THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, NOVEMBR ,2Q, 1921 .Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in.1 Control of Student Publications. - Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated rfss is exclusively en-i titled to the use for republication of al newsI dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein." Entered at the ,postbffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $3.5; by mail, t 74.00. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- ' ard^Street. Phones ;Editorial, 4925; business 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGINGEDITOR SMITH H. CADY, JR. Editor................ W. Calvin Patterson3 City Editor............... .Irwin A. Olian NewsEditrs .....,"...' Frederick Shillito News Editors.-.........-IPhilip C. Brooks Women's Editor..............Marion. Kubik Sports Editor..... .. .... Wilton A. Smypon Telegraph Edit'or...........Morris Zwerd ln Music and Drama........Vincent C. Wall, Jr. Night Editors{ Charls Behrnet Ellis Merry Carlton Champe Stanford N. Phelps Jo Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith James Herald Cassatn A. Wilson rAsftatit City Editors Carl Burger h enry Thurnau Joseph Brunswick Reporters ( Marion AndersenB Mpies Kimnball Alex Bochnowski :Jihun Mrnaluim J an Campbell ichard Kurvink. Cuince Edelson C; Thomas Actcain William Emerv Adeline O'Brien :Alfred Lee Foster Kenneth Patrick Robert. E. Finch Morris Quinn Johnfriend James Sheehan 1bert.Gessner N. J.. Smith Moaine Gruber Sylvia Stonie Coleman J. Glencer William Thurnau Harvey J. Gunderson Milford Vanik Stcwart I-looker Herbert Vedder Nlortoni B. Icuve Marian Welles Papl Kern Thaddeus Wasilewski Ervin LaRowe Sherwood Winslow BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER THOMAS D. OLMSTED, JR. Advertising..............Paul W. AiiclId Advertising..... ....William C. Pusch Advertising..............Thomas Sunderland Advertising..........George H. Annable, Jr. Circulation...............T. Kenneth Haven Publication..................John H. Bobrink Accounts................Francis A. Norquist Assistants George Ahn Jr. L. J. Van Tuyl Melvin H. Baer J. B. Wood D. M. Brown 1sther Booze M. H' Cain Hilda Binzer J)a"iel 'Finley Dorothy Carpenter Handley Marion A. Daniel A. M. Hinkley Beatrice Greenberg .,. L. Hulse Selma;M Janson S. Kerbawy Marion Kerr R. A. Mleyer Marion -L. Reading Harvey Rosenblum Harriet C. Smith William F. Spencer Nance Solomon Uarvey Tlcott Florence Widmaier Harold Utley SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1926 Night Editor-COURTLAND SMITH will aid in throwing light on the story' of our country, because of lack of knowledge of the value of such evi- dence and because much of it is not in the proper hands. The American Historial association is conducting a drive to increase its endowment from $50,000 to $100,000 so that it may continue to enlarge its national services and preserve what . material it can obtain. The association proposes to use its increased endow- ment for: "A wider dissenination of historical information and better teaching of history in the schools. "The conservation of historical manuscripts, including thetpublic ree- ords of our nation and of the idvd ual states. "Preservation through publications of important historical manuscripts. "Grants to scholars for the expenses of research essential to the great con- tributions of history to human knowl- edge. "Expert service to the government. "Cooperative research in te his torical backgrounds of such problems as those, of international relations, of American business, and of agri- culture and rural life." It is truly a worthy institution ,which is doing service to the country and to the people, and all-those who have the opportunity shoula feel proud to contribute. SAVE THE FORESTS Preservation of our forests and the dire results that will follow the depletion of our wooded lands, have been brought to the attention of lthe Americans .so much since tIe, Inaug- uration of the policy of conservation by Theodore Roosevelt .that few peo- ple now think of itin the serious.,light that the situation demands. It is a subject very intimate to the everyday life of every citizen-some-. thing that has to do with the sustain- ing of an importnt group of indus- tries which give support. to more than six per cent of the population of the country.; It nvolves ,te productive use of nearly one-third of the ldand and many sections of the country are al- ready seriously, impoverished and have been set, back many years In their industrial development because, of the destruction of their chef :resource. Further, at present, scarcity and high prices of certain classes of raw ma, terial ,are seriously affecting ,indus- tries and consemers. It has been said that unless some attempt at conservation is ,made, that within ten years there will not be enough wood pulp to furnish paper for all the newspapers in the country. That is expressing a.serious situation in rather startling fashion; but it is just as true las the less. dramatic evils 'that are measurably .felt in flood damage, irregularity of water flow, andincreased erosion. The risis that arose when it was discovered during the late war that America was suffering, from lack of timber should be a warning. The fate of countries like Japan is a constant reminder. Desolate areas in upper Michigan exist as a frightful example. And yet America takes but passive heed of the calamity. There is but one solution to the problem ad that is a careful and systematic policy of conservation, including the preserva- tion of already standing trees and yearlings, and the replanting of cut- over areas. I U FOOTBLLI FROM iDEIUtATEDJ This number of ROLLS Is dedi- cated to the students, and thus is unique in being the only thing connected with football games that is done in the interests of those poor study slaves.j HOW I DISTRIBUTE TICKETS (This interview was secured from Jerry Milletson, ticket distributor at Arizona School of EducatIon. ROLLS is thankful that no such situation ex- ists here.--Editor's Note.) "I would like nothing better than to give every student a half dozen seats on the fifty yard line, but speak- ing frankly, the public must be served," said Mr. Milletson. When the question was pressed he said, "Well, all there is to It is that I collect all the tickets that are re- turned by alumni because of the seats not being in view of the playng field, and pass them out to students. Thata why students can't get their tickets until so near game time. Also, I sometimes don't have enough tckets returned to supply all the students." STUDENT HOMECOINW DAY Although students cannot be aomii modated at all of tile games nextyear, in the new stadlnim, there will be one great homeoomng -day when they again may see their team in action. The Athletic association feels that students are interested in rootba1 and therefore has set aside the X. S. C. game, and will guarantee each stu- dent one seat. . WHAT- NO TELESCOPES One proposed remedy for the stu- dent ticket situation fell through when it was found that the telescopes pro- vided by the astronomy department for use at the games next year had several defects: 1. They were not equipped to pene trate the obstruction of feathers in ladies' hats. 2. They had no periscope attach,- ment to look around the corner of sections of the stadium. 3. You couldn't see through them, El Jinete. IXZO ON THE SPECIAL atom, roJ~ * * * EUREKA! At Minnesota they have found the system. For the Michigan g ne they sold 2,000 tickets for steam heated seats on top of the snow banks piled in the corners of the stadium wheni the field was cleared off. Las. Nieies. * * * TODAY'S CRIME INTERVEW (Editor's Note: 5This is he last of v, series of crime intervews -started today in tihis column.) "The Athletic association is receiv- ing entirely too much criticism for a thoroughly dishonest system of ticket distribution," is the opinion of Oscar, wonder horse, an authority on inter- national politics. "The solution to, the situation 'is very clear, however,"' he continued, "for if all football games were abolished there would be no un- fair ticket distribution. "Personally I have nothing to say," Oscar said, "for I am a non-resident, non-taxpayer, non-student, non-sup- porter of the University, and non- everything, and I always get seats at. the middle of the field." M USIC C SkAsn THIS IS TlE LOW- i)QWN Last night the complete rehearsa of the cast of "Front Page Stuff" was held with the musical nuibers fiuially set. in their respective-places. The dance routines are.- now becoming mechanical-if you don't believe it o- over and see 'em at the Arcade-an'l the final, parade numbers and chorus. lyrics are ready to, be,%Nvorked into the final ensembles. This stage brings 'out the&outstand ing talent that will.,probably score it the finished production. When a cast can laugh consistently at every' en-1 Travel Poetry - ,Plys - Fiction - Biographi - - A Very Complete Stock of the Lates and Best Books. CtofTheDiegftl y Typewriters of ahl ni~kes, sold, rented, -relaired. a Our niiihl net 'ajii 0jr work are uarmiteed. Phone 6Gl5. We are authorized dealers for CORONA, the peer of all portables, and L. C. SMITH, tlhe ball .be iizig, long wearing, easy, quiet running typewrIters. Hundreds of th ou- snid: in, use gi~flg perfect .satlsfattin. The Typewriter and Stationery Store. 'A (- 1'1 if(r' -I I, a:~rrirr~rwr I' - 10 /1 _ _ M1 A _" . r . , ...... w... ..,,. -,. :.. ., .., .: ...,. { SOMETHINC NEW-COOD TO EAT JAPANESE -PERSIMMONS T)Oiclous when red ripe. Prepaid Anywhere U . A. Sa VERHOWITZ CO. Chvumpalg4,Il PAW, Is . . -'- .' . - I 1 PLEASE DON'T MAKE PATHS ON 'THE CAMPUS" t* x -11; 'i t Good Meals and- Goon1 Mu i, Enjoy Them at the !- . Arbor ~Funtir Fol I i)JgfO 31I3 S. STATE'ST. ' Supper Ocyhstra, 5:30 to 7:30 .t' Special Attention Given Breakfast Dinner and "Supper, and After the Dance or Show 4 y THE ENLIGHTENED AGE Humanity in 'general seems to bej perfectly astounded at its own con- summate intelligence. One can hear any day discussions of the unenlight- ened superstition of the ages that preceded us; of their belief in sins; of their fanaticism; and then we, with an air of supercilious superiority, turn away and thank God and our ownj supreme intelligence that we are bet- ter than they. Let us transplant the scene three hundred years in the future. The scene is a history class studying the dark ages of 1926 or thereabouts. After being .hocked at our immorality, our dishonesty, our poor governments, our irrationality, and our neglected edu- cational systems, the professor cites as the crowing disgrace to our good name the mist of superstition which surrounded. our intelligent, age. He produces irrefutabineevidence from our daily newspapers to the effect that great colonies of our society gathered, and with the blind belief that they were following some immortal deity, gave up their property, their beings, and their very wills to this fakir. He then would proceed to cite other in- stances of our unenlightenment, tell- ing his class how we had theosophists and spiritualists; and the class would laugh in lusty outbursts at such an unbelievable ignorance. "If there was any one thing more than all others that led to the decay of this promising civilization which existed in 1926 it was the almost di- vine superstition of the people of that age," the professor concludes; and with a shuffle of-feet the class hurries out to send;its ticket applications for the great intercollegiate debate con- test., This mythical professor would be wrong, of course, as professors so often are. For superstition is not the leading cause for our decay; it is merely the cause that will be most fully expospd by the present docu- ments for the benefit of the future scholars. Nevertheless, the statement is-true; we are in an age of super- stition. If this era is less so than some preceding stage it does not show our enlightenment, it merely shows their immense backwardness. Insti- tutions such as the House of David have no excuse for existence, even though they are good commercial propositions for Benton Harbor, and WIHiam- M. 'Lewis Jr. l tranceofs a cook-posing as , -Swedish coutess some- reacion'can e: expect- ed from -the audience. This, and the work of' William M Lewis Jr., are ex- pected to-feature thelshow. While'the dancing of Lewis has always been ex pected ,to bring down the house, his -possibilities in other-lines haVe hardly beetf spoken of. Opening- the second act with a piano solo that will set the .gudience -off for the ensuing' iom-edy of the piece, he has draniatic )ablity t put; his- songs and lines ,a-ross that. will sweep Union operas 'into a;-new i tradition. - THE- -JUILLIARD MUSICAL FOUNDATION The Juilliard Musical Foundatio t has offered its hospitality to -the Na- tional Association-of Schobls of, M- sic and Allied Arts which will hold its third annual meeting- in New York City on Fi'day,Novemuber 26. The pro- gran will consist -of an informal dinner and business meeting to. be,1 held Friday evening in the rooms of- the Beethoven club. At this time: there will be several speeches ' by members of the club on the work that is being accomplished, Earl V. MooreI head of the School of Music of the University of Michigan having bean invited to speak onthe subject of "In- dependence of Schools." Mr. Moore is -also a member of the Committee on Curricula which will- present a detail- ed report concerning the courses re- quired for certificates and' rusical degrees. I This standardizing of the setting of definite national standards for degrees of scholarship has been a need which has not. yet been recognized by -any organization except the Juilliard Foundation- which is sponsoring the work, and the Na- tional Association of Schools of Mu- sic which has finally brought about4. this resolution. The setting of re- quirements for schools entering the organization will also be- discussed, and some policy in 'this- matter wil probably be- defintely outlined. All-of this brings to nmi'ad 'the work' that the Juilliard Fodundatloi has been accomplishing- since -its- org'iaization There have- been a '~seies 'of valuable scholarships-awarded to in d'ient rin'. sic students, -while -departinients 'of'I various music schools thriihout the country ha-ve also receiVed. linanciel aid, 'while a- major activity- has been the foundation- of the Juilliard Gad uate' Shool of 'Music on East' Fifty- second 'street, New York. "AILESAUCE" "Applesauce," the -Batry -Connor's comedy -of very mode-rn 'Amerian manners will swing:-into its second week at the Bontell& Pla-house next Monday night. 'The--uccess of this comedy with its bareness -of plot,' and rather stereotyped humor was'more or" less unexpected. - It is-only due to the exceptional interpretation of Mr. Douglas and Miss 'King, (with Mmr McClolland and iss! Lwel -alter" na- - iriM19:'ninonf.,i-l"-:'11' E" 11a m ~ -, RS. KEIDLING I -Ii---. - -. . '- , ---, - ._ -Butter To-astwiches - - Managress CAMPUS OPINION Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The names -of communi- cants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. - I SUPPORTING THE "TLOEMY F ES iMAN" To The Editor: I hate to reawaken a - dead matter,j but I feel that I must spring to the defense of a classmate. I refer to the' storms of protest pro and con which have been raging in regard to Joan of Arc. Like the senior, I was gullible enough to stay through the whole per- formance, but I most thoroughly agree with your freshman correspondent' that it was "God-awful." To begin with there is the obvious impossibility of presenting an epic like Joan with a cast of five or six actors,, and two chairs, a table, and a tree for scenery. But added to this, the actors were rather uniformly poor. I will not say anything about Clara Clemens mainly because she didn't deserve it. 'There was one gen- tleman, however, who played in turn an English captain, a French leader, etc., whom we immediately named the "laughing jackass." He mernced it. The principle trouble was that this version of "Joan" (a rather poor! adoption of Mark Twain's book) was! highly melodramatic. A good cast could have toned it down to nearly some semblance of human form, but this company worked it to death, ranting and raving and appealing to God in a manner highly approved for 1 Kernel. * * * THE FIFTY YARD LINE (By one who has never sat there) The fifty yard line is the placeI where alumni, local bankers, grocers, butchers and those who know the ropes squat, thinking on the sausage business outlook and looking out for cops. The adage about many being called] but few chosen may be applied here ' without stretching the imagination. Black Teak. I- * * 0 FACULTY AND FOOTBALL We students have been weeping andI wailing about not getting to see foot-4 ball games, but the faculty is in the ' same stands. How can the AthleticM association expect professors to prop- erly teach their classes when they a-re just as ignorant about football as their students? If things go on like they are now the professors will have - to yield their classes to the clothiers , I