FRIDAY, N{OVEMBER 19, 1926 THE VMICHIGAN DTAILYV PAGE SEVEN a a ai aTaavi aa ./-.[ a _. _r,.._-_ _ i'I i./L PAGE SEVEN- x o anWill Dfn GpesRate ' Ihln Bigt- en; I YANKEE IHOCKEY TEAMS 14ip cdp an izti~ IDADIJION DefndHROhrsDig Lightweight Crown: Will NMenace Yostmen s Record; nEAT ANADINlSTRS A____ (yAssociated Press) If you are a teleprhone sbscrier tall Jimmie the Ad-Taker, Dia 2L 214, and your wnt ad W T, OP E S(By Associated Press) ,1b~l' GA E~ TI O P [S NEW YR fPod G )whrlv~yf'htwo'ff fO~ tt YORKORKVNOV15.-TAodricanTe Mi h-an Daily reserves the ri ht tm Contest Tomorrow Recalls Famous ;gan, of Seattle, Wash., and Carl Western Conte nce football ratings. l ecisixeiy beaten in 1917, 33-0 although boasting many Canadian 1irgs and to revise or withhld 'ascctionablc, Tie Of 1903 Between Yostmen AnidI Duane, of New York, today weepo falIo:sho t h i e, MihgnaoemasteGpe stars on their rosters, have routed theI This column closes at 3 P. M. date lpr:cd-r MLinnesota Eleven Inoncd itly tae thetccomi- ~hoawon 'etile: i eng publication. .oticeof ancr ;must e' ou n e torstaforathleic5 '"o Gper i te as am 1raed ]'Cvwd, s the Northmen have not de-i first invasion of the dominion repre- igivn in time for the second -insertion. i inisefosfrter1 o r ohr ntels aepae CASH RATES jui~ ihwih hminhpla;' tween the two schools. feated the Wolverines since 1919 and sentatives. Ten cetspr redig hu er(n te bals of BAr1VLE EN1DS IN RIT 1uieoorro ightightcampisonSipuate So far this se'ason the~ Nothmnei have gone down seven successive The opening-of league play Tuesday ver-cie words to the lie) for one or to, Gard_ tenmrrwnghsnMaio hold fimpressive victories over Wtis-! times, before Michigan teams If saw the New York Rangers win byi Nine cents per4ading tine for three or more A veritable football thunderclis Both weighed under the class limit conusin and Iowa, and they have ben Ser. amcn on ihia 1 o 0 over th onealMron,1i Caos. classifeds received at the lDaily oficee promised tomorrow when the "Four of 130 pounds. victoriouis in the most recent (cO1re5(the second game of this yeats double-; world professional champions last in The Press building on Manard Street. Nosme;orsemenetng;"pa, it orhesenwithsCic N eae n aura, ineoa ilTsasn AeorC3,0Tfn hr.ATECNRATRAES N ahostnPpa, The bout will mark Morgan 's third orbewthe-em,.IliyoishColcag heeaura, oinfesanilceasnbfoe1,00fn er Te Special standardized rates given on applic- and Almquist of Minnesota meet the defense of his crown in New York Indiana, Ohio State, and Purdue. Ib h nysho nteCneec Boston Buins beat the Canadians of tion. strong Michigan eleven bent on pre- since he lifted the mantle from the! The last game with Illinois was oni that can boast a clean slate in mostII Montreal, 4 to 1 in a rough Bston___________________ venting the Wolverines from retaining Iholer ONikoBlernoamot15, 1924, when the Gophners 'hum- recent games against other Big Ten opener, aPittsburghw1Yok0 wens ahouldersofike___________alm_________OS their laurels as Conference chain- ya goInpevosfihsh I bled the Grange and the Illini, 20-7. schools. whiipped _______________h___to__0_when__a__ pious. But even) 23 years ago Mich- pdKdSlia nsxrud n Minnesota met the Purple in 1923 andI Michigan would hold a similar un- substitute slipped over the only scoreLOT lakPrrFonin e, Eva-idenesthtaebrner s aas wnajdesdcso ve o lck o yan impressive score, 34-14 marred, record, but for the 3-2 defeat Iof 'the game. vle skesk.-al65 fe eiad inoaenc outa sm rntersmalas wnajdeeiio vrJ~Gik Indiana was vanquished in 122, 20-0, administered by Northwestern in the; TheChicago Black Birds tripped the vle skesk.-(al65 le ing football, especially in that bone- +TH which was Bill Spanulding's first Con- famous battle in the mud at Soldier's St. Pat icks of Toronto 4 to 1 last seven___o__cl __ck.__4___4_____S crushing 6-6 tie of 1903.,1READ HEWANT ADS Terence game: The same year wit- stadium in Chicago last year. night.-LOT ade'wit achNo.. Minnesota Memorial field will be I~- -Cl riig 94 iea ead jammed tomorrow with more than .1j~lCais 45-46-47ealewrd 60,000 spectators, but 23 years agod standing room sold at a premium of *' IN $3 to $5, and the game was well worth-JFON1 the then exorbitant price. Heston, Hammond, Norcross, and Graver, forI FOUND-Amount of money. Owner the famous "point-a-minute" Yost- 'may have same by sat isf;' i g :(lCit- men, and Schacht, Rogers, Boeckman, fication. Box 134. 46-47-48 and Kramer of Dr. Williams' Gophers carried the ball for the rival teamso FORl RENT in the smash, smash, smash, and punt offensives.Wv Tomorrondw Joesting, Almnquist, Pep- a BooiclSplyC..crWl lipm and Second Sts. 9 blocks west a backfield drawn from a field includ- cmpsi6-74 ing Friedman, Gilbert, Molenda, I V 14__________________ Weber, Hoffman and Rich, with a' V? slashing result promised.v FOR SALE Recalls Game Of 1903FO SA -Sisad vect. In 1903 Minneapolis was "football FO A E S is a d O ec asIrz; ui es w ss s e d d n Those stylishl all-wool tailored suits three hours before game-time huge-..~ and overcoats, with over 200 pat- crowds attempted to storm the gates terns to choose from mnake it p)os- of Northrup field. Heavy wagering i ' r- " ' sible for Th odCohsSop was reported with the odds at about -"x to give every ptron just whatt he 9-7 favoring: the Wolverines. Tomor- a("~- wants at prices ranging from 22.50 row also will see a frenzied Minne- . to $36.00. Call between 4 and G or apolis and a'favored Michigan team. .. 7:30 and 8:30 and see for yourself. Neither team scored in the first half ,. s r- .,. Room 5, 2nd floor, 711 N. Univ. Ave. of the great 6-6 struggle, but in the 1 46-47ra : second half. Minnesota's giant tackles, ii~i Schacht an& Irsfield, dropped out of FOR SALE-1915 Ford, god conditionf the line and hammered at the Wolver- ,r;,v:. all around. $20. See Burroughs, 611 ine forward wall. With the power of i Church St. 3565 46-4-4 a Joesting o"' Molenda they carried the ball to the Michigan 9 yard line where k ,¢d FOR SALE-MEDCAL SuIPPLIS, they were held for downs. MICROSCOPES, new and used. Another smash, smash, smash, punt 11Mician Bioogicli Supply Co., eor and then finally, the "point-a-minute" William and Second Sts. 9 blocks team, which had not scored in 40 -"Vest of cmnpts. 46474 rminutes of play, began a successful march Tro'll their own 40 yard line.".' ";> FOR SALE-Tite classiest speedster3 End runs, line hurdles, trlck plays, r,> in town. With wire weels, balloonI the entire Yost repertoire were called ;.."/ tires, Bosch ignition, etc. Will con- into use, with "Wonderful Willie" - / yi sider a coupe or roadster in trade.' Heston mak~ing the longest runs of Call 6327 or 706 Oakland. 46 12 and 8 yards. 1 FOR SALE--Tuxedo, sze 38. Phone ileston Scores Touchdown Maddock,° a tackle, Heston, Gravel', *I2 .4-54 and Hammpid alternated at carrying FOR SALE-Two absolutely new the ball, with Norcross calling the lete'his ilsl tasc k 3 Ir ifice. Call nRobcrts Dla 4418. Third downFrmn, toil yards to go, with t herrw ball on Minnesota's 5 yard line, Gra r-4..5447 yer plowed to thetw yard line. Ham- ° mond's smash took the oval to less C WANTED than six inches from the goal, and.' Heston went over for the five points, r WANTED-Young man with cigar ald Hammond kicked-goal, with Norcross pp eln xeine owr y holingth bal.enings. Only those h.aving these Minnesota took the kickfr and pro,. qualities peed apply. Call United ceeded to wreck the Michigan line. I Cigar Store. 46-47-48 The Wolverines held, but fumbled on their 20 yard line, Minnesota recov-\ WANTED-5 Male Students, 2 as wait-1 ering, in striking distance of the Mich- ers, and 3 for orchestra, for board. igan goal. Michigan held again and Arbor Fountain, Dil 9558. punted out of immediate danger, but- - 46-47-48 the Northmen advanced again. Boeckman,. Schacht, Kramer, and WANTED-Stuident wth cr" 9:30 to Captain Rogers store holes in the op-- 11:30 six nights weekly. Call at posing line. lo longer was it smash, Babecue Inn 4546 smash, smash, and punt, but smash, WNE-nt fros b w smash, smash, and smash, for first WNE -ut frosb w o ntutrpeeal ato ot don. Schacht finally broke throughintcorpefialestrnrh for the score and Rogers kicked the of campus Wite Box 133 Michi goal to tie the score. ~- gan Daily 454647 1 Excitement was so great that the" crowds swarmued onto the field even -4 s. thou gh two minutes of play still re- I I- ' mained and the game ended in a tie, /II could be dispersed. At this time Oscar Munson, janitor of the armory, is a thought to have=, stolen the "little. brown jug."- - In all, 18 games have been played bewe h iyitas n nigin a tie, the tie, of 1903, and three in . wins for Dr.,iliams, orignator of the famous Minnesota shift, and' all' the rest in Michigan triumphs. I° OVER 3XIN ESOTA TRfy1jS ' 192-Michigan 6; Minnesota 16.1 ThereJs eszncwnI crr ct accssories- j 1893-Michigati 20; Minnesota 34.1 j1895-Michig'an 20 ; Minnesota 0. 196-Michiigan 6; Minnesota 4. 1t 1 ,7Mci n14; Minnsota0 A double bres ted single button vest 190-Michigan 63; Minnesota 6. 190-Michigan:1; Minnesota 6. fnse nw iepqewt orsadn I190-Michigan 16; Minnesota. iihdi ht iu 3wt orsadn I191-Michigan 7; Minnesota 3. nesufsit I1920-Michigan ; Minnesota 3. oneA st odwithieas j 192-Michigan 3; Minnesota 0.he Croa aycmo~ 192-Michigan 38; Minnesota .AsheoCodvnwteay ay mfr- j 1923-Michigam 10; Minnesota 0. A wide butterfly bow in heavy black silk-N o I1924-Michigan .13; Minnesota 0. j o I 95 ita 5 ~nst .1926-Mrichigan 20; Mnnesota 0. I ! --With a T&uxedo froam-al-a=sa INTRAMURAL NOTES abdyom In the inte'fraternity swimming I Uets hl erdyafenointeWIDUion ,poo l, Alpha Delta Phi defeated N 0mte o Phi Kppa iga, 23-18; Phi Delta LTi N it will find a Theta won fr'm Ahnha Kappa Lamb-! . I va: A, Tt WANTED-Situation for good violin- ist with six years experience. Dial 8747. 45-46 WANTED TO RENT-Small apart- mtent or room in private home with use of living room for one month. Box 131 Michigan Daily. tf WANTED STUDENTS to know that tta pays front $5 to $25 for old sit~s 1and4overcoats. 121 E. ANN DIAL 4306 tf NOTICE NOTICE-We do pipe repairing of all kinds. Bring in that broken pipe. > it's Drug Store, 340 S. State St. t 46-48 NOTICE - MICROSCOPES botight, sold, rented. Michigan Biological. SSupply Co., cor William and Second Sts. 9 blocks wvest of campus. SUITS AND OVERCOATS-Very reas- Sonable prices, tailored or ready- made. We have a wonderful ari- ety of patterns. Repairing also a specialty. Beautiful fabrics for your winter overcoat. WILD THE TAYLOR 109 E. Washington Phone 5069 44 eo d t NOTICE-Dancn every Friday night at Germanian Hall. Good music. Gents 75c, ladies 25c. 45-46 IFORD SALES AND SERVICE 1925 FORD ROADSTER, 5 pod cord tires. Motor A-1. Top) good. WAN TED i i i r 1925 FORD COUPE, 4 new tires, bumpers front and r~ear, tip- holstering and top like new. Motor A-i. :1924 FORD TOURING. This car has had good care and can be bought for 4$100. 1025 FORD TWO DOOR, 5 good balloon tires, upholstering good. Motor perfect. 44-45-46 NOTICE-New dance music with giant organ and orchestra. First time accomplished. Victor record. Schaelberle & Son Music House, 11.0 S. Main. tf. NOTICE-Student would like to go to Chicago and, back by auto this week-end, and is willing to share expenses. Call Lyle at 6157. 44-45 NOTICE-First. class repair work on all musical instruments. Schagberle" &Son Music House, 110 S. Main. tf To see best of 50 lines clothing drop card to 1103 E. Washington. Phone 6365 evezn1ngs. $22 to $30. tf NOTICE-Come in and hear Ted Lewis and his band play "New St. Louis Blues," "My Mamma's in Towii;" and "I Cant Get Over a IGirl Like You." Allmendinger 'Alsic Shop, 305 Maynard. 45-47 NOTICE-We have an expert whob can tune and repair any instrument.-- AllmnJne Music Shop, 305 May- nard. 3-45-47 A GENUINE VICTROLA-$17.50, three months to pay. University Music House. 43-45-47 READ THE WNT ADS N enjoy, ltig comfrt sensitive your skin, all-day comfort in