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November 14, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-11-14

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SUNDAY, N077Mflrrr 14, 1922)

_ ,- r

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial1
The Associated Pes is exclusively en-l
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches creditedrto it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news, pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate .
of postage granted by Third Assistant 'Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.751 by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; business 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor..................W. Calvin Patterson
City Editor................Irwin A. Ohlian
NewsEdiors.........jFrederick Shillito
News Edlitors.... - "'"'''''IPhilip C. Brooks
Women's dito .........Marion Kubik
Sports Eio.......Wilton A. Simpson
Telegraph Editor...........Morris Zwerdling
Music and Drama........Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Night Editors
Charles Behymet Ellis Merry
Carlton Champe Stanford N. Phelps
jo Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith
aames Herald Cassam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Carl Burger Henry Thurnau
Joseph Brunswick
Mar on Anderson Miles Kimball
Alex Blochnowski Milton Kirshuaum
ean Ctmpbell Richard Kurvink.
Mactin J. Cohin (:. Thomas NMcheafl
Clarence 1-delson Adeline O'Brien
William F mer t Kenneth Patrick
Alfredl Lee Foster Morris Ouinn
Robert E. Finch James Sheehan
]ohn friernd N. J. Smith
'obert Gessner Sylvia Stone
Elaine (;i'iber William Thurnau
'olemn G J.eGlencer Milford Vanik
*Harvey J Gunderson Herbert Vedder
Stewyart ikoker. Marian Welles
Mlorton'1k. uv aThaddeus Wasielewski
Paul Kern Sherwood Winslow
Ervin Laltowe
Telephone 21214
Advertising.................Paul W. A.vbd
Advertising...............William C. Pusch
Advertising...............Thomas Sunderland
Advertising..........George 1. Annable, Jr.
Circulation ................T. Kenneth Haven
Publication................John H. Bobrink
Accounts...............Francis A. Norquist
George Ahn Jr. L.At . Van Tuyl
Melvin 1. Baer J. B. Wood
17. M. Brown E~sther Booze
M. I. Cain Hilda Binzer
Daniel Finley Dorothy Carpenter
3. H. Handley Marion A. Daniel
A. M. Hinkley Beatrice Greenberg
E. L. Hulse Selma M. Janson
S. Kerbawy Marion Kerr
R. A. Meyer "Marion L. Reading
Harvey Rosenbum Harriet C. Smith
William F. Spencer Nance Solomon
Harvey Talcott Florence Widmaier'

Harold Utley
With the death of "Uncle Joe'' Can-
non there ends the most stormy and
colorful career in the last fifty years.
of national politics. .Often a tstorm
center, always a magnetic perponal-
ity and incidentally many times over
a millionaire, "Uncle Joe was a
unique figure, representative though
he was of the political pioneers of the
intermediate period of the' country's
history. He stamped his character in-
delibly upon the political history of
the last three generations, not because

ently his age became more and more
evident and he was forced to give up
his usual walk for a daily motor ride.
For some time Danville has known
that "Uncle Joe" had not long to live.
A few weeks ago he began to fail quite
rapidly and neighbors knew that the
end was not far off. Saturday, in the
rambling brick mansion from which
he went to Congress fifty-three years
ago, he fell into a deep sleep and did
not awaken.
While so much is being printed in'
the newspapers about increased strin-
gency in enforcement of the prohibi-
tion laws, word comes from southern
Illinois that two liquor factions are
in open warfare. At first these two
factions used ordinary methods of
battle, shooting from behind trees,
riddling each other's homes with ma-
chine gun fire from speeding automo-
biles, throwing an occasional bomb,
and showing a general disregard for
law and order. But latest reports
show that they have now adopted
more modern methods of warfare-
the fighters have taken to the air and
an aviator has swooped down over the
home of one of the gangsters and
dropped three air bombs. The de-
fenders chased him off with machine
gun and rifle fire.
What has become of government
enforcement of law and order? Some-
thing seems to be radically wrong
with police organization when mem-
bers of two factions of notorious
gangsters are able to conduct open
warfare, have the audacity to make
open statements as to how they in-
tend to get even with their enemies,-
and this in spite of the fact that their
names are well-known and that their
arrest would only be a matter of tak-
ing sufficient forces properly armed
to overcome them. Matters have come
to an alarming state when govern-
ment is so slow in action as to per-
mit such fearless warfare on the part
of lawless characters.
About once or twice every year
some thoughtful person commits a
ghastly and sensational crime. News
papers run columns of copy If the
culprit is found; and if he can afford
a high priced lawyer they run columns
more; and sometimes-this is the re-
grettable part-people suspected are
tried and convicted by the newspapers
and in the minds of the general pub
lic long before the jury ever gets the
It is very detrimental to our so
called system of justice to have this
happen. Besides the more immediate
effect of making it difficult to obtain
ani ntelligent jury that is not preju-
diced, there i the more subtle an
vicious element of forming an over-
whelming public opinion against the
acused, so that when the decision
Is announced a wave of anger is likely
to sweep the country. The most re-
cent example of this is the present
Hall-Mills murder case.
It is very possible that the accused
is guilty; and by deftly presenting
only those facts which would seem to
bear this out, the press has created
an overwhelming sentiment against
the suspect until an acquittal would
be greeted by public resentment.
No evidence against a person is
conclusive until the courts have deem-
ed it so. No person is guilty until he
is convicted. Our system of justice
Is weak enough, without any further
attempts to undermine it on the part
of the thoughtless press.

There have been many comments
made and much interest manifested
by students, alumni and those inter-
ested in religious matters, in the art-
icles on The New Testament written
by Prof. Henry A. Sanders, of the
Latin department, and published re-
cently in The Dearborn Independent.
The articles are illuminating and the
accompanying photographs of docu-
ments are educational in themselves.
Where did Professor Sanders get
the bulk of his material for these art-
icles ? The answer is simple: from
the various libraries on the University
campus. There are acres of material
here in William L. Clements library,
the University library, and the other
minor libraries. It is high grade ma-
terial, and the articles of Professor
Sanders bear testimony to this.
Members of the faculty realize the
value of the material here and they
take advantage of the various facil-
ities. However, there is one unfortu-
nate truth we must face. Too few
students realize that "knowledge is
so near them." They do not find time
to investigate and take advantages of
the acres of material. The truth is,
that many upperclassmen in the Uni-
versity do not understand the first
principles of delving into these pro-
ductivea nrp.C (1Fmterial Q1-A__,

By Pseudonymeter
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov. 13.-Amidl
a frenzy of cheers for the band parade, ;
and with the timer holding his gun in
the air to start the game, a clatter of
hoofs and thunder of snorts,heralded
the entrance of Oscar, the champion
equine, who won the Race of the Ages
by arriving at the stadium 23 seconds
before Admiral Ixso. Oscar came in
with a prodigious leap over the end
stands (where the students do not sit
at O. S. U.), landing squarely on the
50 yard line. The Admiral entered by
the main gate, being delayed 24 sec-
onds because he tripped over a fresh-
4 * *
Oscar qualified as winner of the race
by reporting to the janitor of the Sta-
dium one split second before the start
of the game. As his fit of inebriety
at Heidelberg college was not con-
sidered an infraction of the rules, the
undersigned, as judge of the contest,
presented him with the token of vic-
tory, the act being greeted by a spon-
taneous roar of voices from the
El Jinet.
* * *
(Photograph radioed direct from the
Stadium to Rolls by special arrange-~
ment with A. P. D. & Q. Co.)
To The Victor!
(Presented by the S. C. A. and the
W. C. T. U.)
Oscar, wonder horse, when inter-
viewed following his phenomenal
race to Columbus said modestly, "I
did it all to buy shoes for my family."
He added the vaudeville contracts
- would be welcome and that next sum-
mer he will swim the English chan
e President Coolidge would have said
if he had been interviewed, "It is
- with great pleasure that I learned of
my old friend's victory in the race
e I have not decided whether I will be
a candidate in 1928."
The Harvard Lampoon would have
said, "This is a great year in the
world of sports. First comes Ederle
then Tunney, then Lenglen, and now
Oscar. Princeton students are al
Gov. Victor Donahey of Ohio did not
give the reception planned for Oscar
last night in the executive mansion.
Oscar announced last night that
this would be his last race as a horse.
t Kernel.
Eveyone gets a chance to
work off his grouch against the
Athletic association in ROLLS
t NUMBER, -appearing this week.
Order your copies from the
newsdealer now.
Admiral Ixzo, who placed second
in the big race to the O. S. U. game,
said in a statement issued through
Coach Yost last night:
"I am proud to be beaten by suci'

Ian adversary as Kernel. His horse
Oscar is a marvel. But this race has



sity Symphony orchestra in the third
faculty concert at 4:15 o'clock in 1H111
* * *
The following cast has been select-
ed to present Masque's production of
Maeterlinck's "Sister Beatrice" which

Travel - Poetry - Plays - Fiction - Biographies
t A Very Complete Stock of the Latest and Best Books.
I...GRĀ§4 -HAilS
At Both Ends of The DieagoriJ
: Q ottt i littt ittt Htlt il~t l~llil lll ii I ltE ilti ii H lHIHltittHit lltlttt itt l 1lti ttlH tiilEiQ E1


will be given on December 14 and 15
in Mimes theater:
Sister Beatrice ........Minna Miller
Prince Bellidor . .Kathleen Chrisholnm
Allette .................. Leone Lee
The Abess........Dorothy Williams
Sister Clemency.........Helen Rush
Sister Felicity.........Helen Warner
Sister Gisela .........Vera Johnston
Sister Regina......Edwina Hogadone
Sister Eglatine...Marjorie Chavinelle
The Priest ......... Francis O'Brian
The play is now in rehearsal under
the direction of Phyllis Loughton, and
with no dramatic events of impor-
tance except the Union opera inter-
vening, the play should be a com-
plete success -at least from the box-
office. "Sister Beatrice" is of course i
peculiarly adapted for an entirely
feminine cast, and with the combina-
tion of Phyllis Loughton directing and
Minna Miller in the leading role
Masques should create their master-
piece. Martinez Sierra's "The Cradle
Song" was in itself an outstanding
production of last year, which means
something when the the general tenor
of campus plays was extraordinary-
"the dramatic renaisaance of the
University of Michigan."
The plot is familiar to all theater-1
goers. Max Reinhardt has eternally
glorified it in "The Miracle" which
was the largest spectacle of its kind
ever produced. The nun who is per-
suaded by her lover to leave the
cloister; the 4tatue of the virgin by
a divine miracle coming to life and
taking the place of the erring sister
1 in the routine of convent life--it is
one of the most perfect plots in dra-
matic history. There are effects that
are going to be hard; even a Rein-
hardt million dollars failed in some
respects. But the Loughton who has
created "Why Worry?" and Comedy
Club's more recent success "Tea for
, Three". (she is also doing the Junior
Girl's Play this year) has a dramatic
' insight that will bring the virgin to
. life without insulting the credulty of
the audience; and this can be de-
pended on. Sister Beatrice on the
stage is of course the whole show;
and Minna Miller who was a sensa-
tion in "Tea for Three" as well as in
"The Cradle Song" and as the lead-
l ing lady in "Becky Behave" can be
trusted for an intelligent interpreta-
tion of the erring nun.

We will give you a good trade allowance for your old pen, any
standard make, in exchange for
a Rider 66kAf
This pen has four very positive advantages over any other make.
1) Better flow, (2) six to twelve times more ink capacity, (3) only five
parts, strong parts, therefore it will outlast any other pen. (4) It is made
right here in Ann Arbor and serviced by the manufacturers.
ider's Pen Shop





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Style - Quality - Service
Save a Dollar or More at Our Factory
Hats Cleaned and Reblocked
Fine Work Only
Properly Cleaned - No Odor
No Gloss - No Burned Sweats
Factory Hat Store
617 Packard St. Phone 7415
(Where D. U. R. Stops at State)




Advance Class
Beginning November 17th we will
organize an advanced class in dancing,
to meet at Granger's Academy on



Huron street.

Tuition of $5.00 for a



term of ten lessons. Call the Academy-
Phone 5822-fo'r further information.
Those wishing to enroll can do so either
by phone or in person.
Every Wednesday, Friday, and Sat-
urday nights the regular dances are held
at the Academy. Tickets can he ob-
tained in advance at Slater's Book Shop.




of his picturesque personality, rakish
hat, stogie, and wise remarks, but be-
cause of a shewd sense of political
strategy and a high conception of pub-,
lie duty.
His life -was ;ne of never ending
activity. Though. born in North :Caro-
lina in 1836, the son of a country doc-
tor, his family migrated early to In-
diana. After an indifferent success
as a farmer his',father was drowned
and the support of the family fell
upon Joe. He started work as a clerk
in a grocery store where he remained
four years. It was in this store that
settlers would gather at night to dis-
cuss the burning issues of slavery
and national policies. There he learn-
ed his first lessons in politics. With
the sum of five hundred dollars
which he had saved, Cannon entered
the Cincinnati Law school, finished
his course in three years, and after a
short sojourn in indiana, crossed over
the line lnt& Illinois, finally settling
in Danville where he hung out his
shingle. x
Following eight years in the Illinois
legislature, he was elected to Con-
gress in 1873 where he served contin-
uously, with the exception of two
terms, unitl 1923. As reelection fol-
lowed reelection his power grew. He
became sneaker of the House in 1904
following Thomas Reed. He ruled
with an iron hand for four terms and
his downfall was featured by one of
the m-ost bitter fights in Congressional
history. Since that time his power
gradually diminished, but he ever re-
mained a tower of strength in the
Republican party. At the end of his
long career he retired to Danville.
Sine 1923 "Tncle .T" enioved the I

The University Symphony orchestra
under the baton of Samuel Lockwood,
head of the violin department of the
School of Music, will make its initial
appearance of the year in Hill audi-
torium this afternoon at 4:15 o'clock.
The program is as follows:
Overture; to "The Merry Wives of
W indsor" .. ............Nicolai
Concerto, A minor, Opus 33-
Concerto Grosse, D minor ..Vivaldi
In the Convent ............Borodin
Coronation March........Saint-Saens
During the last three years this or-
ganization has been becoming more
and more prominent in musical activi-
ties. From a rather unimportant and
little known group who were con-
sistently damned with faint praise Mr.
Lockwood has created a definite and
well balanced symphony arrangement
that has a definite -lace in the musical
Of especial interest will be the first
Ann Arbor appearance of Walter
Block, a distinguished 'cellist who
became a member of the faculty of
the School of Music this year. Mr.
Bloch has had wide experience both
as a soloist and in orchestra work.
The personnel of the group has also
been increased to include local resi-
dents as well as 'nhusic students.
The program is especially interest-
ing in the choice of numbers, The
Saint-Saens "Concerto, A minor" is
one of the most popular numbers in
this field of music, while the Con-
certo Grosse by Vivaldi and the Over-
ture to "The Merry Wives of Wind- I
sor" by Nicolai have been chosen with
the capabilities of the organization in
mind; the string work in the latter
number is predominant. Incidentally
"In the Convent" was orchestrated by I
Albert Lockwood who is the head of
the pianoforte department of the1
--nnof a MI ana , memb er mm of the

Sunday Dinner
1:00 to 2:30
Tea, 4:00 to 8:00
Appointments for
Specia Parties


Granger's Academy


42~ -J~9 ~ ~

221 S. State St.

D4IQ S,'5 0

shown me that the horse and
is not fit for travel these days.
off horses for life!"
* * *

I am

Dear Mr. Hay,
It is rumored that there will be noj
football game without reserved seats
next year, because at such a game
students might, by going at ten
o'clock, get seats within the thirty
yard lines, and be dissatisfied with
those behind the goal lines for the rest
of the games. Such action should
stimulate subscriptions to ROLLS'
Stadium Bond Fund. Therefore, fig-
uring its value at $50, you have
"YET TO RAISE...........$449.20."
A. Facul Teeinan.
s r*
Students were able to successfully
rush the Arc last night, because the
manager and the ushers had given up
in disgust, thinking that neither of

Benefit Women's League.
Leave films for developing,
printing or enlarging at the
Candy Booth
"U" Hall


r e

At Least One Windsor
Chair in Every Home
WELL-BRACED back adds
sturdiness to the graceful lines
of this windsor chair and the
quaint rush seat assures perfect
comfort. In mahogany finish.
Martin Hailer





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