SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1926 ' THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN EASTERN RI1VALS MAY CQME TO AGREEMENT" Expect Princeton To Accept Council Invitation For Settlement By Conference 'AWAIT OFFICIAL ACTION (Bly Associated Press) PRINCETON, N: J., Nov. 13.-Pros- pects for restoration of relations be- tween Princton and Harvard appeared brighter today. An invitation for "a complete and frank discussion of the grievances of each university," ten-' dered by Harvard to Princeton, will be accepted by Princeton, judging from the opinion of a spokesman. The invitation was sent last night by the Harvard studejit council to the Princeton senior council. It was in! reply to a letter sent by the Princeton! council before Princeton decided to break off relations.j Demnands Discussion Harvard's reply says: "While the student council regrets the bad man- ners of, the Lampoon editorial, andj while the student body as a whole would never have expressed their feel- ings in this way, it is only fair to say Mhat there has been a recognizable element of bad feeling in our football relations for some time. "This bad feeling; which we regret as much as you do, demands some sort ,rf fra~nk and open discussion. Our council suggests that a representative be appointed by each council to meet early next month to enter into a com- plete and frank discussion of the grievances of each university. We feel that only by such means can an ulti- mate and satisfactory agreement be made."' Frank Peabody, member of Prince- ton's senior council and editor of the Daily Princetonian, expressed belief that Princeton would' be glad to at- tend such a conference. D~oubtful Of Future I "We always, doubted whether the Lampoon expressed the majority opin- ion of H-arvard," Peabody said. Hle expressed doubt that things could be patched up at this time, but hoped for an eventful resumption of relations. Prior to the development at H-ar- vard, however, Princeton considered the matter closed., "The shouting and tumult of the Harvard misunderstanding have pass- ed into the realm of the past," said yesterday's Daily Princetonian. "May the limpid waters' of the Charles and of the Carnegie murmur solemn requiem. Let the dead bury their, dlead." Today's Yale-Princeton football number of the numerous Princeton Tiger contains jokes reprinted from the Harvard Lampoon, and there is no reference to the issue of the Lam- poon which aro'used Princeton's ire. The reprinted jokes were from Lain- poon numbers prior to the objection- able one. 1Vold Trials For Fresh an H-iJ-arriers 1 3Tori' inIi1u Dan UL~t 1 igtts :> -- 5)eto $3.0 - frt Aiirtiii t ~ Faord yideal weather coni- the large number !Caof entrants insureWd a.5W o$~{ fyu ~ (I oe ecl in tionI themembrs o thefreshman keen Competition for the honrs. The =call lionsh the1member121ofntheofrreshman -- cross-country squad competed yester- yearling runners have been training: Sat. Nat. - - - UOc to $%(jf0 +°+ll he car-e .\ATE T The N ichit DI aily rccr'E the rigt ct o dlay morning in the annual all-fresh- diligently-since early in October. = Mussily all nts ras om\i1Ik,- a priiiT heats 1,m{ays r Iman trial run over the regular yearl- The best time made in yesterday' lus - nd' t IV rnth!?, ~coia sisado ing course. Starting at Waterman competition was 15 minutes and 55 -Second Week- . Ti o"~ losesat . P. ftil c;,, mod13. N gymnasium, the runners circled the, seconds which compares favorably gix ci in te for tie scelnd i;lzt iol. boulevard and completed the run at with the time made in previous race:; CTnAen SHperR AT '9u 0 tela~3 the starting point, a total distance of held over the course. Nunneley finish- Ten ceetsords to tile line) fon teCrtwaio 2.7 miles.; ed in first place and the next nine I Something New to Detroit n11etle nts prraigln frtreo ir Th u shl ahyear to deter- runners came in as follows: Kennedy, = in4etvu5.recelat1walyofe RE mine the men who will compose the lM1agoon, Kelly, Warthin, MacKay, in Caesrss Buldinreceiedl at heily offret.R oeln- freshman cross-country squad and Watts, W\ilson, Sheehan, Prottengcier. COTATATSLs. elnn A New Yorc Thleater oIluid Success Seilsadrie aes rt t ion lion. IBoth 1. T he Creative WVork of ) 109T E. wooli10 :, r CL ST--T en dolars in ills its Angell, 3~~ hall or bet~ween Aniw'I1 .1tall atund TCECa Skilled Architects I Sreaotno ~'d ie.Cl e1Dllrcaetcallut MissFuied49. Pa,'cdr.22413. Applied to the moderate priced home is of greater importance Ilt"e lae all oter 41. o-3213 xhnapplied to the palatial home on the boulevard. The sticess AIITI AT M SICAL REV E .LSF-aie'wis a ti o rda. al uicl of our conmpany through the9 efforts of our architects is evidenced IN I A E U 9 NOT,.!'V imucabis LO L~is rs aci the growing popularity of A-A-Cut-tor Pit homes. The artist's Readyal 2S wat, 9i Snsic f Rewad. Cal 1.. S, S waif511) &SoMsi exact portrayal of new types of houses is important to the buyer. =j East Elm. -12-43-44 Know how your home will look: when finished. Ask our represent -MuibyVlixnacRoesCmperf"TeGlFind To see best o live to call and show you photographs and plans of the finishes LOST-Rider pen witl name Rcihrd card to 1103 E hiome, also some of our homies now erected in Ann Arbor. Meyer on barrel. Finder 'call 9217. 6365 evenings. Lyrics by Lorenz Hart Reward, 40.41-42 NTC-e 1 lni Airbo o me Buil ders, Inc . _ LOST-Oveu'size Parker lhufold _Lenl,, giant organ =name George Martin on bas _1 -i ~tige acomp i Factory, 12','x Nor-1t 3Main St. nlonle 710,wad.Iia-,21.IU Shalbrle _ S. Main. AFOR RENTj 1WHITNEY THEATRE ___ ~ WT~~FRI. ~~ ~ 2O FOR RENT-Sutet with fieple Pride of Posessiono" ingle rooms; sudents o ,4 P ieo ossinSA .N V ''others; rent Iresonatble 1308 Ged Is Al' aj; Proof o ulf tneStra des Ae 3940-41-42-4-4-45 s'M A NI11O1S' JUOTOF 01LAUGHTER _____ t' WANED- want5 Imen who wAouldl topaiv all epenses, and1 bpld up a,. b ank balance. Conmo to my ofiec a 711 N Univ.. Room 2.Ask I~ R, I $100 $175.00 Blue White Flawlessly Perfect Every diamond in this store is marked to offer a unit of value unsurpassed by any other store in town. Known quality plus added values and greater variety urge you to buy Christmas Diamonds NOW! Schzlanderer &Seyf ried JEWELERS Use ur Divided P'aymient Plani. 304 South Mtin }St. ' I 'T , EXHIBITIONS PLANNED FOR ILLINOIS WRESTLERS-I Illinois wrestling coaches are plan- ning a series of exhibiti~n wrestling matches between varsity and freshmen athletes to increase the general interi- est in the sport among the students and to afford valuable experience to l the candidates. These exhibitions will take place between the football and basketball seasons. Coaches Pren and Kenney, mentors of the Illini teams, believe that public exhibitions will disclose how the menj will work under the critical eye of the I public, and .that they will help to ad- vance the men much faster than work done behind closed doors. Bouts will be held every Shturday afternoon be-.; tween members of the Varsity and ! first and second freshman squads. j Coach Kenney asserts that he hasj an excellent squad of yearling ma- terial this year, especially in the light- er weights. Men for the heavier di-: visions are scarce, however, and it will, be difficult to find men to fill' these places before the initial meet1 which is to 1)e held on Nov. 2G." URBANA. - University of Illinois' new $10,000 football field cover prov- ed, its worth before the'Pennsylvania* game. The field was in perfect play- ing condition in spite of heavy rains, several days before. ?MINNEAPOLIS-A new attendance record for Minnesota's memorial sta- dium will be set in the homecoming ganie with Michigan, Nov. 20. NEW YORK.-The annual meeting of the National league baseball ot- ficials will be held on Dec. 14 and 15 in Chicago. Si~bsci'Ibe for The Iilh gan Daily. , 1 1 p i P t 1 3 t E P R f i f i P t % ; The Press Bldg. 1 4 E E e The price of the Daily if paid before November 15 is $3.75 for the year's subscription. After that date the price will go up to $4.25 and then if the subscription is not paid for by December I thepaewilbstpd *and all delivered copies charged to the subscriber a~t the rate of 5 cents per copy. AAV xto - %k [4 41pil- wv-ol% OP eIN 41IN op op li'% 01P- leP. lei NOVEMPE The Price of T-al oesUp Seniors! Make Your s' Our time is rapidly filln an we will not sacrifice quality for quantity