I i
---- ----------
New Statutes Will Go Into Effect
Jan. 1; State Department
Publishes Letters
(By Assaociated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23.-Smolder-
ing disputes with Mexico over appli-
cation of her new laws to American oil
and mining interests are drawing to a
On Jan. 1, foreign oil and land
owners in Mexico must agree not tc
seek diplomatic protection of their
home government for their holdings,
or, by the new laws, they must for-
feit them to the Mexican government.
It is not expected that the foreign
companies will do that, and it is not
expected that the Calles government
will recede from, its demand.
Without comment, the state depart-
ment published today the hitherto
secret correspondence with the Mex-
ican government on the subject. The
Calles government bluntly takes the
position that Mexico is passing to a
new ownership system of nationaliza-
tion of natural resources, which "re-
quired" that old rights adjust them-
selves to new principles "in the gen-
eral interests of the nation."
Break May Come
The American government, in brief,
takes the position that without the
assurance, given in 1923, that the new
government in Mexico would respect
foreign rights and property, recogni-
tion by the United States never would
have been extended.
It would not be unprecedented if
Ambassador Sheffield, enroute today
from Cuba to Vera Crux on his way to
Mexico City, were recalled. Such a
step is short of a break in diplomatic
relations'. 1
Mexico Warned
The Mexican government has been
warned, between the lines at least,
that diplomatic relations will be en-
dangered if it deprives American
citizens in Mexico "of the full owner-
ship and enjoyment" of their property
Premiers Reaffirm {
Fidelity To Crown
' --- r. vur rrruunr aasavav aarau a.L; 1
L fin.
All outstanding applications
for tickets to this year's J-HopI
must be in the hands of Marion
S. Hodgson, '28, chairman of the
ticket sales, by tonight in order
to receive consideration, accord-
ing to an announcement made
There are a large number of
applications still out, according
to Hodgson, and all those hold -
ing them should reach him eith-
er by phone or at 1001 East Hur-
on street sometime today.
Counsel Says Fall Gave Life In Public,
Service, Acted With Official
Consent In Oil Contract
- i
!K VH PATnIr(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23.-Occasion-
al flashes of oratory by opposing
1T Icounsel served to lift out of the hum-
MIL MINORITIE Idr'um, the second day of the trial here
of Albert B. Fall and Edward L.'
IDoheny on charges of conspiracy to
Former Political Science Lecturer loot the naval oil reserve in Elk Hills,
Explains Functions of Groups Calif.
On College Campuses For five hours,counsel for the gov-
______ernment and the defense drew pic-1
IS WELL KNOWN AUTHOR tures of the 65 year old former cabinetI
officer and the 71 year old multi-mil-j
lionaire oil man that were in as sharp
On almost every college or uni- a contrast as the vigor and the fire of
versity campus there is a group ,of the presentation.
people who are rotest in an active Addressing the jury calmly and dis-i
pr ginyovs " passionately, Owen J. Roberts, requir-
way tohe ways ofrkatcoml,"- ied just an hour to outline the case, as
Dr. John E. Kirkpatrick, former lec- the government expects to present it
turer in the political science depart- by oral testimony and a great number
ment, in his lecture, "Militant Minori- of official documents, the identificationI
ties on the College Campus," in of which began before court recessedj
Newberry auditorium yesterday after- until tomorrow.'
noon. The most striking statement Frank J. Hogan, counsel for.Doheny,;
that he made was that the majority traced the history of all the transac-
is always wrong and he explained tions involved in the naval oil leases'
that by saying that the minority ofrr and contracts step by step, spending,
today is the majority of tomorrow and four hours in a vigorous and, at times,
the minority party is the leader of re- passione statent of whatthe
form. defense contends the evidence will!
Dr. Kirkpatrick has made a study prove.
of American college and university Instead o a '$100,000 bribe given to
life in relation to both the professorfAlbertD. Fall as the government rep-
and the student in his travels as a resented him, Doheny was described
lecturer and has written two books by Hogan as a patriotic citizen who!
and a number of articles on the gov- acted in the national interests when
emnent of the American college. he required his company to enter into
Soon after hte appearance of his latest the contract for the Pearl Harbor 1
book, "The American College and its naval storage.rhb
Rulers," he was dismissed from Olivet Fall Praised{
where he held a position in the politi- Fall was declared to be a man who
cal science department. He now ex- had given his life in the public service1
pects to turn his former hobby into and one who throughout all of the
his life work. I oil reserve negotiations acted in theI
During his talk Doctor Kirkpatrick best interests of the country and only;
enumerated some of the things for with and by the consent of Secretary;
which the "militant minority," as he Denby and othershigh officials of the
calls it, are striving. At various places navy department.
they want a complete freedom of the The $100,000transaction between+
press with no faculty censors or con- Doheny and Fall loomed large in the
trol. At Yale and Harvard the coi- statements of both counsel. Roberts
pulsory chapel attendance was done said the loan was made after negotia- ;
away with by the action of these small tions had been opened between FallI
groups. At Dartmouth the entire and Doheny for the Pearl Harbor con-
curiculum was changed and at numer- tract, and that, when the Senate oil
ous other places the students are try- committee found out that Fall had
ing to affect changes, a few of the spent this sum in improving his New
other subjects of dispute were foot- Mexico branch holding, the former
ball in its more professional aspects, secretary "did .not tell the truth about'
the type of professor in the school, it, but tried in every way to conceal
and ceretain compulsory duties of the it,",
Complete denial that he ever{
claimed the Conference football
championship exclusively for
Northwestern, as reported by
newspapers yesterday, was con-
tained in a telegram from Pres.
Walter Dill Scott, of North-'
western, to President Little. The
telegram follows:
Pres. C. C. Little,
University of Michigan:
( "Evening papers quote me as de-
manding that Michigan concede
the championship to Northwest-j
ern this year, as we conceded it(
to Michigan last year. This is not(
correct. We rejoice to share hon-
ors with Michigan.
I President Little's reply fol-
Pres. W. D. Scott,
( Northwestern University:
"Your telegram is most wel-
come, not because it wasneeded
but because it is once again a
( proof of the excellentcattitude of
friendly sportsmanship shown by
"C. C. LITTLE.",
Members Must Return Seat Requests
For Performances Here; Women
Will Apply Monday
Union members will have until to-
night to return ticket applications for
Ann Arbor performances of "Front
Page Stuff," the Union Opera, to the
main desk in the Union lobby. These
application blanks may be obtained'
all day today, but must be filled out
and returned by tonight, it was afi-
nounced by Paul Buckley, treasurer
of the Opera, as filling of ticket orders
will begin tomorrow on the applica-
tions already filed by Union members.
Preference slips for University
women may be secured any time at
the office of the Dean of women. These
slips are to be presented from 2 to 5
o'clock Monday, at Hill auditorium
for application bltnks-
A general seat sale for those who
have not sent in applications will be
held at the Union every afternoon I
from 2 to 5 o'clock from Friday,'
November 26 to Friday, December 3.
The general seat sale at the Whitney
theater box office will begin Friday,
December 3 and will be open to the
general public.
Nearly 200 posters for "Front Page
Stuff," the design of William Warrick,
'27, will be placed in the leading shop
windows throughout the city Saturday.
The posters are uniform in character
measuring 14 by 22 inches, and are
done in colors. Warrick's design as
reproduced on the posters, will be
used on the cover page of 50,000 pro-
grams, and 2,000 music scores of
"Front Page Stuff" numbers. It will
also be used on 5,000 posters similar
to the ones to be put on display in Ann
Arbor, that will be sent to each city
on the Opera itinerary.
Pictures of the cast and choruses,
in costume and of some in color, are
Other Prominent Speakers Arranged
By S. C. A. Industrial Research
As the second speaker of the series
under the auspices of the Industrial
Research commission of the Studentf
Christian association, Dr. James F.
Cooper will give a talk at 4:15 o'clock
today in University Hall auditorium.
Dr. Cooper has chosen for his subject,
"Birth Control, the Prevention of
Poverty and War."
Dr. Cooper is the medical director
of the Clinical Research department
of the American Birth Control league.
He comes here after a short tour of
the Middle West where he has given'
several speeches.
Served In China
He first became interested in birth
control as clinical instructor in the
obstetrical department of the Boston
university Medical school, when he)
made visits to the slums of Bston.
After leaving there, he served as pro-
fessor of clinical laboratory methods
in Fukien Union university at Foo-
chow, China, where he carried on ex-
tensive researches into the population
problems of the Orient. He served
throughout the war with the medical
corps of the British army. For the
past two years Dr. Cooper has been
lecturing all over the country, and has
assisted the American Birth Control
league by these talks.
The Clinical Research department
of the league aims to develop the best
practicable methods of birth control
and place them at the disposal of the
medical profession. The league pub-
lishes monthly the "Birth Control Re-
view" as a means for spreading its
discoveries to the people.
Other Speakers Scheduled
The Industrial Research commis-
sion, under whose auspices Dr. Cooperj
is coming here, has arranged for many
men of world-wide renouwn to come
here for lectures sometime during this
fall or next spring . Norman Thomas,
director of the League for Industrial
Democracy, has been obtained to
speak here March 8. Sec. James J.
Davis, secretary of labor, will give a
talk at some earlier date not yet an-)
nounced and Robert M. LaFollette,
United States senator from Wisconsin,
has also arranged to speak. The com-
mission is carrying on a study of la-
bor conditions in the large industrial
centers of the country'and as a part+
of this work will send a group of fifty
to Detroit next summer.
(By Associated Press)
COLEMAN, Alberta, Nov. 23.-A
second explosion late today rocked!
the McGillivray coal and coke mine
near here, while rescue crews were
toiling to determine the fate of eight
men entombed in the mine this morn-
ing, after a gas and dust explosion.
I %./ AN L kJ %W Ct 0
LONDON, Nov. 23.-The impierial
conference, one of whose outstanding
accomplishments was the defining ofI
the British dominions as autonomous
communities within the Empire, today
wound up its sessions with the dis-
patch of a loyal address to Bucking-!
ham palace, declaring the premiers'
fidelity and devotion to the crown.
undergraduate. The primary and sec-
ondary schools are not nearly ap
I conservative or unthinking as the col-
The closing sessions were devoted leges and universities of this country
to the formal business of approving and the fault lies almost entirely with
the various reports made during the the faculties of-the schools, according
past five weeks and in making com- to the further statements of the
plimentary speeches for the cordial speaker.
relations prevailing during the ses- The conditions mentioned above do
sions. not concern the larger and more ad-
vanced colleges and universities in,
general, but refer to the small col-
STUDENT PUBLICATIONS leges throughout the country. Never-
SCHOLARSHIP PRIZES theless, these small groups are at
work in practically every school in the
Scholarship prizes of $100 each ;country, he concluded.,-
will be awarded this year, by the c
Board in Control of Student Pub- I
ifcations, to all students who Committee Punishes
have worked upon any of the
publications under the control iThree Violators f
,of the Board, according to the T
following rules adopted by the ; Parking egulation
Board; R
Calling attention that nearly a
month after the loan was made,
Doheny had advised the government
he would not undertake the Pearl!
Harbor development. Hogan insisted
that there had been no secrecy; that
Fall had given his demand note; had
used the money to buy ranch proper-
ty; paying $10,000 in cash in the pres-
ence of witnesses and making the oth-
er payments in the usual way' by
checks and drafts.
Oil Stores For Defense
Hn~~ i i tP d thn t the j ipt fn
iiI{}I ,
Ben Oosterbaan
Star end of the Varsity football.
squad, who was elected yesterday by
this years lettermen to captain the
1927 grid team.
intricate Problems of Ice Formation
Explained By N Uill
Dealing with experiences encounter-
ed this summer while experimenting
with his treatment of disemminating
icebergs and ice jams, Dr. Howard T.
Barnes, professor of physics at Mc-
Gill university, Montreal, Canada, gave
an illustrated University lecture yes-
terday afternoon in Natural Science
auditorium, on the various phases of
ice formation and dissipation. Dr.
Barnes is thought to be the only
distinctively ice engineer in the world.
"Ice engineering," explained Pro-
fessor Barnes, "is the process of ice
control and prevention. Ice particles,"
he added, "are present in water at all
temperatures, however, when the
water reaches the freezing point, the
particles become collodial and at the
slightest drop in temperature, they
attach themselves to each other and
thus grow in size. The whole
problem of ice prevention then sim-'
ply consists of keeping the water a
slight fraction of a degree above the
freezing point.
"No matter what the temperature is
about a body of water, the fluid will
not freeze if the sun is shining upon
it," Dr. Barnes went on. He then ex-
plained the powerful forces of the sun
in this connection. Colored sunrises
also play an important part in this
respect, believes Dr. Barnes, and he
is making a special study of this
Dr. Barnes ;tas gained considerable
notice by his work with the Pennsyl-
vania ice jam last spring. Two cities,
Oil City and Franklin, were threatened
to be enveloped by the existing con-
ditions and a hurry call was sent for
the noted ice engineer. Dr. Barnes
arrived and spent more than a week
in perfecting plans to break the jam.
l An army .engineer stationed on the
scene, went on record several days
Received Nation-wide Attention When
In High School For Prowess
In All Major Sports
Benny Oosterbaan, '28, star end and
unanimous selection on mythical all-
American elevens last year, was elect-
ed captain of the 1927 Wolverine team
at a meeting of the football squad
The new captain is one of the lead-
ing football players in the country
and is considered all-American caliber
for the teams to be chosen this year.
Football f o 1 o w e r s remember
Oosterbaan best as the receiver of
Friedman's passes, and it is this that
has marked his play since his start
in the Michigan -State game of 1925.
Last week, the captain-elect firmly
stamped his name in Michigan's hall
Coach Fielding H. Yost, in
commenting on the election of
football captain yesterday, made
the following statement: "It is
an honor worthily bestowed. I
have never seen greater end-
play than Oosterbaan's work
this year, especially that shown
in the Ohio State game. He
should make a great leader.
of fame by snatching up a fumble in
the Minnesota game and racing 0
yards to the goal line to score the
touchdown which gave the much-out-
played Wolverines a victory and a
share in the Conference champion-
Since his entrance in the Uni-
versity, Oosterbaan has won four
major letters, two for football, and
one each for basketball and baseball.
An end on the football team, out-
fielder on the baseball team, and
forward on the basketball team is the
list of athletic accomplishments in
his two years of play here. Every
Michigan team on which he has play-
ed had either won or tied for first in
the Big Ten title race.
Played for Muskegon
Oosterbaan began his athletic
career at Muskegon high school where
he accounted for nine major letters
during his four years of competition.
Entering in February, 1921, he played
basketball for four years, football for
three, and competed in track for two
years. Baseball was not listed on his
high school athletic program at that
Elected to captain his team in 1923
and 1924, Oosterbaan began to show
his worth I as a basketball star and
was chosen center on the mythical
State teams chosen both years, as well
as being honored with the captaincy
of the 1924 contingent. The latter
team, which won the state title, en-
tered the national tournament held at
Bartlett gymnasium, ,Chicago, and
finished fourth, Oosterbaan being
named for national honors as first
team center. In his last year, the
Muskegon star managed to win 25
games on its schedule, but wasbeaten
by Detroit Southeastern high school
for the championship.
On All-State Team
The football teams on which
Oosterbaan played had similar suc-
cess. In 1921 and 1923 the eleven won
first state honors, and in 1921 and
1922 Oosterbaan was elected as all-
state end.
Although Oosterbaan has not cdm-
peted in track events under th Maize
and Blue, he earned laurels for him-
self at Muskegon as a javelin and
discus thrower in 1923 and 24. In
the latter year he broke the javelin
record which had existed since 1909,
setting a new mark of 123 feet,4
White Seeks Better
Sympathy Between
public, Newspaper
Misunderstanding is the handicap
of the newspaper of today, said Lee
A. White, editorial secretary of the
Detroit News at the Chamber of Com-
merce luncheon yesterday. People are
often heard to say that they believe
something because they Tead it in
the newspapers. On the other hand,
they are often heard to say that "you
can't believe anything you see in the
papers." People believe, Mr. White
asserted, as they wish to, commending
or disparaging the paper according
to whether or not what it says agrees
1. Every student who has
done substantial and satisfactory
work on any student publication
or publications for four or more
semesters shall be eligible for
one of these prizes. The Summer
Session shall be rated as a half
2. Every student who has at-
tained an average scholarship
record of B or better during per-
iod above specified shall receive
one of these prizes.
3. Every student who believes
himself entitled to a scholarship
price shall file an application
for same at the Board office in
the Press building after the
opening of the University in the
fall, and the prizes shall be
awarded and paid before the
Christmas holidays.
J 4. No student shall be an ap-
plicant for any scholarship prize
more than once.
5. The scholarship standing
of each applicant shall be esti-
mated in accordance with the
system of grading currently em-
ployed in the various schools and
Three students of the University,
two men and one woman, who wereM
found guilty of violating the Univer-!
sity ruling regarding the parking of
cars on the campus, were prohibited
from using their cars in Ann Arbor
from today until the Christmas ,vaca-,
tion by the committee on automobiles
at its meeting yesterday afternoon.
The names of the students are with-
held by The Daily.
Parking on the campus is limited to
members of the faculty who have ob-
tained the necessary tags from they
office of the secretary. Violations of
this rule by students, as well as in-
fraction of Ann Arbor traffic laws,
are dealt with by this committee.
There are 134 signed permits to
drive cars, which have nevef been
called for, on file in Dean Bursley's
office, and 73 incomplete applications.
Students must call for these at once,
as the mere fact that the application
was filed does not give the student the{
right to drive in Ann Arbor.!
r1gan1 1nLBsLe a Ma. AeproeC L Ior ;1fL 1", -----
the storing of 150,000,000 gallons of! now on display in two display frames
fuel oil for the navy at Pearl Harbor 4 in the Union lobby. Other pictures, j LETHBRIDGE, Alberta, Nov. 23.-
had originated with high naval offi- I and the prize winning Opera posters The McGillivray Creek mine, where
cers after reports had come that the are also now on display in the window an explosion early today entombed 10
Japanese were planning to mobilize of Wahr's book store. . miners, has caught fire and Mine In-.
war vessels for attacks on the Philip- spector Johnstone has ordered rescue
pines and the Hawaiian islands. crews not to go into the workings.
When Hogan concluded, the gov- AtkinsGivesFirst Two bodies have already been re
ernment brought out by its first wit- covered. Rescue workers located a
ness, George Otis Smith, director of the Lecture In eries I third body, but were unable to bring it
geological survey, that he and H .1 1to the surface because of dense gas
Foster Bain, director of the bureau of' On Christian Ideai and recurring explosions. No hope
mines, had called to the attention of 1_is entertained for the eight men trap-
Fall at the time the contracts were an pod in the mine.
being negotiated, that there was a ; Through and behind the Messianic It has been definitely established that
large overproduction of oil which was element in Christianity there is some- there were 28 men in the slope when
sending down the price. i thing else-something as high; as the first explosion occurred.
Dr. Smith estimated that the Elk1 hope, said the Rev. G. G. Atkins, pas- -
Hills reserve contained 250,000,000 tor of the First Congregational church!BEREN R
diregreedu000,000isgredof Detroit, speaking on the "Prophetic
barrls f crde il.HedsageedA pproach to Christianity and Chris- i
that wells drilled on adjacent landAC s tCDIPLOMATIC POST
would drain some of this supply, butianity as a Messianic Hope" under
.aid the operation of these wells migh the auspices of the School of Religion I (By Associated Press)
make it more difficult and costly to yesterday. This something, Reverend PARIS, Nov. 23.-Henri Berenger,
get out some of the oil from the navalt Atkins described as being the feeling P French ambassador to theUnited
land. __ _ _that the victorious outcome is a vital States, today declined renewal of his
sainterest tosGod. I appointment to that post so that he
Hughey Is C osen The lecture yesterday was some- mightof takhe up thAmericanudebtsettlement
what in the nature of an introduction tin he American
Football Manager' to the rest of his series of talks on which he negotiated with American
the subject of The Changing Phases SecArewt.
Jams J., 28,wasan-of the Christian Ideal." The second department.
James Hughey Jr.,'28, was an- lthe hisil e. Tesd "I regret to leave my post," he told
nounced as football manager by John IeNt.re, w ill e gCiinityesy the Associated Press this evening,!
S. Denton, retiring from that position,I, ,"but my task is here to fight for ap-
n ,nc'.n Redemption and Deliverance.-
later, as stating to the newspapers
that the following would bring dis-
aster to the endangered cities and that
no relief was in sight. That afternoon
< Dr. Barnes moved the jam and saved
both cities. In the process, a traction
bridge several hundred feet long, was
1lifted 18 inches off its foundations by
_the action of the ice, but by careful
Imaneuvering, Dr. Barnes was ab!e to
1set it back on its base without damage
at the annual managers banquet nelu1
last night.
Four assistants were named to work t
under Hughey for the 1927 season,
Benjamin Boutell, '29, Dana Norton,
i ... n r. T Z, M , T I %m
proval of the settlement which I made
in Washington."
Already there are five names men-
tioned as possibilities to succeed M.
Berenger. Among these is Charles de