'I f 1flTTSDAY. SPTEMBER 30. IM;l9A THE MICHIGAN DAILY .1 L 1 Wt . .nAt1.&J L A. t .tL'11Y1,s r.,.a.l.. Sulav.1L .1L ..a ..l A. ?L.-a.« -r fR~S H M-AN SQUAD ! Glenna Collett 1 Scores Golf Win. 1 !T' : a (By Associated Press) HAVERFORD, Pa., Sept. 29.-An easy victory for Glenna Collett, and j ' Al mipius ten Yenning Footbal spIrants Report one not so easy for Edith Cummings,1 The intramural depart To (onehi Mather; High School featured the second round matches for accepting entries for the Stars Appear carceithe women's golf crown played under pIus tennis tournament. continuing dreary skies and over l and doubles will be run links cooled with "casual water" to- able cups will be awar AVERAGESIZE SMALLER}day. ners in each.. Entries sh I While Glenna in defense of her title ed in at the intramural ofl The freshman football squad contin- was eliminating Mrs. Norman Rood, man gymnasium. ued to grow yesterday when nearly of Wilmington, Delaware, 8 and 6, and 100 sadditional uniforms were issued. Miss Cummings forging towards a re- Speedball covery of the crown she held in 1923, Approximately 200 uniforms have been was defeating Bernice Wall of Osh- Information relative t given out and more orders were made kosh, Wisconsin, 1 up, Helen Payson, fraternity speedhall com out last night by Coach E. J. Mather one of Glenna's early season con- fall has been mailed to after the equipment office had closed. querors was being vanquished. fraternities together 1115 ment is now fall all-can- Both singles off and suit- ded the win- ould be hand- flee, 6 Water- to the inter- apetition this the various with entry i C a ENGLSH HALL DEF DISASTROUS TOSWIMMER (By Associated Press) BOLOUGNE, France, Sept. 29.-The. first tragedy due to ambition to swim the English channel was recordedj here yesterday when the body of. a young Spaniard was washed ashore. The body was identified as that of Luis Rodriguez Delara, who is said to haves been a member of a prominent Madrid family. Delara started secretly without anj escort in an attempt to swim the channel from France to England a few days ago. Seven teams were on the field at the first practice of the University of Ne- braska football squad. Joie Ray, veteran holder of many amateur middle distance running rec- ords, who turned pro last winter, has asked to be reinstated by the Nation- al A. A. U. this year and will offer suitable awards if the interest so warrants. All games will be played on the in- tramural athletic field on the new south Ferry field. All interested in officiating at speed- ball games are asked to list their names with the intramural office. Coach Mather expects to have a squ'adj of over 250 out next week. While the squad will probably be larger in number than previous squads the size of the men is decided- ly less. There are very few large! men, the squad running to short,I stocky players. There are also fewer, prep-school stars than usual. A large! number of the candidates are playing football for the first time. Among the few high school lumin-' aries are Kielbasa, Brazill and Moyer. Kielbasa comes from East Chicago,' Indiana, where he played on the Washington high school eleven, mak- ing the all-state backfield his last. three years. Brazill comes from Grand Rapids and Moyer from Detroit. The Grand Rapids boy made the all- There are 13 letter .winners from 'last year available for tfie University. of Illinois football team this fall, nine linemen and, four backfield men. Michigan prep eleven two years ago. Moyer made the all-ci& team in De- troit for several years. The squad took light workouts yes- terday, loosening up muscle,,. There will probably be no scrimmages for at least a week. Coach Mather announced last night that there will be no weeding out or cutting of the squad. Cnadidates, as, long as they turn out for practice, will be kept on the squad. However absentees will not be tolerated. blanks. Entries should be returned to the intramural department at once as it is imperative that the schedule be drawn up immediately. As soon as competition begins in the interfraternity league, plans will be launched for the class leagues. It is necessary that the interfraternity league be started first since the fra- ternities -are already organized and the classes have not done much in the way of organization so early in the year. This arrangement will permit the bulk of the fraternity games to be out of the way before the class groups are ready for league play. The intramural department is espe- cially interested in forming speedball leagues among the independent groups Wh . lrigau 1-1l Qaiiiitq A h xu Uhi If you are a telephone subscriber call Jimmic the Ad-Taker, Dial 21214, and your want ad will be charged. The Michigan Daily res;erves the right to' classify all wants ais under arpropriate lcal- ings and to revise or withhold objectionable I copy. This column closes at 3 P. M.-late preced- ing publication. Notice of any error must be given in time for the second yinsertion. CASH RATES Ten cents per Creading line (on the basis of five average words to the line) for one or two insertions. Nine cents per reading line for three or more insertions. Cash classifieds received at the Daily office in The Press Building on Maynard Street. CONTRACT RATES Special standardized rates given on applica- tion. FOUND FOUND-Automatic Pencils which we sell at a low figure, $.50 to $1.50 that work as well: and last as long as the best. Rider's Pen Shop. tf FOR RENT NICE double front room at 801 Gran- ger. One block from Ferry Field. Dial 21425. 3-4-5 RAE Music Afternoon and Night 10C RONALD COLMAN -in- "HIS SUPREME MOMENT" Gaineo Comedy Soon-"Mare Nostrum"..a __RAE PAGE SEVE FOR RENT LOST ROOMMATE WANTED for man in a [LoST--Alpha Tau Oinega fraternity large front room. 425 S. Division. pin. Initials W. It. G. No. 10966. Call 3-41 Gray at. 3344. 1-2-3 ONE LARGE SUITE for two, three or four boys. Very cheap. 301 N. State. Phone 8747. 3-4 FURNISHED, heated, lower flat, four' rooms, bath, private entrance. Suit- able for four. 539 So. Fifth Ave. Dial 21371. 3- FOR RENT-Room for one man in, nicely furnished suite. Steam heat. Dial 8514. 422 E. Washington. 3-4-5 'FOR RENT-A room, block from cam- pus; large and bright; upperclass men preferred, $5. Phone 22151. 1-2-3 FOR RENT-House, six rooms, sleep- ing porch and bath. In A-1 condition from attic to basement. Location, the very best. Convenient to. campus and bus line. Adults preferred. Phone 5929. 1-2-3 LOST-All desire to. promote highly colored pens, necessarily made of celuloid, at a great saer,ilice of sta- bility to attract the eye and assist the-advertising. Our pens are made, almost without exception of PURE VEGETABLE GUM RUBBER, the most stable 'mnaterial ever found for fountain pens. Rider's Pen Shop. tr WANTED. WANTED--Student's wife as assistant. In dettal office. Hourse reasonable. Call 7380. 3-4-5 IMALE ST''UDENTS. for lunch carts, two hours evening work. 529 Wal- nut. 3 WANTtD-Family and student wash- ings. Dial 8794. 3-4-5 F r FOR RENT-Room with private bath for upper classmen. Call 9875. I . ,. J ... . I y } } K 1 ,DEL, PRETE COLLEGIATE CLOTHES- SHOP" Of Value M I C H I G A N MEN WE WELCOME YOU with our 927 Model "THE )ICHIGAN" PLAY GOLF i Huron Hills Golf Course Between Geddes and Washtenaw Avenues Sporty nine hole course, new club house, large locker room, showers, light lunch- eons served nrnIintIlinIfuill Iitl i'ifill InIIIII --111 Floors Cleaned Waxed and Polished STANCHFIELD Phone 5476 706 ,N. Main St. Try Us. , Johnson's Polishing Machines Rented. rm uuim inmnm 1-2-3. IDOOM FOR RENT-First floor room with private bath in quiet family. No other roomers. Dial 5046 or call 502 East Ann St. 1-2-3 LIGHT housekeeping rooms; three or four rooms and private bath.; heat furnished ; all modern conveniences., Price reasonable. Dial 7339. 1-2-3 ROOM-Single or double, southeast section. 1515 Brooklyn Ave. Phone' 12079. 2-3-4 ROOM-Campus, 811 E, Huron. A double room on first floor, private entrance, your price. 2-3-4 FOR RENT-One comfortable suite, two blocks from campus, for two students. Equipment and room prac- tically new. Also three roommates wanted. Call 8167 or 917 E. Huron. 2-3-4 FOR RENT-Suite, $8; double room,, $6; one and a half blocks frgm cam- pus, 612 Hill St. Phone 6637. 2-3-4. TWO very pleasant double rooms for men, $7.50 per week for two or $6 for one at 1002 Cornwell Place. Phone 3138. 2-3-4. FOR RENT-Large room, will rent single or double. 425 S. Division. 2-3-4 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Latest model Remington Portable typewriters. All makes of rebuilt typewriters for sale or rent. Phone 3489 for prices and easy, terms. e.o.d3 FOR SALE-5 tube tuned radio, Fre- quency Radio, $35.00. 333 E. Ann. 3-4-5 FOR SALE-Remington standard type- writer ; practically new ; price $40. Call evenings from 7 to 9. 1108 Prospect St. Phone 6810. 3-4-5 FOR SALE-Six room house and gar- age; all modern conveniences. Just been built one year. Dial 4972. 1-2-3 FRENCH CONVERSATION Offered Moderate Tlerms. 522 S. Fourth Ave. Phone -' D3-OCT-6S-G DELT PRETE. COLLEGIATE 6430 -Playing privileges-$1 .00 per day Saturdays and Sundays-$1.50 SITUATIQN WANT -Cooks, color- ed cogple want situation; can plan, buy, and do own pastry work in Fra- ternity QG Sofority. Can sleep in or out. Phone bial 2-1109. 3-4-5 GARAGE-Near Wells and Lincoln. Call Reicliart. Phone 3768. 3-4 Scientifically Selected and Prepared Foods MARGARET'S Open Thursday, Friday, Satur- day and Sunday Evenings until 11:00. Fountain Service. WANTti)-Musicians for dance or- chestra. Apply 1108 Hill St. be- tween 3 and 5 F.Tv. 2-3-4 WANTED--Students to know that we have a $5.00 pen which is unequalled at the price. Call for Wahls new $5.00 pen, any style of point and in three colors Hard Rubber Holders. Rider's Pen Shop, tf' WANTED--Neat-appearing salesladies to sell Pickwick house and street frocks direct to wearer; easily earn - $3 weekly; work All or part time. Write today. Pickwick Mtg. Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. 1-2-3 WANTEb-Furnace jobs desired by 3rd year student. Experienced. 533 Thompson. Dial 6950. 1-2-3 WANTED-Position as cook in fra- ternity or sorority house. Can. furh nish best of references. Dial 3618 mornitigs. 1-2-3 WANTED,-Experienced colored cook for A Fraternity. Home made bis- cuits and pastries. Dial 7726. 2-3-4 ROOM MATE wanted by a Senior law in suite in good location. 429 S. ,l- vision 2-3-4 WANTED-Ushers. Arcade Theatre. Apply to doorman. No phone call. 2-3-4 TWO STUDENTS want weekly ash jobs.. Phone 6736. 2-3-4 INSTRUCTOR wants room, with gar- age.and breakfast, if possible.tPhone 7072. 2-3-4 NOTICE NOTICE-TYPEWRITERS. of all the leading makes, sold, rented, ex- changed and repaired at prices con- 'sistent with good quality and work- manship. Best service department in Ann Arbor and one of the largest in the State. 0.. . D.. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade The Typewriter & Stationery Store Phone 6615. Established 1908. 2-3-4-5-6 1* :1 t Suits with.Extra Trousers $35- $40 - $45 Overcoats anp Topcoats $25 - $30 $35 - $40-, CLOTHES SHOP announces I I I BRAEBURN COLLEGE CLOTHES 600 E. Liberty St. Phone 9215 Ili . See Our Line of 'The Michigan," an exclusive design embodying distinctive styles, superior fabrics and collegi- ate tailoring especially created by Mr. LD Prete after twenty-one years' experience in fine tailoring for college men.. To see "The Michigan" is to ac- knowledge its superiority. BOWATERS $40 $45 I ... / f: 4.-:>i:: *, FOR SALE-Ink is the life blood of your Fountain Pen. You will always get the right kind at Rider's Pen Shop. We sell no ink substitutes or kinds which clog your pen and make it useless. Your pen and ink spe- cialist knows. tt FOR SALE-Star '24 sport roadster, dish, wheels, rumble seat; runs nice. $125100. St. James Hotel Barber Shop. 1-2-3 FOR SALE-Good 'Cello and Ludwig snare drum in excellent condition. 522 'S. 4th Ave. Dial 6430. 2-3-4 LOST 01D. Ipme t SAFFEL L & BUSHj 604 East Liberty "One Man Tells Another". 'LOST-Athletic Book No. 2098. Finder please return to Frances Patmos, 603 Monroe or call 9266. 1-2-3 LOST-Wrist watch on gold bracelet [ between campus clock and Majestic. Finder please return to 1319 Forest Ave. or Phone 5997. Reward. 142-3, W YOU like good eats fust call on 'me. 1,;a'. at your seervice for breakfast, dinner or tea. Walworth Cafeteria, State at Arbor. 1-2-3 EXPERIENCED piano and pipe organ teacher. Emma Fisher Cross, for- mer faculty member School of Mu- sic- and pupil of Leschetizky of Vienna. Studio, Apt. 8, 610 E. Lib- erty. Phone 3566. 1-2-4-6 JUNIOR ENGINEER--Wants room- nate to share large front room, two blocks west of Lit building. McCon- ochie, 338 EJefferson.. 5870. 1-2-3 4 II 0, I M 213 East Liberty St. Opposite Varsity Laundry Uj ,, i" *1Y1.ih/°1~lJl./1l1./lJ././1Y./1' ./ J:"ID E 1./11,I11r+ I i 1 1 1 i TrHE FALL CLOTHES ARE HERE In New Styles, Rich Fabrics SOCIETY BRAND e1 ITPAYS!" If you receive nothing else but4 that assured feeling of being well dressed, tailored-to-order clothes' would pay. There is nothing like that "made- for-you-in-the-first-place" look. Drop in and look over the Fall and Winter line now on display!, There's a pattern here that will ti MICROSCOPES HIEADQUJARTIERS SPENCER - LEITZ - BAUSCH & LOMB We Will By, el or Rent * I I I I and Other Good Makes SVITS and £35 OVERCO ATS 1 h M I , I M a F F i. BETTER PRICES FOR to $55 U. OF M. STUDENTS 5; 5.__ i i