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October 01, 1926 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-10-01

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Mortar Board and Senior Society Will, pno ac oB ie
Saturday Night
Introducing a novel idea, Mortar
Board and Senior Society with the as-
sistance of the social committee of the
Women's league will entertain the en-
tering upperclass women at a party to
be held from. 8 to 11 o'clock Saturday
night in Sarah Caswell Angell hall.
The committee of advisors to wom-
en, composed of Miss Alice Lloyd,
Miss Grace Richards, Miss Beatrice
Johnson and iMrs. Norma Mansfield,
will be present to help extend to the
new upperclass women a hearty greet-
ing. The party will be strictly in-
formal, the principal object being to
acquaint the guests with each other in
order to endorse hearty co-operation
and friendship in the future.
Minna Miller, '27, who is in charge
of the affair, urges that all upperclass
women attend, in spite of the fact
that personal invitations can not be
extended to all, and it is hoped that
thie plan will find favor with the new
women students.
Each member of Mortar Board and,
Senior Society has secured five senior
women who have acted as advisors
and who will act as hostesses at the
party, endeavoring in every way to
make the guests feel welcome and en-
joy the informality of the occasion.
The smallest watch in the world
has been produced by a Canadian
watchmaker. It is so tiny that a Can-
adian .five-cent piece will cover it.
221 S. State Dial 8944 E

Womea May Apply even 1111 inrcing. A regular physical educa-Isuit. and rubber cap are required of F'reshne o e rsty Y. . . . I hldngeorth
pO~tVn 5 IMIMf WILL USE" Lion swimming class has been organ- all those who enter the pool, (entering women and the freshmen ot
Fo tized which will meet at 8 oclock an ttistm 7Unvriywoe u kshS e k r the campus. Its primary purpose 18
Ad ios fie liillfffl ,a. have enrolled in this class and there _____ to provide a means for the newcomers
Ad iorVffc IGbflbRN UNIOIUIPOOL 10 oclock twice a weekitis pooli is still roomi for a few more who de- MsLanMohdnheautr to get acquainted with each other and
and girls electing this corse and ptSire to wl their physical education MisLaeMuideteduhe with the Y. W. C. A. Ruth Fine, '2,
Under the leadership of Miss Bea- tending classes regularly will recive credit in this way. of a general in the Turkish army, will is chairman of the party.
trice Johnson of the office of the ad- Swimming Is proving one of the credit ini physical education. The pool Regular campers tests will be used speak to the freshman women at a
visors to women, a new employment most popular sports for University i looe tti iet oe by the students for progression and party to be given at S o'clock tomor-th
biieauforis lsoope atthi tie t woe curs, nlater in the year life savingtests may row night in Newberry hall. This af- (
bueufrundergraduate women is women this year, who are so fortunate who are not enrolled in this core eiokdof tei n fsvrl te~-
beingmrgntihae.beenmdesor Rbutthe ant Ads
eigognzd Anubrof ap- as to have the use of the Michigan but who wish to swim for pleasure. ewre f byth students. fairisoefsvra thatth Univer-
pithent h ave beeexpademuch farther Union pool every day except Fridays, Twenty-five swims are being ofered
Saturdays and Sundays, from 8 to 11 for five dollars or twenty-five centis°
without the co-operation of both wom- o'clock in the morning and Thursday a single swim. A grey cotton tank a
en and employers. _____.
A number of women having free af--
on an hourly oasis at the regular _ V
student rate of 40 cents per hour. The .~ We woish to announce that
available supply includes such bran- M icroscopes r
chies of work as tutoring, clerking,- 'a
typing, helping with children or house- I= -u ema etW vs r oeb
work. A file is kept in the office of u tethocopes Haem acytometers O rPr aetWae r oeb
the advisors to women of all those Exer-D mostatr ro etroit
desiring work and also of persons . _.- -Y
looking for help. As rapidly as pos- 1 Laboratory Supplies°
sible Miss Johnson is getting in touchyLr- Other Beauty Work done here also
ants, and is bringing employer and 625_E._ibertyext____
employee together.-
The cash value ofa college educa- P 4 = ~
tihas been estimated at $70,000 byE.be ac & Son Co. - " . -.
a statistician who based his calcula-r =-4
tions on the earning capacities of a = 0020 East Liery t °
number of university graduates. -_
The Quality Shop
Lnei Coes.HseyWhat's a Watch Without a Crystal1? 1 11 1 S. University Ave.
and Novelties -Mgg
We have on hand a stock of watch
crystals which is so complete that weAli e o
can guarantee a fit for any make ofA general li e o Supplies
watch, for all Students and Colleges
The Watch Shopan
he'SuhEDw. A. CLARK Engineers' n Architects'
The oman'sSot University near Chur'chlSt. 1With DetiigMae il
Store __________________
Loose Leaf Books, Fountain Pens,
109 West Liberty ~ VLYJWLYilmntsteFl Pencils, Typewriting, kStationery
IN Fashions. Sparkling brilliants are seen ifl and Pouand Papers
Necklaces, Bar Pins, Brooches, and Bracelets.
This jewelry provides novelty with good taste,___________________
I and its the rule for smart dress accessories in all
seasons. The New Jewelry Styles ready atWP
vended .124 South Main Str eet
eparment of Telephone 4171
L'ER'SBook Ends of
RIA T E $1__ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ Decorated Metal
jonary-Based upon -I$.0P i
ITERNATIONAL? Gay flowers and birds decorate
l'hose questions about words, {y t these metal book-ends! They're
tently in your reading, writ- attractive enough for the living
red instantly in this store of ro aladp~iual
n, New words like dactylo- suitable for the student's study
9, tfechette; names such as bedroom ! Priced to please, $1.00
r, Smuts; new Gazetteer en- a pair.
Latvia, Vimy, Monte Ada- Gift Shop-Main Floor
106,000 words; 1,700 ilustra- , z-
ages; printed on Bible Paper.
ur College Bookstore or Write Lamps Cast
ration to the Publishers.
& C.MERIAMCO.a Cheerful Glow.
spleeaMs.A N ew Collection of Orientals $2.98

WhatI~ is Mor Alluring 'Than Brugh by .,K. S The dullest corner of the room
by cheery reading nook under the
Pari In pire Fr ck ?warming glow of a floor lamp!
Pari In pir d F ock Black metal standard equipped wt eoae acmn
Jamgotchshade, complete $2.98.
Here then are types you will not overlook. For a Spe~cial Sale Lamps-Third Floor
dOctober 2 to 16, inclusive W aste Baskets
E ALLEI For the Game- For the Tea GyadUe
~~IALLER ~~The well known Oriental rug expert, Mr. K. S. amgotch, is G yad~eu
For he Dncehere again with a new collection of Oriental masterpieces, person-
~ie~ t usFrteDneally selected by him fr his Anm Arbor patrons. Scatter rugs, exqui- 75c
Libery St.Rugssite small pieces and large room sizes, are found in this extensively.
varied collection.
Practical but one-the-less at-
GJ E$19.75 -_$5.5 Our sales of Oriental Rugs have won favorable comment from tactive are the waste paper
hundreds of enthusiastic buyers in Ann Arbor and the vicinity, baskets enameled in gay com-
Many customers are coming from Detroit because they appreciate binations of black and colos!'
tedistinctive charm of rugs in the Jamlgotch collection and because They are priced 75c and $1.00.
th1 realize that our prices are far below those prevailing in. larger Wicker baskets in soft boudo!
citie . sha es r nge f o$2.25. t
Prices Within Everyone's Reach Art Goods-Second Floor
Several hundred Oriental and Chinese Rugs are offered at the Pillows for
lowest prices ever offered anywhere in the country. Small rugs ;.
are available at $4.00, $5.00, $6.00 and up. Desirable sizes for living Every Cozy Nook
rooms are priced at $1500, $17.50 and up.
zinc Racks Shop of~ Personatl Service r j Beautiful Oriental Rrassware, Indian Prints and Armenian Hand-Q
!t 1< - eches ar n lded n th Jaloflfl col l ectioAa an nnof ,ralre riena ln $ 1 .49


Furniture 112 East L.



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