SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 192G THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN VA ?' jlseconfd of R. Halsted, J. Halsted, Spin- IOWA ('ITY.-Dedication ceremonies RSIT Y TANK MEN TO COMPETE Idle a T s r."lse's'" 0""ge" LRIr T. NK\E TOClIEEdeand Bailey. for the new University of Iowa field ----- -I fhouse, largest of its kn in the worlI,1 IN SECOND TITLE MEET TONIGHTn fS ao. IN SCONDTIT E ~xEETTONI11T The University of South Carolina! will be held Jan. 13, 14, and 15. has recently eliminated wrestling from its athletic program. Subscribe for The Michigan Daily. v t swinmml will it n fe st ,l and the lfant div. whi- V, P V i y eC Swll aulp WiltC3 e )1C the second meet of the 1926-27 Michi-t gan amateur athletic union series at1 8:15 o'clock tonight at the Detroit1 Yacht club, in an attempt to add to1 the titles which have already beer.t won.' The first meet of the series was held on Friday, November 5 at the Michi- gan union pool, and in this meet the Wolverine swimmers were successful' in defending their titles. However, many more meets are scheduled, three to be held at the Detroit Yacht club, three at the Detroit Athletic club, and two at the Michigan union pool. Ten events have been carded on the program for tonight, six for women and four for men. The women will compete in the senior pentathlon, 50-E yard free style, 50-yard back stroke. 50-yard breast stroke, and fancy div- ing. Of the events for men, three are for Juniors,. 200-yard relay, 500-yard y , y i UluUutlc u l , 111 the seniors will race in the 220-yard breast stroke. Matt Mann, Varsity coach, has entered two teams in the junior relay, the first to be composed of Bement, Hubbell, Seager and Watson, and thej Since Dr. Tatlock resigned from the rectorship of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, he has spent much of his time harvesting the results of over half a century of study and of practical experieijce in the ministry. Acquaintances of the Rector Emeritus of St. An- drew's know that he has a young mind in an old body. At the Sun- d ay morning service at St. An- dIrew's Church Dr. Tatlock will give an address on "The Bible Some of Its Difficulties and Some} Misconceptions Concerning It."' i Candy and Tobacco _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __4_3F+w4e F O R SALE ~Iu~~ifsrFOR SALE-One excellent overcoat. __________________________________Lawyer__s__('_Inlu, Room J-26. 41~ If you are a telephone subscriber call Jimmie the Ad-Taker, Dial 21214, and your want ad U. OF. M. lAND PAINrlED UKES-i will be charged.$5 UnvriyMsc oue The Michigan Daily reserves the right to . U e ty Music Iouse. classify all wants ads under appropriate head- ings and to revise or withhold t'bjectionable copy.- O AE Sisad Oecas This column closes at 3 P. M. date preced- ing publication. Notice of any error must be Those stylish all-wool tailored suit. given in time for the secondinsertion. and overcoats, with over 200 pat- I CASH RATES Ten cents per reading line (on the basis of terns to choose from make it pos- five average words to the line) for one or two sible for The Good Clothes Shoppe insertions. Nine cents per reading line for three or more to give every patron just what he insertions. wants at prices ranging from $22.50 Casr classifieds received at the Daily office to $36.00. Call between and 6 Ol in The Press Building on Maynard Street. CONTRACT RATES 7:30 and 8:30 and see for yourself. Special standardized rates given on applica- Room 5, 2nd floor, 711 N. Univ. Ave.I tion. 46-47r LOST FOR SALE-Wonderful opportunity to hi -. TLf MeMonilbershin in a, 1 " i. WANTD 1t,VTED --Young ;ilmn with11cigar an'" h:1)c selling exlperience, to vor ke- enings. . Only those having these qualities need apply. Call United Cigar Store. 46-47-48 NOTICE NOTICE--We do pipe repairing of all kinds. Bring in that broken pipe. Swift's Drug Store, 340 S. State St. 46-48 We are copveniently located near the campus and can fill your needs for 1* NOTICE-Come' in and hear Ted CANDY or TOBACCO-Drop in and visit us. Varsity Laundry Agency. RALPH'S Williams St. across from Congregational Church IM ft ft ti ..10". 211 .~.P4././'./,P././"./..O."«+ ",JJv°"./"«/:/°..«o.i'.!'.P.".4,'..0".e/.' «i«6i .d. ".I"°. +'S. ".I'.d..sus:s..,. B:..d: s'6 : " "./ :I.o'.d././.1. ./" FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK 101--105 S. MAIN STREET 330 S. STATE STREET i, _ :fQ'E 541C'^.' J i , ++i , i , - , ,, .. w= _.. , j i i "i i 3 i I. I S A ID Shoes for Von i - ERE are shoes $I t/1or enthusiasm-style that has individuality and distinction-and plea- ; sure in the wearing that insures a new sat- 4. Y y. isfaction every time they're worn. Make your new Fall shoes a pair of Bostonians. Wahr's She Store 108 South Main St. READ THE WANT ADS LOST-Fur lined glove for right hand, in Natural Science Aud, Fri- day, 19th, A. M. Dial 7184, ask for Harold. 47-48-49 LOST-Black Parker Fountain Pen,- valuedas keepsake. Call 6653 after seven o'clock. 46-47-48 LOST-Ladies' wrist watch, Nov. 6. Call Greiling, 8974. Liberal reward. 45-46-471 FOUNDI FOUND-Amount of money. Owner may have same by satisfying identi- fication. Box 134. 46-47-48 FOR RENT{ FOR RENT-MICROSCOPES. Michi- gan Biological Supply Co., cor Wil- liam and Second Sts. 9 blocks westj of campus. 46-47-48 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Latest model Remington Portable typewriters. A limited num- ber of used portables. For free dem- onstration phone 3489. Ipurchase a i e ie p 6q i golf and country club. Dial 1035. j Bargain. 4324547 1 FOR SALE--1915 Ford, good condition all around. $20. See Burroughs, 611, Church St. 3565. 46-47-48 FOR SALE-MEDICAL SUPPLIES, MICROSCOPES, new and used. Michigan Biological Supply Co., cor William and Second Sts. 9 blocks west of campus. 46-47-48 FOR SALE--Two absolutely new leather chairs. Will sell at a sac- rifice. Call Roberts Dial 4418. 45-46-47 WANTED HELP WANTI)D-Students only, do you need wore money? Investigate my attractive 1prop1Osit'ionf. Tnis 1s our busy season. Phone 48i6 or 9655 after 7 P. 1. C. C. Hous. j 47-48-49' WANTED-Students who like good hot BARBECUES to know we de- liver between 9:30 and 11:30 P. M. BARBECUE INN, Dial 4481. 47 e o d WANTED TO BUY-Few good used Saxes. University Music House. 43-45-47 Lewis and his band play "New St. Louis Blues," "My Mamma's in Town;" and "I Can't Get Over a Girl Like You." Allmendinger Music Shop, 305 Maynard. 45-47 NOTICE - MICROSCOPES bought, sold, rented. Michigan Biological Supply Co., cor William and Second Sts. 9 blocks west of campus. 46-47-48 NOTICE-New dance music with giant organ and orchestra. First time accomplished. Victor record. Schaelberle & Son Music House, 110 S. Main. tf. NOTICE-We have an expert who can tune and repair any instrument.-- Allmendinger Music Shop, 305 May- nard. 3-45-47 NOTICE-First class repair work on all musical instruments. Schaeberle & Son Music House, 110 S. Main. tf To see best of 50 lines clothing drop card to 1103 E. Washington. Phone 6365 evenings. $22 to $30. tf A GENUINE VICTROLA-$17.50, three months to pay. University Music House. 43-45-47 hen met The first Thanksgiving Day was devoted to prayer. In spite of all the hardships they faced, they gave thanks for it all. Compare your condi- tions with those of the Pilgrim fathers and- you will find that you have much to be thankful for. "Member of Federal Reserve System." B'nai Brith HILLEL FOUNDATION 615 E. University - Phone 3779 Sunday, Nov. 21, 1926. 4:30 Dr. Edward N. Schoolman Open forum discussion on "Intellectual Excuse for Zionism" Rabbi Finkelstein will conduct the services. WANTED-5 Male Students, 2 as wait- ers, and 3 for orchestra, for board. Arbor Fountain, Dial 9558. 46-47-48 WANTED-Student with car 9:30 to 11:30 six nights weekly. Call at Barbecue Inn. 45-46 WANTED-Suite of rooms by two instructors, preferably east or north of campus. Write Box 133, Michi- gan Daily. 45-46-47 WANTED, TO RENT-Small apart- ment or room in private home with use of living room for one month. Box 131 Michigan Daily. tf WANTED STUDENTS to know that Sain pays fromi$5 to $25 for old suits and oIvercoats. 121 E. ANN DIAL 4306. "The loyalty of my Legions was un- questioned and now for the first time I'll bare my secret. I paid them, you see, with bars of Oh Henry!I A Fine Candy 1Oc Everywhere Oh Henryl1tothe registered trademark of the William- en Gandy Co., Chicago,I,.. Geo. H. Williamson, Pres. , 000. vrrsrrrr. *1rr. rrrr..c . .irrii: -. 1.~.% ----_.__ I tf I , .~ - .......r..... ..... U I * "r*i+r,.,rrrrr~i.rr Cburch -irrrrrrr.-rrr o = 0.. itr,. 5er icee * 'r Oppiosite Lane hai. FIRST METHODIST 10:30-Morning church service. 12:00-Student Bible Classes. 6:00-Wesleyan Guild. 7:30-Wesleyan Guild Lecture. Dr. Chas. F. Aked. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Corner Huron and Division Sts. Merle H. Anderson, Minister Lewis C. Reimann Mrs.'Nellie B. Cadwell Secretaries for Students. 10:45-Centennial Service. Preach- er, William Oxley Thompson, D. D., LL.D., former president Ohio State University ,and Moderator of the General As- sembly of the Presbyterian Church. 12:00 M.-Open Forum for students. 5:30 P. M.-Social Hour and Sup- per. 6:30 P. M.-Young People's So- ciety meeting. Topic: "What isea Well-Inlanced Woman " and "What Is a Well-balanced Many" Leaders, Walter North and Isthmer Coffman. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH R. Edward Sayles, Minister Howard . Chapman, Minister of Students 10:45-MVr. Sayles will preach on the topic: 'The Personal Prob- lem of Paiul." 10: 00-Dr. Waterman's Class on "Science and Religion in the Bible."'meets at Guild House. 12:00-Mr. Chapman's class on "The 1fleauning of Faith" meets at Guild. 5:30-The usual friendship hour. 6:30-Henrietta Howser will lead an inspiraional meeting on the topic: "Let Us Give Thanks." CONGREGATIONAL CHIIURH Herbert A. Jump, Minister Helen Ramsay, Student Director 10:45--1 1s God Personal?" 4:00-Motion picture Vespers. 5:30-Student supper. 6:30-Mr. Jump will conduct a question box. "Questions On Anything." S:00-Motion picture service. Rin Tin Tin,,.,rained dog, in "The flash of the Wolves." . I UNITARIAN CHURCH State and Huron Sidney S. hobins, Ph.D., Minister 10:45 A. M. Morning Service rilhe Unity of Religious Life" 5:45 P. M. Candlelight Supper 6:30 - Prof. A. E. Wood "The Meaning of Americanization." FIRST CHURCH W1 CHRIST, SCIENTIST 409 South Diyision St. 10:30 A. M.-Regular morning ser- vice, subject: "Soul and Body' 11:45 A. M.-Sunday school follow- ing the morning service. 7:45-Wednesday evening testi- monial meeting. The Reading room, 10 and 11 State Savings Bank building, is open daily from 12 to 5 o'clock, except Sundays and legal holidays. BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH Fourth Ave. near Packard St. G. A. Neumann, Minister 9:00 A. M.-Adult classes. 10:00 A. M.-Regular morning wor- ship. Sermon topic: "The Great Thanksgiving." 11:00 A. M.-German service. 6:30 P. M.-Young People's 'dis- cussion hour. ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Division and Catherine Streets Henry Lewis, Rector Thomas L. Harris, Assistant SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE ADVENT 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion (in the Church). 9:00 A. M.-Holy Communion (in Harris Hall- followed by breakfast). 10:00 A. M.-Student Study Circle, Harris Hall. 11:00 A. M.-lylorung prayer and address by the Rev. Henry Tatlock, D. D., Rector Emeri- tus. 6:00 P. M.-Student supper and discussion. 4:00-6:00 P. M.-Open house for students every Wednesday aft- ernoon. in Harris Hall. i 1 j. I Catholic Students' Chapel Wiliam and Thompson Sunday Masses ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Washington St. and Fifth Ave. F. C. Stellhorn, Pastor 9:00 A. M.-Bible study. 10:30 A. M.-Service with sermon. CHURCH OF CHRIST DISCIPLES Corner Hill and Tappan Kenneth B. Bowen, Pastor 10:30-Morning worship. "The Let- ter Killeth," by the pastor. 11:45-Bible School. Students Class ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) I Third and West Huron Streets C. A. BRAUER, Minister. 9:00 A. M.-German service. 10:00 A. M.-Bible Study. 11:00A. M.-English service. Ser- mon subject: "Javob Meets ,. ®i I I