THE MICHIGAN DAILY SI'NDAY, NOVEMBER II114, 1922 OP~l flT Iagain included in those represented, 111111 fl$ i as well as several who are exhibiting ~One ofItII features of the exhibit -Tis the portrait work by Leon S. Mk S-I'LON01 leYiski, instructor i painting and IS S~ L O DISLAYdrawing, who though absent on leave Wotk 61"Loeai Artists Features First the display with several portraits, in- Of Six Exhilbits Planned By eluding paintings of Prof. H. S. Mal- At Association :logy of the rhetoric department,. Mrs.. Carl D. Camp, and Dean Mortimer S. END NOVEMBER 2 1 ; Cooley. of the Colleges of Engineering and Architecture. Work of local artists, both amateur Some of the most striking work and professlonal, is the feature--of the of the display is, the negro portraits first of the annual series of art ex-, by Mirs. Oaki~ley C. Johnson, instructor hbibtt held under the auspices of the in fine arts. All of her work is done Ann~ Arbor Art asosciation, which is1 in oll. The only sculpture of the e'x- still on display in Alunin Memorial hibit is that contributed by Carleton hail. Many artists who ar~e ell- WV. Aii-ell of the University Museum,. knowni for their work locally are and among the work of particular in- torest in this display aretHe wall Ein pain"I'ing is=again r rt e: elated, as decorations for~ the new Museurn is Fred II. Aldrich Jr., instructor iin building. drawing and l ainting, who has con - Mlarie Rominger is represented by tribuitedl severlal pastel :scenes. 11. IR. several coats of arms worked out in ' Ginlble,- C. 0. :D nforllh, and C. H.' relief, and Myron B. Chapin, instruc- arnun,,all instructor's ii the t'i- tor in architecture, and Jean Paul versity, hav~e contibute'd a nunner o, Slusser, instructor in drawving and sketches of1 i)Pces al, oad, to the dlis- paintin g, have contributed batiks to play. the display. A I eliel design for, Ann A :)or',s Is- A magazine cover design by Harold land pariz, made by the Landscape dle- C ~inui, 1 yeeon riute. ,Thl at- t is Vn' 11101I'svr pitldei of I auiC2.i e~ts.a 's iPic;( .1 ot.a -..;i:055 Wl~ )on ~rci epYOUrSell to TISH'SPL-A YHOUSE -aii ii III 111111111111111! 111111111 Illllll ll1 111 11111! l111111111111111111111111111111111111111 C. Young and several similar works sign class, is also iiicilutd in the ex- !ihe o xli>it r is the0 Wat P heill en byMs f .Fwecnttt h iiin ~rl o oa isextent of the cover designs in the ex-j Besides the work of the professional ' of the s XWhlich 1O r a nlj hibit. H. A. Fowler, instructor inI artists there are a number of pieCC plans to have tln- e .A1o architecture, is also represented byl included that have beenc-nmitriibute~u oR hers will beh,~ e rn u 5 Several illustrations., by amaters,. Two fore lIn 4tudeitI , and the presei (i jay wrel ] Vaughn Slocum , instructor in archi- Nelson Cha ig, grad, of China all,,'every afternoon frm iiifLet r , i te . or h s vi o a d Ife W l ano.Lot e,'mi, o O e b r ,orl c c N v tectrenpte1 fr hi vior ad lfe Wlfag L.Colze, 80.of Oenbrg, illclos No. 2. e 9 1 WAS==" AMERICAN HOME COOK(ING ASunday Chicen Dinner Baiked , (hlekeln, Colo INi 5t3'le With Mka'sh(I Potaitoes OR Chlckea (Gra'vy " MNa n' Gat diPeas ill trcani H ear ts of Celery Hlore Made Plimpkin Pie Bread and Butter Tea, ('offee or COGRSKICEET [ 311h Over ijerrill Pratt's p I A. Great Star ina Thrilling Picl,! t r of Life Ifack of the 7Ioodligh is! NTEVER has beautiful Norma Shearer had a iN greater starring picture than this one about the life of a vaudeville song-and-dance girlie. As the "hoofer" who travels the one-night stands, the popular star gives an altogether brilliant, lovable portrayal. She takes you "back-stage" to a new world of thrills, romance and humor. You Liked Her in is Secretary"ad MOE D HEIRLOOM HANDMADE CHINESE RUGS Now on Display "'The Waning Sex"! You See This One. bloy, Wait 'till at Sout Main St. Today rcr -' .nI. 4 - /c ,s ../tfQ \ f t~ ' \N \ ip,,., t'' -'i>,'< IN t~1 " 4di rNo 4 I ., Moved from Liberty and Fourth Ave. to First Store North of DeFries Art Store I have brought downtown for a short time only the exquisite Chinese Rugs I amy importing direct: from makers in Peking, eli na, that not only my friends but everyoneyv'hO enjo~ys 61)jeets, of l~ity iwiy feel free to conie ini, wander iround ;ind enj1oy them at thei I1 oee,'t iiiatter I you will never buy, you are welcome. MRS. H. F. 'MERRICK f ...° . Beginning 75od tdoat$1.ot0 roeme iIfue .riiriSat. FATHER LOVES APP~LESAU CE I MOTHER LOVES APPLESAUCE SISTER LOVES APPLESAUCE uBR-.THIElLOVE APPLESAU CE YES-- AN THE WHOLE WIE I WORLD LOVES IM APFrPLES AlCEMi THlE JOYOUS ALL AMELRICA: COMEDY U Fil 1:11 111 6I11111111111111111iii~ llllllil 1 II~ IIt1 , i CAS TI EA T E D ET 2 0 1T iI is IttractionWil Apjm-r in -So Oter (City in the State P'HOI4E CADILLAC t1100 I STAGE ENTRANC 2I ve'j Q Important : Evenings, 8:15 Shard~ Saturday Matinee at 2: 15 Sharp O-dw lu,' ~ti nistrel, 1prinice of poetsdai king of thi fes, lIn ?LA' vitlwel the Rurgundiamis were hanineri g at the doors o$ jPakris. A play of dash in' valor, ropincte and ,adventure, ali) set# k exquisite and tgorgeous m~elody, almost. archaic iin its wealth of }Igor; beauty and syfhaolisni. .''othing like it: Russell Jann ey Presents,- d t" t v 4 . l 1 J tx :' 1}i { ' r yit y5 'e Ii Yaudc-fIile }Feature AL B~OB I "Thc lkurshnnd Kt"1i Idom Isola, S-, 1# F. AYY KS "A Landslide of Comedy and Song" ;f , j "A Lndslde f CoedyandIonI I