', k'AtiF LICTT THE MICHIGAN DATI Y THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 1.,1921 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). I Volume VII THIURSD)AY, NOVEM~BER 18, 1926 Number 45 To [embers of the Faculties: A reception and tea in honor of Her Majesty the Queen of Rumania is to be held in the Assembly Room of the Michigan Union Saturday, No- vember 20, after the Convocation at Hill Auditorium, that is, at about four o'clock. Owing to limitations of space, admission to this reception must be by ticket only and the following method of distribution will be followed: Until 5:00 p. m. Thursday, November 18, tickets will'be given to pro- fessors emeritus and full professors only. Friday and Saturday morning, the remainder will be distributed to -members of the faculty generally, and of whatever rank, as long as any tickets remain. The tickets may be obtained by calling at the President's office. About 300 will be available. Only members of the faculty and their wives can be furnished tickets. Academic costume will be appropriate and is preferred but not neces- sary. C. C. Little. To Members of the Faculties: Academic costume will be appropriate at the events connected with the University's reception of the Queen of Roumania Saturday, November .20. For the convenience of the faculty arrangements have been made with Mr. George J. Moe, 711 North University Avenue, whereby members of the faculty may rent caps and gowns. F. E. Robbins. Tickets for Convocation in honor of the Queen of Roumania: Owing to the obvious, limitation of space, tickets for the Convocation in honor of the Queen of Roumania can be distributed only to members of the Faculties and their wives and to students, while they last. Tickets may be obtained by calling at the information desk in the Secretary's og- fice-only one to each person Admission will be by ticket only. F. E. Robbini. Unix ersity Lecture: Dr. I . D. Van.Slyke of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York City, will speak on "The Physical Chemistry of the Blood," on Thursday, November 18, at 4:15 P. M., in Room 165, Chemistry Building. This lecture is under the joint auspices of the University and the University of Michigan Section of the American Chemical Society. It should prove of unusual interest to chemists, biologists, and medical students. The pub- !ic is cordially invited. F. E. Robbins. University Lecture: Dr. W. F. Albright, Director of the American Schools of Oriental Re- 'search in Jerusalem, will lecture on Thursday, Nov. 18, at 4:15 p.m. on "The Excavation of an Israelite City" and again at 8:00 p. m. on "The Dawn of History in the Jordan Valley." These lectures which are under the auspices of the Department of Semitics and the Michigan School of Re- ligion, will be given in Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. Leroy Waterman. Wickersham Lecture: Mr. George W. Wickersham of the New York Bar, former Attorney- General of the United States, will speak on "Present Prospects of Ameri- can Adherence to the World Court" at 8 o'clock Friday night in Natural Science auditorium. Dean ienry M. Bates of the Law School will preside. The public is invited to attend. Edgar It. Alles, Secretary League of Nations Association. Public Lecture: Dr. J. E. Kirkpatrick, author of "American College and Its Rulers" will speak in Newberry Hall, Tuesday, Nov. 23, at 4:15 p.m., under the auspices of the Round Table Club. Howard Puckett. Ohio State Alumni: Dr. William Oxley Thompson will be the guest of the Ohio State Alumni Club for luncheon at the Michigan Union at 12:00 o'clock Saturday, Nov- ember 20, 1926. All Ohio State Alumni, former students, and former mem- bers of the Ohio State faculty are invited to attend. All those wishing to attend must notify the undersigned before 6 p.m. Friday. L. 31. Bricker. Zoology Journal Club: The Zoology Journal Club will meet Thursday, Nov. 18, in room 242 N. S. Bldg., at 7:30 p.m: Mr. Barth will review a paper on Oxidation and Reduction in Vivo; Mr. Murie one on Asymetry in the Skulls of Mam- mals, and Mrs. Langlois a paper on Chromosomes in Mammals. All inter- ested are cordially invited to attend. F. N. Blanchard. To The Senior Education Ciass: There will be a class-meeting at 4 p.m., Thursday, in the auditorium of University ligh School. Earl R. Lillie, President. Receives 1925 Nobel Award For Play Written in 1923; Didn't Write .'.'*'* A. Line Last Year f WILL BE GIVEN $35,000 LONDON, Nov. 17. - To George Bernard Shaw, dramatist who delights in using the surprise of paradox, has come one of the most paradoxical sur- K prises of the day. He has received the: 1925 Nobel prize for literature, ap-' proximating $35,000. And he wrote not a line in 1925! : r> It virtually was the only year his T pen was idle in 55 years. But in London literary circles it is assumed the prize was awarded for' "St. Joan," Shaw's play on Joan of Arc, written in 1923, and which in 1925 was being performed in many countries. Shew was 70 last July, having been born in Dublin in 1856, and for a gen- eration has been accepted as a drama- tist whose name alone insures a "draw." It is, therefore, little knownI -or has been forgotten-that ShawI worked to past middle age to get at hearing. Plays of his that are suc cessful now in New York and London were written 20 or 30 years ago.> Helped By Mother A Socialist, with an unbending point of view, he struggled in London for a score of years against odds that prob- ably would have downed a weaker" man. Some years ago he gave his mother credit for keeping him going in the British metropolis for nine years-when he was fresh from Ire-- land. George Bernard Shaw Then, to provide a living for him- self while he wrote, he became a dra- so large, he could afford to toss aside matic and music critic. And here he a million dollar movie offer with: "I met his first paradox. His reviews should not know what to do with the gained him more fame than the novels money." He has refused to sell any he tried to write-and, instead of a of his plays for pictures, it may te re- novelist, he became a dramatist. marked, believing their essence and These plays, which later were to wit would be lost. earn Shaw hundreds of thousands of And now-when the prize money dollars, found no market, even among means nothing much in a material the art theater groups friendly to this way-it comes as a reward for a half 'revolutionary writer. century's writing. So it must seem Those were difficult days for Shaw. to Shaw. But they only added fire to his Social-aw otn istic tracts. His plays became more SWhat will you do with the money gleefully sardonic. His jabs at public was asked. figures became sharper, more reveal- "None of the public's business, ing. was the response. But it is known that Gradual Success the man who probably has been the Success came gradually-after the chief critic of the British government man had passed 50. And after the 60O in modern times invests ai lairge part mark was passed, his income becameoh in government bonds. Which is only another Shaw parado. BERNARDSHAW WINS WRITIN6 PRIZE IN IDLE YEAR Football Scenes In Movie Coming Here Supervised By Yost Michigan students will have the op- portunity in the near future of seeing a motion picture in which the foot- ball scenes were personally directed by Coach Fielding H. Yost. Critics have stated that the football scenes in the picture have been made very realistic by the efforts of Coach Yost. In supervising the filming, Yost demanded that he be given an array of excellent football material with which to work. The players who enacted the vars- ous football scenes under the direction of Yost follow: Bomar, of Vanderbilt, an All-American end; Reynolds, of Georgetown, an All-American and All Southern star; Keefer, of Michigan and Brown; Carney, of Annapolis; Garvey, of Notre Dame; McBride, Voss, and Forgone, of Syracuse; Jim Williams, of Lafayette; Rollins, of Rutgers; Wells, of St. John; Col- burn, of Amherst; Flaherty, of George- town; Sheey, of New York University, and others of lesser reutation. In some of the plays a double is substituted for Richard Dix who plays the leading role in the picture, "The Quarterback." The substitute is Jackson Keefer. He is a Michigan man Nyho later starred at Brown uni. versity and was mentioned by the late Walter Camp in his All-American sel- ections. Some critics say Keefer would have bedome one of the greatest halfbacks of all time had he been abr'e to continue his work here. The pia ture will open a four day run at the Arcade Sunday. SANTIAGO, Chile.-To check Com- munism's advance in Chile, War Min- ister Carlos Ybanez, has recommend- ed the formation of anew cabinet. repairing See the New Model ICorona Rider's Pon Shop rentals' To All Organizations: In connection with 'the Michiganensian's plan of furnishing a copy to each ofganization, it is necessary that a list of .members having paid subscriptions in each be received by the Business Office on or before Nov- ember 26 in order to determinle if each organization has received the 30 points necessary for a free book. Subscriptions paid on the campus to be included also. J. A. Cunninghanj, Sales Manager. Presidents of organizations, campus societies, fraternities, or activi- ties, who have not received contracts for space in 1927 Michiganensian please call at the Press Building between two and five p.m. any day this week. Treasurers of organizations before writing cnecks must notify banks as to the validity of their signatures. C. B. Kramer,Mlchiganensian. Iota Sigma ?li There will be a short business meeting on Thursday, November 18, at 7:15, room 410, Chemistry Building. Members are requested to be prepared to pay their dues. 3.W. Johnston. Graduate Women's Club: There will be an informal party for members of the club held in the parlors of the Barbour gymnasium Friday evening beginning at 8 o'clock. Jane S. Ludgate. Quarterdecks There will be a- meeting of the Quarterdeck Society in the Union on Thursday evening, November 18, at 7:30 p.m. M. G. Forrest. Iota Alpha: There will be a business meeting of the Graduate Engineering Society, Iota Alpha, -,t 7:30'p.m. Thursday, November 18, in room 3201 of the East Engineering Building. J. H. Cissel, President. Comedy . C4bs There will be an important meeting of Comedy Club at 4 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 18, in room 203, University Hall. All those who wish to he considered as members will attend or present a written excuse to the secretary. Valentine L. Davies, President. Economics 197-Programs of Soecal.Tcononic Reform: Hour examination Friday,.Nov. 19. Assignment in Pasvolsky postponed. to Monday. Z. C. Dickinson. OPPORTUNITIES ARE OFFERED FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDY IN FRANCE I Faculty, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: The December meeting of the Literary Faculty afternoon, December 6, at 4:10 p.m. in Room 2225,. Order: Dean Day's report. will be held Monday Angell Hall. Special John R. Effinger. Members of the A dministrative Board, College of Literature, Sclences, and the Arts: There will be a meeting of the Administrative Board on Friday, Nov- ember 19th, at 4 o'clock, in Dean Effinger's office. W!. R. Humphreys. The meeting of my group of First Year Men scheduled for this Thursday evening will be held instead ontnext Monday evening. at 7:30. A. R. Morris, Mentor. All Students in Education: All students with advanced credit in Education and all candidates for the Teachers' Certificates not specifically following an especially out- lined curriculum or the regular high school series of Education courses, are asked to meet with the Committee on Elections and Certificates, School of Education, Monday, Nov. 22nd, 8:30 to 12:00 or 1:30 to 4:30, Room 105, Tappan Hall. This request concerns juniors, seniors, and graduate students, unless such individuals have already had their specific requirements officially approved by me personally. C. 0. Davis, Chairman. Psychology 33, 35, 37: For the midsemester examination on Friday, students will take alter- nate seats on the left hand side of the N. S. Auditorium as you face the speaker's desk. W. B. Pillsbury. Geology 31, Mid-Terns Examinations. Change of Room: The class will meet Friday at 11:00 in Science Auditorium, and stu- dents should take seats on the right side of the room as one faces the platform. A class in Psychology will occupy seats on the left side. W. H.Hobb's. Forestry 31: The midsemester examination will be held in the auditorium of New- berry Hall on Friday, Nov. 19. ; llilllllllIIIlll lillillllllllllHIIIIIIIII11111111|Ilitlllillt llllllllilllllllill l llilllit, Order Your I CHRISTMAS Greeting Cards We are showing Christmas Greeting Cards to be engraved or printed with your own name. You will find many exclusive designs with senti- ments which will conform exactly to your require- ments. Select your cards now, we will engrave them and hold them for you until December.: The Mayer- Schairer Company is widely known for their dis- tinctive greeting cards. able him to follow with profit the reg-j ular winter course as carried on in'' French. I 1= After this preparation the students uI go to Sorbonne. The courses available here for the undergraduates are Cours , de Civilisation Francaise, Ecole Libre des Sciences Politiques, Institut du 4 Pantheon, and'Facultes des Lettres. The Cours derCivilisation Francaise GUARANTEED FIT are organized for the special benefit of =GU R N E DFTer the foreign students. Their object is to offer a general view of French civ- ilization-art, literature, history, eco- aarge Assortment of amples. nomics, and social development, ac- cording to the catalogue from which' cTailored by the A. NASH CO. all this information is gathered. Students interested in this plant: should submit the necessary credenti- = Phone the Nash Man. als and a letter of recommendation from their faculty. All the applications 'A2' should be in the hands of the commit- - tee on foreign study by May 1. I EEi l eel~eerlw re a d I JUST READY- 1I927 The Undergraduates, who have had two years of high school and two years of college French or its equivalent and wbho comply with certain other specified requirements, will be permit- ted to enjoy the privilege of spending1 either their junior or senior years of study in France and receive university credit for the work, according to re- cent plans magde by. the department of romance languages. Arrangements of Delaware's committee on 'foreign study made this possible, according to the report.- This priviledge is not only extend- ed to students who intend to teach French but also to those preparing for some profession, - business or govern- ment service. Prof. Raymond W. Kirkbride of the University of Delaware has charge of the students abroad. The following are some of the re- quirements specified in the catalogue describing the course. The candidates should have a B average in the work they have taken in French; they must be recommended individually by the ,faculty as to their ability and fitness to represent their college abroad. This privilege is open to both men and women. The first four months (July to No- vember) abroad consist of preliminary drill in French in the "Cotirs de Vac- ances" at the University of Nancy and at the Alliance Francaise in Paris. This work, according to the catalogue, is designed to give the student a ready use of the language, and to en- Alichig an Calendar More Beautiful and Interesting Thian Ever. Limited Edition. 75c Each. UNIVER SITY BOOK STORE Ai ." ' ' .. 1 ANN ARBOR PERFORMANCE TICKET APPLICATIONS SWIFT'S DRUG' STORE - 340 South State St. -For- Dunhill Pipes Milano Pipes For "Front Page Stuff" Twenty-first Annual Union Opera Can be obtained NOW by members of the Union, at the main desk in the Lobby. In order to receive prefer- ence over the general public, members must return the applications by Wednesday, November 24. Performances at Whitney Theatre Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday evenings and Saturday 't Kaywoodie Pipes Wiliam- 1. Lewis, Jr., '29, who will play the part of "June," the leaning lady in "Front Page Stuff." i I I