ESTABLISHED 1890 Y ita MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTF VOL. XXXVII. No 46 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1926 QUEEN MARI[ TO SAIL ood Maintains Fav Is Great Factor In F 3 By Prof. Arthur Evans Wood Tflihlfs nIfTIIII In tr n Department of Sociology orable Environment Prevention Of Crime, CHOOSE PERSONNEL OF' AMERICAN HISTORICAL AS T CAMPAIGN IUVf VIfIUALL T UVt Distressed by Illness ' of King .Ferdinand; Directs Immediate Return. CANCEL MANY VISITS lnformation Concerning New Itinerary Still Lacking; Prince Nicholas To Visit Detroit. (By Associated Press) LOUISVILLE, Ky., Nov. 18.-Queen Marie of Roumania virtually conclud- ed her American tour here tonight and made ready for a quick run to New York where she will sail for home on the first ship available. Distressed by private advices from Bucharest concerning the condition of King Ferdinand, she summoned mem- bers of her suite and American ad- visers today and directed that she be taken as soon as possible to the bed- side of her husband. Dispatches from Arrang'nments Are Cancelled For Queen Marie' Reception President Clarence Cook Littlel sent the fllowing telegram to1 the Roumanian legation in Wash-j ington: "Please express to her4 Majesty our sincere regret- for the change in her plans, and thej reasons which made this change necessary." All arrangements which were ( made for the Queen's reception in Ann Arbor have been cancel- led, according to official word received last night. ! abroad have described the king's ill- ness as inflammation of the lower in- testine and as cancer. Seine confusion attended efforts of train officials to outline a new itinerary for the royal party for the trip to New York and tonight definite information still was lacking. Tenta- tively the Queen and Princess Ileana will go direct to New York while Prince Nicholas pays brief visits to Detroit and Cleveland to see automo- bile plants and to greet Roumanian residents. Arrival and departure dates have not been established, al- though Marie is expected to sail No- vember 24 on the Berengeria. It was definitely announced, how- ever, that the plan to have the royal children see the Army and Navy foot- ball game in Chicago is cancelled, as is the proposed trip from Washington through Atlantic City, Lakewood, N. J., White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia and Richmond, Virginia. Although she had waited in vain for further advices from Bucharest, Queen Marie showed no traces of her anxiety today, as she followed Louisville's re- ception program. She visited the birthplace of Abraham Lincoln at i Hogensville and "My Old Kentucky Home" at Bardstown, but decided to omit a civic banquet and ball tonight. WASHINGTON, Nov. 18.-The Rou- manian legation announced tonight on behalf of Queen Marie that, due to anxiety over the health of King Fer- dinand, the Queen had deemed it proper to cancel the remainder of her American tour and proceed home at the' earliest possible moment. The legatin's announcement said: "Due to the anxiety regarding the health of His Majesty the King, Her Majesty the Queen thought it advis- able to renounce to her deepest regret her entire program. "Leaving Louisville tonight and pro- ceeding directly to New York, where she will probably arrive about Satur- day morning Her Majesty and her suite 'will sail for Europe the first Edit6r's note: This is the twelfth of a series of interviews with prominent authori- ties on the crime situation in the United States. Copyright 1926 by The Michigan Daily. The Daily has undertaken a large. order in its present review of the crime situation, and there appears to' be an interesting variety of opinion on the subject. It is, to be sure, a good deal like Mark Twain's weather, in that everybody is talking about it, but little is done. A fact in the problem which is both tragictand encouraging is that the mass of the criminal pop- ulation which now engages so much attention is made up of young men in Stheir early twenties. This is tragic because it reveals a great social waste ;it encourages because it wouldr seem that, if only we could discover how these boys "get that way," we should be able to direct their energies into other channels. Many theories have held sway as to why people are "bad." That they are possessed of the devil; that they are descendents of Adam; that they are 1 just born so; orsthat they are men- I tally diseased, are all more or less familiar hypotheses. It is not clear that these generalizations have en- larged very much our understanding of the problem. ' + The theory of mental disease is theI most scientific and illuminating of those we have mentioned; yet so com- petent an observer as Healey states in his most recent publication that feeble-mindedness, psychotic condi- tion and other forms of abnormal men- tality have no all-determining influ- ence in the production of delinquency, unless they are aggravated by a mor- ally unfavorable environment. The matter appears to be somewhat asi follows: Whatever be the good qual- ities of an individual, a good environ- ment is necessary for their full and normal development. On the other hand, innate, undesirable qualitiesI may be inhibited by a carefully ad- justed environment, at least to the ex- tent of preventing out and out crim- inal behavior. In any case, we can- not escape the importance of the so- cial environment in explaining the criminal. (Continued on Page 2) I Miliigin Committee to 'Aid for Entdowmnt of I$1 l{14-00 000. Drivej GRID-GRAPH T 0 SHOW, CLARK WILL ADDRESS GAME IN AUDTRU~OOAYFAENT Cancellation Of Visit Of Queen Marie Paves Way For Removal Of Board. From Yost Field House VARSITY BAND TO PLAY Due to the cancellation of the visit, of Queen Marie, of Roumania, Hill auditorium is once more available, and will be used tomorrow afternoon for the grid-graph of the Michigan- Minnesota football game. The board will not be operated at the Field house, as was announced yesterday. This change makes the former price rates once more possible, and they will be used. The tickets already sold marked "Yost Field House" will be honored at the doors as main-floor tickets. For the first time this year, the Var- sity band will appear at the grid- graph and will play before the game starts and between halves. According to present plans, the band will make the regular march in formation across the campus, but instead of marching south on State street, it will turn north on State, and then east on N. University. The management wishes -to apolo- gize for the absence of a cheerleader at the grid-graph of the Michigan- Ohio State game, and has made ar- rangements to have William A. War- rick, Varsity cheerleader, lead the crowd in songs and yells tomorrow. He will also make all announcements as are necessary and read the scores of other games. From all indications the crowd at the auditorium tomorrow will far out- number, any of the year. Tickets are on sale at Graham's, Slater's, Wahr's, Hueston's, the Union, Geo. Moe's sport shop, and Calkins-Fletcher's drug stores. The box-office of Hill audi- torium will also sell tickets from the time the doors open until the game starts. The prices are 50 cents for Rmain-floor seats, and 35 cents for bal- cony, seats. Doors will be opened at 2 o'clock to allow the crowd time to get seated before the game negins. Reports from the game will also be given at the matinee performance of the Majestic theater. Union Directors To Creator of Office of Dean of Students Will Attend Installation of Society Here Tonight. WILL INSPECTUNIVERSITY Thomas Arkle Clark, dean of stu- dents of the University of Illinois, will be the principal speaker at the Phi Eta Sigma, installation banquet at 6:30 tonight i'n the Union. Dr. Clark is one of the founders of the fra-; ternity which was established at the University of Illinois in 1923 and is said to be the creator of the office of? Dean of Students. Other speakers on the program will be Dean John R. Effinger of the lit- erary college, J. A. Bursley, dean of students, and Stewart S.Howe of Illinois, national president of the society. Honorary members of the faculty include beside those mention- ed, President Clarence Cook Little and Dean George W. Patterson of the en- gineering college. Dr. Clark will arrive in Ann Arbor this morning and will spend the day inspecting the University, previous to the installation to take place at 5 o'clock. Forty-six members of last year's freshmen class will be installed. President Little has recently express- ed great interest in the purpose for which the fraternity was founded and its organization on the campus. The fraternity was founded for the purpose of stimulating freshman scholarship. It is purely scholastic in character the members necessarily having an average of half A and half B during their first semester or entire freshman year. The banquet will follow the instal- lation ceremonies. Bwoth Preferences ! Must Be Stated On J-Hop Applications Due to the new plan adopted by the J-Hop committee this year whereby the price-of the ticket includes the fee for booth privileges, it is necessaryI FOUNDED 42 YEARS AGO Professor Brown Heads State Drive; Appeal for Fund to Continue National Services. Announcement of the personnel of of the Michigan committee of the American Historical Association En- dowment fund drive was made known i today by Prof. Everett S. Brown of the political science department, who is executive secretary and director ofI the state drive. The committee for Michigan in-- cludes President Emeritus Harry B. Hutchins, Regent William L. Clem- ents, donor of the library bearing his name, which is devoted to historical work; Regent Junius E. Beal; Prof. Arthur L. Cross, Prof. Ulrich B. Phillips and Prof. Claude H. Van Tyne of the history department. Other members of the committee include prominent historians, newspapermen, philanthropists and business men throughout the state. Society is 15 Years Old. On the one hundred and fiftieth an- niversary of the achievement of the independence of the United States, the American Historical Association is ap- pealing for a fund of one million dol- lars in order that it may continue ana enlarge its national services. Former Senator Albert J. Beveridge is chair- man of the national committee in charge of the drive. One of the recent activities of the American Historical Association is of particular interest to Michigan. The late Senator Samuel I. Ralston of Indiana sponsored a bill providing for the editing and publication of docu- ments in Washington embodying the action of the national government and officials with reference to the organi- zation of the Western territories. Congress passed the bill but neglect- ed to provide funds for the work. At its anual meeting last December in Ann Arbor, the association passed a resolution requesting Congress to make the necessary funds available. A first appropriation of $20,000 was. made and Dr. Newton D. Mereness has begun 'the work of publication underI the direction of the chief of the! Divisions of Publications in the State Department. These documents, when completely published, will tell the true story of the westward movement ofI the United States into the Old North- west and across the continent. Promotes Historical Study. Dedicated to the promotion of American history and of the history in America, the American Historical, Association has since its foundation forty-two, years ago proved a most ef- ficient agency in directing and co- ordinating h i s t o r i c a 1 interestsi throughout the United States. Among those who have served as president of the association are two presidents of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, and such promi- nent men as James B. Angell, former president of the University of Michi- gan, Henry Adams, George F. Hoar, Charles Francis Adams, Alfred T. Mahan, Andrew D. White, Georgej Bancroft and Goidwin Smith. s f i f' 3 fl .j , t , i } 'Ensian Heads Urge Seniors T o Have Photos Taken Soon With 1,200 seniors who have not yet visited the photographers for sittings and but 24 days left, danger that many graduating students will not have their pictures in the 1927 Michiganensian is seen, by 'Ensian officials. At the same time last year, although only !800 photographs remained to be taken, sev- eral students were left out due to the lateness of their sittings. Seniors are urged to see the photo- graphers right away, since, with the number left;, the studios will have to accommodate 50 .a day and it is fear- ed that by Dec. 1 there will be so many remaining that all will not be accommodated. The time cannot be extended after vacation due to the fact that pictures must be sorted and mounted before Jan. 15, the day on which photographs are to reach the engravers. Students could not be accommodated at any rate following vacation, since the studios will be working on the organ- ization photographs. Order slips should be purchased within the next ten days at the Mich- iganensian office in the Press build- ing between 2 and 5 o'clock in the .afternoon. Any senior buying an or- der slip after Dec. 1 must do so on the understandini that his picture may be withdrawn if the 'Ensian of- ficals find it necessary. BIBLE CITIES, COVERED BY RISE OF0[DEAD SEAI -ALBRIGHT City Of Zora Buried By Waters, Says Albright In Lecture On History Of Jordan Valley George W. Wickersham Former United States Attorney Gen- eral, who will speak tonight in the Natural Science auditorium on "The Present Probability of American Ad- herence to the World Court." OFFIIALSARESILENT- ON NCRGARVL Washington Administrative heads Make No Statements On Gun Running In Republic DIAZ MESSAGE STUDIED SPEAKS' TONIGHT ON WORLD COURT LXAVAI N I MPONSI LE WASHINTON, Nov. 18.-Adminis-' tration intentions as to Mexican gun- In searching for some of. the an- running operations .in Nicaragua re- cient sites mentioned in the Bible, , mained masked tonight by official sil- particularly that of Zora, they have ence. not been found generally because of President Diaz's assurance that any the peculiar fact that the Dead Sea means the Washington government I has been rising steadily for thousands might adopt to end hostilities in the1 of years, according to W. F. Albright, Central American country would have director of the American School of I his approval, was being closely, Oriental Research, speaking last night studied and there was no evidence in Natural Science auditorium on that new instructions had yet beenI "The Dawn of History in the Jordan sent to the American charge in Mana- i Valley." His lecture last night was gua, or Rear Admiral Julian L. Lati- , the concluding one of a series of three mer, commanding American naval 1 talks and a sequence to his afternoon control in Nicaragua and adjacent, lecture on "The 'Excavation of an waters. Israelite City." A hint that further efforts might1 Along with the burial of the an- be expected to bring peace in Nicara-, cient city of Zora by the waters of gua by diplomatic means, eliminating the Dead Sea were many mounds of 1 the Mexican angle of the problem,, the bronze age. "The early traditions was dropped at the State government. which have come to us allays have Despite the open invitation for force- a nucleus of truth," declared the j ful intervention to end invasion on the, speaker, in explaining his belief that part of the government of Mexico, im- I all of these sites really exist, although plied in President Diaz's communica- perhaps not accessable to excavation. tion, Secretary Kellogg was repre- Answering the question as to why sented as regarding that document as the Jordan valley was so densely pop a request for further American good ulated during the early bronze age, offices to end the revolution. Mr. Albright explained that the peo- Efforts to expand on this and ascer ple of necessity had to settle where, tain what might happen if new diplo- I they could irrigate their lands, and the matic overtures were no more success- river valleys were the only place ful than thjose in the immediate past where this could be done. Thus the to the same, end, were met with a re-' I Jordan valley is no different than the fusal to commit the Wshington gov- valleys of the Nile, Euphrates, Tig- ernment. Complete liberty to take I ris, and similar rivers of that region. any action warranted by developments Mr. Albright was brought to Ann in Nicaragua was reserved. Arbor under the joint auspices of the I A specific inquiry as to whether the University and the School of Re- American embargo on arms shipments ligion. to Nicaragua might be raised and the Diaz government afforded an oppor-' a lke Tatunity to equip itself from American sources, also drew a flat refusal to comment. In thatt connection, it was Chemistry Of Blood pointed out, however, that while the other Central American governments Dr. Donald Van Slyke lectured on promptly took similar action in con- the "Physical Chemistry of the Blood" cert with the American embargo, the yesterday afternoon in the Chemistry Mexican foreign minister had replied building. He brought out what was to official notification on the subject, going on in blood circulation every that he would take the embargo ques- minute of the day, the effects of var- tion under advisement. ious actions in the blood and the dis- The Managua legation transmitted tribution of the cells and serums. Dr. today the names of six cabinet officers 1 Van Slyke is the chief chemist at the appointed by Diaz. All are conserva- hospital of the Rockefeller institute. tives. A portfolio or two may The speaker was introduced by Dr. ( vacant, held for possible liberal rep-, Howard B. Lewis, professor of physi- resentation, but there was no definite ological chemistry, and was heard by word that Diaz had as yet made di- a large audience. Dr. Van Slyke is a rect peace proposals to the liberals graduate of the University of the class i or as to what their attitude would be. of 1905 and was recently elected to ! an' honorary membership in Phi I BUENOS AIRES.-The proposed Lambda Upsilon, national chemical South Polar expedition headed by' 1 fraternity. Senor Pauly, has been postponed. SHAW GLADLY TAKES NOBEL HONOR BUT DECLINES TO ACCEPT MONEY (By Associated Press) Sweden had nothing printed on it and LONDON, Nov. 18.-George Bernard apparently was used chiefly to wrap Shaw, the veteran British playwright, Australian apples, Shaw proposed that who was awarded the Nobel prize in'a fund be established to bring in im- literature for 1925, today notified the portant Swedish books and to support organs working for intellectual inter-+ Swedish academy that he was happy course between the two nations. WICKERSHAM TO SPEAK ONLIKELIHOOD ,OF U. Sr ENTRANCE INTO COURT ATTORNEY GENERAL UNDER TAFT WILL DISCUSS AMERICAN RESERVATIONS DEAN BATES TO PRESIDE Is Chairman Of The League Of Nations Committee Of Jurists Working On International Law Europe's view of the American World court reservations, and the present probability of the United States' entrance into that judiciary will be discussed by George W. Wick- ersham, formerly attorney general under President Taft, at 8 o'clock to- night in the Natural Science auditori- um. Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law school will preside at the meeting, which is being conducted by the League of Nations Non-Partisan as- sociation. Mr. Wickersham will explain the procedure of the conference of states signatories to the Permanent court of International Justice statute, which he attended while in Geneva last sum- mer. He is chairman of. the League of Nations committee of distinguished jurists working on the codification of international law. During his stay here, Mr. Wicker- sham will be the guest of the Lawyers' club, where he is to attend a luncheon of the law faculty this noon. He will be given a dinner at the Union tonight by a group of the faculty. Spoke Here Three Years Ago Mr. Wickersham spoke here three years ago, at which time he pro, nounced the Court "the crowing achievement of the League," due largely to the efforts' of Elihu Root. The latter was on the league commit- tee which drew up the court statute, as provided in Article XIV of the league covenant. Another American jurist, John Bassett Moore, is now a judge on the World court bench. In his address of 1923 Mr. Wicker- sham stated that "so long as any par- ticular nation regards itself as su- perior to all the rest of the world and is so mistrustful of itself that it is afraid to sit in conference with other nations and discuss their differences in public view, just so will all its pro- claimed desire for peace will seem, if it is not actually, hollow and insin- cere." In regard to the power of the court to stop wars, he said, "It may be con- ceded that an international court will not stop any war more than national courts stop crime; but every time an international question is settled by peaceful menas, the possibility of the dispute ripening into a cause of war is removed." is New York Attorney The speaker attended Lehigh uni versity for two years, and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania law school in 1880. He holds hon- orary degrees from Pennsylvania, Le- high, and Harvard universities, and from Hobart college. He has prac- ticed law in New York city since 1882. Mr. Wickersham was attorney gen- eral under President Taft from 1909 to 1913. Among other pub:ic offices which he has held, he was chairman of the Judiciary committee of the New York Constitutional convention in 1915, president of the Bar associa- tion of New York from 1914 to 1917, president of the American Prison as- sociation, and is a trustee of the Car- negie institution of Washington, the University of Pennsylvania, Barnard college, and the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York city. Ie is an officer of the French Legion of Honor. He is now a member of the firm of Cadwalder, Wickersham and Taft, of New York. Senior Students In School Of Education Plan For Memorial That each member of the class be assessed with dues amounting to -two dollars in order that the class might leave some memorial, was the decision reached by the members of the Senior class of the School of Education at their meeting in the auditorium of the University High school yesterday afternoon. In order to assure a response in payment of these dues by all the mem-- bers of the class, it was decided that those members who fail to respond be declared ineligible to hold any class offices or any position on any I of the various committees. The per- sonnel of some of the committees al- ready chosen was announced, among these was a committee which is to de- RADIO PERMIT IS GIVEN TO SIGNAL CORPS OF R.O. T. C. that every applicant place his booth !__ preference, whether fraternity or in- Final approval for the operation of dependent, upon the application before an amateur station by the Signal presenting it to the committee, it was Corps unit of the R. 0. T. C., was re-I half of next week." A C n t i stated by the committee yesterday. ceived from the Department of Cor- t Adjust Constitution'Many applications have been received 1 cerce yesterday. The license as- .1j- by the committee without any prefer- signed the call number, 8 AXZ, to the Book-Cadillac ' il 1 Details made necessary by the pass- ence'statement and it will be neces- new station. Two years is the length e- age of the amendments to the Union sary for those that have already hand- of time for which the permit has been Feature Grid-Graph constitution Wednesday night will be ed in applications without such pre- granted. attended to by the Union board of di- ( ference to register their preference The set-up for the station has al- Owing to the enthusiasnm shwn at dectors at their meeting next week. before next Tuesday. ready been built and is ready for the Wisconsin and Ohio State anes, The time and method of making re- There will 'be J-Hop committeemen operatidn. The apparatus is known a grid-sgraph -servi wita game, funds to life members of the Union at the main desk of the Union from 2 'as a "short wave set" and has i ;a grid-graph service will again be element of this fall's tuition will be to 5 o'clock today and Monday forHetatnnwhh sdsgdwih gvnin thme main ball room of, the, I hertz antenna which is designed withm Book-Cadillac hotel tomorrow. The settled, it has been announced, and the purpose of issuing new applica- a current feed system. Another fea- event Is held under the auspices of all necessary adjustments for placing tions and receiving preferences fromn ture of the mechanism is the trans- the Michigan club of Detmroit.e i- I the new amendments in the constitu- those who have already sent their Iformer input of 50-watts. hr PryorhogwaspresdetotI- tion will be made at this time. applications to the committee. IThe officials in charge believe that Oratorical association of the Univer- Iccommunication with amateur stations sity two years ago, assisted by Ted HISTORY SHOWS FIRST UNIVERSITY all over the country will be possible. English, is in charge of the arrange-'" It is expected that -time station will ments.h, is cag h rag-COMMENCEMEN TS HELD IN CHURCH join in the near future the U. S. Army Various features fill out the pro- amateur radio net, that is made up of gram in additio to time grid-graph it- I connection with the display of Palmer Williams presiding. The ex- All the constructione and connec- self. Last week, President Clarence documents commemorating the cen- ercises were saddened by the death Atios for the set were made by ad- Cook Little spoke to the audience douet ommrtn h e-Iof Prof. Whitinmg, but the attendance I in o h e eemaeb d which packed the l ill room, just teniial of the founding of the Presby- was larger tham it othmerwise w vanced students in the R. O. T. C. before the Ohio State game started. terian church in Ann Arbor, Prof. have been since many visitors came department. The assembling of the Two weeks ago Mayor John Smith of Orlando W. Stephenson, head of the for the purpose of having some part parts was done under the supervisioz of TAnf r,, hn.,rd T n o