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November 14, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-11-14

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Operators Win In Battle To Increase
Hours And Decreases Wages of
Underground Workers
(By Associated Press)I
LONDON, Nov. 13.-To all intents,
the long coal stoppage, which dislo-
cated half the country's industries and
is estimated to have cost the nation
$1,500,000,000 has ended with defeat
of every important claim for which
the miners fought so tenaciously.
It may still be a week or more be-
fore there is a general resumption of
work, but the termination of the strike
came today when the miners' dele-
gate conference recommended that
the miners accept the government's
peace proposal.
That the miners will accept the
recommendation is regarded as a
foregone conclusion. The settlement
is described by nobody as a negotiat-
ed peace. It is peace virtually im-
posed by the government, and was ac-
cepted only after bitter opposition by
a minority of the Welsh miners and
in the face of a probable stampede of
the men back to work had it been re-
The royal coal commission report,
which figured so largely in the earlier'
negotiations, was disregarded. The
owners gained most of their points
for the settlement, which means lon-
er hours and decreased wages for the
men and complete disappearance of
the national principle in arranging
the conditions of work.
Seaplane Race Won
By Italian Aviator
NORFOLK, Nov. 13.-Maj, Mario de
Bernardi, Italian Royal Air Force,!
and his little Macchi-Fiat monoplane,!
today broke all existing records for
seaplanes, won the Schneider cup race
for Mussolini and Italy, and deprived
the United States of its chance to re-
tain the coveted international trophy
Averaging more than four and one-
tenth miles a minute, the little red'
streak walked away from everything
on the course. When Major de Ber-
nardi crossed the finish line, his aver-
age speed was clocked ,at 246.49
miles an hour.
In addition to this record, he broke
the record for the 100 kilometer
closed circuit at 248.189 miles an
hour; for the 200 kilometer closed cir-
cuit at 248.00025 miles an hour, and
bettered the three kilometer record in
six of his seven laps.
Spectators Burned
In Bomb Explosion
(Special to The Daily)
COLUMBUS, Nov. 13.-Four specta-
tors were badly burned by the explo-
sion -of an aerial bomb in the tempor-
ary bleachers at the southern end of
the field shortly before play was
started in the Michigan-Ohio football
game here today.
Three womenyand a man were in-
jured, all of them burned about the
face and body. They are: Mrs. John
Brobst, Miss Maybelle Miller, Miss
Dorothy Miller, all ofthe Columbus,
and Byron Griffith, Delaware, Ohio.
The bomb was one of the series sent
into the air by a mortar gun as a pre-
liminary to the game. It failed to ex-

plode until it had landed in the midst
of the dense crowd. Many were
slightly burned, and scores of others
bore marks of the bomb in yellow
stains of burnt powder on their cloth-
As the fourth number on the annual
Oratorical, association lecture series,
the Kennedys will give a production
of Mr. Kennedy's newest play, "Th(
Salutation," in Hill auditorium on
Tuesday evening, Nov. 23.
Charles Rann Kennedy, the onlyl

Crime Question Must Be Viewed From
Detached Viewpoint, Menefee Believes

uf Cheers, Prayers,
IS ENDE BYMNES And Music At Game

Editor's note: This is the ninth of a
series of interviews with prominent authori-
ties on the crime situation in the United
States. Copyright 1926 by The Michigan
By Prof. F. N. Menefee
This is a question which must be
viewed from a detached standpoint
in order to avoid the error usually in-
volved in generalizing from special
cases. Fundamentally, human mental
energy and effort flow toward re-
ward. Reward may take on several
forms, varying from pure material-
istic ,as one extreme, to martyrdom
and future fame as the other.
But, in general, in order to get the
best of our brains to work on a prob-
lem we may safely say that the prob-
lem must be one that will benefit
humanity and at the same time carry
with it, not martrydom, but general
approval and some material reward.;
The mere fact that martrydom has
gone out ofstyle is one proof that
humanity is suffering less or is enjoy-
ing existence more than ever before.
We suffer, but not enough to make the
demand for improvement generally,
particularly when we would have to
pay more for the improvement.
Science is today reaping the re-
wards that formerly went into other
channels. We have no trouble getting
scientists to work on big problems
involving science today, because it is
at least honorable, and quite often
profitable. Directly or indirectly ,the
public is willing to reward:-and we
have the telephone, microscope, in-
sulin, etc.

Professor Reed was right when he
said it was not mere legislation, but
more and better administration ofI
what we already have ,that societyI
needs today. But that only brings up;
the query, how are we going to getE
better administration; are there none
among us today who know what to
say or what to do? And the answer
is yes, there are thousands, but the
general acclaim is lacking as an in
centive to bring them out in that
All will pay science for autos that
will work,-we will not pay for one
that breaks down 50 per cent of the
time as the search warrant seems to
do. We wouldn't stand for such autosy
for one minute. We would pay more
to science to develop one that would!
not break down. And we don't pay
as much or more to prevent science
from functioning in behalf of human-
ity as we do to make it function for
humanity. But in the case of admin-
istration of our crime laws, I suppose
as much or more reward goes, to the
defense, for the prevention of the in-
tended functioning of our laws, as
goes to the prosecution.
The foregoing is predicated on the
idea that, quick and certain, admin-
istration of our laws, defective though
some may be, will do a great deal to-
ward improving our crime situation.
It ignores such defenses as, "Society
is responsible for the criminal" as a
self-evident fact, for society is respon-
sible for everything that takes place,
except the regular operation of the
laws of nature.
(Continued on Page Three)

Case May Set Record For Protracted
Litigation Before All Facts
Are Given To Hughes -
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13.-Attacking
plaintiff testimony debcribed as the
hub of the lake level controversy,
counsel for the sanitary district of
Chicago today adduced evidence at the
Supreme Court chancery hearing that
discontinuance of its drainage diver-
sion alone would not restore Lake
Michigan to the level recorded prior
to the opening of its canal in 1900.
On cross-examination, Lieut.-Col.
George T. Pillsbury, superintendent of
the federal government lake survey
office at Detroit, testified that otherI
Great Lakes withdrawals, particularly{
through the Welland canal for Canad-
ian power development, contributed
to the lower level at issue, and that
so long as such artificial channels
were maintained, the natural water
level would not be restored.
Randall J. Leboeuf, Jr., counsel forj
New York state, in re-direct examina-
tion of Colonel Pillsbury emphasized,
however, that the Welland withdraw-
als from Lake Erie, fixed at approxi-
,mately 3,000 cubic feet a second, were
returned eventually to the natural
watershed, whereas Chicago's with-'
drawals from Lake Michigan, esti-
mated' at approximately 8,500 cubic
feet a second, were permanently di-
verted from the natural flow of the
St. Lawrence to the iMississippi sys-
Colonel Pillsbury testified that the
Welland withdrawals, for both navi-
gation and power projects, reduced the
lake levels 13/100 of a foot. Previ-
ously, he had testified that the Chicago
I - ._:_ _ __ a..- -i + ,- 1.. _ -f ..1.,

By Timothy Hay
COLUMBUS, Nov. 13.-Maize and
Blue torches burned tonight from the
the high towers of the Ohio State
stadium, while 90,000 awe-inspired
persons filed from the scene of the
battle that had kept them alternately
cheering and praying.
It was the greatest game we ever
saw, and even then we didn't see
much of it because of the synthetic
feather perched in the hat of the wom-
an in front of us. We felt very much
at home in our field box seat, since it
was in the curve and too low down
to see much. We didn't even see
Oscar and Ixso finish their race.
The Michigan band outplayed Ohio's
at every point in the game. It de-
feated Ohio before the football game
started, in an exchange of pieces that
ended with Michigan in the lead by
two verses of "Hail, Hail, The Gang's
All Here."
Then between the halves the fight-
ing band beat Ohio onto the field and
scored two goal posts by the drum-
major before O. S. U. got tuned up.
Ohio led in individual scoring, though,
her drum-major outstruting Packer
on every march. But the satin feath-
er in front of us hid many of the big
thrills of the game.
For instance, we saw Friedman
throw a pass, which went behind the
silver feather, and appeared a few
seconds later when Oosterbaan caught
it for a touchdown.
Ohio thought that the "Varsity"
was the second verse of the "Maize
and Blue," for they remained respect-
fully bareheaded during the rendering
of both pieces by the band. Speaking
of songs, when Ohio sang their hymn,
"Carmen, Ohio," it was like 80,000
people joining in a great church-serv-
The cheer that rose in greatest vol-
ume around where we were was, "sit
down." We got a bad case of sun-'
burn on one neck, the cause being,
that we had to lean way over and as-.,
sume a horizontal position most of
the time to catch a glimpse through
the feather and surrounding hats.
Eby pulled a Red Grange of the
movies stunt when he raced into theE
game at the beginning of the fourth
nnnrt.P., ,nmidstthe deafening cheers

Record-Breaking Crowd Of 90,000 Held
In Suspense By Thrilling Seesaw
Battle Until Referee's Gun
The Varsity football team arrived here at 2 o'clock this morning
according to information received through members of the coaching
staff. The pullmans occupied by the team were sidetracked at the sta-
tion, where they remained until morning.
By Wilton A. Simpson
COLUMBUS, Nov. 1.-One lone point determined the winner
in one of the greatest and most spectacular games in the history of Big
Ten football, when Michigan kept its Conference slate clean and
eliminated its old rival, Ohio State, from Big Ten title hopes by a score
of 17-16 before a record breaking throng of 90,411 frenzied, rooters
here this afternoon.


Visiting Universities Of America
Under Auspices Of The Daniel
Guggenheim Fund
Dealing with his recent contribu-.
tions and developments in the aero-j
nautical world, Prof. Theodor vorx
Karman, head of the aerodynamical
laboratories of Achen, Germany, will
give a series of three lectures here to-
morrow, Tuesday and Wednesday. The
time of the lectures, according to a
member of the department of aero-
nautics, is not yet determined but they
probably will occur in the evening.
the bulletin boards of the engineering'
school will carry announcement of the
exact time and place as soon as the'
details are completed.
Professor von Karman is traveling
through the United States under thb
auspices of the Daniel Guggenheim
fund for the promotion of aviation,
visiting and lecturing at a number of
universities and colleges. including
the University of Michigan, The Mas-
sachusetts Institute of Technology,
New York university and the Califor-
nia Institute of Technology. While in
Ann Arbor, Professor von Karman
will inspect the aeronautical labora-
tories of the University.
Considered an authority on theoret-
ical dynamics, Professor von Karman,
in collaboration with Professor
Trelftz, developed a new family of
theoretical wing profiles; and aided
by Professor Petrotzy, a Hungarian
^ngineer, he built the first successful
man-carrying helicopter known to
science. Recently Professor von Kair-
man wrote a paper on "The Theory'
of Qwncunx Vortices."
Professor von Karman is also
scheduled to address an assembly of
aeronautical experts of the United
States at a meeting in December in
Wash PSgton.
New Public Speakingi

Campus Organizations Will Receive
Free Copies Of Annual On Point
System Based On Sales
In preparing for the 'Ensian sub-.

ncampaign which will be held Idivision reduced the level of Lake dul-" ' uu-q * uuu-a-- .,
scriptinam gw hMichigan about six inches. of his fellow students. And a fewl
this week, the managers of the pul- moments later he brought in a touch-4
lication have devised a plan whereby (1y Associated Press) down.
each house on the campus may re-( WASHINGTON, Nov. 13.-Out of 27
ceive a complimentary copy of the this years litigation over lake water di-
year s book. versions for Chicago's sewage dis-
On the basis of one point for each posal has emerged the transcendent II ELII INS
unpaid subsciption and two points problem of what to do with the evi-1
for each subscription paid in full at dence.
the time of solicitations, each fro- The case, which already has estab-
e ity i ,credit- lished new frontiers in the history l
ed with thirty points will receive an of American jurisprudence, both for
'Ensian with its name engraved there- the number of states involved and the Wildcats Begin Drive For 21 PointsI
on. Dormitories having a large num- diversity and complexity of issues, In First Quarter With 85 Yard Run
ber of residents will be giveni one book may achieve immortal distinction For Touchdown On Initial Kickoff
for each thirty points received. Every through the introduction of rubber-
one subscribing on the campus will be tired motor trucks for the mobilization REMAIN IN TITLE RACE
given credit in their respective houses. of exhibits.
It is the idea of the editors to en- Only the celebrated case of Jarn-
courage the various organizations to dyce vs. Jarndyce, reserved for the By Smith H. Cady, Jr.
start a series of 'Ensians for their world in Charles Dickens' "Bleak DYCHE STADIUM, EVANSTON,
libraries by providing this plan weher-I House," now stands rival for long Nov. 13.-Northwestern's Wildcats
by the collection may be made at no sustained legal action in a non-ship- ran off a track meet with Chicago.
cost to the houses. ping controversy, and even that rec- here this afternoon winning 38 to 7.
It is expected that the price of the ord may fall under the bulk of maps, The game was never in doubt after
book will remain the. same as the cost charts, and tables now being unloaded the first minute when Gustafson, Pur-
last year, which was substantially daily at the door of Charles E. Hughes, le halfback, received the kickoff
cheaper than most college annuals in Supreme Court special master in the pe ran it back through the whole
the same class. Due to increased case. b dtxcb led aonta o ocdw.
sales which it is beleived will result With long-based taxicabs already, T tea the end of the first
the adoption of this low price is deem- in use to cart about the evidence, Thewa score at ttheenofteir!
ed practical. those in charge are looking with con- (quarter was 24-0. Northweatern dis-
The fall campaign will offer the icern to the transportation problem of played every kind of football on rec
only opportunity to subscribe for the Idthefuture. The log of Christopher ord. They gained through the line,
'Ensian as it is expected that the full Columbus' first trans-Atlantic voyage around t en wereand throug het ur.
quota will be filled in that period. has been searched for reference to Staggs meniw erid aze'dui
S i, 1492 and most of the first peri Chicago'

Bell ..........LE... Oosterbaan lt
Raskowicki . . LT..........BaerJ
Hess ........LG........ Dewey
Klein.........C.... Truskowski
Meyer ...... RG ....... Lovette
Uridel......RT......... Gabel
[ Rowan......RE........Flora
Clark ......... Q ..... Friedman 1
Kruskamp .... LH ...... Gilbert
Grim ........RH ..: ...+Molenda
Karow. ....F.....Weber
Substitutions-For Ohio, Mac-
key for Meyer, Hunt for Krus-
[ kamp, Marek for Grim, Eby for t
Marek, Cox for Uridel, Reed for I
Mackey, Ackerman for Rowan,
Hunt for Clark.
[ For Michigan, Hoffman for.
Molenda, Palmeroli for Dewey,
IGrinnell for Gabel, Squier for t
Touchdowns-Oosterbaan, Hoff- t
man, Karow, by. Field goals-
Friedman, Clark. Point after 1
touchdowns, Friedman 2, Clark
Statistics: Passes attempted, ,
{ Michigan 14, Ohio State 9. Passes
completed, Michigan 8, Ohio State,
5. Passes intercepted, by Mich- 1
igan 2. Total yardage gained on ;
passes, Michigan 132, Ohio State
88. First downs, Michigan 9,
[ Ohio State 9. Yardage by rush- ;
ing, Michigan 54 on 22 plays,
Ohio State 93 on 42 plays.;
Penalties-On Ohio, 5 yards,
Michigan none. Average of
{ punts, Michigan 43, Ohio 46.
(By Associated Press)
Wisconsin 20, Iowa 10.
Northwestern 38, Chicago 7.
Illinois 27, Wabash 13.
Iowa State 13, Drake 7.
Kansas Aggie 0, Nebraska 3.
Butler 0, Minnesota 81.
Purdue 44, Franklin 0.
Indiana 19, Mississippi Aggies 6.
Army 0, Notre Dame 7.
Yale 7, Princeton 10.
Cornell 24, Dartmouth 23.
Pennsylvania 3, Columbia 0.
Navy 10, Georgetown 0.
Penn State 9, Bucknell 0.
Pittsburgh 0. Washington & Jeffer-
son 0.
Syracuse 10, Colgate 10.
Georgia Tech13, Georgia 14.
Virginia Military 10, Kentucky 9.
Vanderbilt 20, Tennessee 3.
Maryland 6, Virginia 6.
Missouri 45, Washington univer-
Isity 6.
WASHINGTON. - Success has at-
tended recent cross country tests of
the Curtis hawk, latest of the navy's
fighting type planes.

Only a Victor Hugo could do Justice
to the thrilling drama of the two
teams seesawing from one goal post
to the other with the Conference title
banging in the balance. The climax
of the breathtaking epic came in the
proverbial last minute, when Clark,
Ohio quarterback, failed to make the
point after touchdown, which would
have tied the score.,
Ohio Scores First
Today's battle looked like another
Navy game for Michigan when Ohio
started out with a bang and scored
ten points before 12 minutes of play
had passed. Then, the Wolverines,
feeling the sting of defeat, collected
themselves and tied the score before
the end of the first half. The stage
had a perfect setting at the start of
the third scene, the score being 10 to
10. Both teams fought bitterly in the
third quarter in an effort to break the
deadlock, the period ending with
Michigan in possession of the ball on
Ohio's 6 yard line.
After a Michigan touchdown at the
opening of the final period, Ohio
launched a brilliant passing attack
which brought them into scoring posi-
tion from where Eby raced ten yards
around left end for the score that
brought the count 1-7 to,16.
Friedman's failure to-catch a punt
after he had signalled for a fair catch.
was the first break which gave Ohio
a scoring chance. Immediately after
Friedman's error Gilbert fumbled the
ball on his own 11 yard line, Ohio
recovering the ball. The Michigan line
bolstered and forced Clark to drop
kick from the 15 yard line. Clark's
attempt was successful.
Again Ohio brought the ball to
Michigan's 30 yard line after Grim
broke loose for a 20 yard gain. A
forward pass, Bell to Grim, advanced
the ball to the one foot line, from
where Karow plunged over for a
touchdown. Clark kicked goal.
Gilbert Passes
A long forward pass, Gilbert to
Friedman, placed the ball on Ohio's
35 yard line at the close of the first
quarter. Friedman attempted . to
make a kick from placement but fail-
After receiving the ball on Ohio's
45 yard line in the second quarter on
an exchange of punts, Friedman threw
a pass to Oosterbaan who gained 33
yards before being downed within 12
yards of the goal line. On a fake
placekick formation, Friedman threw
a pass over the goal to Oosterbaan,
who made a spectacular catch to score
the first Michigan touchdown. Fried-
man added the extra point. With 30
seconds left to play in the first half
Friedman dropped back to the 43
yard line and tied the score with a
kick from placement.
The third quarter did not produce
any scoring, but nevertheless ithad
all the intense fight of the other
periods. At the close of the period,
Gilbert punted to Marek on the five'
yard line.
Ohio Fumbles
The ball took a bad bounce and
Marek ran at top speed to pick it up.
However, he failed in his racing at-
tempt to pick up the ball, and Dewey,
Michigan's left guard, recovered on
the Buckeyes' 6 yard line.
After finding that plunging through
the Ohio line was a futile method to
I use in attempting to score, Friedman
caught Ohio napping and threw a




Is Planned

(Special to The Daily)
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov. 13.-Captain
Benny Friedman, who was the starf
for Michigan in the brilliant 17 to 16
victory over the strong Ohio State
eleven here this afternoon, had his
great day marred wih a touch of tra-
gedy when he was informed at the
close of the game that his father lay
critically ill on a cot in Mt. Sinai
hospital at Cleveland.
Louis Friedman, Benny's father, was
taken to the hospital in a serious con-
dition Thursday afternoon, but the
Wolverines' captain was not' informed
of his father's condition because his
parents had emphatically requestedI
that their son be allowed to play
against Ohio with an eased mind. It
was their fond wish that he play the

the American water le
Sthe documents relating to the case
I date from that time forwards.
I'ollzien Announces
Chairmen For Opera
Announcement of the appointment
of Union Opera committee chairmen
and stage manager for "Front Page
Stuff," was made yesterday by Ward
( Tollzien, '27, general chairman of the
Opera this year.
John Starrett, '28E, was named as
stage manager. The committee chair-
men are as follows: publicity, Court-
land Smith, '28; programs, Thomas
Olmsted, '27; costumes, James Yant,
'28; make-up, Fred Hill, '27; and or-
chestra, Robert Bowers, '27.
All the chairmen will make the
Opera trip and will appoint members
of their respective committees from a

lone touchdown resulted in from a
seriesdof deceptive passes late in the
second quarter. Marks passed to An-
derson,who was in the open and j
scored unhindered. The second half
was lacking in excitement, North-
western scoring but one touchdown
and Chicago 'none.
A capacity crowd of 47,000 persons
'was on hand to witness the massacre
and the dedication of the new stadium,
despite the unfavorable weather.
It was the first time since 1916 that
Northwestern has beaten the Maroons,
and the first time in the twentieth
century that the Wildcats have en-
tered the 'game as favorites.
Purple supporters are in a franzy
of excitement tonight as Northwest-
ern is sure to beat Iowa next Saturday f
and if the strong Minnesota team can
stop the drive of the Wolverines,
Northwestern will reign as champions
of the West. The score of the Ohio-i
Michigan game at the quarter, 10 to i
0 in favor of Ohio, drew a thunderous

Plans for a new organization under
the direction of the public speaking
department were discussed at the last
meeting of the Oratorical board and
a committee, of which Leroy A.Sel-
lmeier, '27, is chairman was appointed
from the board to confer with a simi-
lar committee to be appointed by Prof.
Richard D. T. Hollister of the public
speaking department from the mem-
bmer of'the staff of that denartment.


TxT T. P Pof { I

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