-i17V13AY, 'HOVE DEFT. 21, 1926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PXGM FTVV ,.. r ..4_..w,..r -f I t ( 'r..r ' L , J6R .._..... INTATION TO BE HIELD Christmas Cards I N 0 T I C E S o% otorohmh roso TW W EKD IV 1 11 DYHOORR-SCITYjarbour gymnasium. T~O REE DRYE OR Y HNORRY OGITV~Engraved Christmas cards, stickers, an iottothSph orCu- ryuswllbhedt4o'clock nor EMBRS IP~L~ i inii1' honombra oty, '- andsimiare egsmnovl tefo hrs- omore who can pay amusical instru- tomorrow afternoon in the parlors oj ___-clock tomorrow at the Delta Gamma en's league. wet. with the exception of ukeleles Barbor gynasium for the football Completing a two weeks' drive with house. Thie new members are: H-elen The prices for the cards vary from1 and banjos are requested to tryout.'stunt to be presented at the Sop~o- a total of $16,500 collected the unoer - W-opten, Dorothy Morehouse, Jean Mc- eight cents to twenty-five cents. Of! i more circus. There are parts in this graduate camnpaign committee turnled this the league obtains 50 per cent There will be a meeting of the pony stunt for at least 30 girls. over this portion of its $20,000 pledge Kiaig, Sarah Bonine, -lelen Hawkins, Margaret______________________________________ to the executive committee of the Wo- Mrae Breer, Ellen Groff, Louise , ________________________________ men' a cgue yesterday. This pledge (Briggs, Rhoda Tuthill, Bernice Staeb- I PIEH URST, N. C.-A new sport rep~rese nts the }memberships of only er, Kathryn Lardner, Laura Osgood, h bas been included here with the in- the upperclass women on the capu and Phyllis Richards. This member-' troduction of archery to the fal crowd an'stelretsmta a vrship rests on a basis of scholarship F1T A TY * 1.o winter resorters. and ~ ~ ~~ n ismpthealargestesumhthatthaswever B lhue B ~ird UE H air_________Shoppe______ been set for a cam pus drive. aniap s a t v te , ha f t e w m n~~~I The Michigan campaign for a worn-jbenchsnnthspigadalin.:lli1 nn1hi i o.hn"h ~rr ~ nhIthe fall. T i 1.1...4. -14&..l:I 4 .... «4 ii. A III Scienitifically Selected and Prepared Foods Margaret's GREY SHOP Special Sunday Dinner 12: 15-2 :00 E~vening Luncheon 5:04-10:00 600 East Liberty St. Phone 9215 t 1 t SREAD THE WANT ADS READ THE WANT ADS ens b5 uitling Ihas eil badckea nIybotn I alumni and friends. Large donations have aided much in the accumulation ofthe $775,000 already pledged. It is felt that the building will consolidate the women on the campus and make t hem a greater force in campus life. It is also believed that such an insti- tution will" make the life of the Uni- versiy woman at Michigan both more pleasant and more profitable. Life membership in the league at present is $50, the entire sum being dih five years after pledging. The work of Mrs. W. D. Henderson, execu-[. tive secretary of the Alumnae council,- is without doubt the most outstanding of the campaign. Mrs. Henderson has devoted timne and effort tirelessly in arousing the interest of outsiders in the building. Powdered glass is-being used exten-, lively In beautifying the new English evening gowns. It is applied brocade- wi~ise to a shot broche of shimmering silver and blue or silver and green and produces an effect much softer than beads. The daughter of the president of lexica has entered anAmerican prep-I ratory school.1 "Oxford women dress deplorably," says Miss Dinah Gibbons !a graduate of St. H-ilda's college, Oxford, who has become a mannequin at a London shop. Bobbed hair spells treason in Arles, France, as the bobbed head can not longer wear the local head dress. Mrs. Katie Gottswig, 70, of Spokane,! Wash., rocently completed the second R house she has built with her own C hands. Under tne deft skill or our scientlic methods, hair becomes more lovely, face and neck are given a satiny texture and hands have that exquisite, well-kept ap- pearance. 4 We Serve a Packed House in Fifteen Minutes. Cap Plenty of Time for Refreshments After the Show / BETSY ROSS SHOP :IIII011U11 111111111111 111l11 11111111111i11 Good Food ~11111111 i111111111 1 111IIII~i111111111111111111[1 IFast11 1111 11111 I1 Dial 9616 5 Nickels Arcade' z r. Annunrwr I We will make special arrangements for weekly meals a day. Rate very moderate. rates of one or more Appointments; now being made for special Thanksgiving dinner. -DAILY SERVICE- Luncheon, 11:30 to 2:30 Afternoon Tea., 3:00 to 5:30 Dinner, 5:30 to 7:30 Open Wednesday evenings until 10:30 for after-theater lunches. ;Paa's fnfftr X413'ppr 65YOUTH ,.. , . Here it is! Phone 9850 221 South. State ,St. _ . { 11 APTURED in the saucy flare of a skirt, in the charm (( ) /Z\ - -, > i ^" -. of a flattering neckline, in the glint of shining metal and the gaiety of coloriful embroidery! Youth, dressed in soft velvets and shining silks, in crepe and wool, georgette and chiffon, in all its frank simplicity and art 1h'S- charm. Here is a most appealing g;- oupj of afternoon frocks that will dis- arm you with their beauty, their youth and their moderate prices! I V. I. V * 9° -.1 r j 1 t ' I I " r~ I L t \ h for the Pan-Hellenic Bal Dainty - and Chiarm -- NEW BARGAINS EVERY DAY COME AND SEE 2 floor -- G . Off On A nythking Oe .o0 These are beautifully pressed in the newv French ex- :. , \ s .: ,yq{ + .l l ,' gow'ns lately share in the festivity.- arrived to approaching AP1,44 Im -ddsamubm Aw 6 m Ar a go Im m 11