0 TUEWSDAY, NOVEMBE 23, 192G TEMCIA AL AETR~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREI III I "Wills 11"m CIT BNO ANASSDPreliminary Meeting For Extempore F OCOMVNcontestants To Be Held Next Week Al!~(51 desiring t) conipt-.cailln event, will be open to the public. Tho 1!tie a nal 1>: teinporaneous Spei~ifl .i1is prize ror the winner will be a With a budget of $52,500 as it.S go :d c 10 b( to heldl under the auspi.es brnone siwall paucnann h the seventh annual ComniTali-,- of the Orat orial asociatin o F'_wniver s ianiithe ameoTh he l drive was instituted hlast 8af i 'iv~ 'cidI 11twneasi h at.Teewl will continue to Novemlber 8.Ori, ,;-,dor, iBcceber 3, should attend a also be a p~rize for second place to be zations participating i hu un rkm1eet ir t of all conte~stant.. which will.1 announced later. the Young Men's Christian s oe' ; be held at 4 :1 5, Monday, November 29.; The secontd ofrfinal contest will lbe the Young Women's Christ ian oiet'11in Rooi .: 2dMason hail, according toI held o11 the same subject, inter-col- the Salvation Armny and ff anily 1' -alliinntruii ceamc rt iadte yesterlay. legiate, athletics, andl each studlent willj fare bureau. flhe (contest tis year will be held, be assigned soenec]:articular phase of groupedon the subject of inter-collegiate ath- the subject. The drawings will be More than 250 men grouped in '" letics, and the preliminary coiaest, made at about 5 o'clock in the after-j teams are canvassing the entire r(it~ which will determine the seven who '1]0oon, again giving tihe contestants forsoiciatonsuner henirotonwill compete in :.ay finals, will ba about three hours ito prepare. of . C Shecrft nd leoge I held on Tuesday, November 30, at a, All students on the cans-u who are Burke. Those who are in charges; lcet e noucdlae. h Ir-egil o caps ctvisae the campaign feel that thaere is 1nV14 lc ob none ae.Ih re lgbefl apsatvte r liminar ics will be judigedL iy a jury of !eligible to compete anid tihe lengths of than usual enthusiasm for tile project,s Delt a Si-ria Rho men andi will not- 1be4!Ithre speeches to be. given will be five and declare that everything pointis to- ;o1z to the public. The conipetitors mllinutes in the prelinnarties and eight ward success in reaching the desired wrill draw subjects for this preliminary !iiriiiiitos in the firals. goal. contest just as for the filial ohie and j Students desiring further informa--' The drive has its =headquarters in I rill have appiroximnately three hours ; fion may inquire of any riern her of the the Ford service station on Hluronl to parepare,j staff of the piSii. sjeailiig delalt street. It is expectedto t have most of 'pThe final contest will lbe held Fida y, I nment or,,at the tieof the Oratoricsal the contributions =in by the miiddle of D ecemnber 3, -and will be judged by associatiton 1 he~ fourth floor of An- this week. m nenbers of- the faculty. Only the igsell hall. F+arther details will also seven stutdents who are chosen in the j be explainetd at the meeting to be ' Subserie for the Miclhigan Dahily. lpreliminaries will comlpete, 411d thet held next TIvn,*N NTEDSURGEO Hoffman To Address T OPEN SiXT it reshman Sections, HEIALTHMETIN;1_ LANSNGl~lch.,Nov 22----hluh )Leo W. lloffmani, '28I,, Varsity half- Cuninia, Slrgt~n eneal f 1w bch, will adtdress freshman grtoups! Cuiiii.)8t Sre on G~lc enealh oservie 7 8,9 and 10? at 7:15 o'clock tonightj will open the Sixth iAnunual Public at t he Union. These groups will dis-~ SIlea lth conference tto be lieltd Decem-r cuss at tils time pians for the fresh- ler 1, 2, 3 here. Thel conference will mOan banquet, which will probably lie be held undter the joint auspices of the Michigan Departnment, of Health and 11(41(1 before Christmas, it was an.- the Mlichigan Public hlealth associa- n~ounced by William V. Jeffcries, '27, 1tion. chairman of the union underclass do-; Many iiotedl doctors and health of- i atm1ent. Sficers from other states are on the Any freshman who has not yet been program which wjql include dijscuis- notified by card as* to which group he; sions on several disc ses and ques - belongs may obtain this information bons connected withImthemr. from 2 until 5 o'clock any day in tile This is the largest public health; student offices on the third floor of the1 gathlering in the sltami(an it is (,x- i Iioll. Officers andI a basketball team pectetd to bring three or foul- hundred; for each group will also be chosen to- health tifficers antd nurse-,,,ttoLansing.' night. era -riawrr mwn m i r mrrrrarr r riWi err 1-,i Releases y':w t r 4' Jj Ccp ic .1 tC Shop The Daly "Cl assi fied" Columns 1 P I Viratit Wait 1 See Th= C aQ , u r Thanksgiving Week Pro.s nm -1-a 'he Smartest Holiday Billin ;_ .ng with the Spirit of 4 -t PleaNt Until You tat Football same ,' r i t r- .. . w .... "Y. [" i 1 ........... 411 a A)1 Caramount . R r STARTS THANKSGWVING DAY Just~ Think of a Tremenduou s Super Special for Mridweek. I e , . { ,; . r " . I .; a dig i s:;,- .r:, ' " .fit. ..'.' ;.4. w I'I ti i i i 1, -- -- h .r - wi rw r . I '4 1 Y 1 t ' g . f i r S t MA fva turing ,.F autiful PAT O'M'ALLEY., . RAYMCONV r' J j f }xi / a..'1 si I(I S . ._6464y <51 x .' ._ .r Galx of / (('/7Over i5.'0 Pla-y s DIMITRI Who 'Made 6