Annual Congress Of National Studen
Federation Will Be held
In Ann Arbor
Other prominent educators, besides
Dr. Alexander Meiklejohn, professor
of philosophy at Wisconsin university
who will attend the second annual
congress of the National Student Fed-
eration of America during its meeting
Dec. 2-4 in Ann Arbor, were announc-
ed yesterday by James Boyer, '27,
senior representative of the Student
council, In charge of the local ar-
rangements. President Henry Noble
MacCracken of Vassar college and Dr.
Stephen P. Duggan, director of the
Institute of International Education,
will definitely address the sessions.
Dashiell To Act As Consultant
Alfred S. Dashiell of Scribner's
magazine will act as consultant to the
committee on athletics during the con-
vention and Prof. James P. Richard-
son of Dartmouth college, author of
"A Study of the Liberal College," has
been invited to.serve as consultant to
the committee on the nature of the
Dr. Meiklejohn and Dr. MacCracken
will address the congress at its first
business meeting Thursday night, Dec.
2, in the assembly hall of the Union.
Dr. Duggan will be the speaker at the
closing session Saturday night.
On Friday morning the entire con-
gress will devote itself to the con-
sideration of adopting a new constitu-
tion which has been proposed for the
federation. Discussion groups will be
held in various committee rooms at
the Union that afternoon on "Athlet-
ics," "The Honor System and Student
Government," "'Fraternities," "The
Nature of Curriculum," and "The
Choice and Method of Teachers." The
round table talks will be led by stu-
dents representing different univer-
sities and colleges.
Committees Will Report
Friday evening will be devoted
largely to the report of committees.
The election of national officers and
regional representatives will be held,
Saturday morning. A tea dance in
the Union ballroom is scheduled for
that afternoon. The final session of
the congress will be held Saturday
evening, with the first meeting of the
new executive committee and the de-
parture of other delegates Sunday
More than 200 delegates from 132
leading .colleges and universities from
a total of 32 states have already ar-
ranged. to attend the second annual
congress. It is expected that this
number will.be increased to 300 stu-
dents from some 175 institutions. Co-
educational schools will send two
delegates, a man and woman. There
will also be women students here from
a number of colleges.
The delegates will take all, meals
at the Union and will stay at fratern-
ity and sorority houses during their
attendance at the convention.
The controlling body of the federa-
tion is the executive committee, com
prising representatives from the six
geographical regions of the organiza-
tion besides the national officers.
Michigan is in the North Central re-
Finance Is Problem
One of the main problems which
will confront the federation at its
congress here is that of financing the
organization. The proposed constitu-
tion provides new means for this. At
the present time the federation is en-
tirely financed through subscriptions.
Edward Bok of the Curtis publications
is one of the large subscribers. j
The principal purpose of the fed-
eration is to examine and study the
system of higher education in the
United States. It is an outgrowth of
the student World Court conference
held at Princeton, N. J., last winter.j
John Elliott, '26, who represented the1
University at that conference, is the
national treasurer of the federation.
Fredriks Berger, a senior at theI
University of Cincinnati, and repre-
sentative of the North Central region,'
was in Ann Arbor the past week-end
for the purpose of making final ar-
rangements with the Student council
for the congress here.
ALBION.-Thirty-eight debates won
and only eight lost in nine years of
forensic tilts, including two interna-
tional meets, is the remarkable record
behind Albion college as the varsity
debaters plunge into their 1927 sched-
JURy O EAsoate Prs) CE MENCEOf Physics To Give
22- IQSMEN OEEf University Lecture
strict guard over the jury em-
panelled today for the trial of Dr. Howard T. Barnes, professor
the criminal cases growing out IILLT1 rof physics at McGill university, Mon-
of the Senate oil investigation,{treal, Canada, will present an illus-
j was ordered by Justice Adolphus trated University lecture on "Ice En-
Hoehling in the District of Co- DR. CORNELIUS OF INDIA IS GLAD gineering" this afternoon at 4:15
lumbia Supreme court. THAT EAST IS CONSIDERED o'clock in the Natural Science audi-
A motion that the jury remain MENACE TO WEST torium. This address is under the
in the custody of the deputy mar- auspices of the Engineering council.
shagexcept while actually in the IS LUKNOWi TEACHER Professor Barnes is considered an
jcourt was made by government IL~t~Y authority on the different phases of
( counsel and was vigorously re- ice formation, and is thought to be
t sisted by counsel for Albert D. Speaker States West Is Organized the only man in the world to hold the
Fall, former Secretary of the In- On Basis Of Nationalism; Also position of ice engineer distinctively.
terior, and Edward Doheny, mul- West Is Aggressive For many years, Professor Barnes
ti-millionaire oil man of Los(-- has given his special attention to the
Angeles, to a charge of conspir- j "I am glad that the East is being problems of ice engineering and has
acy in connection with the leas- considered a menace to the West," achieved results in this field which
, ing of the Elk Hills naval oil,. are said to border on the sensational.
reserve in California. aid Prof. John Jesudason Corneus Among the intentions which Pro-
Lawyer for the defense called of Lucknow university in a speech jfessor Barnes has developed, is a
( attention that this was an un- yesterday on "Eastern Menace to 'micro-thermometer which enables a
usual procedure and a reflection Western Civilization" given as one of ship to detect the presence of ice-
upon them. the lectures on the School of Religion bergs, though more than a mile away.
L CE Seminar on "Moral Issues of Mbdern
Life." "For," he continued, in ex- PR SD N fSENI0O
{ GU PPy Of E O O E S Oplanation, "that is the only way that I
OutlInes Past Policies
1thywill ever be recognized." ,A D IT O M TES
'! - iiuun~rni According to Professor Cornelius flA[ _IT
I OIY OIP Y we are now at a new leaf in the his- I'
tory of the world, and the attitude of Patterson Is Appointed Chairman of
President. of British Librarians Says the West within the next few years Advisory Committee; Dewey
thdt I rlse r s will be a potent determinent of what Will Head Athletics
that Impulse Behind Printing shall be written on these new pages.
Was Religious Feeling In the past the policy of the West in'
regard to the East has been one of CHAIRMEN NUMBER 16
TALK IS ILLUSTRATED the "subordination of human interest ---
for their own selfish ends, and it has Personnel of the senior committees
been this aggressive policy that has was announced bk Henry Maentz,
"pression of religious feeingmade the people of the East do what '
was the impulse behind the art of they have done. The West has been literary class president, yesterday.
printing," declared Dr. Henry Guppy, organized on the basis of national- The committees are: Advisory, Audit-
president of the British Library as- ism." ing, Athletic, Banquet, Caps and
sociations and librarian of the John Figures were then given by Profes- Gowns, Class Day, Finance, Invitation,
Rylands library, Manchester, England. sor Cornelius to show the results of Memorial, Picture, Pipes and Canes,
who gave an illustrtaed lecture on this aggressive policy, a concrete ex- Publicity, Promenade, Social, Senior
"Stepping Stones to the Art of Typo- ample being the fact that of the 53,- Ball, and Senior Sing. The personnel
graphy" yesterday afternoon in the 000,000 square miles of territory in follows:
Natural Science auditorium. "The the world, 47,000,000 square miles are Advisory committee: W. Calvin
earliest attempts at book-making re- under the control of the West. Patterson, chairman; Frederick S.
vealed a tendency to illustrate char- Decries League of Nations Glover and S. Tyler Watson.
acters from the religion of all peoples, Auditing committee: William T.
Speaking of the League of Nations - ~se
European, Chinese and Mohammedans. the Indian professor said: "The East Kessel, chairman; B. Donald Wright,
Sacredness still surrounds the printed has no faith in the league. It is con- Lester S. Smith, Glenne W. Young.
word in China," asserted Dr. Guppy. sidered by them as being an organ- Athletic committee: Richard S.
The beginnings of writing are ization in the control of the Western Dewey, chairman; John Schraver-
obscured in the shroud of antiquity powers it maintain the situation that sande, James F. Martin, George Gil-
and probably began with the first tool eists in the world today." Neither bert Thorne, Vernon T. Edgar, Edward
that man ever had, the speaker went does he believe that the League o T. Reece.
on to say, mentioning that seals were Nations is the organization that as Banquet committee: Jack C. Deible,
first used to identify objects. The the ideal of the late President Wod- chairman; William E. Ullman, Miles
wedding ring evolved from the ancient row Wilson, who declared that there G. Seeley, Leslie E. Meyer, Gertrude
custom of a man giving his wife a should be "justice not only to the peo- Bailey, Dorothy Malcomson, Ruth
seal as a symbol that he endowed her ple who are victors-but also to the Tuttle.
with his household goods. Imprints people who are defeated." "The world Caps and gowns committee: Robert
on wax and stone tablets recorded was not ready for a man like that," F. Price, chairman; Sanborn C.
transactions and - events. The in- said Professor Cornelius commenting Hutchins, David W. Johnson, James F.
vention of paper by the Chinese about on the war president. Sprowl, Florence Foster, Romaine
105 A. D., prepared the way/for print- In conclusion the speaker sa': "If Busch.
ing, cootinuedonr.hGuppykbutsaid:-II
ing, continued Dr. Guppy, but cen-we are going to have a continuation Class day committee: K. Malone
turies elapsed before it found its way of the policy of the West of exploita- Pritchard, chairman; Earl L. Biaser,
into Europe by devious routes in the tion, greed, and selfishness, then these Smith H. Cady Jr., William A. War-
14th century. new pages of history will be writtemI rick Jr., Helen G. Ruth, Mary Anne
About the year 593 the first book in the blood of hatred. If, however, MacRoberts.-D If
was printed, and in 953, 1,200 volumes we are going to have a policy of jus- Finance committee: John W. Hay
of the classics were printed as stand- tice, right, and sacrifice, then we are Jr., chairman; Harold W. Dudley,
ard text-books; later, in the year 972, going to have a new world, and a real John T. Todd, John W. Hickman,
130,000 wooden blocks were used to family of nations.Lucinda Sherwood, Frances P. Par-
print 5,000 volumes of the Bhuddist rish.
book of religion. Dr. Guppy then de- Invitation committee: Philip M.
scribed the materials used by these White W ill DISCUSS Pfaffmann, chairman; E. Donald,
early printers, the'blccks being made Lawrence, Lewis Noble Robinson,
either of apple or pear wood, requir-' Community W elfare James Bennet Wood, John W. Hull,
i great skill to carve them. The ink y Lois A. Brasher, Margaret L. Sherman.
was oil and lampblack mixed by a Mmra omte:ElotM
peculiar method, but were of no use Problems of the average city and Chamberlin chairman; Charles T.
on metallic type. Valuable jewels town will be discussed by Lee A. Robert Swinehart, Francis H.
studdedtthe covers of some of these White, '10 editorial secretary of the Dae, Charles .ihar.,FLouse E.
books and often under each stone Detroit News, before a luncheon Picture committee: Louis Robert-
would be a relic of some saint, said meeting of the Chamber of Commerce Rittenhouse Julia F. Wilson.
the speaker. today. His topic will be "Community ' . F Wilson.
Block prints were sold to pilgrims Problems." son, chairman; LewisF.earkie, Carl
staf T. Nelson, Paul C. Willet, h iarriett,L.
at various shrines, a print of St. Mr. White, a former Daily staff Sheppard, Margaret E. Seaman.
Bridget was supposed to, protect the member, was non-resident lecturer in P es and canes committee: John .
owner; a look at the face of St. journalism in 1917-1918. A report of Nixon chairman; Durward T. bole, C.
Christopher on one of these pictures the progress of the city's annual Saw Green, Harold T. Mertz, Harry
was considered sufficient to keep one Community Fund drive will be given ESeide Russell C. Fitzgerald.r
from death that day. The "Biblia at the meeting. Sebllt C .itte ral .
' ulct omtte eleJ
Paulperum" of the 'or vansPbiiy cm te: Lsle J
Bible"onsisthe oslyofopi s Wessinger, chairman; Wilton A. Simp-
Bible," consisted mostly of pictures SOPHOMORE PROM son, Maurice J. Shorr, Norman '.
with a short inscription underneath, TEO SBowersox, Charlene Shiland, Minerva
1 and the "Apocalypse" was all illus- TICKETS ON SALEiler
trations of the four books of the Gos-_ Promenade committee: Howard C.
pei, said Dr. Guppy. Tickets for the Sophomore prom, to Blake, chairman; -Thomas D. Olm-
1be held Dec. 10, are now on sale at a stead, Roswell Burrows, Robert T.
BARCELONA. - Masaros Torrente, booth in the Union from 2 to 5 o'clock Devore, Ruth J. McCann, Katherine'
who last August trew a poinard at every afternoon. Sopohomores will ! I Oey.
Gen. Primo de Rivere, has been sen- be given preference this afternoon and Social committee: Howell Russ,f
tenced to 10 years in prison. 1 tomorrow. Tickets are $5.00. chairman; Henry Lathrop, William A.
}f i Ruble, Harrie R. Haynie, Mary H.
ISenior ball committee: Stewart H.
' RESTS ON INDIVIDUAL-THOMPSON Sinclair, chairman; Howell Ruse, Karl
F. Mast, Richard B. Westnedge, Mar-
Education is taken more seriously internal processes. The conditions ion E. Leland, Helen M. Kagey, Kath-
today than 15 years ago and in con- arising from the maintaining of such erine M. LeMire.
sidering the subject the outside world an attitude in private institutions puts Hoseir si c oairman; Florence C.
the responsibility of schooling the Erp cE. Flor en
now puts the responsibility for the se- masses upon the state universities, he Brimacombe, Ellen E. Peckam, Helen
curing of an education upon the in- declared. Crawford.
dividual student instead of upon the Regarding a comparison of the
institution, according to Rev. William American and the English methods of RADIO NIGHT TO
Oxley Thompson, former president of education, Reverend Thompson be-
Ohio State university. "Every student Ilieves that each is well adapted for the' BE HELD RIDA
must face the challenge of whether country it is used in, but that it would
it is possible for him to secure an be well nigh impossible to try to Dr. John Sundwall, director of the
education at a modern university and change either one of them to the style I division of hygiene, public health and
Oregon Senator to Ask for Appropria-
tion of $250,M0{,000 to Set UP
Export Machinery
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 22.--A simpli-
fied McNary-Haugen, a farm relief bill
will be introduced on the opening day
of Congress by Senator McNary, Re-
publican, Oregon, for a final vote.
In making this announcement to-
day the Oregon Senator, who will be
confirmed as chairman of the Senate
Agricultural committee, when Con-
gress meets, declared the same prin-
ciple of the old bill would be retained.
but the administrative machinery
would be simplified.
Expect More Support
He predicted the measure would
draw more support at the short ses-
sion than ever before as the farmers
of the West and South were demand-
ing relief from low farm prices. As
chairman of the agricultural com-
mittee, he will be in a position to hold
the measure more forcibly before the
Although he will not complete the
draft of the measure until after he
has conferred with heads of the lead-]
in-g farm organizations, Senator Mc-
Nary has decided to ask for an ap-
propriation of $250,000,000 to set up
export machinery to sell surplust
crops under the management of a
board to be appointed by the President
from the twelve federal land bank
The government would not stand to,
lose anything under this plan, hef
said, as the sum would be paid back1
out of an equalization fee assessed
against the producers. The crops toj
be included in the bill are wheat,
corn, cotton and rice, the last named
appearing for the first time in connec-
tion with such legislation. The Presi-
dent has a free hand in naming the
board, the members of which would
devote their whole time to the busi-
ness and have a salary of $10,000 a
Has Received Assurance 1
Senator McNary has received as-
surances of the support of other mem-
bers in his demand for farm relieff
legislation at the coming session.
Senator Capper, Republican, Kan-f
sas, said today that Congress should
at once adopt the McNary-Haugen
bill, or some similar plan, while Rep-
resentative Dickinson, Republican,f
Iowa, a House agricultural spokes-
man, saw a way to relieve the farmers
through the surplus in the treasury.
"I believe the agricultural/forces of]
the West and South will be stronger
than ever for the McNary-Haugen bill,
for the low prices of farm products1
are causing more talk than ever be-
fore," Senator Capper asserted.
School Of Religion
Brings Pastor Here
For Lecture Series,
1- --_ _ _ .. _ - -- -- -
(By Associated Press) A
NEW YORK, Nov. 22.-A dayI
of confusion, mishap, and more
fast motoring whisked Queen
Marie today to Long Island for
first visit there, where she spent
several hours making social calls
and sight-seeing.
Returning after nightfall to the
Charles E. Mitchell home at Tux-
edo, where they are staying until
Wednesday, Queen Marie andI
Princess Ilenea were joined by
Prince Nicholas, who arrived this
afternoon after a side-trip to De-
troit and Cleveland.
The speed with which Marie
has been moved about New York I
Students Body Commands Elevated
From Evanston to Chicago Where
Huge Parade Is Held
over her own protests, left a (By Associated Press)
I trail of wrecked motor police CHICAGO, Nov. 22. - President
I today. Two state troupers and Walter Dill Scott, of Northwestern
I two city policemen were thrown university refused today to grant
I by their vehicles while convoy- Michigan half the Big Ten honors, de
| ing the royal party. No broken Glaring that since ,Northwestern won
I bones were reported. I all of its games by wider margins
S-' than Michigan, Coach Yost's team
ought to concede the championship to
the Purple team.
JOHN I.- DVDHKPATDIPThis declaration by President Scott
Juon E. RIJI\~ill~bl\ and his proclamation of a student holi-
day for merry making disarmed stu-
IIT 1A dent leaders who had contemplated
WILL LECTURE IIfiring Old College hall, Evanston's
ampus landmark, to signalize the suc-
cessful season, and the activities were
"Militant Minorities on the College adjourned downtown. President Scott
Campus" to be Topic of Talk started the celebration with a front
by Noted Lecturer porch speech and fireworks.
Make Great 'Demonstration
Twelve hundred noisy undergrad-
WAS INSTRUCTOR HERE uates of Northwestern university
. claimed today for the Purple a place
Dr. John E. Kirkpatrick will lecture in the Western Conference football
on "Militant Minorities on the Col- sun, with a demonstration that rocked
lege Campus" at 4:15 o'clock this Chicago.
afternoon in Newberry auditorium From the College of Liberal Arts in
under the auspices of the Round Evanston, to the Chicago campus for
Table club. The new tendencies of professional schools, the students
the college student, the change of the carried their whooping battallions and
college from "Home Rule" and the nightfall found the celebration still
start of the board of trustees for col- gathering momentum.
lege rule will be a few of the things The student body commandered an
upon which he will touch. He has elevated train and declined to pay the
made a study of the students and extra fare required for the Evanston-
faculties of the American college in Chicago journey. A squad of detec-
his travels about the country and is tives helped collect it and the throng
said to be an authority on the sub- came downtown, where police were
ject. massed hurriedly to keep the crowd
As a lecturer of the political science within bounds.
department of the University, Dr. Storm Downtown Campus
Kirkpatrick got his first view of Ann , Marching to the downtown campus
Arbor audiences. While he was in the students stormed the classroom
Ann Arbor Dr. Kirkpatrick published and demanded that medical, dental,
a book "Toryism in American Col- E legal and commerce students join their
lege Government" which traces the celebration. These, immured to the
development of the university and col- contagion, declined. But the under-
lege government in America and com- graduates proceeded undaunted' dow i
pares the American system of the Michigan avenue to the Rialto a:
present to the foreign system and the stormed a movie theatw.
former system in America. He also There Lhey demon - .o g
shows the conditions that have crashing. They mhunc I3
brought around the changes. Recent- file into the theater, jachiaig ahe
ly while at Olivet college he published gateman that the one bthind iim
another book "The American College I had the ticket. When a szore 01 so
and Its Rulers." From time .to time had entered, he became suspi.ous,
he has also written articles for but before he confirmed his appre
"School and Society," a teachers peri- hension, half a hundred spud&ntts w i.
odical and from the collected articles in free. The rest resumed the u,
he published in this paper Dr. Kirk- stration outside.
patrick gathered most of the material Tonight the whole throng paraded
for his latest book. , back to Evanston in a snowstorm and
An admission charge of 25 cents will capped the celebration with a niam-
be collected at the door. moth bonfire, three dances and three
movies tendered by Evanston theaters.
uoper 1o pea "n
Birth Control Issuej
Dr. James F. Cooper, medical direc-
tor of the American Birth Control
19--awll anak ndear the aluSpiCe
league, will spea u
of the Industrial Research commis-
"The Prophetic Approach to Chris- sion of the Student Christian associa-
tianity and Christianity as a Messianic I tion on "Birth Control, the Prevention
Hope" will be the theme of a lecture of Poverty and War." His talk will
by the Rev. G. G. Atkins, pastor of the be given at 4:15 o'clock, tomorrow
First Congregational church of De- afternoon, in University Hall audi-
troit, at 4:15 o'clock today in room C, torium.
Law building, according to officials Dr. Cooper is also a leader in the
of the School of Religion, the organ- Clinical Research department of the,
ization bringing him here. league. The object of this depart-
Today's lecture will be the first of ment is to develop safe, simple, and
a series of four which will be given satisfactory methods which they place
by Reverend Atkins dealing with the at the disposal of the medical pro-
general topic "The Changing Phases fession. Dr. Cooper has had wide and
of the, Christian Ideal." His second varied experience in this field and has
one, which will be given Tuesday, given several hundred talks on birth
Nov. 30, will concern "Christianity as control.
Redemption and Deliverance." The American Birth Control
Ileague has been forwarding birth con-
trol for several years and has enlisted
P ostpone Giving Of"'Ied"'*iarsEE
Of many hundreds of members in the
ilarge cities of the country. The
The Kennedys Play league has as its president, Mrs. Mar-
garetSanger.Itpublishes a maga-
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Nov. 22.- The 2,970,000
Chicagoans who cannot get tickets to
the Army-Navy football game _.at
Soldiers field Saturday, joined the
lucky thousands today in preparation
for receiving the city's military guests.
Thirty thousand is a generous esti-
mate of Chicago's share of the 100,000
who will see the game, for only 40,000
seats were available to the general
public after the service contingents
bought their share, and a good many
of these went to members of Congress
and to persons outside of Chicago.
But everybody hopes for a glimpse
of the gold-braided cadets and mid-
shipmen during their visit here, and
a dozen times as many persons will
come here from out of the city for the
event as will actually get inter
Soldiers field.
Hundreds who have no hope of
obtaining tickets are coming for re-
unions with relatives in the Army
and Navy student bpdies, and hun-
dreds moreare coming in the hope of
hearing about the game from some-
body who got in.
Even the sod of the gridiron on
which the teams will tangle has had
its face lifted for 'the occasion, and
it was protected today by a huge
rubberized canvas from the flurrying
The Army and Navy teams, playing
their first football game in mid-
Due to the illness of Mrs. Kennedy'
the fourth number on the OratoricalS
association lecture series which was
scheduled tonight in Hill auditorium
has been postponed, according to an{
announcement made yesterday by the*
Oratorical association. The postpone-
ment is indefinite and the date of the
performance, if the actress is able to
come at some future date, will be an-
nounced later.
The Kennedys were scheduled to
present Charles Rann Kennedy's new-
est play, "The Salutation," at the per-
. fnrmn n-n on a vP in a
zine, the Review, which deals with all
aspects of the situation and contains
many constructive articles.
The Industrial Research commis-
sion, under whose auspices Dr. Cooper
'is comning here, was formed several
years ago in Denver, and has spread
rapidly through the important centers
of industry throughout the country.
The league organizes groups of stu-
dents to study labor conditions in
these centers.
,,'vq "I" ATVr1 %TUem 'Tw m' r_