SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAEE FIV 9 $IV,) . OP _.......,....Z..... e.. _.' fP # ,P PHYSICAL EDUCATION ~HAMPION OFFERS aE°aHlCLEDUCTION CHAMPION OFFERS LLL IGREE INSTRUCTION SAYS STUDENTS HAVE INTEREST IN RELIGION 11' Find Professiginal School nFurollnent has Increased By One Third I "Jne Last Year DANCE ARTIST TO COME Each succeeding year witnesses tho growth of the, enrollment in the phys- ical education department of the Uni- versity aid this year it shows an in- crease of over 33 percent. Last year$ there were 41 women in this school and this year the enrollment has en- larged to 65 students. As in 'every other department of the University students come from all! over the country and in this school there are even members coming from as far as Hawaii. This list also in- cludes students who have previously taken physical education work in the Boston School of Physical Education, Sargent, and Central School of Hygi-} ene (New York).- The 1927 June graduating class will be the first four year physical educa- Mrs. Stewart Hanley tion class to be graduated and will have 16 members. Physical educa- Mrs. Stewart Hanley has offered her tion seniors this year are doing a great services free of charge to the physical deal of-outside work. Seven of the education department of the Univer- seniors are doing directed teaching at sity of Michigan. Mrs. Hanley was Angell school, five at the University district golf champion of Detroit last high school, two are assisting in the year and at stated intervals through- college department, one teaching folk out this coming year she will be at dancing, and three are in the physi- the University to instruct the elective otheropy department at the University golf courses which have been inaugur- hospital. tated this year. A number of the underclassmen are understudying this work now as Camp Panhellenic Ticket Fire guardians, Y. W. C. A. swimmingTik instructors and as apprentices at the Sale Begins Monday The physical education department announces that Miss Margaret H'Doub- Having allowed only 100 tickets for ler of the University of Wisconsin is independent women who wish to at- coming to the University for aweek-tend the Panhellenic ball which will end in the near future. Miss H'Doub- "n h ahlei alwihwl ler is recognized as one of the leading be held Friday, Nov. 26, the committee artist-teachers of the dance in this desires that applications should be country and her visit here is eagerly made early. Independent women may anticipated by those who know her secure their tickets from 3:30 to 5 work. Physical education students o'clock Monday t Barbour gymnas- and members of Orchesis will have an in. opportunity to work with her at this time. Subscribe for The Michigan Daily. That the present age is not charac- acterized by an indifference to relig- ion is the belief of Miss Winnifred Wygal, national student secretary of the Y. W. C. A. as expressed at a joint dinner of the cabinets of the Y. W. C. A. and S. C. A. Thursday night at the Haunted Tavern. "Jesus was nev- er so much talked of as He is today," said Miss Wygal. Miss Wygal has had wide experience in the field of religious conferences. Last summer she was one of the ten delegates from the United States to the biennial meeting of the World Stu- dent Christian association in Neibur, Denmark. In addition, she visited the Karlavu conference in Serbia. Miss Wygal outlined several pro- posed conferences which are to be held within the next two years. In June 1927, the executive committee of the World Student Christian asso- ciation will meet in America; a pan- Pacific conference of all student move- ments bordering on the Pacific will meet in Switzerland during the same period. The next two years are es- pecially significant, for student life all over the world is taking itself more seriously. A significant screen is form- ed by the interaction of students of different countries according to Miss Wygal. Patronize Daily Advertisers. Women's Rifle Team N O T I C E S classes. Alexandria Janhusky vs. Leader To Explain ma Roomer, and IRuth LambeardersToExplain Faces Busy Season There will be an organized W. A. A. Sally Knox. "Power Of Praver" hike leaving Barbour gymnasium this There will be a meeting of all the morning at 9 o'clock. W. A. A. honor chairmen of the Women's league and Through the endeavors of the Na- points will be accorded for participa- Interchurch bazaar at 4 o'clock Mon- Continuing the talks on the "Sourc- tional Rifle association, a Women's Na- tion in this hike. day in Barbour gymnasium. es of Power" which are being given tional Intercollegiate Rifle league has j There will be a meeting of all ath- There will be tryouts for the Sopho- at the weekly association meetings of been formed, in which the University letic managers at 4 o'clock Monday. It Imore circus band at 4:30 o'clock Mon- of Michigan is included. is important that every manager be (lay in the parlor: of the gymnasium..s rThe league which comes in the way Itnere. If it is impossible to be pres- Tryouts are requested to bring any regional Y. W. C. A. secretary for the of an innr'vation will exchange tele- ent send a representative. musical instrument they desire to I area which comprises Michigan, Ohio, tjgraphic results thus making possible' ThQ junior vs. freshman class hock- play. and indiana, will speak on the "Pow- dual meets. Michigan has however,ey games and the seniors vs. sopho- Miss Winnifred rygal, national stu- er of Prayer" at 4 o'clock Monday in ten meets scheluled outside of the lea- mores games will be played off next i dent secretary of the Y. W. C. A., will Newberry hall. The talk will be pre- - gue among these, the University of week before Thursday. The final will complete her series of Bible studies ceded as usual by a short social hour. South Dakota, the University of Mary- I be played off Friday or Saturday. from 10 to 12 o'clock this morning in All women are cordially invited to be land, which held the championship of The following intramural hockeyI Newberry hall, present and those who are interested, the Women's national match held last games will be played off Monday, Nov. The Monday evening section of the in joining the Y. W. are especially year, the University of Cincinnati, and 15: 4 o'clock, Martha Cook vs. Alpha Faculty Women's club will meet at uIuged to attend. the University of Oregon. Phi, Delta Gamma vs. Deltta Delta Del- the club house on Monday evening, A beginners class under the direc- I ta; 4:30 o'clock, Adelia Cheever vs. Nov. 15, at 7:30 o'clock. Snbscribe for the3 M11ian nily r I _ 3 tion of Capt. L. M. Bricker of the R. Alpha Xi Delta, Betsy Barbour vs. 0. T. C. is under way and meet Mon- Phi Gamma Mu. days for practice at the women's rifle The third round of the interhour range in room 330, W. Engineering hockey tournament will be played off building. Another class for beginners Wednesday, Nov. 17, 4 o'clock, Mon- under Captain Bricker will meet next ! day and Wednesday 10 o'clock class-I Tuesday for the first time and is open es vs. Tuesday and Thursday 11 o'- for all women on the campus. clock classes, Monday and Wednesday The regular squad composed of wo- 2 o'clock classes vs. Monday and Wed- men who have had previous instruc- nesday 3 o'clock classes. At 4 o'clock tion or experience in rifle marksman- Wednesday Kappa Delta will play Pi ship will meet next Wednesday after- Beta Phi hockey team. noon, for the first practice, under the The following women have won the leadership of Maurine L. Jones, '23, class tennis tournament, Alexandria captain of the team. Janhusky for the freshmen, Sally Knox -_for the sophomores, Norma Roemer for r~ a sioa. a a i .i aura E"1a Ci 1ilEtii(i cj 261E IJiEEE.,y" Blue Bird Hair Shoppe Retaining one's beauty is only a matter of placing oneself in the hands of pro- fessional trained operators. 11, .j II Women's pep organizations are pro- minent at the University of Col- orado. They are devoted to tak- ing part in the athletic spirit of the college. In general, their most importqnt activities are particip- ,t s it t z the juniors and Ruth Lambert for the seniors. These women will now play to determine the champion of all the ation in stunts between halves of foot-! ball games, parading before the games, leading in singing, and attending ralU- ies. Dial 9616 5 Nickels Arcade I ltlilg lttt!Ittlltlll lillll11!!!!{{!{1111¢ItllillliItltllil illi !I= x BeSatisfie! The place to eat what you want and how you want is here. Dainty sandwiches and a hot cup of chocolate or coffee will just hit the spot on these cold Fall days. "A Box of Prekete's Sweets _ Makes a Happy Home." P1rekete 's - SUGARWL 109 South Main St. Pleasant Surroundings - - Excellent Service 11{11I l 11!!!{li ll ti U IIIi ilflillllitltii il l ilillllll8116 l illliil ll lllil t! U ¢1i CANDY SODAS I S" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ANYWAY IT'S A SAFE BET If You Pay With Betsy Ross Candies Finest Boxed Candies at Only 70c Lb. Betsy Ross Candy Shop " 1Qt1E1E~~~i~t~EitEiE~iDIEi~~lllltQYd~IEt~Ell3t~tEEEEEE~tEEE~E~tEQElEIQEEiEdtEtE - The Cosy Corner Tea Room , " For Xi(Ma~ypnard St. Opposite -Nickels Arcade Dial 21714 Sunday Dinner 12:30-2:00 P. M. Supper a la Carte 5:00---8:00 P. M. i _I It's Pleasant to Remember What You Pay in Goodyear's i y OU'VE often heard that Goodyear shopping truism: "The quality is remembered long after the price you pay is forgotten." Of course you Good- year customers have always found that true. But you Goodyear customers have also found that the price you pay in Good- year's is a pleasant thing to remember. That's because that price represents a Goodyear rule which says: "Item for item, quality for quality, value for value, price for price, Goodyear prices are al- ways bottom prices." ..a.}'.sym7KNN:rcttmr7::.a xa: xns..aac.a. r - v ,G.c.a.%C6: 'c'%+ .T ..c-"../.: re; -t v 3 , ; cf Cst . r. k r, 3 3 t ,r t r t I I' Dependable Film for Campus Snaps When you take pictures of college scenes you naturally wish to be sure of good results. Kodak film always produces the finest pictures. It is ready for you in all sizes at our Kodak counter. Let us have your negatives for expert finishing. Kodaks, $5 Up-Brownies, $2 Up. Calkins-Fletcher Drug Co. Three Dependable stores We have served Michigan and her Students for 39 year;. 21 Soodyears 124 Sauth Main St' i I ltUGS RODAS Just 5 aeeks to have PHONE A to 4 9Z4s4 M~- ?k %A ME