TU1ESDAY, N OVEMBER1,F 16, 1926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY . ia LY L1iLY+ y PLAN TO CELEBRATE PDIIDPU RLIwiIIIIETOul ! ocuments Commemorating Founding Of Church Are Feature OfLibrary Exhibit . Du u unARn vin ll ommemorating the centennial of!I President Garfield. A well-worn first the founding of the Presbyterian? catalog of the "Ann Arbor Female Afte may mnth ofplanin, achurch in A.nn Arbor, rare and old Seminary" for 1844-45 recommends program for the celebration of the pictures, mapes and other documentsI Ann Arbor "as a lpleasant and healthy hunredh anivrsay o th buld-relating to the founding of the city, place of residence during the mouthsj ing of the Presbyterian church has and of the University are on exhibi- of summer." been arranged for the last part of Ition in the lobby of the main floor of1 A mnap of the city in 1826 reveals this week. The porm sat the Library this week. that Thayer and J( ffercson street's ex- Thursday and continues until Sun- Beginning with the case at theE tended through tli. present campus, day when it is concluded by the Cen-# front door are a large number of! and along State Streect. From. Williami tennial service. I programs of High School commence- !to JIefferson were the State House, At eight o'clock on Thursday me ts n feecssp]fr qae and thoulcfqae Eat Mayor Robert A. Campbell, speaking for thswoha fallen sini thea Civil I Uni versity bigclldDnnhtet for the city of Ann Arbor; Dean Al- war, and of the time of the death ofI A later map, dated 1854, has the cam- fred H. Lloyd, speaking for the Uni- ;l)us outlined, the east half being usedI versity '-of Michigan; Dr. Arthur W.I A homec-coming reception will be as a botanical gardlen, with the pro- t of An ro;adD.Sme .sece ilb ie yRv ot Unvritiyera a nues, fwhihly h Forrer, pastor of the Jefferson Ave. ± Mills Gelston, a former pastor of the tnvriybidng~ fwihol church, Detroit, speaking for the Pres-I church and by Rev. William 0. Thomp7 iVason hFall antd Smith WVing rertlain,- bytery of Detroit, are those who willI son, former president of Ohio State'a icdSaeS .~wt wd give talks on this program. The quar- university, and moderator of the gen- tet of the First Presbyterian church oral assembly of the, Presbyterian will also give numbers during the! church. Judge Victor H. Lane will evening.**preside at this meeting. ! On Friday night, an, historical pa- ( Reverend Thompson will also give geant is to be given by the YoungI the sermon at the centennial serviceLi'j People's association of the church. to be held on Sunday. Ypsilanti Concert Course Servicej Wednesday, November 1 7, at 8:00 Blenefit. WomenI's League. New York String Quartet.I Leave filins for dieveloping, printing or enlarging at the PROGRAM League I,. Smetana--"From My Life" Candy Booth II. Haydn-"Frog Quartet"j "U" Hall IlI. Borodin-Notturno________________ Goosens-B~v the Tarn..r.-,. , . -."..e . ojI Grieg--Saltarcllo WHITNEY ' Thursda(~y, Fritday and ? q.Ldmission, $2.00 Season Tickets, $5.00 Saturday I FieCnet et Novebr18, 19, 20 ~F v eocMate L ~ vin e Saturday RECORD BREAKING -Perfumed Bath Salts -ti'ID - ~Houbigant'sd Yardley's - - Lazell's-j Woodworth''s .- - A complete line in our toilet goods department. Eberbach & son Co. I _____ --200-202 EAST LIBERTY ST. S al~es of Laughter! $6 Eve., 755, $1.$14i.65, $21 .ilfll~tlf t111llltil l~ilit .It tl~llttltlttt ltitltii~tlf~l1#~li Hl itI tll~tllll ' , ./"~s"r/~,r . "~/ .,/ ~/. 'o..i.. ,,r.~/,P.,"., ( Iopeni lawn in front." A number of Board of Regents in June, 1837, and campus views taken from class al- a table of twelve professorships in bums of 1872 and 1873 show odd fenc- budge Woodward's handwriting. es surroundcing the grounds of the Two views of Hlenry Philip Tappan. University, and the first view of Ann ;First president of the University, show {Arbor, taken in .1852 from the south-- him at middle and 01(1 age, with heis west, pictures sheep grazing onl the Bible opened at the page wherein is h'illsides, the houses well scatt eredr recorded lby hiniself his marriage tc Mnd the University barely discernable' Julia Livingston on April 17, 1828 in the b~ackground. Alongside of a soiled timetable of The original copy of the act reu- stage coaches for Dexter and Ypsil- ilig p~ermnission for a college in icili -3 anti is a notice of anl indignation gan in John Monteith's handwriting is . meting of the citizens of the city tost dated 1817, and a receipt for $5Tsigj act on the conduct of the 'faculty ofI edl by Duncan Reid, was oneC of the the University in expelling students 1 first subscriptions for the founding who belonged to secret societies, of a University. The institution be- that had been sent to the congress-- gan its career in Detroit, andl was first while on the other side is' a )etitioli narned the U~niversity of Michigania,! that had been sent 'to the congress- with two instructors besides the pros- man of the district requesting the ident, 1Joh1n Monteith, who has alsoi removal of the incumbent postmaste- th1e (distinction of being the first to of Ann Arbor. Ipreach an English sermon in the ter- The first newspaper in Ann Arbor ritory of Michigan. In the same case made its debut on Nov. 18, 1829, and is a record of th~e first meeting of the was named the "Western Democrat." The front page contained the Decfara- tion of Independence, notes on the lietup and tobacco indIustries, and a formula for making cement out of b~roken glass and wine. This paper had a rema rkable number of names during its life, b-ing c-alled at varocis times "The 1Mich. ianWhiig,"' "Wash- te-naw D)emocrat," "Mtate Journal ," and "Michigan State Journal." The Tunes, now thle Thiies-News, noted first issue of the' Ann Arbor Daily that "Ladies are wearing white vests and neckties in imitation of men" and The 417 East Huron St. Haunted Tavern For Reservations Phone 7781 [ -HUHAK PROGRLSA04 theAGESVI 4i CARRIER PIGEONS THE CARRIER PIGEON, uncannyf in its perception of. distances 'and places, was perhaps the first medium of fast news dispatch. It wja 9 vital link in the evolution of c- operative gathering and dissemina-t tion of news. As early as '1840, the carrier pigeon was- an important unit in disseminating news; TELEGRAPH AND RADIO have sup- planted the carrier pigeon, and through these new media of word and thought .transmission The Associated Press has become an even greater instrument for the en- lightenmnent of the world. Read r dispatches--..with your local new6i d (We do not serve on Monday) i mmmft.mw P Fxclus-ively 1Desig'ned Whitehuouse J. Hardy Shoces for Neil Permnently on ilsplay GUY WOOLFOLK & CO. U. f %lasts and ttfernis excdusive(! our own clesf'gnI WIITE HOU SE &c.HARDY ICORPORATED BROADWAY AT 40THl STREET -144 WEST42"° STREET METROPOLITAN OPERA floUsE BLDG. 'KNICKERBOCKER BuILD! NG 84 BROADWAY-AT WALL STREET o II t the aeo $4.5I ortedlvryo h ae wl edsotiudirntr al$.5t teM ichiga al nte rs uligonMyadsre eoeDcm bet.Te~~rwl eso~do ti aeadacag ffv et i4 4 4I 4 4~ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 '4 - : : r:< .:;;.: ' >: .:: "., :", -:" g' ..,...® We have a chain of sevcnieen stores aaper'iting iaaI tie eery heart of i iiguan's richest fraing coiutry. Our retuail volunie is greater thaii that e'y any whioesalers . The show windows of our sth res cover- two city blocks. Our reta~l, floor spice alone covers over fifteen thousand square feet. Is 1. -m.y wonder 'we can h--w Pt the rhrlit fiu~ure l We tare sa'tisfied with small profits and pass -the difference on to you. Like Postuna "There's a R asona," but it's so simple a child can understanud it. Phiiilipi and Gerald D)onovan FThe famous P. & C~. Boys. v r 1 a_ Dionovan s M/otor Oil 45c Storage Batteries, B. Batteries, Flashlight Batteries, Dry Cdells In fact everyflhng in Ratteries. They run inito, money so think what it ineanis to buy thiem at Donovan Prices. TARE AI)VA'NTAG EOF THlE BIG DROP IY PRICES. TIIERE' lv A FEDERAL AT THlE END OF YOUR LINE. RAIATOlRS The strongest, and best Radiator for Fords on the market. Guaranteed fbi' two years against breakage from freezing or from defect in workmanship or material. The regular price is+ $16.50. Donovan's price for 1926 models is.....................................9" For all models from 1917-1922 ..........$.50) And Your Old.I4flaPor. EERREADY AUTOMATIC 1TINDSIIIELD WIPER, Fits all makes 'of cars. Operated by motor suction either front vacuum tank or from the manifold intake pipe. Fastens to windshield frame. Simple, sturdy, efficient. Full set of connections -and tubing with each cleaner. Price complete $L49 11ATN) TROUBLE LAMP This is a handy, dependable trouble and inspection lamp. Complete with bulb and 10 feet of cord. Beautifully finished with black wooden handles. Price compoleteo at ...... f4E Corner WATER PUMP FOR AtLL FORD IMO DILS This model fits all Ford cars including new 1926 models, without changing or replacing the original fan belt. 1Has dlouble bearings and special flanged pulley. Keeps mot,)-, cool at all times. Simple, strong, wvill cujast the car.. Price......... OIL AND CI GUN All Brass Cylinider tube. A servivcalie -gun ;t a low price equipped with two spouts for oil and grease. Pricec ...................fy9ec f I I K