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November 13, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-11-13

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100JRNAL EDITOR SAYS O'Brien, Police Head, Favors Capital
Punishment If Evidence Is Conclusive
PHYII~AN R E VERTIII Editor's note: This is the eighth of a and the criminal feels safe in feelng
titutio inth e ahtr that hewl poal get OUt, either
~Tseies o neviw ihprominent authorilewl
SSSe hOFt i aeStates. Copyriht 1926 by The Michigan on parole or by pardon before his term
is up.
Capital punishment and more severe The life sentence was cited as an
FISHBEIN ADDRESSES STATE penalties for all crimes are advocated example of an ineffective punishment
MEDICAL ASSOCIATION IN by Chief of Police Thomas O'Brien to for the seriousness of the crime in-
CONVENTION HERE reniedy the present a crime situation. volved. The average length of this
"However," he explained yesterday, term is only eleven years, after which
"the maximum punishment should be space of time the "lifer" is pardoed.
SESSION TO END TODAY flicted only in extreme cases where "If penalties were as severe as they
the evidence is conclusive. Capital are in Europe," the chief concluded
White Declares Majority Of Quackery punishment should never be employed in this respect, "crime would be ef-
Present Is Due To Reticence Of when the evidence is only circum- fectually reduced. There is 75 per
Physicians And Surgeons stantial." cent less crime in Europe than in the
In regard to the reports of an ex- United States."
Physicians are for the most part re- cessive amount of crime, Chief O'Brien "Criminals are much younger and
declared that there is today a "con- more expert than they weret25'years
temting to eustablis hdiecpatrelats- tinual round of lawlessness and dis- ago and, with the aid of the auto-
tempting to establish direct relations pect for all laws." Captital punish- mobile, they are a more dangerous
and contact between themselves and ment, he went on, would materially element today than they have been
their patients," said Dr. Morris Fish- lessen this wave. in the past," he said.
bein, editor of the Journal of the 11 In fact, an increase in the severity According to Chief O'Brien, a new
American Medical association in his of penalties for all crimes would do class of lawbreakers was created by-
message last night in Natural Science much towards helping the situation the passage of the eighteenth amend-
auditorium to the members of the he believes. Prison terms are short ment, the bootlegger. This industry,
state medical body which is in session while it may not be such a serious
in Ann Arbor the last of this week. menace in itself, has led thousands of
"aboratory methods, which for a r persons to other more serious branch-
time threatened to entirely abolish the SENATE BANS HOUSE es of crime, such as hi-jacking, and
personal element in the practice of finally, murder. The bootlegging in-
medicine, seem to have reached the If irr' r rn n ir dustry has led to a wholesale disre-
limitnof their influnece upon the pro- jIDANCES IA' RIt'll spect of laws, he asserted.
fession,' he continued. (Continued on Page 2)
Dr. Fishbein began by tracing the?
history of the medical code of ethics Fraternities And Sororities Forbidden it i
from its earliest beginijings in#3400 To Hold Parties After Honie
B. C. He illustrated that the constant Gaes Next Year UNCLE JOE"UCANNON
tendency has been, in the development1
of that code to change from the policy TO HOLD J=HOP FEB DE0
of keeping the practice in the narrow-
est possible confines to the present--
doctrine of spreading the knowledge In an effort to protect fraternities
abroad. His opinion is that the aver- and sororities from the misdoings of Weakening Of Heart Muscles Causes
age man is not guided in his choice visitors at the parties held on the Death Of Aged Politician In
of physician by any standard of sci- days of home football games, the Illinois Homestead
entific attainment as much as for some Senate Committee on Student Affairs
petty reason. In connecting this with decided yesterday to forbid the hold- LEFT HOUSE IN 1922
the question of ethics, he said, "It is ing of dances on these days during
a sad fact that most doctors have but ( the year 1927-1928. The measure By As ted Press)
little knowledge of the broader prin- was adopted to remedy the situation( ssocia)
ciples of their craft. Statistics prove now existing, various representatives DANVILLE, Ill., Nov. 12.-The fiery
that there is hardly a school in the having expressed their inability to spirit of Joseph Gurney Cannon, dim-
country that gives as a part of its cope with the problem. The commit- med to an ember by the wake of 90
medical curriculum any courses deal- tee hopes that the plan may help years, was quenched today by death.
ing with the relation of the physician solve the difficulty next year. In the home from which he went
to his patient or to the emphasis The ruling applies only to the Sat- to Congress 53 years ago and amid
which should be placed upon ethics." urdays upon which football games walls laden with the trophies of his
Deplores News-hounds will be played in Ann Arbor next fall public life, the patriarch died at high
Dr. Fishbein deprecated the fact and in no way limits the holding of noon, in the midst of a deep sleep.{
thatt there .Are in existence a great parties on other dates during the Weakening of the heart muscles
matxy-news-hounds, In the medical as year.-, caused his death, but the general de-
well as any other profession, and said The Senate committee at their meet- predations of old age had warned his
that these were men who consistently I ing yesterday in the office of the Dean family several months ago that the
made the front page through their ac- of Students also approved the date end was near. He told comrades in
tivities in some of the unsubstantiated for the Pan-Hellenic ball, for Nov. the National House, when he quit its
theories such as the transplanting of 26, the Sophomore Prom for Dec. 10, halls in 1922, that he was going home
glands. He answered the charges of and the J-Hop on Feb. 11. Approval to die, home to the rambling brown
an earlier speaker that the medical' was also given to the Student Chris- brick mansion which he built 65 years
profession of today fails in its duty tian association to hold a member- ago for his bride who preceded him
to the public, by giving evidences of ship campaign Nov. 30, Dec. 1 and 2. to the grave.
the complete information and publi- After his retirement from Congress,
city bureaus organized by the Amer- Ie Head s h continued his daily walks down
ican Medical association and other' U~~nion H a Favors town, and the most cartooned face in
official bodies. These bureaus serve C aAmerica was daily visible behind the
through the medium of radio lectures, Suggested Changes brown curtains of the Second National
syndicated articles, and answers to bank which he helped found. But sev-
j eral months ago he was forced to
direct inquiries, he said. Lester F. Johnson, '27L, president forego his walks, and w turned to a
Pleading for increased co-operation of the Union, stated yesterday that he daily his outks, and he t u edihoa
between the solid organizations of believes that the proposed Union daily motor outing, which he continued
medical practitioners and the news- amendments are fair to all students i a fd wk ago.
1 His mind faded with his body, and
paper, Lee A White of the Detroit concerned and represent a liberal he could recall but dimly afte his
News, the other speaker to appear, policy on the part of the Union. 90th birthday last May, the scenes
divulged through the working-out of Concerning the amendment propos- with which his long congressional ser-
his topic, "Newspapers, The Doctors, al as adopted by the Board of Direc- vice was vivid. Not even a waning
And The Public," the fact that most tors, Johnson said, "It is only after memory ,however, could keep him in-
of the quackery prevalent in the coun- diligent consideration of all men af- active, and his last public act four
try today is due to certain reticence fected that these proposals have been months ago, was to turn the sd for
on the part of the practicing physi- adopted. We believe that under this a new church for the St. James
cian. "Both the professiorY of journal- plan, if passed, every member of the Methodist Episcopal congregation.
ism and that of medicine are under the Union-no matter what previous ac- Born a Quaker, he joined the Metho-
excoriating and merciless eye of the tion, if any, he has taken concerning dist church after leaving Congress
public," he said, "and while doctors life membership-will receive just and each Sunday until recent weeks
are accused of quackery, malpractice, consideration. The Union has adopted found him in te pew his wife had
and vain pretence of knowledge, news- the most liberal plan possible." occupied throughout her lifetime in
paper men are likewise charged with Danville.
corruptibility, sadistic appetite for LONDON. - Sir William Joynson- A funeral air and one of reverence
crime, and obfuscation of facts. Hicks, the home secretary, has refus- settled over the city as news of his
Outlines Progress ed, the Daily Mail says, to prevent the death spread. Danville had known
Journalism has been since its earlier release of an American film, "The Un- for months that its foremost citizen
days a chronicler of bodily ills and known Soldier," during Armistice had not long to live and had filled
omens, and patent medicine advertis- week. with honor his declining days.
ing formed largely the first variety ofj

news. To remedy this, modern papers
have lopped off thousands of dollars Hobbs Prepares For New Greenland Trip
of income through advertising in or-
der to give space to advancement of To Carry On Work Of Summer Expedition
public knowledge through editorial C



Four Faculty Addrees And Music By
Burneson And Whitin're Of School
Of 1fus e Feature Program
Just as the attention of an audience
is temporarily interrupted and the
subject being treated at that time by
the speaker is apt to be poorly un-
derstood when someone comes in late
or gets up to change their seat or
receives a message from an attend-
ant, so do inadequate living conditions
or social surroundings interrupt or
disorganize the organized process of
instruction as offered by a trained
faculty in an institution of higher
education, said President Clarence
Cook Little characterizing the hous-I
ing problem at the University in a
speech delivered on the third of the
Michigan Night Radio programs last
"Students cannot be trained in hab-
its of regular, intelligent, desirable
behavior at college unless proper and
adequate living conditions are pro-
vided for them. To spend large sums
of money on higher education, with-
out realizing that this education is of
little value without strong character
and good judgment to apply it, seems
unwise," he said.
Asks For Homes
Explaining that the word "dormitor-
ies" did not correctly describe the
college residences he had reference to,
he said: "Home is much more nearly
what I wish to express. At a time
when the home as a social unit is tot-
tering at the brink of a most uncer-
tain precipice, I do not see how we
can longer afford to neglect our duty
in doing what we can to establish it
at once."
President Little viewed the need for
such buildings especially acute, realiz-
ing "that the stronger and finer side
of an individual undergoes its best
development in the latmosphere of
comfortable home-like surroundings." .
Private resources have already contri-
buted more than $850,000 for a Wom-
en's League building, he said, and
more than $750,000 for five residences,
but there still remains $3,000,000 for
residences to house those not now ad-
equately cared for.
In conclusion, President Little ap-
pealed to the citizens by saying,
"There is no state so near the grasp
of true ideals of publically supported
higher education as is the State of
Michigan. It should,aand Ibelieve it
will, willingly and gladly take up this
problem without further delay."
Registrar Speaks4
Because of the enormous develop-
ment in secondary education the high-
er institutions find at their doors more
students applying for admission than
can be admitted, said Ira M. Smith,
1 registrar, in speaking on "From High
School to College." "But the position
of Michigan is unique," he continued.
"It is national in scope-in fact inter-
national. It attracts those in the west
who desire to attend an eastern
school, and those in the East who wish
to attend a western school."
All of the facilities of the Union,
with a complete description of the
building, were discussed by Paul
Buckley, general manager, in the third
of the four minute talks. More than
4,000 meetings are held each year in
the Union, and "on the days of big
football games nearly 4,000 meals are
served, and between 15,000 and 20,000
use some of the conveniences offered,"
he said as he explained the advantages

it offers to students.
Filipino Needs Education
"Not independence, but education,
presents the immediate problem in the
Philippine Islands," believes Haroldj
P. Scott of the rhetoric department,
"and it is a problem not easy to solve,
first because education is being carri-
ed on a. tongue foreign to the Fili-
pinos, and secondly because profound
economic adjustments must be made
before there can be real education in
the Islands."I
It is true that schools have been
established rapidly, he said, but yet
only one-third of the children between
the ages of 7 and 14 are now in school,s
or just one million out of three.This
means that "in spite of the patent
eagerness and ability of the Filipino
pupils, this lack of school facilities
means that the bulk of the population,
even in the next two or three genera-
tions, must go uneducated."
Musical numbers were furnished by
Anthony Whitmire, violinist, and My-
ron Burneson, baritone, accompanied

a flC een enougu uo Us co unryLo
convince her that the position of
"women in America is happier than
anywhere else."
The reason for it, she told St. Louis
women who were hosts at luncheon, is
that "your men allow the women to
do their share" to a much, larger de-
gree than in her own country.
Marie saw the sights of St. Louis
today, while exchanging greetings
with thousands who poured out of
business offices during the noon hour
to see the royal Roumanian motor
through the city.
Agitation Follows Disruption Of Big
Three Caused By The Harvard-
Princeton Break


COLUMBUS, Nov. 12.-Specu-
lation on the opening lineups is
the main subject of conversation
among the throng that awaits
the opening whistle in the Mich-
igan-Ohio State game here to-
morrow. Neither Coach Yost
nor Coach Wilce would make any
definite announcements regard-
ing the personnel of their start-
ing teams, but the following list
is generally considered correctf
by those who have followed the
teams closely during the past
Bell ..........LE... Oosterbaan 1
Cox.... ...LT......... Baer
Hess .......LG.. ......Lovette(
Klein.........C.. Schoenfeld1
Meyers ......RG......Lovette
Raskowski. . . . RT.......Gabel
Rowan.......RE......... Flora
Clark .........Q..... Friedman
Kruskamp .. . . LH...... . Gilbert
Grim .......RH.....Molenda
Karow ........F.......Weber
Referee-James Masker, North-
western; Umpire-Haines, Yale;
Field Judge-Maloney, North
' Dakota; Heap Linesman-Wyatt,
Missouri. Time of game-2
I o'clock.



(By Associated Press)
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 12.-
Carrying out the suggestion made
yesterday in New York by Howard
Elliott, chairman of the board of
overseers of Harvard university,
the Harvard student council tonight
invited the Princeton senior council
to "a complete and frank discus-
sion" of the grievances of the two
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 12.-Expressions
of approval from two leading univer-
sities and a receptive attitude prevail-
ing at three others today gave added
impetus to advocations for the launch-
ing of an eastern football conference
as an outgrowth of the Princeton-Har-
vard break.
Taking the lead in the movement,
Pennsylvania and Brown lined up in
favor of organization. The position
of the Philadelphia university was
described to the Associated Press in
a canvass of sentiment as approving
the conference idea, "provided that all
members have the same scholastic'
and athletic standards."
While no official statement was forth-
coming from Brown athletic officials,
the Brown Herald saw "no objections
to an eastern conference composed
of such colleges as Pennsylvania,
Yale, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard,
Army, Princeton, Navy, Columbia and
NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. 12.-No
evidence of friction between Princeton
and Harvard harriers was apparent as
Harvard, for the second successive
season, today defeated Yale and
Princeton in the annual triangular
cross-country run.
Just before the starting gun, Cap-
tains Myrick of Princeton and Hag-
gerty of Harvard shook hands beforeI
the camera, then both shook hands
with Captain Smith of Yale.
New Alumnus Will{
Be Released Today
With a cover design, "A Glimpse of
Whitmore Lake," sketched by Prof.
Emil Lorch of the college of architec-
ture, and a description of the new
Museum building, this week's issue of
the Michigan Alumnus is being dis-
tributed today. An obituary of the
late Prof. William J. Hussey, director
of the University observatory, an ac-
count of Michigan alumnae on the
faculty of Wellesley college, and the
+ story of the Michigan-Wisconsin foot-
ball encounter are also included in
the issue.
Poincare Is Granted
Vote Of Confidence
(By Associated Press)
PARIS, Nov. 12.-Premier Poincare
today won a vote of confidence for
the government on the reopening of
Parliament and at the same time de-
clined to be drawn into debate on
Franco-Italian , relations centering
habout the Vendimiclia incident and
the Garibaldi affair.
Due to the fact that a large
Ij percentage of Michigan students
will be at Columbus for the
{ Ohio State-Michigan football

Michigan Club Of Detroit Will Also
Operate A Grid-Graph At Book.
Cadillac Hotel
Despite the fact that more than'
3,000 students are making the trip to
Columbus, the ticket sale for the
grid-graph at Hill -auditorium has been
unusually brisk.'
In an effort to assure the highest
possible efficiency, the management
has had the board completely over-
hauled and tested. A special operator,
who will spend all morning in test-
ing the telegraphic connections at the
Ohio State stadium, left on the spec-
ial train last night. The officials of
the Western Union company believe
that rapid co-operation will be in-
sured by the fact that both the send-
ing and receiving operators will be
~from the same station.
The first ten winners in the fresh-
man cross-country race, which will
be held this' morning, and all the men
on the Varsity cross-country team
will attend the grid-graph as guests'
of the management.
Robert C. Leland, '28, a member of!
the Varsity cheerleading squad, will
lead the crowd in' yells and songs. He
will also read all the telegrams which
the board will be unable to show.
Scores from other games will be an-
nounced to the audience between
halves and during the time-out per-
The doors of the auditorium will be
opened at 1:30 o'clock, an hour before
the start of the game. Prices remain
the same as in the past, 50 cents for
main floor seats and 35 cents for bal-
cony seats. Tickets are on sale at
Graham's, Slater's, Wahr's, Huston's,
George Moe's sport shop, the Union,
and both the Calkins-Fletcher drug
stores. Tickets may also be obtained
!at box-office at Hill auditorium.
Reports of the game will also be.
given at the matinee performance of
the Majestic theatre.
/ DETROIT, Nov. 13.-As has been
customary for the past few years, the
University of Michigan club of De-
troit will operate a grid-graph starting
at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon in the
main ballroom of the Book-Cadillac
hotel. There will be a direct wire
from Columbus sending in returns of
'the game which will be shown on the
board as received.
Varsity cheerleaders will be pres-
ent; there will also be music. AI
charge of 50 cents for students and
75 cents for others will be made.
Lackland To Speak
On Labor In Europe
"Lessons from European Move-
ments" will be the subject of a lee-
tYure by George S. Lackland to be given

90,000 TO SEE GAME
Coaches Remain In Doubt Concerning
Starting Lineups; Lovette
To Oppose Hess
By Wilton A. Simpson
COLUMBUS, Nov. 12.-Enthusiasm
has reached great heights among the
thousands of football followers who
are flooding into this city to see Mich-
igan battle the strong Ohio State
eleven in one of the most important
games scheduled for the Middle West
here tomorrow afternoon. The foot-
ball fever has taken a deadly grip on
the town, all Ohio being wild with
aspirations to eliminate the Wolver-
ines from the Conference champion-
ship race.
Alumni from both Michigan and Ohio
have been filing into the battleground
since early morning, and an influx of
students from Ann Arbor this after-
noon have added to the frenzy, and'
from present Indications tomorrow is
not to be outdone in spirit by the
memorial dedication game here in
1922, when Harry Kipke ran rampant
over the new turf in the Buckeye
stadium and aided the Wolverines in
earning a 19 to 0 victory. Hotel space
and tickets for the game are as scarce
as a serene atmosphere at Harvard
and Princeton. The law of supply
and demand is working to its full in-
tegrity and scalpers have put the
pasteboards out of reach by asking ex-
orbitant prices.
Betting Odds Favor Buckeyes
Michigan will enter the game tomor-
row as the underdog, the betting odds
and football critics giving the Buck-
eyes a slight edge. Michigan's 37 to
0 victory over Wisconsin did not
dampen the enthusiasm of the Ohio
State. On the contrary, it seems to
have heightened the spirit. To phrase
it in the vernacular, Ohio is tired of -
losing and has decided that now is the
time for the ghosts of Harley a"
Stinchcomb to rise and subdue the
The Wolverine football party ar-
rived here early this morning and
motored immediately to its head-
quarters, the Columbus Athletic club.
Coach Yost held a skull practice this
morning and sent the men through a
final practice in the huge stadium this
afternoon to polish up the attack
which will be used against the Buck-
Coach Yost would make no definlte
announcement as to his starting line-
up, but indications point to the fact
that there will be no changes in the
backfield. Ohio State has always
proven a power on forward pass de-
fense and it is likely that Yost will
resort to a line plunging game, com-
bined with an aerial attack. Weber
played a stellar game against Wis-
consin and will start again tomorrow
at fullback to strengthen the line
plunging, and to bolster the Michiga r
line against the line smashes of Marty
Karow, the ace of the Buckeye teai.
# Molenda Expected To Start L
Bo Molenda, who has been troubled
with an injured ankle, seems to be
in fine condition today, and will be
ready to start at right halfback. Gil-
bert will play at left half and Captain
Friedman will direct the play from
There are possibilities of a few
changes in the line, the center and
right tackle positions being the un-
certainty. The center position is a
toss up between Schoenfeld and Trus-
kowski, with the former holding a
slight edge. Gabel may give way to
Squier or Grinnell at right tackle.
Oosterbaan and Flora will cover the
ends, and Dewey and Lovette will
start at the guards. Lovette is to play
opposite Hess, an all-American guard
last season. Baer is almost certain
to retain his place at right tackle.
. There has been a great deal of spec-
ulation as to the starting lineup for
the Ohio State team. Eby, Kruskamp,
and Marek are all possibilities for the
left halfback position. Coach Wilce
intimated tonight that Ohio will line-
up against the Wolverines with Krus-

tkamp and Grim at the halves, Clark
at quarterback, and Karow at full-

Women Here Are I
(By Associated Press)
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 12.-Queen Marie fltf

medical comment. .At the same time
they have been the unwilling victim Using the scientific data obtained
of not too scrupulous practitloners on his nine week expedition in south
and unsupported scientists.
"In place of the small assistance west Greenland last summer as a
hereofore render by the profession," basis for further research, Prof. Wil-
said White, "doctors should rather of- hiam H. Hobbs, of the geology depart-
fer help of a truly scientific hature. ment is now completing arrangements
The greatest weapon against quackery; for a similar scientific expedition next
is a backfire of publicity. In this
aid, however, the information impart- summer.
cd t.ould be conservative but not ob- "The expedition of this year was
structive to the readers. The press is undertaken as preliminary to the lar-
greatly limited by the exigencies of get one now planned for 1927," Pro-
style and policy. Stories are written fessor Hobbs said, in an interview,
and picked with the adolescent reader "and our little party consisted of but
in view. Now is the opportunity to six men. Professor Laurence M.
cultivate by carefulness a generation Gould, of the geology department, act-
of readers which will be easier for the ' ed in the capacity of assistant direc-I
next generation of medical men to tor, geologist, photographer, moving
address." picture operator, and general handy
'The meeting last night was of a man. Prof. C. F. Marvin, chief of thei
..',,..-a,.1 - .-..A +tho n' ih.r. woin- TTnit.ed States Weather hnrenu nloned

was Mr. P. C. Oscanyan, Jr., who prov-
ed himself an able assistant, as well
as an expert in his own field. Our
wireless installation was designed by
Mr. John L. Reinartz, and was the
first short wave station to be erected
in the interior of Greenland, and was
able to pick up messages from South
America, New Zealand, and Arabia, as
well as from the United States and
Europe. The range of the transmit-
ter was approximately 1,000 miles,
which was sufficient to maintain com-
munication with the Morrissey during
her summer cruise, although our lar-
ger transmitter had to be left behind
I because of the lack of cargo space
available on board ship. Every night
at a set hour, through the courtesy
of the United Press association, we
ireeived a daily summary of the nows"


Daily, of
than 400,

subscriptions to The
which there are more
must be settled on or


,,.-- --

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