NOYEMT3EtI. 18, inG2 i-THE MICHIGAN DAILY ?A7GE FIVE . " 4+a aar a aavr a+va as a.r. :. I I'RILS C ET~ ussian Woman Sees' [ MAECOTRBUEf PLEDGE NO(Perpetuate Memory GIVE OPPORTUNITY FOR lRelig INECASCN ountrys Wat In AUNECNRBIl Of L eader Through BASKETBALL PRACTICE i'To B We lhLife membership in the mTakgvn IL6' iea eo re L D E Ie' egebidn snw oren- S hoarhpawad tio Th ng toCrrstmai @ E TG O EG E to all University women. The olarshipafter the culmination ofth Undert -NL-N-ET+/[ iea R s uc sPE GE O LA U price of such a membership is Mmr f - hockey tournament, there will be open thy Wl IVA.A.Vais ~iiia loiw lx- . I lmne rup ad nivdul $50 which is to e paid wti eoyo Charlotte Alice Blagdon, rhoirs i h gymnasium forhoss .W.C IV. A A. IfansAnnua hocey ]Lnone yearnaeaftersangraduation. Such yeara'25,grpresidentuc o'2,thesiWomen'ste league eato t practice babasketball. e wilThereiswillo quetC On Tueday, Nov. 30,TO Closea friends of the League are endeavoring Imebrhp ensaemnnt digteyar12-5hsbene- coaching in basket shooting, passing i ait y of J AI (i e~u ofrte h rgnzto i t f~ connection with a permanentj petuated on the Michigan campus by and general handling of the ball with( today in ""ors hcharirctdprmilto Michigan institution. The under- means of a scholarship raised last MisRt(ig espeen :I~ fJ n 5I j ward the proposed Women's League graduate drive this week is the J year through the efforts of Dorothy Hours for this practise will be fromi desires o1 building. Recently two pledges have ls ieta pecasoe ln,'6 n rsne atsrn 4 to 6 o'clock Monday, Wednesday and signingc Fini' I giuses of th einer-cla ss hoc- a reached the office of the alumnae will be solicited: Pledge NOW. to Margaret Nichols, '27. Friday. Houses are requested to sign indicate t Ye o la ~ VM p ff .'. . council amounting to $3500. The $3000 [hrot lgo a eaddb their preference on the bulletin board ucation. IA ' texje wil :.'m:s,.:i pledge comes from Jackson alumnae- many as one of the ablest student inttourgm nasuhe nexnspot the jr)' i:v *,>,,. il n ,ot 0,and already $1050 has been paid on it. R lheaders onthis caputourncivd a mentonsthebaktwl oe mn'ssot3 ___ o iwi h tI& h .n*ta c.IiQy In durin her three and a half years at gatg~enb he W A, will take"'** peed by the alumnae group of Ak- $5,000 For Fund the University many honors and made and it is the custom of the houses 3 k pann to enter the tournament to pV'(. srtli Vaiiiandi (lass awa.~rd 1 " " :ron,":Ohio. innumerable fir-sas was shown w egvt hshteot i hyMrs. W. A. Foote, of Jackson, Michi- drn h rei practice in preparation for it.1 P CbCI oeiio11tiY' . gan, has pledged $2500 to the fund. irva oFaiigAh have be~-'a 1' lin h ~ , eas l"?..:,t.;; :ly.. ..*.~~- Ms ot snta lun fte Although much enthusiasm and in-I scholarships hortly'after her 'death Mlias e ~ /~/~ ~ . nrsFoity notand hraifucmessa ofte ethsbe ipae yte in July, 1925. The fund which is Poster Contest For ! a 0 b-sic~ at'r 5 tj; (. ;gap ~ .;r ;j Uivrit adhe gf a s sa wo e y'he known asthe Charlotte Alice Blagdon _ 1a -,ri e ~i.« t al1 oeiof the .s'.:::. result of her interestasn outsider dergraduatewoe in the drive fr, scholarship fund, amounts to $400 Ball Ends 71omorroxvT Ivol~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bohy l'-r ni~cmu ~ .** the welfare of the women students the Women's league buidingreot adialan wredajirby___ 'vd o i (lir n_'ii.'1)1 i.,ae ith jhr.Ms.Foes rmnn yesterday show only a total of a little whom it must be returned two years PsesfrtePnelncbl :..;:%woman in Jackson and is known for 'more than $5000 pledges thus far to- after graduation without interest,utb undi y4ocokt- rt ''a l1 to tl oea u c ofIthe player. In-. her liberality to charitable institutions ms bIwardi y 'cok o t u mrl hoec kd touIn a icut iesu'. ts oftawct.Shasthroorodh the goal of $20,000. The recipient of the scholarship is morrow at the Women's leageofe a wll ;.ha be ilQ anounce'd at this ban-ot Mmra osia hiheit The executive committee now sends chosen by a committee composed of in Barbour gmaim ay0 cj~act arr. the wining Ioues will re- asa o h out a plea that all organized houses the president and the vice-president Johnson and a eoilt e ubn h Myron Chapin of the, i memorialcn her husbandcp wichha make a definite attempt to bring their of the Women's league and one of the architectural school willjug th CI hecnclil'il)(I 1ii died a few years ago.fug th bcarn I !' po,-as iort ofi,1>15Y BarIbuir A nivda peg hsasobe quota up to an absolute 100 per cent. committee of advisors of women. The daig n twl easlfey (u u forati 1,savewo cai ol o-1~e neiv eevdfo rs.ViltShd, No sorority house has as yet reported indivdual is selected with regard to necessary to have them in by httm t las 1r ns hae benihotl co- 8, o UrbnaIII Mrs Scmid is50 per cent of their members pledged. the qualities that are thought to have in order to have them in the con- totA hsyer h ino o ing Bcuesh eivsIhtRsi considered one of the Outstanding This is no doubt due in part to the been the outstanding qualities in the test. e.l nahead so Il'.rI thfinal igame, scin- needs experts to set free her mineral Mcia oe ntecuty n atta lhuhmn ftewm ma nwoenm h udi us 3.1 jrnors. isnLt' game in which wealth, Helepi Antonova is the only fMhig n oeenwsine icnrandfactnhat although anofe thme rn-,,womedannelwho snaeteundliygsiOtherplsforThe bllero- mlot o1f the iiulcirest will e centeired woman in the school of mines in the I wieI cleewsicieincmun numerous cases nopamnhsadsucs in campus atvt n anfpaymentFhasmand successMactivityiandscheme in shades of russet and brown as it *;ll decide w~hether tne Senior University of Washington. So apt is waffas.fomeanyears ivMrs.hit been made on these pledges. If no scholarship. giving the autumn nte is being work- teanr wil be c ipletelyelwasudean hof nwomeng at mthealUniversity Ipayment is made, the pledge can not Charlotte Blagdon was elected to ed out. or whethr they will again ireet the that a brilliant future is predictedviepsdntoth Nrtatco be counted in averaging the standing Phi Beta Kappa at the close of her Atatv aoshv enodr jlil 1 ureliigtCiihcfrher when she returns to Russia. ofth of the house. junior year at the University. She dadwlbeisrutdssons clinpitnship. ____________Ito of University Women. She was An woman who has not as yet been was a member of Mortar Board, and te arrive to those purchasing tic- lse nifin al g'nvee~ vere tlaycd off inAyte ycINl feronU lC ne-orN 0 T T C E S i also a member of the National board approached for membership in the Kappa Delta and one of the founders kets. ye~trriy «terocinIn inentor-hur vi 1 of directors of this organization, league building is asked to report at and first president of Portia Literary P cekey to'nana nti in 'which the' Mrs. Schmidt was also one of the the Women's league office, on the society._______re a s ai uesd ay/n t t'I Tnurclay 1*o'loc There will be a joint meeting of the (first women to serve on the Committee second floor of Barbour gymnasium,rea s tsa teaIn ca,ti necklby Marie ]Bart- stunt committee and the general cor- of Recognition of Colleges in A. A. U. where she will be able to make her Utah's youngest member of the Bar Rd rsPnS o wig woit frfon the Cdoday and Wed- mttee of the sophomore circus at 7 W. and much of the work that has pledge, is Miss Camile Stohl, 21. Rd rsPnS o nevrday 10 'clok teani by 'a coO f oclock tonight at the Kappa Alpha been done to establish collegiate stan-" -0. rThe other i} gane -wliie.i was to Teahue el o ]e iIhayedtl 4 thistltime Ws5 deaulted Thlere will be a mass meeting of due to the initial work that she star-is1 wich lea«ves, the final gst nit to be in' y- ,junior women at 4 o'clock tomorrow in ed. Mrs. Schmidt is a member o Thanksgiving Portable Typewriters cd of within the no 't week beteen the parlors of Barbour gymnasium. Gamma Phi Beta. 1 and The strongest, lightest portable 1 the 'Iue elnv an elThr:a ty 11 o'clock rticles for the League bazaar must -__________an_____ temadteMna Ul\Vdisa ei y1 'lc audyno.IAthletic training for women has Christmas rentals o eo'ck tc a n. IBernice Staebler will be in the play- been started at Michigan State Col- 1 () he to ehE reecent rain, the hocksyiroom of Helen Newberry residence lg. hstann sa ioosa ad n it field was tery rl which slowed fo 10 to 12 o'clock to receive them. logt eqTis rainingoisbas rgooumenCadsand Gifsis upt (he play Pu consilcraebly ad made Auny house not having the articles calculated to bring the woman ath% at the 4 mcore dittLeult to play, b ut the fr-'i at this time will be fined $2 for lete up to the highest physical point. wa'rd line of th inining team!. ably every girl living in the house. The training schedule rules include MVARY TOUISE SHIOP ledl by Louise od:r seiv'd to have1 Semni-final games for the inter-class no eating- between meals, and eight 110 dificulty in carr-ying the bsall lown hockey tournament will be played this- hours of sleep every night, starting I TI-HE ARCADE file field. Thelineupn for the g;ame is afternoon, 4 o'clock freshman vs. sen- not later than 11 o'clock except on /y~/ ,yP~,//"/pR/.J'r1G*3/Y II:+b~ as follows: iors, 5 o'clock sophomores vs. juniors. a Friday and Saturday. Tuesda~y Clas. Noplda- (,s~s The second teams will play, 4 o'clock _ o ..4a\ ant .d. W sophomores vs. juniors, 6 o'clock Phi Gamma Mu announces the Eptc J. Cmpbll A. . llncm frshmn vs seior. 'pledging of Josephine Farcas, 28Ed. i1. Lo.'r y CR . E. Peterson_______________ . sebumnih. 'i~ Anspach --____________ -J25 OUR TRUST DEPARTM ENT 11[. Loomis Rit.1W . lWor'kmian 1. 1rcnk LII. I. KanffflanrC rit s IS READY TO SERVE YOU. L. Cody (.H. Mat us ;M irror ~ r ma . t ira 11.11i. C. Darling1 k Td. liarvvwig dx . B eautyP rorC 1) L yon s il'. N. Kha um( sky J(Is L ming! At the beginning of the second half SPECIALS WXe welcome both Mis },ouire odywas pht ce.d on tb'4for-S ward line, iainrie iartwig ~tn ody n Co-ed and Mr. Ed and , L F R T N AI NL B N to center hal. Modaythem Wives I77d oft «r maifives of Ilia- ITusasOllightful gift suggestions- N RO _______________________ oitibtVof, e3ieessfr their wardl- Cl o ponmntqfrec te.OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN MICHIGAN T WAOY-P robe, one of lie t ie Wvei~fl hile liv- lug in the gonei fors Ill a iW, to frm 7355 THE RUBLEY9 a c ol!c triol]of l hfon:,for the Stat e S O lt;,toricai Musciui1,r.18 Gutting Apts. S O P Virtual political parity with Men Ii corner at'r~e and M~oroe _ "n heArad" - -- 2Score 100% Satisfaction with G E N T E N Ou Fmos e Raspberry- 205 S. State - - Phone 9646 - I.' 'Thanksgiving Day Dinner l . I°1:00-2:30 __ rious Discussion e Held By Y. W the leadership of Mrs. Doro- ,associate secretary of the A. the first of a series of is of "The Life and Person- sus" will be held at 4 o'clock Newberry hall. The course aly designed to answer the if those women who on the f their membership cards, their interest in religious ed- Special from 9 A.MN. X Few Hats at $2.00 Felts - Velvets Velours Personal Service" !~CIAL HaveHave made your reservations?, BETSY ROSS SHOP" Fnr Trimmed Coats Frock of RareI Styles Galore-Mc a(t I Paris-inspired, and to-the-manner-born these coats carry Every Occas FO IIN S IIGtheir smartness deftly; in their supple fabrics, their long at 888 haired furs, their "saucy pleats and tucks their smart loose MIumas1 sleeves and gay embroidery. r Bro ze Gold and ello The perfection of their tailoring, their inimitable chic and 'nj pons P Ilants or Cut the moderate prices at which they are offered combine to prove L_ that they arc most superior and unusual coats. (' Red and Brown t Prepared Oak Sprays $29.75 $45.00 $59.50 ! Beauty )dels for ion %oo