almost negligible , Mather ,Oosterbaan acquired the es-, if present at all, in view of other out- sential differences in styles of play 1 standing factors. and will be a serious contender forIThsstitcsaeonungfr the center position on this season'sTeesaitc aecnuig o Varsty bsketall eam.in the list of wins credited to the At- Varsty bsketall eam.lantic elevens are included the tri- umphs over 14 southern teams, only a The lasti pass fromi the famous few of which are recognized as strong Friedman to Oosterbaan comibing- teams, and over 13 mid-western Lion was coniplete, Oosterbaan re-I elevens, among which the stronger eiving the captaincy of the 1927 tams are almost entirely, lacking. -eleven, when Friedmadn relinquish- t Considering the question in another ed the leadership yesterday.I light the facts apa&ifrety Th ridategrets owr eastern superiority over the South passer the game has seen, has i may pass unchallenged, inasmuch asl been largely responsible for Mich- the East has lost only three contestsI igan's record 'during the past two to the South, while winning 14 and years, Some have hailed him as tying, one. "the greatest quarterback since Virginia Poly, Johns Hopkins, Wash- Seckersall,". ington and Lee. Davis-Elkins alid West Virginia Wesleyan, are all num- ANCIENT RIVALS beredl among the East's victims. Navy's narrow victory over George- IN FINAL GAMES ( town, 10-7, Pitt's tie with Washington and Jefferson, Princeton's tie with (By Associated Press) Washington and L~ee, however, show NEW YORK, Nov. 23.-Lighting the the closeness of the South-East cali--I grilirn sy i a areellflah o Ibre, with Maryland's crushing defeat~ ancient rivalry, old foes of the east- of Yaos, a ndicrarns o ;whto i a erni football arena will battle in five ICos sidctoso hti colorful closing games on Thursday.snemihbetmdalotaot- With the mid-west claiming the er superiority. ArmyNav clahesat te sme ie The East-Midwest question is more football followers in the East will ineetnn nsm ways ,more see the campaign virtuially ended irr n ipora. Although the records show Thanksgiving struggles between Co- that the East has lost to the Midwest lumbia and Syracuse, Pennsylvaniaf only eight times as compared with and Cornell, Pittsburgh and Penn thirteen wins and one tie, the su- State, West Virginia and Washington + periority of the East, is open to diral- and Brown and! Colgate. Anotherparlne of traditional rivals meet Saturday' Navy triumphed over Michigan, onej of the strongest of the western teams when Holy Cross clashes with Boston an looe udu n rk.O Interest will also be focused in theI the other hand one of the strongest attempt of unbeaten Brown to smash teams in the East, Pennsylvania, lost' through Colgate for a record of ten1 its only game of the year at the hands straight great victories andl a strong of the Illinois eleven, conquered in theI claim on eastern as well as national ! est by Michigan. honos. jNotre Dame's brilliant victory over honors. _________________ the Army,' after the latter eleven had demonstrated the weakness of thr( STKE WANT ADS Bulldog the week before, 11 FOlIELALE-1923 Buick touring , tires! jand motor fine. Price reasonable. Inquire 624 Tappan. Dial 5243. 50 FOR SALE-Two absohutely new lea- ther chairs, stuitable for a fratern' S ity house or private, home. Call Roberts 4-412, 49-50-51 i #t I I j -WANTEDb IIHELP WANTED-Barber wanted. 108, 1. Washington. Phone 4616. 49-501 WAN'TED TO RENT--Small apart- ment or roo in private home with use of living room for one mionth. Box 131 Michigan Daily. tf NOTICE-A young lady wouldl like to have sewig. Apply Box 134 Michi- gan Daily. 50-51-52 WANTED STUDENTS to know that Santlpay-s front $5 to $5 for old suits and overcoats. 121 E. ANN DIAL 4306 tf T d' _ and K /, IIh's G. fand K. Tuxedo we are offer- I o 1, 1. . ? '? r ' ',; One O'clock IThe Michigan Union Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner I $1.50 per plate r 3 U!