ESTABLISHED 1890 AJU 4hp AML, tt MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Am TOL. XXXVII. No. 43 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENT' MELLON WOULD GIVE! 15 PER CENT CREDIT TO INCOMEI TAX PAYER1 PROSPECTIVE $300,000,000 SURPLUS PREDICATES CREDIT PLAN MANY DISAPPROVE PLANI PROFESSOR SLOSSON BELIEVES LAW ENFORCEMENT WILL REDUCE CRIME 1 y.itor's note: This is the tenth of a series of interviews with prominent authori- ties on the crime :situation in the United States. Copyright 1926 by The Michigan D~aily. f By Prof. Preston 1. Slosson Many criminologists tend to regard crime as merely a form of disease. If so, it has a strangely uneven dis- tribution, for a single American city. will produce more murders in a year than all England. Obviously law en- forcement can reduce crime to a small proportion of its present volume, even+ though it may not remove the morbid or selfish impulses which underlie, it.j Severity of punishment does ,little or nothing to check crime, for every criminal has the gambler's tempera- ment and will risk a heavy penalty if there is a good chance of escaping altogether. A hundred years ago when scores of offenses were punished by the death penalty in England that< country was far more lawless than it is today, perhaps as lawless as mod- ern America!j The line of progress in law enforce- ment would seem to be: (1) take police departments out of "politics" and place at their head trained spec- ialists holding office for life or goodE behavior; (2) make judges appointed for life in state or local as well as in Federal courts; increase their pay and raise their qualifications; (3) abolish bail in important cases, re- duce jury challenges and other causes' of delay, reject all appeals to higher courts based on formal, trivial or ir- relevant grounds; (4) abolish the gov- ernor's pardoning power, and vest it in a high court of appeal, holding of- fice for life and independent of popu- lar favor; (5) repeal hundreds of petty unenforced or unenforceable "deal letter" laws which bring law it- self into contempt (6) establish salar- led "public defenders" as well as pros- ecutors so that the chances of the ac- cused will not depend so much on! ability to hire talent; (7) cut down on the pistol supply; (8) inject a new spirit of relentless regularity into! judges, juries, sheriffs and other of- ficers of justice. U. S. IS UNPOPULAR IN EUROPE R9 CREDITOR STANDINGi - LACKLANDI Mellon Sees Income Tax Cut As Practical Way To Return Surplus To Public Only (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Nov. 15.-Secretary ;Mellon today again boosted the ante on the plan of President Coolidge for income tax credit, declaring that itI would be safe to permit taxpayers a saving of at least 15 per cent on their next year's income levies. The 15 per cent minimum credit was predicated, Mr. Mellon explained, on a prospective surplus of $300,000,000 for this fiscal year. This estimate made by the President indicated a sur- plus of $200,000,000 and on that ground he proposed a ten per cent credit which later was boosted to 12 per cent. There were definite indications to- 4ay at the treasury, however, that no tears would be shed there if Congress turned down the proposed credit plan, threats which have been seen in some of the conflicting views expressed by leaders, and forced the application of this year's surplus to debt retirement. No Rate Cut Possible But if the surplus is going to be returned to the taxpayers, Secretary Mellon made it clear that he saw no other practical way to do it. He also reiterated that no permanent tax rate would be sanctioned at this time. At an round table discussion of' taxes with newspaper men, Mr. Mellon frankly called for. alternative pro- posals to the plan to give a credit on next year's income levy as a means ofj returning to the taxpayers the pro- spective surplus. Some suggested that the credit be' given on the excise and corporationj taxes alone; others that the surplus be divided in greater proportions among the individual taxpayers, so that those who pay small levies would get greater credit, and some proposed that the entire surplus be applied to retirement of the debt. Mr. Mellon replied he didn't feel it' would be fair to take the surplus cre- ated largely by income taxpayers and apply it on reduction of the excise1 taxes, including the automobile and admission dues. Might Apply On. Debt It would be difficult also, he said, to give the smaller taxpayers greater credit because their payments now were so small. This, plan, he added, also would be prejudicial to the other taxpayers. The secretary did not deny, how- ever, that he would just as soon use the surplus towards retirement of the public debt, but added that the debt, which now stands at about $19,600,- 000.000 would be touched by well over $500.000 this year, which he considered sufficient. Queen Marie Visits Chicago Steel Mills UNION OEATICKET APPLICATIONS, IMAILED Life Members Of Union Receive First Choice Of Tickets Forf "Front Page Stun" SHOW TOOPEN DEC. 6, With the mailing of applications yesterday to full paid life members of the Union, ticket distribution was be- gun for the Ann Arbor performances of "Front Page Stuff," the 21st an- nual Union opera, which will open on Dec. 6 at the Whitney theatre.for a week's run, before beginning its road trip throughout the Middle West and East. Applications for tickets to T performances in other cities will not be available before the Opera makes' its first appearance in Ann Arbor this year, according to announcement made yesterday from the office of the Opera Streasurer. Applications for tickets were also mailed yesterday to the cast, choruses, members of the various Opera com- mittees, and the orchestra.- Following the two day preference1 allowed paid life application blanksf for tickets will be available for all yearly and participating members.j Distribution of applications to these members will take place Thursday, Nov. 18 and any time thereafter, atj the main desk in the Union lobby. Men students of the University who have paid yearly Union dues, come un- der this group. All applications from the former groups must be filled out and return- ed to the Union by Wednesday, Nov. 24, in order to obtain preference. Women students may present pre-, ference slips at the box office in Hill auditorium, Monday, Nov. 29. These preference slips may be obtained be- fore that time from the dean of wom- en. Students who fail to secure appli- cations for tickets in the time men- tioned previously may obtain appli- cation blanks at the Union every day, from Friday, Nov. 26, to Friday, fDec. 3. IGeneral public sale of tickets will begin Friday, Dec. 3, at the Whitney theatre box office. Townspeople and1 all others may procure tickets at this, tim 'ENSIAN SUBSCIPTION1 DRIVE BEGINS TODAW Price Of $3.54 Will Prevail Until Christmas, After Which It i Wil Be $4.00! ESTABLISH SIX BOOTHS Applications for the 1927 Michigan- ensian will be received at six campus booths reserved for that purpose from 8 to 4 o'clock today, tomorrow and Thursday. Prior to Christmas the price of the book will be $3.50, to be raised to $4.00 after Christmas. Applicants may make their payments at the Michigan- ensiap office in the Press Building at any time. Three of the booths will be located on the diagonal. There will be one at each end of the walk and the third will be in the center of the campus in front of the library. Another booth will be located in front of U Hall, another in front of Angell hall, and the sixth booth will be placed in the square in front of the Law building. In carrying out the new plan where- by each house on the campus may) receive a complimentary copy of the yearbook, application blanks have been distributed to most of the fra- ternities, sororities and dormitories, and those which have not already re-' ceived the blanks will have them de- livered today. One point will be given for each unpaid subscription and two points for each subscription paid in full at the time of solicitations. Each house credited with thirty points will re- ceive an 'Ensian with the name of the organization engraved thereon. All I subscriptions taken on the campus will be credited to the houses, if the preference is indicated.{ END TESTIMONY IN DRAINAGE DISPUTE (By Associated Press) - WASHINGTON, Nov. 15.-Counsel for seven states seeking to curb Chi- cago's drainage diversions from Lake Michigan completed the main struc- ture of their case today with testi- mony, before Charles E. Hughes, spe- cial master of the Supreme court, sup- porting the contention that higher transportation costs occasioned by lower levels in the Great Lakes im- poses an indirect burden upon the entire nation. This testimony, together with pre- liminary evidence in support of New York interests in the maintenance of the $200,000,000 barge canal from the Hudson river to Lake Erie and On- tario made up the last increment of the 1,500 pages of evidence adduced in the eight day hearing. After completion of the plaintiff's case in a short session beginning Dec. 1, the hearing will again be adjourned until January 10, when the defense will open. Two weeks probably will be required for defense testimony and argument, after which Mr. Hughes will submit the record, together with a digest of the law involved and re- commendations, to the Supreme Court.' Henry R. Trumbower, professor of economics at the University of Wis- consin, submitted evidence today showing that 85 per cent of all the United States iron ore production and approximately 700,000,000 bushels of wheat, moved annually in the Great Lakes traffic. The wide distribution of these basic commodities, the complainants con- tend, spreads the burden of lake trans- nvttinn onet over the entir nation DENVER PASTOR CALLS AMERICA ECONOMIC 1 MUSSOLINI 01 TIlE WORLD WILL SPEAK TODAY Europe's Large Industries And Pro- jects Are Financed By Capital; Large Sum Invested America is unpopular across the seas because she holds all Europe in the bondage of debt, declared Dr.! George S. Lackland before a group banquet at Lane hall last night. "The Allies' debts to the United States," he continued, "amount to 11 to 12 bil- lions of dollars. But that is only a part; their total war debts are 189 billions. Practically all this money was spent in the United States. "Uncle Sam is the economic Mus- solini of the world," stated Dr. Lack- land. "Our wealth is 50 per cent' greater than that of Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy combined, the four leading nations of Europe. We have 30 billions of dollars invested abroad and are increasing the total by one and a half billions every year. Italy's shipbuilding program and other large industrial movements are financ- ed by American resources." Ways Of Payment The ways in which the war debts might be payed were listed and dis- cussed by Dr. Lackland. Payment by gold would be impossible, he showed, because of the limited supply. They might be payed by buying up securi - ties and turning them over to the creditors, but such purchase would have the same difficulty as the first method, he explained. Payment by servies or by merchandise would be possible, he declared, althoughthey would and are faced by protest of the creditor nation, due to the economic upset caused by conflict with its own industry. Lastly payment by means of loans, which as he explained i, being carried out by the Dawes plan. "But in the opinion of an expert," de- clared Dr. Lackland, "the loans car never be repayed unless the world's financialtcenter is shifted from the United States." "The war was due, fundamentally, to economic causes," asserted Dr. Lackland. "Peace pacts can not set- tle such troubles. The solution to the problem must be sought after in an economic direction." Traveled In Russia Dr. Lackland was a member of the Sherwood Eddy group that studied conditions in Europe last summer hearing the opinions of the greatest European leaders on subjects of im- portance. He has been prominent in labor circles since his taking a pas- torate in Denver in 1918, and suc- cessful in bettering the status of the workingman through such positions as head of the Denver Labor college and a leader in the Denver Open Forum. Other subjects discussed by Dr. Lackland during his stay in Ann Ar- bor, which will continue until Wednesday, will be "American Debt- ors," "Mussolini, the Alternative to Democracy," "The New Germany," and "Research and World Peace." Speakingrunder the auspicescof the Industrial Research commission of the Student Christian association, Dr. Lackland will deliver a lecture this afternoon at 4:15 o'clock in Natural Science auditorium. Dr. Lackland has chosen for his subject, "Lessons from European Labor Movements."1 Hoppins Will Speak At Business Dinner Through the efforts of 0. 0. Mc- Leish, local secretary, arrangements have been completed to have G. H. H-oppins, secretary of the Stout Air- plane Motors company, speak at a Chamber of Commerce luncheon to. day. Mr. Hoppins, who is also an official of the Detroit-Grand Rapids air line, was the designer and builder of the first Ford plane. He will talk on "An Air Port for Ann Arbor." A special invitation has been ex- tended by officials of the chamber to all students who have elected the new course in aeronautics, offered by the University in co-operation with the United States government to attend. The luncheon will be held in the Chamber of Commerce building at Fourth avenue and Ann street. Tickets are priced at 50 cents. Butler Gives Report DENVER PASTOR SEES BLOW=UP FOR ITALY WITHIN TWO YEARS "I. "I predict the blow-up of Musso-. plete control. Much of the real infor- lini's government soon, possibly within mation can be obtained outside the two years," declared Dr. George . country, from refugees who have fled his wrath. Lackland in an interview yesterday "Mussolini's power is that of force," evening, "But on the whole," he con- continued Dr. Lackland. "The system tinued, "I believe Mussolini's influence of Fascism is like that of the Ku Klux and government has been beneficial Klan. It is a secret organization, to Italy. He has put the men to work working in the dark, and no one and fostered industry. He is in ab- knows where it may strike. Every solute control, but he is honest and man of importance in Italy is of the sincere. I believe he imagines him- Fascisti." self a combination of Christ and Na- As a member of the Sherwood Eddy poleon Bonaparte." commission which investigated con- "Mussolini's secret of power is ef- I ditions in Europe last summer, Dr. ficiency and honesty," he added. "His Lackland was enabled to gain a clear- is not a policy of graft. He has given ( er insight into the workings of Euro- to Italy the best government it has pean government and problems. He enjoyed in modern times." made a special trip to Italy, in order "The question," continued Dr.I to study the government set up by Lackland, "is of the price. Is the im- Mussolini. provement worth the price of aban- Dr. Lackland believes that when the doning democracy? There is no lib- Mussolini government falls, as he ex-I erty there. Attack on Mussolini is a pects it to do within the next two capital crime. The government is in years, there are other men who can absolute control, and Mussolini is the take his place, even though he is a government. No one dares to criti- genius and has given a most remark- cize Mussolini or his policies,. and able domestic administration to thej every newspaper is under his com- country he rules. NON=PARTISANGROUP' TO HEARWICKRSHA Former Attorney General Will Discuss Entrance Of United States Into World Court BATES WILL PRESII6E George W. Wickersham, former United States attorney general, who has just returned from Geneva, will speak on "The Present Probability of American Adherence to the World Court," at 8 o'clock Friday night in the Natural Science auditorium. Mr. Wickersham's appearance will be un- der the auspices of the League of Nations Non-Partisan association. While in Europe this year, Mr. Wickersham attended the onference' of states signatories of the Permanent Court of International Justice statute. This body met to consider the five, American reservations provided by the Swanson resolution last winter, and as a result he brings to Ann Arbor in- formation on the European view of the situation. The speaker attended Lehigh uni- versity for two years, and graduated' from the University of Pennsylvania law school in 1880. He holds hon- orary degrees from Pennsylvania, Le- high, and Harvard universities, and from Hobart college. He has prac- ticed law in New York city since 1882. Mr. Wickersham was attorney gen- eral under President Taft from 1909 to 1913. Among other public offices which he has held, he was chairman of the Judiciary committee of the New York Constitutional convention in 1915, president of the Bar associa- tion of New York from 114 to 1917, president of the American Prison as- sociation, and is a trustee of the Car- negie institution of Washington, the University of Pennsylvania, Barnard college, and the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York city. He is an officer of the French Legion of Honor. He is now a member of the firm of Cadwalader, Wickersham and ITft, I of New York. Dr. Henry M. Bates of the Law school will introduce Mr. Wickersham, who will be the guest of the Law club during his stay in Ann Arbor.aThere will be no admission charged to the lecture, as the expenses of the League of Nations Non-Partisan association are defrayed by Detroit and Ann Ar- bor supporters of the League. Rescue Crews Work To Find Lost Miner (By Associated Press) MOUNDSVILLE, W. V., Nov. 15.-- Fresh resuce crews were laboring in the Granville Coal and Coke com- pany's mine here tonight in an effort to locate Thos. Robbins, a miner who was entombed by a blast which early today took four lives and injured two workers. Robbins, a veteran under- ground workman, was believed to be fighting a lone battle against fumes and smoke after having barricaded himself in one of the rooms along the entry, where the explosion occurred. Eleven men escaped alive following the blast. Members of rescue crews whichcame out of the mine this af- ternoon said they had heard sounds, as if some person was knocking, in the direction of the spot where Rob- bins was thought to have been work- ing. They were unable to reach the' I- rin a mnwP sr hne..llPo th bad LOWE GIVES LECTURE ON ANCIENT CLASSICS~ Speaker Says That Latin And Greek Classics Give UsBest Light On Western Civilization TALK IS ILLUSTRATED Dr. A. E. Lowe, lecturer on paleo- graphy at Oxford university, delivered, a University lecture yesterday after-I noon in the Natural Science auditori- um on the subject: "How the Classics Came Down to Us," illustrated with slides of manuscripts which were either original or copies of the clas- sics. The lecturer declared, in opening, "our Latin and Greek classics give us "the best light on the beauties and glories of the ancient Western civil- zation." Dr. Lowe, in tracing the de- velopment of classical learning, stated th'at in the sixth and seventh cent- uries the learning was rapidly sink- ing. But due to the'work of St. Bene- dict and Gregory the Great, the clas- sical learning had a great revival, so that in the ninth and tenth centuries the classics were reproduced in num- erous copies. Each town or province preserved and made copies of they classics of their native writers, and those copies have passed down to us today. "Statistics concerning the classics are interesting," declared the doctor, "for out of the 772 Latin authors only 144 have their works surviving and of these 64 are lost with 43 remaining practically sufficiently rich to possess poetry." The change from the roll to the book form in keeping manuscripts was made in the third century, is the opinion of the lecturer. The slides used illustrated the early classics of Homer and Plato in their tenth and sixth century copies from the original. Manuscripts of Virgil in the original were also shown be-, sides the writings of Latin poets, in- cluding the work of Titus Livius, copied in the sixth century. The oldest work of Caesar was also illustrated in the slides. KARMAN LECTURE POSTPONED; WILL GIVE TALK TODAY' Due to insufficient time for arrange- ments since his arrival here yesterday morning, the aeronautical lecture which was to be given yesterday af- ternoon by Prof. Theodor von Kar- man, head of the aerodynamical lab- oratories at Achen, Germany, has been definitely postponed. He will deliver the remaining two lectures on his schedule this afternoonrand to- I morow at 4:15 o'clock in room 1042 of the East Engineering building. "Present Day Applications of Modern Aerodynamical Theories" will be his subject. Professor von Karman is making a tour of the United States under the auspices of the Daniel Guggenhiem fund for the promotion of aviation. While on his trip, he is visiting all the universities which are offering courses in aeronautical engineering. The German aviation expert spent yesterday touring the campus and town, and inspecting the aeronautical laboratory of the University. STUDENT BODIES ATTEMPT TRUCE (By Associated Press) 1 PPRTX n riN T Mnv r '1-. STUDENTS WILL VOTE ON UNION AMENDMENT AT GENERAL. MEETING ADOPTION WILL DO AWAY WITH LIFE IEMBERSHIP DRIVES WILL MEET TOMORROW 600 Members Must Attend Meeting For Quorum; Two-Thirds Majority Necessary For Passage All male students of the University, will be given an opportunity to vote on the proposed amendments to the Union constitution at a general meet- ing t? be held at 7:45 o'clock tomor- row in the assembly hall of the Union. These proposed amendments were adopted recently by the board of di- rectors of the Union to take care of the life membership proposition as affectedsby the Board of Regents' ac- tion last spring in increasing the Union portion of each man's tuition from $6 to $10. The other $4 of the nmen's tuition increase goes to the University ealth service. According to the Union constitution, the meeting tomorrow must be at- tended by at least 600 members before a vote may be taken on the proposed amendments. A two-thirds vote is necessay for the passage of such a change. Insufficient attendance at the meeting or failure to pass th amendments would result In a con- tinuation of the present system under which life membership drives are held annually, and the payment of the Union fee tuition is not credited to- ward life membership. Passage of the proposed amend- ments, on the other hand, would do away with annual life membership drives. Entering freshmen this fall will automatically become life mem- hers under this plan upon the comple- tion of four years in the University. Present participating life members will be iven $10 credit toward their life membership from this fall's tui- tion ; the same amount from any other year's tuition will be credited after this fall until the life membership fe of $50 has been paid. Fully 'paid life members will be given a $10' refund from this fall's tuition, under the proposed plan: also in any succeeding year fully paid life members will be given the $10 refund from their tuition. Members of the life membership ad- justment committee will be in the lobby of the Union this afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock to answer any questions. Copies of the proposed amerdments may also be obtained in the student offices. Brookhart Asks For Session Of Congress To Act On Farm Bil (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Iowa, Nov. 15.- Senator-elect Smith W. Brookhart, to- day advocated a special session of Congress next summer to complete enactment of special farm relief leg- islation, which he believes should be started in the session opening next month. "I want to congratulate the farmers of Iowa upon their emphatic victory, for it was their victory and not mine," Colonel Brookhart said. "The victory is not due to any strict party align- ment and those who arose above par- ty demands to support the farm pro- gram are entitled to the greatest credit." A survey of the situation shows that the farmer bloc easily has the balance of power in both houses of the new Congress. It also shows the administration still in opposition to any adquat farm bill. a"Being opposed to farm relief there is no chance .that the President will call an extra session unless the ap- propriation bills are displaced until after March 4. This can easily be done by a dozen senators in spite of the wrath of the vice-president, and I see no reason why it should not be favored by a majority of the old Senate." If farm legislation is passed and then vetoed, he said, it wou4d be the issue of the national elections. Princeton Adds Ohio I In Place Of Harvard (By Associated Press) PRINCETON, N. J., Nov. 15.-Ohio State replaced Harvard on the Prince- s nn fnnthalii -hanl f -4t .l (Br Associated Press) Lime. CHICAGO, No. 15.-SelEach applicant is allowed four tic- CtICAGo, Nov. 15.-Shielding her rkets only. Complimentary tickets are face from the white heat of the fur- issued only to the press. All orders cul c'oat, Q een Mar of Ro aa will be filled in the order of their culcotQueen Marie of Roumania t tramped through the steel mills today Front Page Stuff" will be presented to watch iron ore and scrap ore con- at the Whitney theatre six times dur- verted intorails. ing the week of Dec. 6. Up earlier than she had risen since____________ she left the Pacific coast, her majesty I was carried by train to the plant of Resolution Raising the Illinois Steel company at Gary, transferred to a glass windowed ob- servation cartwhich carried her to the Price Of Admission centeraofothemanufactory where she ToJ-Hop Approved discovered from a sheltered observa- tion car, Approval by the Senate Committee on Student Affairs of a resolution re- Dean Day Presents cently adopted by the J-Hop commit- tee, has definitely fixed the price of Rt To Fa ult the tickets for the annual junior party epor t Vy this year at $10, Thomas Winter, '28, general chairman, announced yester- At the November meeting of the day. literary faculty held in Angell hall There will be no special fee this yesterday afternoon, Dean Edmund E. year for booths. Last year the price Day, of the School of Business Admin- of tickets was $7.50, but there was a istration, as chairman of the commit- I special fee for booths. There were tee on curriculum of junior and sen- 53 booths last year, and many of the holders of the 750 tickets did not en- ior years presented a report whichjythprvlgsothboh; h- will be discussed and questioned ,at joy the privileges of. the booths; oth- te Decembersmetingoftetacul ters secured accommodations in the theDecmbe metig o te fculy.booths without paying their just In a general way the report would shartIithostsayde j require students at the end of their There will be 700 tickets sold for sophomore year to specialize in a par- the hop, it was announced. Booths ticular department of study. This t h .e-ho , A - fian o ,uc.n ootn i t . S1 I l '