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November 18, 1926 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1926-11-18

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N ')Vl-dlBE Is, 11926


. ,N3EI3iL 8,196 AE v.E

d23 ~meSauray 0N



xtaWilton A. Simpson Minnesota, 'orthiwe Aerii has a
Construction of 4,000 Extra Sea.s if Michigan wins the Big Ten Con- great teami this year, and p~ress
rdered I Preparation For ference football championship St tur- muen haven't been responsible for
Wolvrerine Invasion ' day by the grace of God and in spi t (> making it so. Coachli rltistlewvaite
" ::::;.:;::,:: of Minnesota, the old dispute will has a batckfieldi in Levisont, Gustaf-
" arise-who can lay the best claim to son, Bakter, and Lewis that is hard
PRPAEPASDEENE !"the title? Northwestern is pouring!;10 duiplicaite and has developed a
BY OBET 7 MELER .~ gasoline all over Chicago in prepars- p1owerful eleven4 as the scores of
Miniestal~aly pots ~tion for another championship cele-I the Northwestern games indicate..
bration, and is ready to lig"ht thne Northwestern has defeated all the
MI NN\PA POLIS, Nov. 17.---Miznue- '- !* torch when the wires bear te tale 'wceak teams in the Coniference, but
sot i~uniria stdiu wil b atthethat Iowa was seen on the sideline~s is (capale of conquering stronger
endc of the homecoming trail which; cheering Northwestern on foes.
60,000 Gophe pioneers will purs ''** :s__
Saudy t e r Caec ... There are a few hopeful fang; The whole Conference schedule is
Spears'" Thdeing H erd s's t ruggl z e I. f.. '°who think that Iowa mbit rise to j topsy turvy this year and the team
wit FiitingH.Yos'sWolenne, the occasion and send the Will- ta oe u ntpdsre h
ir. the clash which willi dec°ide whetker thacatsxrhome:"withcothsirt tnils desevesith
or not Michigan will b.e eligib leto "e,:u'c art;ercod title. The double header innovation
tie Northwestern for the BArg .en *....,pail ' wta Iw ilhv I in Big Ten football seems to be the
title, og fenogtigot i cause of most of the confusion. Coach
Every sa inth stadium was ac- the way of Gustafson and Baker. ; Yost was playing the part of the good
counted for by ticketholdiers at noon - sportsman when he tackled Minnesota
yesterday, but .Dr. Cook, mnanager o;'P nnz riedmnan I twice this season. Every one was
ticket sales, has ordered construction !~.:a. il ,, ea ft Michigani wins, does Northwest-i
fap 2^1 9,nd i aware of Minnesota's strength, but yet
b~lin is gleatmhv aqa camt tette Yost was willing to play the Gopher's
ofn in 40 0 etrak sa ts.d othe satadeimol t e MihCan tam l ys hs aL Northwestern will have played fiveII
runningd takad sesats omrrwvii ! gail ceof. collg football Satutray jConference games at the end f t-twice because Coach Spars was wth-
Morethan56000seas hd ben is- TiiMestah 'eam tiout a fourth ;game. For some reason
boe plae n G0satmorrowbmonin gant h iwriMinsoatemseason, defeating Purdue, Chicaigo, Northwestern was not willing to play
at, Minneapolis. remn bcm Iowa, and Indiana twice. The WoI
posed of' yesterday, and thousands ofVn Yown to focball followers in the Minnesota or Michigan, and conse-
prospective ticket purchasers were I hgn~ieningm f12. vernes have p~layed one of the hard-,
sent away from the ticket ofgace empty -. -est schedules ever arranged for a qetytehm n oegm
senMichigan teamckt oficmeetin =gcMa ' )t I eies with Michigan. was the only
handed.IMihgntamtig Mneoa; b ,
Winlter's advance leg ion swe pt it They will be givren a chance on the Itwlice, W isconsin, Illinois, and Ohio ;solution for the tangle. Northwestern
icy way overl Northrup field last night offensive tonight. Dr. Spears' first State in the Conference, neea danaextraigae. n hoet
but It did not deter Dr. Spears' plan eleven was the same as the one whict All of the teams on the Michigan plyInin tie
to bolster Minnesota's - defense for ,has started most of the games this schedule are ranked as first class Teei ocnpt-o ewe
Michigan's 4erial attack which YostI season. Captain, Wheeler and Hay- teams, while those on the Northwest- the ieds oflulro ew
is xpctd o en aaistth Gph craft were at. the end positions. Hyde ern card are the weakest teams in the',Noprthwestern, but in dcligscussingt
ers-: Saturday. While fringes o ~ ice and G-arry returned to the tackles. Big Tpen. Of all the teams the Wildi-' nd usn
mad teirapearnc onth waerIlanson and.c Strand remained at the cats have played, Purdue is the only t he quest ion of who has the better
bukt nthe sidelines,, the Gopher I guards, with McKinnon at center. team that has won a game againtothsttl incjseofa ie
varsity squad kept its blood temperer a- mquist held down the quarterback Conference competition. The Boiler- thourltibecosredhoftetem.
tuehg tepigt ra ptepost, with Barnhart and Peplaw at the nmakers defeated Chicago, a team soudecnierd
proxy Michigan offense sent against halves and Joestling at fullback. which hasn't earned its letters thisI
them by the freshmen tine after time. Dr. Spears is not satisfied with the year, according to Coach Stagg. CHICAGO.- When the Army-Navy'
The yearlings completed forward way the Gophers lbreak uip a forward !annual football game was assigned to
passes, and other times they Wvould as tak uhste oveie Although Northwestern has Chicago a fat melon was tossed into
have completed them if their half probably will send against Minnesota picked ai"ie"shdle hy th'asoftetcktsapesh
frozen fingers had been able to hold , Saturday. The freshmen were par- ought to be givenu an eqtual share IN,,,ill reap a rich harvest from this nta-
on. to the ball. ticularly effective yesterday in the use to the title, if ilichigan defeats tional event.
It was a strictly defensive practice of Coach Yost's deadly pass plays.
session' for the varsity. Not once dur- eetosaecle
ing the entire scrimmage were the l VIENNA.-New eetosaecle
regulars allowed to carry the ball.I for Dec. 7 to 1-4.. .

'BASKETBALL ENTRIES t 2 f t GI'AIE-Latc~~ w(ella.nn i;1
InT I you are a tephone suibscib~er call .Jimnie beit of used portable. For free (li -
OENATGYIN [JM : h Ad-Tziker, 1Dial 21214, nd your wanit ad on :ratnon phoneI 3489. 19e.o.dhtf
OPEN 1! isNP an Daily reser-cs thieright to
Managers of prospective teams in COP7y.letrchis Wllelataa-
the interclass basketball tournamnent Th is ccolum~n closes at 3 P. AL date pr.:ced- ice CalRbrsDl418
u1 ul to.Notice of any er-~or moust be ; alRbrsDa 48
are requested by the intraur'aloffrt( ien itine foi- the second insertion. 45-46-47
to post their entries on the bulletin' eIt CASH 1RATit1
board in Waterman aTen ens11er readorng linle (on the basis of IT. OF. M. HAND PAINTED U KES '-
as possible.sim a6f e a c: age words to the line) for one or two ~ UivriyMscHue
soon Nine cents per reading line for three or snore 444
The number of teams entering the ; 43-t45-47
tournament from a single class is un-- j Casr classifieds received at the Daily office
restricted and it is hoped that therei in Tihe Press Building on iMaynard Street. FOR SALE.-$65.00 Tuxedo with vest.
wilbesvra epeetig eah si~eJ CONTRACT RATES Size 36. Will sell for $25.00. Phone
class in the various colleges. Althoug h ;tion. ae ie napia 7914. 43_44_45
the regular schedule will not begin -
until after the holidays, practice ses-.! LOST; FOR SALE-Wonderful opportunity to
sions will begin about Dec. 1. purchase a Life Membership in a
These practice periods will be held LOS'T-Thiy dollars in bills in or' golf and country club. Dial 21035.
in the evenings, beginning at 7 o'clock, uia<r Law Schiool, about Monday Bargain. 43-45-47
and lasting for 45 minutes. As soon i te r nc-1oi. Call 5865. Substantial-
as the entries are received by the in- reward. 45TE
tramural office each team will be as--
signed to a definte practice area in the; LOST-Ladies' wrist watch, Nov. 6. 'VNF)S it a :0t
gymnasium.. Call Greiliiig, 8974. Liberal reward. 1:3 singhswel.(lla
Independent teams, wishing to eniter;'4 Barbecue Innr. 45-46
the independent tournament, shlbuldi
communicate with the intramural! LOST--On~e anyx earr ing; set in silver.
office at once. Lost the (lay of Wisconsin game. WANTED-Situation for good violn
In the all-campus tennis doubles' Call 5718. is4ih4i-easepei4e.Da
tournament Moss and Bacon defeated87.
Nagel and Hicks for the campu)s LOUT-Loer~ half of large Rider ATDSieofros b w
championship in three hard sets, ; ie Futi ea idr lae jlls' ructoars, preferably easit or uihi
7-5, 6-4.' call Winfield Line, 5529. l 4f aps.WieBo 3,5~h-
The singles title will be determiyedIsle fobl o at gala Daily, 451c6-47
this week if weather conditions ar e LOS'T'-Sinall ivrfobl nEs
favorable. In the upper bracket 1Hulron, October twenty-second. Re- i WANTP ED w icesfo ineoa
Brody advanced to the final roundl I ward. Call 'University Ilospital, ])r. Mc
by winning from Farbmran, 5-, -26-, Yor.43-44-45 . angm.ClRoe1rt
while Graham and Heany will , meet I--
in the semi-final round in the lower; FOR IRENTI WANTED--Two tickets to Minnesota,
bracket to decide Brody's opponent ! _____________________ game. Call Riggs, 775. ,4
in the determining sets. I
Tryouts for Sigma Delta Psi, na-FR RNTOe 4ro;t#e WA NTED---By nationally known Corn-
tina onrry ahlti raeniy room; two 2 room unfuzrnished Daily. Five students for spare tune(
owilll be nrr continued beginniatling; next Fri-faeriy I apartmenits. Very desirable. Mod- work. Will pay 5c per hour and
day, according to the intramural office, crate rental. Phone 8805 or 21467. extra conmnissions to those who canl
Ask for Mr. Moran. 43-44-4c--46 { qualify. We want hustlers. Give
rep airs FOR RENT--Suite with fire place; pihiganumber. Addrss 44x-4
also single rooms; students or MihgnIaly.3.4.r
Riears Pen S op I others; rent reasonable. 1308 Ged-I WANTED) TO BUY--FewV good "dsAe394-124-445 Sx.UnvriyM icH usedec
Portable__Typewriters_ WANTED TO RENT-Small apart-
The strongest, lightest portable + FOR SALE-Tuxedo, size 38. Phone i ment or room in private homne with
44454 use of living room for one month.
_____rental_______________ Box 131 Michigan Daily. tf
FOR13 SALE-Two good tickets for. WANTED STUDNSt nwta
i READ THE WANT ADS S lic Minn. gam. Dil 02 ate Sam pays frotm $5 to $2a for old
4V45 suits and overcoats.
11V, 'ATT nA 1




We are now featuring the famous
Scotch Four-Ply Twist
_in all shades.-
r -at
- $80 and $85
cSuits of these imported woolens are cut and
2 made in our, own tailor shops in Ann Arbor.
. C. artILh Custom Tailor
= 619 East William St.
.t~1:i1 11 1111 1K111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111f111 Ih 111111I1111111fi i

3360 Desert Eyes With Vocal Chorus c l
f Kiss Your Little Baby Goodnight
Jules Herb ureaux Palmer House Victorians
S3356 A LKittle Music in the Moonlight
I'd Love to Call You My Sweetheart
Park Lane Orchestra,
~33 36 Half a Moon
= Who Wouldn't'
Ray Perkins-Tenor w'ith Piano
'3339 Lay Me Down to Sleep in Carolina,
Scatter Your Smiles
Vincent Lopez and His Casa Lopez Orchestra
w~ith Vocial Chorus --
- ~..*..i u''I~mu=
- -
-r _
616 East Liberty St.
Sii1111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111 11a

The College Men Set the S'tyles
for tit eyollng el.
We have I hem h Iere9 sty led right, iim.I ii y
true, and at prices th at are popuh~lar'.
We Feature L-System

I tf


Lewis and h;
Louis Blues,"
Town;" and
Girl Like

ein and hear Ted
[ band play "New St.
""My Mamma's inl
"I Can't Get Over a
You." Allmendinger


Sults and Over( oats because of I
their dependa bil ity. The lools last.
"U11111111t111111111 1111111111 111111~lII11 1111111111111111II IIII~U I19
- -I
I NewOSui Ir
r I
- s
I a a
The len rln
Is a feature of this store's service extended for
the convenience of men who prefer to budget
-their clothing purchases-the ,same as they do=r
j = their automobile, radio and other budget accounts.
-Small amounts paid regularly weekly instead of theV
'full purchase price at one time.-
- *I
s - _
- -I
t Society Brand and
I Other* Good Makes
- An initial payment of $10 will open a Ten ]Pay charge
- account. Pay the balance weekly for ten weeks.

NOTICE-Will share expenses with
student going with car to Grand
Rapids this week-end. Call Arcy at
337 Thompson or Phone 6292. 45
NOTICE-Dance every Friday night
at Germanian Hall. Good music.
Gents 75c, ladies 25c. 45-46
NOTICE-We have an expert who can
tune and repair any instrument.--
Allmendinger Music Shop, 305 May-
nard. 3-45-47
1925 FORD ROADSTER., 5 good
cord tires. Motor A-1. rTop
1925 FORD CdUPE, 4 new tires,
bumpers front and rear, up-
holstering and top like
1924 FORD A-UI. This car
has had good, care and can
be bughtfor $100.I
105FORD TWO DOOR, 5 good
balloon tires, upholsteringI
good. Motor perfect.
NOTICE-New dance music with
giant organ and orchestra. First
time accomplished. Victor record.
Schaelberle & Son Music House, 110
S. Main. tf.
NOTICE~- Student would like to go
to Chicago and back by auto this
week-end, and is willing to share
expenses. Call Lyle at 6157. 44-45
A GENUINE VICTROLA-$17.50, three
months to pay. University Music
House. 43-45-47
NOTICE-First- class repair work on
all musical instruments. Schaeberle
& Son Music House, 110 S. Main. tf
To see best of 50 lines clothing. drop
card to 1103 E. Washington. Phone
6365 evenings. $22 to $30. tf

. ".. .... 4\ .. _=U__ _ _ _ _ _ _ d_ _ _ _n~dla


Young Men


Corning Here


The New ravel

for their clothes.

They know we have

Copyright 1426 fHart Sclaaffuer & Marx
This Is the Overcoat Style
More length, straight lines, wide shoulders and

young men's styles-at young men's
prices. They'- know that this store is
first in fashion, first in merit an dfirst in
value. We represent all that's distinct-
ive and exclusive in men's clothing.
We invite you to see our display
of Suits and Overcoats in Kuppenheimer
and Belmont Makes.

Promenade and
Upper Mafin Deck
For TOUST III Cabin Passengers
Special Sailings
ROUND $177.
May i& June 8. July 3.
Cabin rates on application



Cur sums

N4ER & MARX tailoring.
$33.50 to' $45.00
3ib Hart Schaffner & Marx give you all


that you






. '


1i - - I


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