ESTABLISHED 1890 At itt :4 aIjg MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVII. No. 44 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENT QUEEN MAF AT HILL SATURDAY SENIOR FACUL TO ATTEIN NOTED COMMITTEE Convocation Prefe To Members1 AndS Final arrangeme yesterday for the corded Queen Mar will visit Ann Arb ternoon. The eve reception committ convocation in Hi a formal tea at the follow the'onvoc Admission to b and the tea will only, due to the Senior membersc visitors will, be g; the distribution of which is planned mittee of womenv pointed by Gov. A the chairman of ception committee be given Univers: faculty at the pu Will Arriv Queen Marie an arrive by auto fro of by train. Th take place as soo lowing her arriva sion of the'tea th return to Detroit. The committees appointed to provi reception are as fo ebption committe Cook Little, Mrs.+ son, Mrs. JuniusI thur S. Aiton, Mrs ley, Mrs. WilliamI Jesse R. Reeves. Other Comm Women's teac Herbert C. Sadler Hutchins, Miss Mrs. Marcus L. V Cabot, Mrs. Mortim IE TO TALKCRIN AUDITORIUM America problem is system, in AFTER O ON1poor coope rTIRN0cording to TY AND GUESTS of the Law NDUEATORon the oth ID TEA FOR efficient ha ITOR details. Professo S APPOINTED eral years deal of his erence To Be Given the law en Of The Faculty stated that Students{ force of Loi 'who are co throughout ents were completed sirable can reception to be ac- by these a e of Roumania whoI as their Iii or next Saturday af- position su nts planned by the procures th ee include a public such a higl ill auditorium a sons suspe ie Unioii, which will as uspec r ation. ways appr oth the convocation ated the st 1 be by invitation apprehende space restrictions. England. of the faculty and Suspect is b Oiven preference in+ mediately a tickets for the tea impanelled, for the state com- ( (3) The p which has been ap- the case. lex Groesbeck, and case. (5) T the governor's re- the case bef Preference will guage, givi] ity students and as he sees f blic convocation. decision, us ve By Auto conversatio nd her party will jury-box. ( m Detroit, instead guilty, the e convocation will of the case n as possible fol- 'stand and g l. At the conclu- fendant's pa ie royal party will considers t without lea which have been nounces the de, for the Queen's uses the se ollows: general re- (g) The nei e-Mrs. Clarence Professor George W. Patter- diferences i E. Beal, Mrs. Ar- American p s. Joseph A. Burs- torneys are H. Hobbs and Mrs. ( prospective challenge t ittees Named h the committee - Mrs. of English r, Mrs. Harry B. this country Fandira Crocker, but rather Ward, Mrs. Hugh the prisoner aer E. Cooley, Mrs. cutor is as IE BLAMED ON POLICE AND COURT SYSTEM BY PROFESSOR 's failure to solve the crime his own attorneys would be. A third due to ineffective police point, is the rapidity with which the efficient court systems, and case is conducted, evidence, in parti- ration between the two, ac- cular, being given very speedily. Prof. Edson R. Sunderland, There are no technical objections al- school. England's success, lowed against evidence. Last of all, er hand, he attributed to its four or five felony cases are often tndling of all three of these tried in one day before the same jury. In spite of the speed with which r Sunderland, who for sev- trials are conducted, the defendants has been spending a great are treated with much more considera- time in England studying tion than is evident in American court forcement methods there, rooms, in the opinion of Professor the Metropolitan police Sunderland. He also believes, that ndon, is recruited by agents an English judge has much more con- nstantly employed to travel trol over the conduct of the case than the country to look for de- a judge in this country, and that in ididates. The men, enlisted the same way, English attorneys have gents, take up police work very much less control over it than4 fe career. By making the American lawyers. ' fficiently attractive, London "England," he declared, "considers e best men, he said. With her trial judges as important as her h calibre police force, per- appellate judges. The Lor'.-chief Jus- cted of crime are almost al- (Continued on Page 2) hended. Sunderland then enumer- 1 dps insthe system bywhich 'd persons are dealt with in EX E TNtNR C R They are as follows: (1)Y rought before the court im-1 fter arrest. (2) A jury is taking about five minutes rosecuting attorney statesc (4) The defense states its First Day's Sale Totals 500 Unpaida he presiding judge sums up And 100 Paid Subscrptions i fore the jury in simple lan- Despite Bad Weather ng his own opinion as farc it. (6) The jury reaches a ORGANIZE HOUSE SALES s ually after a whispered n of a minute or two in the - - a - 7) If the defendant is found Despite inclement weather, applica- r p)Itesefgenant is foud tions for 1927 'Ensians, which weret police-sergeant in charge taken at six campus booths yesterday,a eimmediately takes the totaled more than 500 unpaid and 100 ives an account of the de- totl citos0 nadad10 ast history. (8) The judge paid subscriptions. From these re- i shisttor (8) hen suits, which do not include returnsf .he matter for amoment, from the organized house sales, thec ing the bench, and pro-I 'Ensian managers predict that the e sentence, for which hen sale this year wil surpass those ofo rgeant's report as a basis. previous campaigns. ,t xt cause is then called. The price of the annual will be Sunderland stated the $3.50 until Christmas vacation, afterc n such a Fsystmtfromth-which it will be increased to $4. Pay-c Ian, to be: First, that at-mn may be made any time at the not allowed to question mEns office inathe Press building. jurors, although they may In the campaign of the fraternities, hem. Second, and this is 'ororities and dormitories, each organi- main point, the attitude sVoiisa om e, g ein po is the as in zation is being given an opportunity prosecutors, is not asntto obtain a complimentary copy by hone of tigoonv I totaling thirty points on the basis ofn to have justice done. If one for each unpaid subscription and ris undefended the prose- two for each paidsubscriptionad careul to protect him as Due to the greater prospective saled of subscriptions, as well as advertis-1 I' an(1ing, this year's annual will contain { IH11.I F A more art work in borders, special. LEAG E fourtone pages, and section headings. TAR111 ATU tilization of old views of the camp usf is planned to further the theme which will be "The Progress of Michigan." More than 50 of these pictures show-s ing the University at various stagesp Economic Interests" Asks in its development are available to thed ent Of American Debt editorial staff of the publication. i tlement Agreement Due to the fact that many of thef organizations on the campus have ?T RESOLUTION failed to inform the banks of thec names and signatures of new treas-a y Associated Press) urers elected this year, many of thei ov. 16.-Criticism of the checks that have been received inu avriff and the demand that payment for Michiganensians haver parliament amend thetbeen returned. All organizations thatc aebt settlement agreement have not taken action with the banksc t tonight at agconvention to supply this information are askedt n of Economic Interests," to do so at once so that this may not werful commercial and in- occur in the future. ly in France.v ion characterizing both the FORESTR Y CLUB P and London accords asTO HEAR ROMANO E )le in their present form d, its main point being theb at parliament amend the At the meeting of the Forestry clubr enger agreement, especial- to be held at 7:30 tonight in room 213,f make a settlement possi- Natural Science building, D. E. Ro-I itable." mano, a graduate student in the for-a doption of the resolution, estry department, will speak on his is Dubois, former president experiences as a forest ranger in the rations commission, made West.a rress against ratification, Mr. Romano graduated from the t ably will not come up in University in 1914 and from that timer chamber until early next until this summer he was in the Fed-s eral Forest service in the West. HeP s criticized French Ambas- spent several years as a forest rangerf nger for not having at- in Idaho and has had actual contactt obtain a reduction in the with the problems of forestry as view- nt of the claims of the ed from the working field. He return-t tes on France, instead of ed here this fall to receive more tech-t himself with merely bring-' nical training in forestry and is to he interest rate. He also spend a year here for his master's} K. Berenger as having a degree. At the end of that time he1 sm concerning the capacity plans once more to enter the Federal o pay from 1930 on. service. Edmund E. Day, and Mrs. John R. Effinger. Committee on Reception of guests -Miss Elva M. Fernerook, Mrs. Hen- ry M. Bates, Mrs.. Alfred H. Lloyd, Mrs. Allan S. Whitney, Mrs. Shirley W. Smith and Mrs. Edward H. Kraus. Decorations ' committee - Prof. Wells L Bennett, Jean P. Sluesser,I Frederick C. O'Dell and Myron B. Chapin. Transportation committee - Prof. Peter Field, Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, Ruel V. Churchill and Robert H.1 Marquis. - Major Reinold Melberg will be in charge of the police escort and mili- tary features. Prof. Lewis M. Gram will be marshal of the day. Dr. War- ren P. Lombard is general chairman 1 of the reception committee. Kennedys To Come Here Next Tuesday On Lecture Course, Charles Rann Kennedy, author and playwright, and his company of three, will appear as the fourth number on the annual Oratorical association lec- ture series Tuesday night, Nov. 23, in Hill auditorium. The prbgram will consist of a production of Mvr. Kenne- dy's xwwest play, "The Chastening." The Kennedys, who have appeared here several times before, are well known to Ann Arbor audiences, and Mrs. Kennedy, who was formerly Edith Wynne Mathison, appeared here with the Ben' Greet players several' years ago in University hall. The third member of the company, Mar-, garet Gage, is a younger artist who Chas gained considerable praise for her part with the Kennedys. Mr. Kennedy, a native Englishman, began his career as an office boy at the age of 13. His work as a profes- sional writer started three years later and since that time he has written such plays as "The Servant in the House," "The Terrible Meek," "The Necessary Evil," and "The Chasten- ing." DEAN MAKES TRIP Dean John R. Effinger, of the Lit- erary school, left yesterday for New York city where he will attend a meet- ing of the executive committee of the Association of American Colleges. Dean Effinger is president of the or- ganization. He plans to return here Friday. FRNC "Union Of Amendmi Sett ADOP (B PARIS, N' American to the French American d were voice of the "Uni the most po dustrial boc 'A resoluti Washington unaccepteab was adopted demand tha Mellon Ber ly "so as to ble and equ Before a Deputy Lou of the repa a long add which prob the French year. M. Dubois sador Bere tempted to total amou United Sta contenting1 ing down t criticized M new optimi of France t DR. LACKLAND SPEAKS ON LABOR CONDITIONS OFEUROPEANNATIONS DENVER PASTOR SAYS BRITISH LABORITES ARE IMPROVING WORKING SITUATION DISCUSSES COMMUNISM Sees Future Improvement In Germany And England, Decline in French And Italian Industry Dr. George S. Lackland, of Denver, Colo., in a speech delivered yesterday afternoon in Natural Science auditori- um, stated that the British labor party in power was doing a great deal to set the industrial conditions in Eng- land ona stable basis again. He also said that as long as inflation contin- ued in France and Italy there would be no betterment of conditions there. Germany and England have gone through the period of deflation and are rapidly on the road to recovery, he believes.s Dr. Lackland opened his talk by a consideration of conditions in France and Italy where the currency is still inflated and becoming more so. He cited the fact that, inFrance, the cost of living has gone up 600 per cent since the war, and that wages have only gone up 300 per cent to meet this tremendous increase. The cur- rency inflation makes it possible for these countries to sell their goods at I a much lower price than other coun- tries are asking . Therefore, there is very little unemployment since the factories are going at top speed in order to take care of the large de- mand. In both countries the value of the currency changes so frequently that as soon as the working men re- ceive their wages they either spend them or have them changed into other. currency. Communism In France In France there is much commun- ism creeping into industry, due to the difference in the amount which the, laborers receive and the amount which they have to pay for food and other necessities. He said that it was im- possibletto obtain statistics on taxes or capital because the French mind does not think in figures. Due to the lack of statistics which they have to turn into the government, the banks are making so much money that they are having a hard time investing It. Certain large corporations are mak- ing a large amount of money by buy- ing property on notes. They offer the seller four times the value of the property but by the time the note is due the money has gone down so much in value that they onl pay about one- fifth of the original value. It Italy, Mussolino has complete control over labor, Dr. Lackland averred. He has formed the country into a large corporation with labor unions and employers both in it. He regulates wages and hours through a, committee which he appoints. If they I cannot decide it, the question is re- ferred to him for a decision. Savings Wiped Out Deflation 'in Germany brought a wiping out of the savings which peo- ple had made for years, and caused intense poverty, Dr. Lackland said. Since the period of deflation, currency has attained a stable place again and products of the country cannot be sold for as small amounts as France and Italy can sell them for. This causes a part time arrangement of factories and many are unemployed. The reason that labor is so much against the churches of Germany is that they stand back of the govern- mnt in its aristacratic condition and support the oppression of the people.- Now that the country is a republic in fact, as well as name, the people re- tain their feeling against the church. Three laws which have been passed by the government have assisted the la- borers greatly. These are: laws mak- ing a uniform eight hour day; a law' providing no increase in rent; and a law ruling that all changes in wages must be decided by a conference of laborers and employers. Germany is still in a very serious condition but the Dawes plan has given her a chance, and the present is the "dark- ness before the dawn" which will come by next year, according to Dr. Lackland. Burglars Loot Two Fraternity Houses Burglars entered two State street fraternity houses and were unsuccess- ful in an attempt to break into an- other between 1 and 5 o'clock Tues- day morning, taking clothing and cash to the value of nearly $800. Forty dollars in bills and a raccoon coat valued at $400 were stolen from the Sigma Chi house, while about the HOSPITAL STANDING RATEDY DAVIS Executive Secretary Of Committee, Of United Hospital Fund Gives History Of Dispensaries LAUDS CLINICS' GROWTH "Hospitals and dispensaries, once considered charitable institutions, have in the last few years swung the other way and are attracting their patients from the best classes of peo- ple," stated Dr. Michael M. Davis, of New York, before an audience in the amphitheater of the University hos- pital yesterday morning. Dr. Davis is executive secretary of the commit-' tee on dispensary development of the United Hospital fund of New York. The speaker outlined the early his- tory of hospitals and dispensaries, or clinics as they are now called,,saying that the effects of this charitable idea were still evident in the European institutions. "In England," he said, "persons who are rather well-to-do not only have a1 sort of distaste for hospital treatment,1 but actually have considerable diffi- culty in obtaining it. Major surgery, in its development, has been the chief1 factor in changing this viewpoint., Reversal of the old custom has alsoc been brought about by improved ma- ternity service and the development of diagnostic resources such as the X-ray. The transformation has been made to a medical institution." "A considerable amount of practice has been shifted from the patient'sz home to the hospital and the clinic. i Likewise the tendency now is to go E more to the doctor's office. This ne- cessitates more co-operation between, all medicaltorganizations and better service for the patient." Dr. Davis said that in earlier times the doctor was no more than inciden- tal, theamedicine itself was the thing, but that now clinics have built up an j enviable reputation for diagnostic and therapeutic service and are much sought . Of late there has been an', astounding growthtinthenumber of clinics, there being at present over 6,000 of them. According to the speak- er, this is the result of the rising movements to combat infant mortal- ity, tuberculosis, and the like. Unlimit- ed financial support from the com- munities has made this possible. Simplest Ritual Marks Burial Of Joseph G. Cannon (By Associated Press)1 DANVILLE, Ill., Nov. 16-Under the branches of a red haw tree, etched against a gray November sky, the body of Joseph Gurney Cannon was committed to the grave today with a simplicity which belied his prided half-century and more of pub- lic service. In keeping with his own dislike of ostentation, the man who served for more than two score years in Con- gress, and who held its sceptre a de- cade in a hand of iron, was given the humble rites of a private citizen.I PRINCETON REPLACED BY PENN ON HARVARD CARD (By Associated Press) CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 16.- Harvard college will resume football relations with the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania next fall as a result of the break in ath- letic relations with Princeton. A two year home and home series with the Quaker City team, on the date vacated by Princeton's withdrawal from the Big Three, was announced tonight by the athletic authorities here. l i i 'Albright To Speak On Archaeology Of Palestinian Region As the first of a series of three lec- tures on various phases of Palestin- ian archaeology, W. F. Albright, di- rector of the American School of Oriental esearch in Jerusalem, wili speak on the "New Era in Palestinian Archaeology" at 4:15 o'clock today in Natural Science auditorium. Mr. Al- bright is speaking under the auspices of the School of Religion. The lecturer has been an instruc- tor and director of the school since before the close of the World war, being in the United States at present Ion a furlough. While in Jerusalem, Mr. Albright conducted archaeological expeditions into the regions surround- ing Jerusalem and in Mesopotamia which have since led to important discoveries, according to archaeologi- cal authorities. The second of his lectures will be given at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow on "The Excavation of an Israelite City", and the last at 8 o'clock tomorrow on "The Dawn of History in the Jordan Valley." HOPPINS DISCUSSES LOCAL AIPOT PLAN Secretary Of Stout Motors Company Outlines Business Advantages That Would Accruet STRESSESFACILITIES "There is a tremendous opportunityt to build up business around an airportt in Ann Arbor," asserted G. H. Hop-I pins, secretary of the Stout Airplanet Motors company, before members of8 the Chamber of Commerce meeting att luncheon yesterday. "This year hast been the beginning, the year one, of1 commercial aviation."'I Mr. Hoppins outlined the opportun- ities lying in Ann Arbor's possessionf of a well-equipped airport, declaring that effifient air service cannot be given to any city unles it Ws ample facilities for taking care of planest making landings. "The city that hast the airport gets the service," he as-Y serted, adding that one landing placet might be purchased to serve for both, Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor.1 The main qualification of a good landing field was declared to be that' of size; the landing field should be about 3,500 feet long to provide the long runway necessary for a success-1 ful take-off by the heavier type ofI commercial plane, The speaker briefly outlined the history of commercial .aviation, de- scribing the steps taken since the in- vention of the first successful air- plane 23 years ago. The awakening of interest in the possibilities of air travel and the passage by Congress of the Air Commerce act, placing assist- ant secretaries dealing with aviation in the departments of commerce, war and navy, have created the beginning of an era of commercial aviation. "Thetime has come now," Mr. Hop- ~pins concluded, "to put that equip- ment to work, for, if we are going to get out of the military aviation stage, we must have airplanes that can sup- port themselves in the air financially as well as mechanically." Ohio State Alumni To Hear Thompson Rev. William Oxley Thompson, for- mer president of Ohio State university, and pi'esent moderator of the general assembly of the Presbyterian church, will address a luncheon of the Ohio STUDENTS WILL VOTE ON PROPOSED UNION AMENDMENTS TONIGHT CHANGES INCLUDE PLAN TO MAKE ANNUAL REFUNDS TO PAID MEMBERS MEETING TO BE BRIEF 600 Members Must Attend To Have Quorum; Two.-Thirds Majority Necessary For Passage Members of the Michigan Union, automatically comprising all male students of the University, will meet at 7:45 tonight in the Union assembly hall to vote on the proposed amend- ments to the Union constitution. In- asmuch as no other business has been planned for this gathering, it is expected that the meeting will be brief. Six hundred members must be present before action may be taken. The board of directors recently adopted these amendments to take care of the question concerning the requisites for life membership which arose last spring when the Board of Regents decided to increase Union ele- ment of tuition from $6 to $10. To Credit Tution Under the proposed amendments there would be no participating life members, student members replacing that classification. Present partici- pating life members would, under the suggested change, be given $10 credit toward their life membership from this fall's tuition, the same amount to be credited from each succeeding tui- ion until the life membership fee of 50 has been paid. Fully paid life members will be given a $10 refund from this fall's tuition, under the proposed plan; also in any succeeding year, fully paid life members will be given the $10 refund from their tuition. This af- ects particularly those such as law r medical students who may have al- ready obtained ilife memberships, but who, under the present system, con- tinue paying an annual Union fee in their tuition. Should the amendments' not be adopted at the meeting tonight, the present condition, in which the Union element of the tuition is paid by all men students, and is merely an annual charge otherwise uneredited, will continue. Professor Gives Opinion Concerning the suggested changes. Prof. H. C. Anderson of the engineer- ing college who is a member of the board of directors of the Union stated yesterday, "It is my opinion that the proposed amendments are, fair and are progressive step in the matter of life membership. These provisions, I believe, clear up the questions which have arisen concerning .life member- ship. These provisions are far seeing and will take care of all possible situ- ations that may arise in the future." The Student council, meeting last Thursday, adopted the following reso- lution: "Be it resolved that the Stu- dent council, as representatives of the student body, believing the proposed amendments to the constitution to be beneficial to the interests of all men students, recommend that all men of the University be present at the gen- eral meeting to be held next Wednes- day, Nov. 17, and vote favorably there- on." Sections Reprinted Several sections of the amendments read as follows: "Article III, Section 2, Paragraph 1. Student members. Every student of the regular session of the Univer- sity shall become a student member upon paying such tuition fees as-may be prescribed by the Board of Regents, including the portion of such fees des- ignated as the 'Union Fee,' such mem- bership to continue during the period for which he has paid tuition, except that it shall immediately expire if he withdraws from the University before the end of the college year." "Any student who shall be in resi- dence in the University as a Student member after September 1, 1926, and who has before that date made par- tial payments on a Life membership subscription shall receive further credit towards the payment of such subscription for the full amount of Union fees thereafter paid by him. Upon his completion of the payment of the amounts required to become a Life member, every student shall be exempt from further fees for member- ship." "Article III, Section 8. All other obligations for Life membership sub- scriptions incurred before Sept. 1, 1926, shall remain in full force and be governed by this article as it read- before this amendment except that any person who has made a subscription 1State Alumni group, which will be !given in his honor Saturday at the Union. His subject will be announced later. UNIVERSIT Y AIR COURSE WOULD BE AIDED BY LANDING FIELD - HOPPINS TELEPHONE LINES SEVERED, RIVERS OVERFLOW WHEN STORM HITS EAST (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Nov. 16.-A southerly gale accompanied by heavy rainfall whipped across the eastern states to- day, leaving in its wake overflowing rivers, damaged buildings and flood- ed mines, crippling communication lines and reaping havoc on small crafts in rivers and harbors. No loss of life was reported directly applicable to the storm, although sev- eral crossing accidents were believed to have been caused by drivers being confused by the rain and wind. Probably the greatest damage was ongahela and Allegheny rivers. In northwest Virginia, scores were driven from homes invaded by flood waters. In eastern Pennsylvania, water was reported higher than any time since 1914, and coal mines in the Schamo- kin district were forced to shut down. As it swept across New Jersey, the gale blew down the wall of a new theatre an: capsized a tug stranded on a sand bar off Atlantic City. In Massachusetts the damage was confined principally to broken win- dows and crippled communication lines. Boston reported a record high Construction and equipment of an airport for Ann Arbor would be great i aid to the University in giving instruc-t tion in its new courses devoted to 1 aeronautics, in the opinion of G. H.1 Hoppins, secretary of the Stout Air-i planes Motor company. Practical training in actual flying could bef mingled with the lectures on theory, should the city equip a landing field,1 he stated in an interview followingI his address before the Chamber of Commerce yesterday. The course, as planned at the pres- ent time, he declared, is the best that can be devised under present condi- tions-devoting the school year to in- struction in theory and the summer Furthering his advocation of the use of the local airport for field prac- tice, in case one is equipped for Ann Arbor, he asserted that in all proba- bility the army officials would be will- ing to cooperate with the University and city in using it for practical in- struction. Although the course as it will be I given may be adequate for preparing aviators for military flights, Mr. Hoppins does not believe that it alone is sufficient to prepare the student for civil aviation. A different proposi- tion is involved here, he stated, in which an expensive plane and the lives of a number of passengers are Sdependent upon the pilot and hun- I