Explains Steps Leading To Present'
Situation Between America
And World Court
Allowing the World court project
to fail because of lack of effort to com-
pose trifling differences in proposed
methods "is to give the lie to all pro-
testations of desire to help substi-
tute peaceful processes of determina-!
tion of disputes for the old processes'
of diplomacy and force," stated former
Attorney General George W. Wicker-'
sham last night in speaking on the I
present probability of American ad-
herence to the court.
Mr. Wickersham declared that the
apparent difficulties in the way of the
entrance of the United States into the
project afford no adequate reason for
not entering, and that "at best they
provide political excuses fob% those
who do not desire that our govern-
ment shall make good the fine things
it has professed in the past for the
purpose of securing the peace of the
I Traces Court's History
After outlining the history of the
question since President Harding's
message of Febraury, 1923, which
urged ratification of the court proto-
col, Mr. Wickersham explained tle
action of the conference of states'
signatories to the statute, which met
this summer to consider the American
reservations proposed in the Swanson r
resolution of last winter.
The league sent a request to the
United States to send representatives
to this conference, he said, but "not
only did the state department decline
this perfectly natural and seemingly
most proper invitation, but it did so
in terms which, to say the least, were
not calculated to help in the accept-
ance of the conditions."
The first three reservations were
recommended for unconditional ac-
ceptance. They provided that en-
trance to the court should involve no
legal relation to the League of Na-
tions, that this country might parti-
cipate in the election of judges as if
it were a member of the league, and
that the United States pay a fair share
of the court's expenses, to be appro-
priated by Congress.
It was recommended that the court
recognize the right of the United
States to withdraw if the arrangement
proved unsatisfactory, and that this
country be guaranteed an equal voice
with members of the League of Na-
tions in disputes to which it is not a
party, but in which it claims an in-
terest. .
"Under ordinary conditions," Mr.
Wickersham said, where parties get
as close to an agreement as this,
"with, only a few questions of meth-
ods to be settled, "the matter would
be easily settled over a council table.
But the new diplomacy adopted by the
United States Senate of formulating
a proposition and sending it overseas
to other nations with a scarcely dis-'
guised 'take it or leave it' is not cal-
culated to remove differences, or to
encourage cordial international rela-~
The second part of the last reserva-
tion was left to be settled by a con-
ference between representatives of
the United States and the council o
the league. "If the government is
sincerely desirous of bringing about
American adherence to the court, the
action cited should lead to a confer-!
ence between representatives of the!
United States and of one or more of;
the leading nations adherent to the
court," asserted Mr. Wickersham,,
"for the purpose of agreeing upon a
forinula which should accomplish all
that the United States can legitimately
desire, and at the same time avoid im-
pairing the usefulness of the court.
Senate Holds Key;
"If a sufficient number of senators
t odef eat any modified agreement are t
Oetcrmined to prevent American ad-
herence to the Court," according to
Mr. Wickersham, the action of the
conference affords an excuse for such
opposition. In considering the ques-
tion, regard should had to just what
the United States proposes to do. It
does not propose to commit itself to
submit all controversies to which it
may be a party to the jurisdiction .of
the court."
"It may be seriously questioned
whether the United States were not
the greater loser than the other na-
tions in failing to give its adhesion
to this great step tworad the substi-
tution of peaceful processes of lawj
Wickersham Holds United States Must
Intervene To Gain Peace In Nicaragua
Conditions in Central America,
culminating in the present insurrec-
tion in Nicaragua, "are the same as
they have been since Spa~n Left in
1820, and will be the same until the
United States takes control over the
Latin-Americans of the same nature
as that provided in Cuba by the Platt
amendments," in the opinion of George
EW. Wickersham, former attorney gen-
eral. "This country has virtually+
controlled Nicaragua for the last"11
years, he said, and while the Marines
were there, they had peace. Now it
looks as if we would have to go down
and exercise police powers again."
Mexico shows the same conditions,
according to Mr. Wickersham, who
explained that "with 90 per cent of
its population illiterate, Mexico has
never been successful in its own form
of government, and will not have
peace until the United States takes
a hand in main'taining it."
"Provisions made in the Locarno
treaties, which came into effect when'
Germany entered the league, go far
toward making very improbable any
war between states which are signa-
tories of the league convenant," Mr,
Wickersham said, when told of Will
Irwin's recent statement here that the
league would be able to control wars
before another world castrophe be-
came imminent, "but it would be a
brave man who would predict that the
Western world could hold in check
the Asiatic ferment."
The government of China with its
four million people, he asserted, is
always topsy-turvy. The administra-
tion which ratified the league cove*-
nant is no longer in existence, and
there is no real government. It
would be impossible to predict, said
Mr. Wickersham, that the Asiatics
could be controlled to any great ex-
tent by treaties.
Possibilities Of Many Song Hits
Arc Revealed In Lyrcs
And Melodies
Musical numbers and dance routines
now being rehearsed daily by the or-
chestra and choruses of "Front Page
Stuff," the 21st annual Union Opera,
are gradually nearing perfection, it
was announced yesterday by Fred
Lewis, Opera orchestra director.
According to Lewis, work on the
numbers so far has revealed possibili-
ties of unusual song hits in the lyrics
and melodies of the musical comedy.
"My Lady of The Snows," written
by Milton Peterson, grad., author of
the Opera book this year, and com-
poser of many of its musical numbers,
is almost certain to be one of the
outstanding features of the Opera in
the presentation at the Whitney the-
ater, beginning Dec. 6.
The number opens with the song
rendered by Robert Graham, '29, who
plays the part of Isidore, the poet,
and is followed by a parade of snow
queens and a comedy dance of 16
snowmen who enter rolling a huge
snowball. After a toe ballet by the
six specialty dancers, the snowball is
broken open, revealing the leading
lady, William M. Lewis, '29, who will
perform the first toe ballet ever to be
givenin a Union opera.
Other numbers which show promise
are "A Friendly Game of Golf," in
which the leading lady and six spe-
cialty dancers take part; "Just Any
Kind of a Man," sung by the leading
lady, and afterwards burlesqued by
Richard Lutes, '28, in the role of the
Swedish Countess, the comedienne;
and "Adorable Girl," in which the
specialty dancers, the men's chorus,
and the leading lady all take part.
"I Love You," and "Lady Stout," are
additional numbers, the latter a com-
edy song, and the former a catchy
tune of the love theme variety.
Union members can now secure ap-
plication blanks for all Ann Arbor
performances at the desk in the
Union lobby. These applications will
be filled in the order of their recep-
tion after they have been filed and re-
turned. Applicants are limited to six
Chester Rowell Has Spent Three
Years Studying In Europe
Chester Harvey Rowell, '88, editor
and educator, will deliver a lecture
o Russia at 8 o'clock Monday night
n Natural Science auditorium. Mr.
R1cw1l1 has spent several years in
Europe studying conditions, and has
recently returned to America to lec-
ture on his impressions of modern
Russia. He is considered an author-
ity on the subject.
Mr. Rowell has taken a leading part
in reform movements and in the en-
tire cause of international coopera-
tion. He was born in Bloomington,
Ill., in 1867 and received his doctor's,
degree at the University in 1888 and
remained for another year in graduate
work. He also attended the univer-
sities of Halle, Berlin, Paris, and
Rome. Mr. Rowell has been connect-
ed with the faculty of the University
of California, as a lecturer in journal-
ism, and also on civil and political
subjects. From 1898 until 1920 Mr.
Rowell was editor and publisher of
the Fresno Republican, what is con-
sidered the "best paying magazine in
America." He is a regent of the Uni-
versity of California. For several ses-
Efficient Handling Promised; Varsity
Band to Play and Warrick Will
Lead Cheers
Play-by-play reports of the Michi-
gan-Minnesota football game will be
given by the grid-graph starting at 3
o'clock this afternoon at Hill audi-
torium. It will be the last showing
of the baard this year.
The diagramed account will follow
the actual progress of the game in
detail. Lights will be used to indi-
cate. the individual players and the
movements of the ball. Inasmuch as
the operators have both had three
years' experience in handling the ma-
chine, it is expected that perfect co-
ordination will add to the efficiency
of the showing. John M. Bennett,
'27L, will operate the ball, while
Charles D. Livingstone, '28L, will run
the lights.
For the first time this year, the
Varsity band will appear at the Audi-
torium and play before the game and
between the halfs. William A. War-
rick, '27, Varsity cheerleader, will be
present to lead the crowd in songs
and yells. He will also announce the
scores of other games between halves
and during time-out periods.
Tickets are on sale at Graham's,
Slater's, Wahr's, Hueston's, the Union,
George Moe's Sport shop and the
Calkins-Fletcher Drug stores. The
box office of Hill auditorium will also
sell tickets from the time the doors
open until the start of the game.
Prices are the same as in the past.
Doors willopen at 1:30 o'clock.
Reports of the game will also be
given at the Majestic theatre.
Dr. William Oxley Thompson, Ohio
State university president who re-'
signed a year ago, will arrive in Ann
Arbor this morning to attend the cen-
tennial celebration of the First Pres-
byterian church of Ann Arbor.
As p climax to the four-day cele-
bration, Dr. Thompson will deliver the
centennial sermon tomorrow mroning
in the First Presbyterian church at
10:45 o'clock. At present he is mod-
erator of the general assembly of the
Presbyterian church, this being the
highest office in the church.
Dr. Thompson will attend a lunch-
eon this noon at the Union which has
been arranged in his honor by Ohio
State alumni here.
Initiation Of 4 Members Followed By
Banquet; National Delegates
Address New Body
Phi Eta Sigma, honorary scholastic
fraternity for freshmen, was formerly
installed by Dean Thomas ArkieClark
of Illinois, and national representa-
tives, last night in the Union.
The installation took place at 5:30
o'clock when 46 members of last
year's freshman class, who will form
the charter group of the Michigan
chapter, were initiated. Dean John
R. Effinger of the literary college and
J. A. Bursley, dean of students, were
initiated as honorary members o fthe
'fraternity. President Clarence Cook
Little and Dean George W. Patterson
of the engineering college are honor-
ary members, but were unable to at-
tend the installation because or pre-
vious engagements.
Founder Supervises
The initiation was supervised by
Dr. Clark, one of the founders of the
fraternity at Illinois in 1923. Stewart
S. Howe, national president of the
organization and Donald Forsyth, both
of the University of IllinoIs, assisted
Dr. Clark. Following the installation,
keys were presented to the members.
A banquet was held following the
initiation at which Dr. Clark and
Dean . Effinger were the principal
speakers. Dr. Clark traced the de-
velopment of the fraternity at Illinois,
pointing out that, when the fraternity
was founded in 1923, approximately
two per cent of the freshman class
were eligible for membership while
last year over four per cent were
eligible from the first year class. Dr.
Clark stated that the standing which
the fraternity has on the Illinois
campus was largely the incentive
which caused the general increases in
scholastic averages of the first year
men. Dean Effinger, in his address,.
stressed the value of a general edu-
cation and mentioned the notable
achievements generally attained in
after life by those who had disting-
uished themselves while in college.
Bursley Speaks
Dean Bursley traced the develop-
ment of the society on the campus
and expressed his ideas as to the fu-
ture of the organization.
Stewart S. Howe, national presi-
dent of the fraternity and associate
editor of The Daily IIlcni, spoke
briefly, as well as Donald Forsyth,
president of the Illinois chapter.
Following the banquet Dr. Clark,
Howe, and Forsyth left immediately
for Chicago.
With a review of "A Doctor's Mem-
ories," a volume of reminiscences by
Dr. Victor C. Vaughan, '78M, occupy-
ing the feature position, this week's
issue of the Michigan Alumnus makes
its appearance today. Dr. Vaughan
was one of the first recipients of a
Michigan Ph. D. degree, and later
served as dean of the Medical school
for 30 years.
A story and diagram of the Ohio
State game last Saturday and a re-
counting of a message delivered by
President Garfield of Williams college
last spring, on the subject "Educa-
tional Relations with the Alumni,"
are other features of the issue.
Word was received at a late hour
last night that Prince Nicholas of
Roumania, definitely will visit Ann
Arbor this afternoon, according to a
long distance call received by Dr.1
Warren P. Lombard, professor emeri-'
tus of physiology. It is expected that
the prince will arrive here shortly
after noon.
According to the present scnedule,
prince, with Regent James 0. Murfin,
and members of the Detroit recep-
tion committee, will go directly to the
residence of President Clarence Cook
Little upon their arrival here. Later,
His Excellency will attend the grid-
graph at Hill auditorium to gain an
insight into American student life.
A tour of the University and f
campus will conclude the prince's
visit here, the party leaving immedi-
ately afterward for Detroit.
There will be no formal reception in
Ann Arbor, Dr. Lombard stated.
British Library Association President
to Talk Monday in Natural '
Science Auditorium
"Stepping Stones to the Art of
Typography," will be the subject of
an illustrated lecture by Dr. Henry
Guppy, president of the British Li-
brary association, and librarian of the
John Rylands library, Manchester,
England, at 4:15 o'clock Monday, in
the Natural Science auditorium. The
talk will be concerned chiefly with
block-books a n d wood-engravings
which preceded the art of movable
type, and were the first efforts to
popularize literature for people who
could not afford to buy the costly,
handwritten parchment manuscripts.
Dr. Guppy is at present represent-
ing the British Library association at
the fiftieth anniversary of the found-
ing of the American Library associa-
tion. "He is a finished and polished
speaker and in great demand in Eng-
land," declared W. W. Bishop, librar-
ian of the University yesterday. "His
address in Atlantic City before the
convention of the American Librarian
association was the finest and most in-
spiring I have ever heard." The op-
portunity to hear Dr. Guppy will be a
most unusual and unique experience,
Mr. Bishop went on to say, because he
is an authority on block-books and
has ready access to them.
Founded by the widow of Rylands
as a memorial to her husband, a
British manufacturer and philan-
thropist of the nineteenth century, the
John Rylands library began with the
Earl of Spencer's accumulation of
block-books and incunabula, which
was the most complete of any single
collection of these early attempts at
printing, not one of which is in
America. The library contains the
earliest specimen of wood engraving
dated 1424, and a number of books!
printed between 1445-1450.
Roy H. Callahan was elected pres-
ident of the freshman law class yes-
terday afternoon.
Other officers chosen were Charles
F. Preece, vice-president; Garland D.
Tait, secretary; and Blis L. Bolten
William D. Cochran was selected to
represent the class on the Law school
Today's Game Will Determine
( Custody Of Little Brown Jug
When Minnesota and Mchigan
go onto the field today for the II
final Conference football game,
there will be at stake, besidel
the Big Ten championship, a lit-i
tle brown jug, for many years
the traditional symbol of victory
between the two universities.
It was in 1903, in a game that
ended in a 6-6 tie, that an old s
water jug left by the Michigan I
team became the victory prize, (
and it was by agreement with v
Dr. Williams, Minnesota coach 1
at that time, that the jug was ac-i
cepted as a challenge trophy.,
The last time that the Gophers 1
had possession of the trophy was 1
in 1919 when they downed the '
Wolverines, 34-7. The following
year the Michigan team staged a
comeback to earn the coveted
1 award which it has since re- I
Sea Planes Tested t
Prior To Non-Stop
Flight To Panama
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 19.-With'
favorable weather, ten sea planes will
hop off ,today for Norfolk, Virginia,
on the preparatory leg of a non-stopĀ£
flight to Panama:
The flying boats were sent through
long tests at the Philadelphia navy
yard yesterday and Lieut.-Command-
er H. P. Bartlett, who will be in
charge of the flight, said everything
was in readiness for the start. Orders
were issued for members of the crews1
to report at the naval yard at 5:30;
this morning and if weather con-E
ditions are favorable the start will be]
made within a few hours.
The non-stop trip will start at Nor-;
folk, the flight from here to that city]
being in the nature of a final test last-'
ing ten hours.
Religious Liberty, Pcdical Aotilon,
Discussed by Dieffenbach A#
That we should return to the first
aspect of the United States on religion
1 and politics, was the wish of Dr. Al-
bert C. Dieffenbach as he expressed it
in his lecture, "Religious Liberty. and
Political Action," in Natural Science
auditorium yesterday afternoon. The
aspects of modern life tend to separate
religion and politics where our fore-
fathers knew that the two are in-
separable, said the speaker. Religious
liberty is spiritual and can not be
governed by legislation because they
are each aspects of life, he stated.
The speaker was introduced by
Prof. Jesse Reeves, of the political
science department, who is an old
'friend and former colleague of the
I speaker. They were both ,cub re-
porters on a Baltimore paper before
Dr. Dieffenbach took to the ministry
and later returned to newspaper work
in the capacity of editor of the Chris-
tian Register in Boston, which posi-
'tion he still holds. During the World
war, he went to France, Germany and
England on an editorial mission to
write on the work of the Y. M. C. A.
in the war. The articles were pub-
lished first in the Christian Register
and later in pamphlet form.
Many Lose Lives As
Tanker Catches Fire
(By Associated Press)
BALTIMORE, Nov. 19.-A flash of
fire which cut asunder the Norwegian
tanker Nantilla exacted an undeter-
mined toll of lives as the vessel lay
in dry dock at the Starrows Point
plan of the Bethlehem ship building
corporation today. Scores of work-
men were caught in a flaming rain of
death as an oil tank exploded with a
deafening report, to spew burning oil
and twisting steel over the surround-
ing scaffolding.
Official estimates of the dead range
( from eight to twenty, so great was the
havoc wrought that even the number
of bodies recovered was subject to
estimate. At least eight bodies had
been assembled in a morgue at the
plant tonight. Some investigators re-
ported that the shattered remains
Chances for Michigan Victory Lie In
Ability of Line to Repel Minnesota
By Wilton A. Simpson
MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 19.-Minne-
sota's homecoming football game will
be turned into a winter carnival if the
weatherman continues to hold the cold
wave over this snow-covered North-
land. Michigan will battle a greatly
improved and strengthened Minnesota
eleven on a gridiron which will be
harder and rougher than a Y. M. C. A.
billiard table here tomorrow after-
Minnesota has been gripped by a
severe cold wave for the past two
days, and predictions of the official
weather forecast see little relief in
sight for Saturday. The temperature
is due to remain in the vicinity of 25
degrees above zero during the game
tomorrow. A minimum of 15 degrees
is forecast for tonight.
Try to Protect Field
The field in the stadium has been
covered with three feet of straw since
Sunday in an effort' to assure fair
playing conditions for the homecom-
ing game. Heavy rains during the
early part of the week and the severe
cold wave have made the field hard in
spite of the thick covering.
Scores of workmen have been re-
moving snow from the 14 miles of
seats in the stadium today, hauling it
away in truck loads.
One of the practice fields was
cleared this afternoon so that the
Wolverines could hold a short drill to
limber up after their long train
journey. The Michigan squad wore
eskimo jackets and mud cleats in their
At the close of the drill, Coach Yost
announced one ehaugo: p d s openin'g-
lineup, substituting Schoenfeld for
Truskowski at center. Schoenfeld is
a heavy man and will bolster the line
against the line smashes of Joesting,
the bone-crusher of the Gopher team.
< All of the Swedes this side of
Scandinavia are wonderg just what
kind ,of an attack Yost is going to use
again~t the Gophers. .i Mthe eyes of
the local population, Yost is pictured
as a magician., a mal with a bag full
of tricks who is tobe evaded.
With Molenda ,and Weber in the
backfield, Yost may use Minnesota's
weapon, a line plunging attack. The
condition of the field and the weather
will not permt an open forward pass
game and it Is likely that Yost may
be forced to discard his aerial attack.
In this cold 'weather, Friedman will
experience difficulty in forward pass-
Michigan's chance for defeating the
powerful Minnesota team again de-
ponds solely upon its line and the
ability of Friedman to outwit the
Gophers. Joesting played havoc with
Michigan's line during the third period
of the Minnesota game at Ann Arbor,
but Coach Wieman believes that his
line is much stronger now thain it was
earlier in the sason. Michigan's line
will outweigh Minnesota's, but only
by a ten-pound margin.
Michigan Ends Have Ldge
The Wolverines have a decided edge
on the ends with Oosterbaan and
Flora, but Minnesota offsets that ad-
vantage by a giant pair of tackles in
Gary and Hyde. Both of the Gopher
tackles weigh more than 205 pounds.
Tomorrow's battle will draw the
curtain on the collegiate football
careers of eight of the Michigan play-
ers, Those who will play their last
game are Captain Friedman, Walter
Weber, Flora, Lovette, Heath, Dewey,
McIntyre and Heston.
The lineup (probable):
Michigan Minnesota
Oosterbaan .....L E......C. Wheeler
Baer ..... ....L T........... Gary'
Dewey.........L G.........Strand
Lovette........H G........Hanson
Gabel.........H T...........Hyde
Flora......... E.......Iiaycraft.
Friedman C ...Q B.......Almuisit
MolendaR...... H.......Barnhart
Weber ....F 3.........Joesting
Michigan average, in weight, 187;
Minnesota average, 178.
Officials-Eckersall, Chicago, re-
feree; Schommer, Chicago, umpir-;
Gardner, Cornell, field judge; Graves,
Illinois, head linesman.
s Time of game-3 o'clock, Ann Arbor
President Little Definitely Supports Plan To Inaugurate
Simultaneous Home and Home Football Games In Big Ten
Definite opinions favoring a new#
honme and home football schedule, in-
volving two teams from each of the
western conference universities, were'
expressed yesterday by PresidentI
Clarence Cook Little. The plan is the
culmination of a discussion which
arose last year at a conference of Big.
Ten university presidents.
President Little made the following
"In advocating the plan of simul-
taneous home and home games for
Conference football teams, I realize
that the first impression will be un-
favorable.- I hope, however, that all
friends on intercollegiate football
will give it fair and unbiased thought
and criticism.!
"The following plan suggested toI
"In spite of a general feeling that
there has been over-emphasis of the
i n d i v i d u a 1, commercialization of
ideals, and considerable time wasted;
by non-participants as a result of the
present type of intercollegiate foot-
ball games, little if anything has ben
done to meet the objections and to re-
move the causes of trouble. Certain
destructive criticism and restrictive
reforms have been suggested and have
failed to arouse any enthusiasm. Thez
present plans extends football and at-
tempts to use more intelligently its
good points.
"The plan is shown by the follow-
ing example. On the same day that
Michigan plays Minnesota at Ann
Arbor, the same two universities will
also play a game at Minneapolis or
when Michigan plays Ohio at Colum-
tem, President Little enumerated the
following points. "The number of
players participating will be doubled
since the personnel of two teams with
substitutes will necessarily be twice
as great as for one team. This means
a lessening of emphasis on the indi-
vidual and more nearly a realization
of some of the character building ad-
vantages of 'athletics for all'-a doc-
trine much preached but little prac-
"Two coaches would be used, which
would help to do away with an over-
emphasis on the individual coach. It{
would be more economical for the stu-
dents since there would be a Varsity
home game every week, thus obviating
the necessity of incurring the ex-1
I pense and waste of time in great stu-
dent migrations. This would make
. I