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November 20, 1926 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1926-11-20

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.]
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Pigs is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postdffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.75; by mail,I
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; business 21214.



k -

Telephone 4925
Editor.................W. Calvin Patterson
City Editor.............. ..Irwin A. Olian
News Editors.............Philip C: Brooks
Women's Editor...............Marion Kubik
Sports Editor.............Wilton.A. Simpson
Telegraph Editor...........Morris Zwerdling
Music and Drama........Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Night Editors
Charles BehymesEllis Merry
Carlton Chape Stanford N. Phelps
Jo Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith
James Herald C.ssam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Carl Burger Henry Thurnau
Joseph Brunswick
Marion Anderson Miles Kimball
Alex Bochnowski Milton Kirshoau
JeanenCmpbel Richard Kurvink.
Clarence Edelson G. Thomas Mesan
William Emery Adeline O'Brien
Alfred Lee Fostet Kenneth Patrick
Robert E. Finch Morris Quinn
ohn Friend James Sheehan
Robert Gessner N. J. Smith
Elaine Gruber Sylvia Stone
Coleman J. Glencer William Thurnau
Harvey J. Gunderson Milford Vanik
Stewart Hooker Herbert Vedder
Morton B. icove Marian Welles
Paul Kern Thaddeus Wasielewski
Irvin LaRowe Sherwood Winslow
Telephone 21214
Advertising................ Paul W. Ao"~Id
Advertising................ William C. Pusch
Advertising..............Thomas Sunderland
Advertising...........George H. Annable, Jr.
Circulation................T. Kenneth Haven
Publication.................John H. Bobrink
Accounts................Francis A. Norquist
George Ahin Jr. ood.a a y
Melvin H. Baer J. B. od
D. M. Brown Esther Booze
M. H. Cain Hilda Binzer
Daniel Finley Dorothy Carpenter
13. H. Handley Marion A. Daniel
A. M. Hinkley Beatrice Greenberg
E. L. Hulse 'Selma M. Janson
S. Kerbawy Marion Kerr
R. A. Meyer Marion L. Reading
Harvey Rosenblum Harriet C. Smith
William F. Spencer Nance Solomon
Harvey Talcott Flwence Widmaier
Harold Utley
-Humanity in general seems -tq be
perfectly astounded at its own con-
summa ielligence. One e' hear
any day discussions of the unenlight-
ened superstition of the ages that
preceded us; of their belief in signs;
of their fanaticism; and then we, with
an air of supercilious superiority, turn
away and thank God and our own
supreme intelligence that we are bet-
ter than they.
Let us transplant the scene three
hundred years in the future. The scene
is a history class studying the darl
ages of 1926 or thereabouits. After
being shocked at Hr immorality, our
dishonesty, our poor governments, our
irrationality, and our neglected edu-
cational systems, the professor cites
as the crowing disgrace to our good
name the mist of superstitiop\Which
surrounded our . intelllgent ag.
He produces irrefutable evidenbe from
our daily newspapers to the effect that
great colonies of our society gathered,
and with the blind belief that they
were following, some immortal deity,
gave up their property, their beings,
and their very wills to this fakir. He
then would proceed to cite other in-
stances of our unenlightenment, tell-
ing his class how we had theosophists
and spiritualists; and the class would
laugh in Iusty utbursts at such an
unbelievable- ignojane. .
"If there wak any one thing more
than all others that led to the decay
of this promising civilization which
existed in 1926 it was the almost di-.
vine superstition of the people of that
age," the professor concludes; and
with a shuffle of>feet the class hurries

out to send its ticket applications for
the great intercollegiate debate con-
This mythical professor would be
wrong, of course, as professors so
often are. For superstition is not the+
leading cause for our decay; it is
merely ,the cause that will be mosta
fully exposed by the present docu-;
ments for the benefit of the future,
scholars. Nevertheless, the statement
is true; we are in an age of super-
stition. If this era is less so than
some preceding stage it does not show;
our enlightenment, It merely shows1
their immense backwardness. Insti-
tutions such as the House of David;
have no excuse for existence, evenf
though they are good commercialI

will aid in throwing light on the story1
of our country, because of lack of
knowledge of the value of such evi-
dence and because much of it is not
in the proper hands.
The American Historical association
is conducting a drive to increase its
endowment from $50,000 to$100,000
so that it may continue to enlarge its
national services and preserve what
material it can obtain. The association
proposes to use its increased endow-
ment for:
"A wider dissemination of historical
information and better' teaching of
history in the schools.
"The conservation of historical
manuscripts, including the public rec-
ords of our nation and of the individ-
ual states.
"Preservation through publications
of important historical manuscripts.
"Grants to scholars for the expenses
of research essential to the great con-
tributions of history to human knowl
"Expert service to the government, I
"Cooperative research in te his,
torical backgrounds of such problems
as those of international relations,
of American business, and of agri-
culture and rural life."
. It is truly a worthy institution
which is doing service to the country
and to the people, and all those who
have the opportunity should feel
proud to contribute.
Preservation of our forests and
the dire results that will follow the
depletion of our wooded lands, have
been brought to the attention of the
Americans so much since te inaug-
uration of the policy of conservation
by Theodore Roosevelt that few peo-
ple now think of it in the serious light
that the situation demands.
It is a subject very intimate to the
everyday life of every citizen-some-
thing that has to do with the sustain-
ing of an important group of indus-
tries which give support to more than
six per cent of the population of the
country. It involves the productive
use of nearly one-third of the land and
many sections of the country are al-
ready seriously impoverished and have
been set back many years in their
industrial development because of the
destruction of their chief resource,
Further, at present, scarcity and high
prices of certain classes of raw ma-
terial are seriously affecting indus-
tries and consumers.
It has been said that unless some
attempt at conservation is made, that
within ten years there will not be
enough wood pulp to furnish paper
for all the newspapers in the country.
That is expressing a serious situation
in rather startling fashion, but. t Is
just as true as the less dramatic evils
that are measurably felt in flood
damage, irregularity of water flow,
and increased erosion.
The crisis that arose when it was
discovered during the late war that
America was suffering from lack of
timber should be a warning. The fate
of ,countries like Japan is a constant
reminder. Desolate areas in upper
Michigan exist as a frightful example.
And yet America takes but passive
heed of the calamity. There is' but
one solution to the problem and that
is a careful and systematic policy of
conservation, including the preserva
tion of already standing trees and
yearlings, and the replanting of cut-
over areas.

(This interview was secured from
Jerry Milletson, ticket distributor at
Arizona School of Education. ROLLS
is thankful that no such situation ex,
ists here.-Editor's Note.)
"I would like nothing better than
to give every student a half dozen
seats on the fifty yard line, but speak-
ing frankly, the public must be
served," said Mr. Milletson.
When the question was pressed he
said, "Well, all there is to it is that
I collect all the tickets that are re-
turned by alumni because of the seats
not being in view of the playng field,
and pass them out to students. That'
why students can't get their tickets
until so near game time. Also, 1
sometimes don't have enough iickets
returned to supply all the students."
Although students cannot I)e acom.
modated at all of the games next year
in the new stadium, there wii be one
great homecoming day ' when they
again may see their team in action.
The Athletic association feels that
students are interested in rootball
and therefore has set aside the 1. S.
C. game, and will guaiantee each stu-
dent one seat.
One proposed remedy for the stu-
dent ticket situation fell through when
it was found that the telescopes pro-
vided by the astronomy department
for use at the games next year had
several defects:
1. They were not equipped to pene,
trate the obstruction of feathers in
ladies' hats.
2. They had no periscope attach-,
ment to look around the corner o
sections of the stadium.
3. You couldn't see through them.
El Jnete.
* 3 "+
At Minnesota they have found the
system. For the Michigan 9Ze they
sold 2,000 tickets for steam heated
seats on top of the snow banks piled
in the corners of the stadium when
the field was cleared off.
Las Nieves.
* * *
(Editor's Note: This is the last of
a series of crime interviews started
today in this column.)
"The Athletic association is receiv-
ing entirely too much criticism for a
thoroughly dishonest system of ticket
distribution," is the opinion of Oscar,
wonder horse, an authority on inter-
national politics. "The soluuon to


This number of ROLLS is dedi-
cated to the students, and thus is
unique in being the only thing
connected with football games
that is done in. the interests of
those poor study slaves.

zrs ; r r r

sands in use giving perfect satisfaction.
The Typewriter and Stationery Store.

1 ^< wH


- - . ....__.,. .... .s ..D. .


Delicious when ted ripe.
Prepaid Anywhere U. S. A. $2

_ _ -- jj }}}}111}11111111}1Illlll tllll1 1 111}111111111111011111111111}1111111111111111111111111011111111t1i ttt11}iI I F4I l t } fI ll itl l ".i l@!E'.t!#31'.:
ilS ~ ~iw 14tw"DOw° Travel - Poetry - Plays - Fiction - Biographies
Last night the complete rehearsal A Very Complete Stock of the Latest and Best Books.
of the cast of "Front Page Stuff" was"-
held with the musical numbers finally
set in their respective places. The=-
dance routines are now becoming At Both Ends of The Disgonr 1 1
mechanical-if you don't believe it go =
allll111}I tllltl!i11111111i1l111I10i11U1}1111111til ll llllllll}I lII1 III gI11 I1 }tll g l 11} 11t idl l113 ipg
over and see 'em at -the Arcade-and -
the final parade numbers and chorus -
lyrics are ready to be worked into the
final ensembles. Typewriters
of all makes, sold, rented, repaired.
This stage brings out the outstand- Our machines and our work are gumranteed. "R
ing talent that will probably score in Phone 6615.
the finished production. When a cast We are authorized dealers for CORONA,
can laugh consistently at every en- the peer of all portables, aid L. C. SMITH,
- the ball bearing, long wearing, easy, quiet
running typewriters. Hundreds of tlhou - ,



William .f Lewis Jr.-
trance of a cook posing as a Swedish
countess some reaction can be expeot-
ed from the audience. This, and the
work of William M. Lewis Jr., are ex-
pected to feature the show. While the
dancing of Lewis has always been ex-
pected to bring down the house, hi
possibilities in other lines have hardly
been spoken of. Opening the second
act with a piano solo that will set the
audience off for the ensuing comedy of
the piece, he has dramatic ability toI
put his songs and lines across that
will sweep Union operas into a new
Tl* -Juilliard Musical Foundation
has cffered its hospitality to the Na-
tional Association of Schools ofA Mu-
sic and Allied Arts which will hold
its third annual meeting in New York
City on Friday, November 23. The pro-
gram will consist of an informal
dinner and business meeting to be
held Friday evening in the rooms of
the Beethoven club. At this time
there will be several speeches by
members of the club on the work that
is being accomplished, Earl V. Moore,
head of the School of Music of the
University of Michigan having been
invited to speak on the subject of "In-
dependence of Schools." Mr. Moore
is also a member of the Committee on
Curricula which will present a detail-
ed report concerning th coiiuisesr ye-
quired for certificates and musical
This standardizing of the setting
of definite national standards for
degrees of scholarship has been
a need which has not yet been
recognized by any organization
except the Juilliard Foundation which
is sponsoring thee work, and the Na-
tional Association of Schools of Mu-
sic which has finally brought about
this resolution. The setting of re-
quirements for schools entering the
organization will also be discussed,
and some policy in this matter will
probably be definitely outlined.
All of this brings to mind the work
that the Juilliard Foundation has been
I accomplishing since its organization.
There have been a series of valuable
scholarships awarded to indigent mu-
sic studentss, while departments of
variom.s music schools throughout the
country have also recveived financial
aid, while a major activity has been
the foundation of the Juilliard Grad-
uate School of Music on Last Fifty-
second street, Nw York.
I* * *


Good Meals and Good Music
Enjoy Them at the
Arbor Fountain
313 S. STATE ST.
Supper Orchestra, 5:30 to 7:30
Special Attention Given Breakfast
Dinner and Supper, and
After the Dance or Show
Butter Toastwiches



- - Managress



_- . "R




- 1
nr: .. 0



Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.

A14 Service Supreme
Troj an Laundry
514 East William Street

SUPPORTING THE the situation is very clear, however,"
"ELDERLY FRESHMAN" lie continued, "for if all football games
To The Editor: were abolished there would be no un-
I hate to reawaken a dead matter, I fair ticket distribution.
but I feel that I must spring to the "Personally I have nothing to say;"
defense of a classmate. I refer to the Oscar said, "for I am a non-resident,
storms of protest pro and con which non-taxpayer, non-student, non-sup-
have been raging in regard to Joan of porter of the University, and non-
Arc. everything, and I always get seats at
Like the senior, I was gullible the middle of the field."
enough to stay through the whole per- Kernel.
formance, but I most thoroughly agree * * *
with your freshman correspondent THE FIFTY YARD LINE
that it was "God-awful." (By one who has never sat there)f
To begin with there is the obvious The fifty yard line is the place
impossibility of presenting an epic where alumni, local bankers, grocers,
like Joan with a cast of five or six butchers and those who know the
actors, and two chairs, a table, and a ropes squat, thinking on the sausage
tree for scenery. But added to this, business outlook and looking out for
the actors were rather uniformly cops.
poor. I will not say anything about The adage about many being called
Clara Clemens mainly because she but few chosen may be applied here
didn't deserve it. There was one gen- without stretching the imagination.
tleman, however, who played in turn Black Teak.
an English captain, a- French leader, * * *
etc., whom we immediately named the FACULTY AND FOOTBALL
"laughing jackass." He merted it. We students have been Weeping andI
The principle trouble was that this wailing about not getting to see foot-
version of "Joan" (a rather poor ball games, but the faculty is in the
adoption of Mark Twain's book) was ( same stands. How can the Athletic
highly melodramatic. A good cast association expect professors to prop-
could have toned it down to nearly erly teach their classes when they are
some semblance of human form, but just as ignorant about football as
this company worked it to death, their students? If things go on like
ranting and raving and annonlnto they are now the professors will hnve





Phone 9115

- - fl~afl~--- -

"Applesauce," the harry CFnnor's
comedy of very modern American
manners will swing into its second
week at the lionscelle Playhouse next
Monday night. The success of this
comedy with its bareness of plot, and
rather stereotyped humor was more o:
less Unexpected. It is only due to the
exceptional interprelatinn of M2.
Douglas and Miss King, (with Al.





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