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October 01, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-10-01

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Proper Balance Of Scholastic Work
Ad Outside Aeitiities Urged
Advising the first year student to
become acquainted with his instruc-
tors and to strike the proper balance
between scholastic work and extra-
cu'rricula activities, Joseph A. Bursley,
dean of students, addressed the Fresh-
man Traditions meeting held yester-
day afternoon in Hill auditorium.
Campus activity urged
Participation in one of the various
campus activities as long as the schol-
astic standing of the student is not af-
fected was set forth by the dean as a
desirable part of a college course. In
this connection, the speaker listed the
rules governing eligibility for activi-
ties other than athletis, which pro-
hibit the participation of freshmen in
activities during the first semester, but
allow the same during the second se-
mester providing one grade higher
than "C" and none lower have been
received in the previous work at the:
Establishment of an honorary schol-
astic fraternity for freshmen, Phi Ep-
silon Sigma, here this year was also
related by Dean Bursley. Election to
this organization, which will include
the eligible members of the class of
'29, will be granted to all freshmen
who attain a scholastic average of
two and five-tenths during their first
semester or during the whole year.
In five years at the University of 11-
linois, where the society was started,
the percentage of freshmen qualifying
for the honor more than doubled.
Particulars regarding the election
of the R. O. T. C. training course were
given by the speaker with the infor-
mation that freshmen may elect 16
hours if one hour is filled by the mili-
Cavainaigh speaks
Opening the afternoon's program
Thomas C. Cavanaugh, '27k, explained
the purpose of the meeting and urged.
the entering students to become ac-
quainted with the traditions and cus-
toms of the University. Chief among
these are the wearing of the pot and
the new regulations prohibiting fresh-1
men from driving automobiles, he said.-
The council president also explained
the function of the Union, the Student
Christian association, the Daily, and
the 'relation of each institution to the
Barry L. Samuels, field superintend-
ent of the intramural department, out-
lined the work of his organization as
the third speaker of the program. An
invitation was given to 41 freshmen
to porticipate in intramural activities.
(By Associated Press)
WASHIJNGTON, Sept. 30 --- Another
wave rippled today in the ocean of
campaign arguments ebbing and flow-
ing between Republican and Demo-
cratic spokesmen whose activities are
concentrated upon the November elec-
tions which will decide the control of
the 70th Congress.
After breakfast and luncheon en-
gagements with President Coolidge at
the White House, Senator William M.
Butler, Massachusetts, chairman of the
national committee, brought the tariff

to the fore with a prediction that some
of the Yordney-McCumber schedules
now in effect would be revised up-
ward at the coming short session of
congress, while Senator P. G. Gerry,
chairman of tlhe Democrat c senatorial
committee, in a statement from his
home state of Rhode Island, accused
Republican managers of "misrepre-}
senting the past and the present and
showing no abiilty to formulate a pro-
gram for the future."
(By Asspciated Press)
I-lONG KONG., Sept. 30.-Two thou-
sand Chinese fishermen are believed
to have perished n a typhoon which
ranged throughout Monday. More
than 100 junks which were engaged
in fishing in the Canton river estuary
and off the coast have not made port
and are believed to have been wrecked,


"Contrary to prevalent conceptions
on the campus, the additional $8 paid
by men students at registration this
fall does not go entirely to the Union,"
Lester F. Johnson, '27L, president of
that body, stated yesterday. "As pro-
vided by the Regents last spring, $4
is to go to the University health ser-
vice, and $4 to the Union.
"This makes a total of $10 paid by
by men students to the Union at the
time of registration; $6 was the
amount paid previous to this fall. This
total is taken care of in the following
way by the Regents' ruling: $5 is to
go into the maintenance fund of the
building, and $5 into the building fund,
both to be used as directed by the
board of governors.".
"Members of the incoming fresh-
man class,." Johnson explained fur-
ther, "will practically become life l


members of the Union upon gradua-
tion provided they stay here their four
college years. The complex situations
arising in the other classes on the
campus, as a result of the fact that
some of the students in those classes
have begun payments on their $50 life
memberships will be handled as e:-
pediently as possible.
"A committee appointed jointly by
the board of governors and the board
of directors to consider the situation
held several meetings in the past ten
days, and is ready to report to the
board of directors which will meet
tomorrow. It is probable that if this
report is accepted, an amendment to
the constitution will be considered by
all members of the Union at a general
meeting. Such an amendment would
remedy the situation arising in the
classes of '27, '28, and '29 as a result
of the recent increase in Union fees."




Willingness of the Ann Arbor police
force to assist University officials in
enforcing the new regulations restrict-
ing the use of automobiles by students
was expressed in an interview yester-
day by Chief of Police Thomas O'-
Brien. "We will cooperate with the
university authorities if they so de-
sire," he stated. As the situation
stands at present, city officers are not
concerned with the new ruling in any
Michigan driver's licenses must be
procured immediately by students
whose residences are outside the state,
declared N. E. Cook, traffic sergeantj
of the department. Under f new rul-
ing the secretary of state has issued'
an order permitting students froml
other states to drive their cars on
their original license platos until thea
first of the coming year, if a Michigan I1

title is secured immediately. How-
ever, when application is made for
1927 Michigan plates, unless an affi-
davit can be made to the effect that
the car has not been driven in Mich-
igan during 1926, the student must
pay for the half year, September to
January, in addition to the full 1927
rate. The old regulations required the
purchase of plates within ten days of
entering into residence.
Students are reminded by the traffic
department that parking is limited to
60 minutes in the business section in
the daytime. Leaving cars on the
street car tracks surrounding the cam-
pus and on lawn extensions is strictly
forbidden, as is also double parking.
Cutouts and exhaust whistles of any
kind are not allowed, nor may horns
resembling police, fire, or ambulance
sirens be used, under penalty of a
heavy fine.

Valuable experience and inter-
esting campus associations are
to be enjoyed on the editorial
staff of The Daily. Those inter-1
ested should see the News Edi-
tor at once.
The business staff of The1
Daily offers practical traniing
in the business management of
a daily publication. Anyone
wishing to tryout is requested
to report at the offices in the
Press building at 3 o'clock today
or Monday.
Students are not eligible for
work on publications in the first
semester of the freshman year.
Goodspeed To
Give Lecture
On Testament
As the first of the lectures which
are to be given under the auspices of
the School of Religion, Prof. Edgar
Johnson Goodspeed, formerly of the
divinity school of the University of
Chicago, and at present giving courses
here on theliterature, formation and
history of the new testament, will de-
liver a public lecture on "Why Trans-
late the New Testament?" at 4:15
Monday in Natural Science Audito-
Professor Goodspeed made a trans-
lation of the new testament within re-
cent years that excited wide popular
comment, and in his lecture he will
emphasize the work of making an in-
terpretation that will be understood
today. He will remain in the School
of Religion here only the first semes-
ter, and it is expected that his lecture
Monday will give prospective students
of his courses an opportunity to be-
come acquainted with his work.
Will Spend Month Visiting Western
Colleges And Universities
John R. Effinger, dean of the Col-
lege of Literature, Science and the
Arts, will leave tomorrow for a
month's tour of inspection of more
than 15 western colleges and univer-
sities which have applied for a place
on the accredited list of the Associa-
tion of American Universities.
The purpose of establishing this list
is to draw up a reliable record of
those institutions whose graduates
may be expected to earn degrees In
standard graduate schools of the
country within the minimum time set
for earning such degrees. Dean Ef-
finger will try to obtain information
concerning the institutions bearing on
their elegibility for such classfication.
He will report to the association's
committee on classification, which he
will represent.
Two weeks ago Dean Effinger made
a trip of inspection to Alma college
at Alma, Mich. His western trip will
take him into South Dakota, Nebras-
ka, Kansas, Utah, Oregon, California,
Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi and Illi-
Ranking Tennis
Star Becomes
(By Associated Press)
NNEW YORK, Sept. 30 - Vincent
Richards, Olympic champion, and
third ranking tennis player in the Uni-


President Moscicki's Acceptance
Resignations Comes As
Huge Surprise


(By Associated Press)
WARSAW, Poland, Sept. 30.-The
cabinet of Premier Bartel presented
its resignation tonight after a defeat
in the Diet, and, much to the surprise
of the general public, President Mos-
cicki accepted it.
The comment is made that Marshal
Pilsudski, who remains as the powers
behind the throne, certainly changed
his mind, and, instead of permitting
the president to dissolve the houses of
parliament, asked him to accept the
cabinet's resignation following upon
the decision of the Diet to reduce the
credit asked by the government to
carry on affairs for the last quarter
of 1926.
It is learned that the four ministers
of the Bartel cabinet representing
agriculture, commerce and industry,
land reforms and finance also advised
against dissolution of parliament and'
elections in January, stating that it
would interfere with the present work
of improving Poland's economic situ-
When the Diet met this afternoon,
the government's spokesman made it
plain that approval of the senate
amendment to the crtdit bill, or a vote
of non-confidence as regards the en-
tire cabinet or individual ministers,
would be followed by an immediate
presidential decree dissolving the
The Diet decided to "die with
honor" by accepting the senate reduc-
tion of credit, passing a motion of1
non-confidence in the cabinet. As a
consequence the cabinet tendered its
During today's sitting, the Diet rati-{
fied the guarantee treaty concluded
with Roumania in the spring.
30.-Total deaths from the tropical
hurricane which swept over the east
coast of Florida on Saturday, Sept.
18, were approximately 400 and there,
were 2,500 injured, 500 seriously, ac-f
cording to figures announced today
by Dr. William R. Redden, director
of Red Cross medical relief work.
Dr. Redden, in making public the"
figures, said that they represented as
,near an approximation as could be
made as no final figures could be
obtained at this time.

Subsequent Communique Implies Ac-
cord Of England, Italy On Inter-
national Situation
(By Associated Press)
LEGHORN, Italy, Sept. 30. - Sir
Austen Chamberlain, British foreign
secretary, and Premier Mussolini
clasped hands today aboard the Italian
yacht Giuliana and then for more
than an hour discussed private ques-
tions of international import.
At the conclusion of the conference,
they parted with another hearty hand-
clasp. An official communique issued
subsequently is taken as signifying
that Great Britain and Italy are in
perfect accord over the international
situation and on those problems of
Mediterranean basis, where mutual
and unconflicting interests exist.
Meeting a Secret
Sir Austen had arrived at Leghorn
last night on the yacht Dolphin. Pre-
mier Mussolini spent the night at a
small town near Leghorn and this
morning he proceeded with his group
to the yacht, cheered by great crowds
gathered on the waterfront. While it
was known that Mussolini and the
British foreign secretary were to en-
gage in an important conference, the
meeting place had been kept secret.
Early this morning, however, the
news leaked out that they would con-
fer on board a yacht off Leghorn, and
immediately hundreds of persons
swarmed to the waterfront, and Brit-
ish and Italian flags appeared in all
parts of the city.
As Sir Austen stepped aboard the
yacht Guiliana, he was met by Musso-
lini, the meeting being unusually cor-
dial. Lady Chamberlain then cane
aboard, Mussolini kissing her hand.
rhe visitors were guests of the pre-
nier at luncheon, after which the two
statesmen retired for their talk. When
they again appeared on deck, their
faces were beaming, and 'as they
parted they gave expression to the
hope that it would be possible for
them to meet again soon.
ROME, Sept. 30-Today's conference
between Premier Mussolini and Sir
Austen Chamberlin at Leghorn is
looked on here as counterbalancing
41,E i~nfin r h ' ti l"[ hPtw,-n Dr 1

Speaker Says Gravitation Belongs
Side of Inertia And Not On
Side Of Force




"Gravitation belongs on the side of
inertia and not on the side of force,"
declared Prof. Herman Weyl, noted
mathematician and physicist, in a lec-
ture yesterday afternoon at Natural
Science auditorium on the subject:
"Gravitation and Relativity."
Professor Weyl said that "we should
not bind ourselves too closely to the
relative theories of Einstein." On this
point the professor went into detail in
discussing the nature of body and
ratio. "The formula, "c" over "m"
equals zero is of the chargevand the
motion," saidthespeaker. Equations
and formulas taken from Einstein
were written on the blackboards to
further prove and explain points
brought up in the lecture.
Aside from Einstein's theories, Pro-
fessor Weyl discussed Fokker's and
Schrodenzer's conceptions of gravita-
tion and relativity, and in this con-
nection talked of the relation of elec-
tro-magnetic influences on their theor-
ies. The lecture was concluded with
explanations of the professor's theory,
which dealt more with semetry than
electro-magnetic influences. Professor
Weyl expressed the hope that such a
theory will be verified in the future.
Prof. J. W. Glover of the mathema-
tics department introduced the lec-
turer, and stated that Professor Weyl
is one of the outstanding authorities
in the field of relativity. The latter

(By Associated Press)
HANOVER, Ind., Sept. 30.--
Hanover college students struck
today because of a 'recently re-
vised edict that all women stu-
dents shall remain in their var-
ions residences after 6 o'clock
each evening.
The walkout of all students,
both men and women, followed
chapel service this morning. The
"strikers" were led by George
H. Prime, senior, who declared
the strike would continue until
the ruling was lifted.
The rule invoked by President
W. A. Millis, and Mrs. Millis, who
is Dean of. Women, is one which
they say was enacted by the
girls of the school 18 years ago.

the mlieeting iat '1Hoiry DJJweeu " "is at present a professor of higher
Stresemann, the German foreign sec- mathematics at the Federal Institute
retary, and M. Briand, the French for- of Technology at Zurich, Switzerland.
eign minister, after Germany was
ected msembaer ofGthermague s The lecturer, according to Professor
tL Glover, is the first to make a success-
Nations. Giornale D'Italia refers to ful attempt at the solution of the
the meeting as equalling in import- problem to interpret gravitation and
ance that between Dr. Stresemann and electricity together simply as mani-
I M. Briand. L'Impero, the extreme festations of world geometry.
Facisti organ, says the Leghorn event Professor Weyl was guest of honor
"means that Rome and London are at a dinner given at Huron Hills
two names which make people think Country club last night at which about
and hope." '40 members of the faculty attended.
L'Tribunal recalls that the Locarno After the dinner he gave a short talk
pact was guaranteed by Great Britain on methods of scientific investigation
and Italy and says that if the present in Switzerland.
Franco-German agreement should lead
to modification of the Treaty of Ver-
sailles, this should not come about Debaters Convene
without the sanction of Great Britain
and Italy, both being signatories to In First 1IIeting
the treaty of Versailles and the Lo-
l carno pact. Members of the intercollegiate de-
The meeting at Leghorn, this paper bate class met yesterday afternoon for
concludes, shows that the two coun- the first time for the purpose of or-
tries are in perfect accord on this ganization. The class this year will
point. L'Azoro Italia comments "Par- again be under the direction of Gail
is and Berlin need not be alarmed at B. Densmore, instructor of public
the conference at Leghorn because if speaking. Of the 18 men who were
the intentions of France and Germany 1 chosen for the class last spring only
are sincere, England and Italy both two have had varsity experience.
are desirous of equitable peace in Eu- Norman Bowers, '26, a member of the
rope and would be very glad to collab- team two years ago and James Her-
orate with France and Germany." ald, '27, a member of last year's team.

Freshmen To
Hear Little 1
At ReceptionI
Members of the class of '30 will be
given their first opportunity to become
acquainted with President Clarence
Cook Little at an all-freshman re-
ception Tuesday night at the Union,
it was announced yesterday by the
Union Underclass department. Presi-
dent Little will speak, and following
the meeting, each freshman will be
given the opportunity to meet him
personally. Benjamin Friedman, '27,
captain of the 1926 Varsity eleven,
will encourage the first year men to
further their interest in athletics in
a talk on "The Advantages of Athle-
tics as a Campus Activity." Lester
F. Johnson, '27L, president of the
Union, will be another speaker on the
program. His subject will be an-
nounced later.
Entertainment will be furnished to
round out the evening's program, and
refreshments are to be served.
To Act As Secretary To The Faculty,
Relieving Grismore
Paul A. Leidy, '24L, has been ap-
pointed professor of law and secretary
to the faculty of the Law school. Pro-
fessor Leidy received his A. B. degree
at this Univeirsity in 1909, and, the de-
gree of A. M. in 1911. In that year
he entered the Law school, but after a
few months left to go into business.
I He re-entered the Law school in 1922
and completed the course in 1924.
Since leaving the University, Profes-
sor Leidy has been actively engaged
in the practise of law in Toledo, Ohio.
By reason of his unusual business
experience he was able to make rapid
progress in his profession and today
is recognized as one of the ablest
younger members of the Toledo bar.
At Toledo Professor Leidy was ac-
tive in alumni affairs, and as president
of the Toledo Alumni association, he
took an important part in the alumni
While here, Professor Leidy will act
as secretary to the faculty, thus re-
lieving Prof. Grover C. Grismore, who
'has performed theaduties of thatdoffice
for several years, and who now desires
to devote himself exclusively to teach-
ing and legal scholarship.
Members of the Cosmopolitan club
will be addressed by President Clar-

Graduate Of University And Ann Ar-
bor Attorney Is Chosen To
Oppose Snow
(By Associated Press)
MUSKEGON, Sept. 30-In harmoni-
ous state convention here today, Mich-
igan Democrats nominated a complete
list of candidates for state offices and
adopted a platform which they hope
will bolster the campaign of their
slate to victory in November.
Best In years
Party leaders claimed it was the
best attended and most enthusiastic
convention in years. The outstanding
events of the gathering were the con-
sistent demands of speakers and or-
ganization officers for a "house clean-
ing at Lansing"; charges that "New-
berryism" has been resurrected in
Michigan by the Republicans; and the
adoption of a plank placing the Dem-
ocratic party on record as favoring
the abolition of the state property
The candidates. selected to bear the
party's standards in the November
elections were:
Catherine Doran of Detroit, for sec-
retary of state; Cornelius Gerber, of
Fremont, for state treasurer; John S.
Cross, of Three Rivers, for auditor
general; Alva M. Cummings, of Lan-
sing,'for attorney general; and George
J. Burke, of .Ann Arbor, for justice of
the supreme court.
By naming a candidate for auditor
general, the Democrats broke a prece-
dent of the last few campaigns. Claim-
ing that 0. B. Fuller, the Republican
incumbent, is the "only white spt in
the Republican administration," they
have endorsed him and declined to run
a candidate against him on several oc-
The only contest in the nominations
developed for secretary of state, and
it was short lived. The name of Rob-
ert E. Pointer, of West Branch, was
submitted to the convention in oppo-
sition to Miss Doran. Pointer, who
formerly lived in Dearborn, once was
a candidate for President on the Far-
mer Labor ticket. Mr. Pointer de-
cided to withdraw and he was induced
to stay in the race. The delegates de-
manded a roll call by districts, and it
was under way when Pointer finally
withdrew and proposed that Miss Do-
ran's nomination be made unanimous.
Resolutions Adopted
Resolutions adopted by the conven-
tion, in addition to advocating the
abolition of the state property tax, de-
manded an abolition of the state ad-
ministrative board; abolition of the
state police; revision of the primary
election laws to piovide for free pri-
mary conventions for all parties; a
strict limit on campaign expenditures;
penalties for bribery in the legisla-
ture; a separate conservation depart-
ment "free from politics"; prompt
payment of the state debt to the coun-
ties; a reduction of one-third in the
cost of state government; revision of
the workmen's conpensation law
abolition of the convict labor system;
and advocacy of the lakes-to-the-sea
Diversion was afforded the delegates
when Edward Frensdorf of Hudson,
former Democratic candidate for gov-
ernor, charged that the Groesbeck and
Green factions of the Republican
party broke because of a dispute over
the division of revenue from the De-
troit underworld. He charged John

S. Haggerty, Governor Groesbeck's
former ally, and Mayor John W. Smith
with political connivery in the interest
of Fred W. Green.
Frensdorf Talks
"The price of liquor ought to. come
down if a Republican administration
is elected," he said. "If the Demo-
cratic candidate is elected, lie should
start building an addition to the' state
prisons at once for a lot of Republi-
cans will be investigated."
W. A. Comstock, the Democratic
candidate for governor, delivered an
address in which he prayed for re-
moval of the "Republican autocracy,"
and asked an amendment to the elec-
tion laws to legalize free primary
All delegatiqns were seated without
contest. There was none of the sem-
blance of a crash that prevailed in
the Republican convention in Detroit
Fischer Honored
By Realty Men



Appropriation Of $900,000 By Legislature Makes
New Museum Possible; To Start Construction Soonj

By a special state legislative appro-
priation of $900,000 last spring, the
University is to have a new Museum[
building in the near future.
The new edifice will be located on
the piece of land which will be formed
by the extension of North University
avenue. The plot of ground will be
bounded by Washtenaw avenue, Geddes
avenue, and Forest avenue and will be
situated between the Health Service
and the new Medical building.
T'he slope of the land on the site
will allow for most of the basement tos
be lighted by windows. The size of
the plot will permit doubling of the
-__ ~i 1 .,i i.. 111;11 10

From the lobby will lead a broad
staircase and the entrances to the two
ihe north wing will contain exclu-
sively the working quarters of the va-
rious departments, zoology, anthropol-
ogy, and botany. The zoology depart-
ment' will have an entire floor; the
anthropology department and the bot-
any department will divide another
Iloor, while the fourth floor will con-
tain studios.
The west wing will have the head-
quarters of the geology department on
the first floor. The remainder of the
wing will be devoted to exhibits.

at right angles to the walls to form
alcoves, leaving an 18-foot aisle in the,
center. Thus, subjects can be group-
ed for more convenient observation.,
The daylight from the large win-
dows will be controlled by heavy cur-
tains. The main object in the light-
ing system will be to have the arti-
ficially lighted cases a little lighterI
on the inside than the alcove in which
they tsand thus aiding the observer to
see as clearly as possible.
Since the building will be situated
close to the Medical building it wast


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