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November 12, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-11-12

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Vote Of North Dakota Senator Needed
By Republicans In Organization
Of -Upper House
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11.-With the I
political control of the new Senate
hanging in the balance, Senator Borah
of Idaho today called on the Republi-
can leaders to reinstate in the party
council Sen. Lynn J. Frazer, North
Dakota, who was banished after the
Coolidge landslide in 1924. The action
of the Idaho senator apparently took
by surprise the Old Guard leaders,
who have been disinclinedto discuss
even the possibility of Senate organ-;
ization in a year in advance of the
necessity for meeting what now ap-
pears a perplexing problem.
Borah Brings About Action
Senator Borah's move, taken after
full conferences with Frazer and others
of the Republican insurgent group, is
expected to bring about early action
in the case of the North Dakota sen-
ator, who wants now the committee'
places to which his three years of
sedvice entitle him.
While many things may happen
within a year to alter the Senate sit-
uation, as the political divisions now*
stand, Frazer appears to hold the key
to the organization problem since his I
vote could be used to cause a lond
deadlock like that of four years ago
when the Republican insurgents
finally forced the selection of a Dem-
ocrat as chairman of the important
interstate commerce committee. That
the Republicans will make every ef-
fort to organize the new Senate is in-
dicated by the appeal made yesterday
by Senator Capper of Kansas, their
Senate leader, to the Republicans of
Maine to elect one of their party at
the special election on Nov. 29 to fill
the vacancy caused by the death of
Sen. Bert M. Fernald.
Will Have 47 Seats
Even if the Republicans are success-
ful in that contest, they will have only
47 seats in the new Senate to an equal
number for the Democrats, Shipstead,
Farmer-Labor, Minnesota, and Frazer
holding the other two places. With
Frazer reinstated, the Republicans
would need only one more vote to
have a clear majority for organization,
provided all of the insurgents re-
mained within the fold until the con-
test for Senate offices have been
Members of the women's debate
teams which will meet Ohio State and
Indiana in a triangular debate Dec.
2 were chosen yesterday afternoon in
open tryouts before members of the
faculty of the public speaking depart-
ment who acted as judges.
The affirmative team which will de-
bate Indiana here will be composed
of Henrietta H. Howser, '27 Ed, Mir-
iam M. Olden, '29L, and Elizabeth L.
Rabinoff, '27 ED.
Those making up the negative team
are Laura M. Osgood, '2SEd, Mar-
garet P. Hodgson, '27Ed, and Norma
A. Green, '28. This team will oppose
Ohio State's team at Columbus.
The subject chosen for debate is
"Resolved: that a Department of Ed-
ucation should be added to the Presi-
dent's Cabinet."
J. A. Bursiey, dean of students
stated yesterday that he regards the
proposed Union aendment as a fair
>i~o)osition which desrves the sup-
r:)rt of the Union members.
Dean Bursey, who is one of the
seven members of the Board of Di-
rectors, said "I believe that the
amen mnt as propos(l is as liberal
a. proosit ion as the Union could pos-
tsibly offer its members. It is entire-
ly fair, it works no prejudice toward
any single member; it is the unani-
inous opinion of the Board of Direc-
tors that it be offered to the Union
members for a vote. In my opinion,

it should meet with no opposition and
it is deserving of the support of the
Union members."
DOGOTA, Columbia-Pamphlona, a
small city in Santander province, has
b;en flooded by the overflow of the1

Edito's note; Ths is the svnth of a
series' ; interviewswith s niversity authori
ties on the crime situation in the United
State. Copyright 1926 by The Michigan
"Crim news played up in a sensa-
tional way makes for more crime','
is the opinion of Howard P. Jones,
instructor in journalism and former
newspaperman. "It is a matter of
common knowledge among newspaper-
men," he said, "that when crime news
is played up sensationally in any com-
munity there is a definite tendency
toward an increase in lawlessness."
Michigan Ha More Manuscripts Of
The Third Century Than Any Place
In U. S., Speaker Says
"Michigan has more of the Greek
papyri of the third century than any
other place in the United States and
as much as any other place in the
world," said Prof. Kirsopp Lake of
Harvard yesterday in his lecture on
"Manuscripts of the New Testament,"
the secoi d of a series of three lectures
by Profe..3or Lake which are being
given under the auspices of the School
of Religion.
He continued by showing a slide
of some of the papyri, and asserted
'that it was the purest manuscript of
the western type yet found, and that
when it was published it would create,
the greatest furor among critics that
has occurred for several centuries.
Professor Lake, in his lecture yes-
terday, showed. on slides the material
that has been used for translations of
the Bible, preparatory to his discus-
sion of such material today, together
with an attempt to offer some of the
problems which this material presents
to the translators.
Anticipating this discussion, the
speaker stated that all over the Chris-
tian world of the third century were
found these western texts which dif-
fer from what are known as the neu-
tral texts and the medieval, and the
problem of the scholars is to discover
if possible which was the original,
and where the western text came
from. A discussion along such lines
will be the context of his lecture on
"Manuscripts of the New Testament"
at 4:15 o'clock today in Natural Sci-
ence auditorium.
Coal Miners Hasten
Prompt Settlement
(By Associated Press)
LONDON,Nov. 11.-The coal miners
delegate conference today gave the
executive committee a free hand to
negotiate a settlement of the seven
months strike without imposing stip-
ulations with regard to hours or
Power to resume negotiations was
accorded by a care vote, which indi-
cated that the miners had given way
on the important point of hours of
work. It is understood, however, that
there is an implied stipulation, that
if the miners yield this far the gov-
ernment on its side, must insist that
the mine owners shall consent to the
creation by legislative action of a na-
tional tribunal to which a district set-
tlement may be referered.
The promise of a settlement was
considered so favorable that Premier
Baldwin and Sir Arthur Steele Mait-
land, minister of labor, both cancelled
speech engagements to remain in
London. Late in the afternoon, the
miners' executives had a conference
of an hour with the prime minister
and Winston Churchill, chancellor of
h exchequer' in Mr. Baldwin's room
the iofnis of Commons.

He mentioned the fact that newspa-
permen have observed, for instance,
that when a suicide story is publish-
ed, others are reasonably sure to fol-
Concerning the publication of crime
news, Prof. John L. rumm, head of
the journalism department, said, "It
is one of the functions of a newspaper
to print whatever news is of interest
to, or concerns, a considerable num-
ber of people. Anti-social activities-
happenings which impinge upon pub-
lie authority-are essentially news,
and whether such items be news of
crime or ordinary behavior, they are
deserving of publication. But at the
same time, he declared emphatically,
"it is against the dramatic chronicling
of this type of news-the playing up
of criminals as heroes, and the treat-
ment of these anti-social activities as
romance, out of relation to all the
facts-that criticism should be di-
Donal Hamilton Haines, former
newspaperman and magazine writer,
is opposed to the publication of crime
news. "Personally," averred Mr.
Haines. "I cannot see the good in
publishing crime news for its own
sake. If it was left to me as an ed-
itor to decide whether or not crime
(Continued on Page 3)
Prof. Thedor von KarmWan ill Ispect
Aeronautical Laboratories On our
For Guggenheim Foundation f
Prof. Theodor von Karman, head of
the aerodynamical laboratores of
Achen, Germany, will give three lec-
tures on aviation here next Monday,
Tuesday, and Wednesday, during his
visit to inspect the aeronautical la-
boratories of the University. Profes-
sor von Karman is traveling under the
auspices of the Daniel Guggenheim
fund for the promotion of aviation and
will visit, during his stay in the
United States, the Massachusetts In-
stitute of Technology, the University'
of Michigan, New York university, and
the California Institute of Technology.
With the aid of a Professor Petrot~y,
Hu'ngarian engineer, Professor von.
Karman, built the first man-carrying
helicopter known to science. He is'
considered an authority on theoretical
dynamics and recently wrote a paper
on the "Theory of Quincunx Vortices."
With Professor Trelftz, he also de-
veloped a new family of theoretical
wing profiles.
His lecture here will deal with his
recent contributions and developments
in the aeronautical world.
Professor von Karman is also
scheduled to address a meeting of
aeronautical experts of the United
States at a meeting in Washington in
Hundreds Cheer As
Grid Team Entrains
A crowd of students and towns-
people that numbered several hun-
dred persons gathered last night at
the Michigan Central station to give
the team an enthusiastic send-off for
the game with Ohio State Saturday.
Cheers led by a Varsity cheerleader
for Captain Friedman, Coach Yost,
and other members of the squad were
given by the crowd before the train
arrived, and an insistent shout of
"Beat Ohio" was the keynote of the
cheering when the special car for the
squad was attached. The train left
at about 9:10.
(By Associated Press)

"Laying Ccrnerstanes Of Researcli
Will Give Michigain One Of World's
Great Medical Schools" x
"Michigan can and will have one of
the great medical schools of the world,
If the cornerstones of modern re-

(By Associated Press)
KANSAS CITY, Nov. H.--From the
base'of the great monument erected
in this city to the memory of the
men and women of the World war and
in the presence of a huge crowd from
the entire Southwest, President Cool-
idge gave formal notice in an Armis-
tice day address today that the United
States would adhere to the World
court only on the conditions laid down
by the Senate.
The significance of the utterance
from the President, who at all times


and in the face of reports that the
nations represented in the court
would never accept the Senate reser-
vations to the protocal of adherence
was not lost upon the crowd which
spread far out of sight but never out
of hearing of the address.
The World court pronouncement of
the President was brief and made at
the conclusion of a discussion of ,
problems arising out of the war. This j
included a reference to national an-
tagonism against this country and a
denial of charges that the United
States had merely profited out of the
"A prominent court of international
justice has been established," the
President said in setting forth his
position of the World court, "to which
nations may go voluntarily for an1
ajduication of their differences. \ I
hnv dc'nofr t d hrn to coh a

:Break Result Of Long Line of Events
And Close Observers Predict
It Will Not Be Mended

had urged

membership in the court


(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 11-The
of the historic "Big Three"
about, by Princeton's decision
all athletic ties with Harvard,

to snap

search are laid her In the immediate ;L
future." In these closing words Pres- ,11 Il
ident Clarence Cook Little finished his I1 U H u' *l I5N JI
plea for increased co-operation be-
tween the Medical school of the Uni- Buckley Will Discuss Aims of Union;
versity and the practitioners of the Registrar Smith To Speak On
state before the banquet of the Mich- Enrollment Proble'ns
igan Medical society last night in the
main dining room of the Union. LA i. T AESEC
The meeting being held in Ann Ar- LITITLE TO MAKE SPEECH
bor the last three days of this week
is the first annual graduate clinic of President Clarence Cook Little will
the University. President Little dedi- be the first speaker on the third of
cated his speech to the project of I the Michigan Night Radio programs
making the Medical school outstand- which will be broadcast at 8 o'clock
ug through achievements in the spe- .
cialized lines of endeavor. tonight from University hall and re-
Has Faith In Undertaking layed through WWJ, the Detroit News
The first reason which he gave for Istation. In this four minute talk he
Thefirt raso whch e gve orwill discuss the University and his
his faith in the undertaking was that ideals in carryng on the work as
the University was now in possession idel heryk
of the greatest teaching hospital in Presdent here.
the country . He complimented the Ira M. Smith, registrar, who has put
mthedcaounty asHeomientedgrutheinto operation his selective method of
medical faculty as being a group ofi choosing applicants to the University
mex} who have left the stamp of their ti er ilotietepolmo
individuality upon thousands of grad- ths year, will outline the problem of
uates. Carrying on, he said that one the universities and the methods
of the essentials of greatness was the which are being used to cope withdthe
continuation of the present system situation. Before coming to the
whereby each of the counties sends its
quota of patients to the hospital for University, Registrar Smith was en-
special t'reatment. "The weak arm of gaged in similar work at the Uni-
( iversity of Illinois of Chicago.
the service at the present," he said, The third of the talks will be given
"is our lack of special units for the by Paul Buckley, general manager of
carrying on of this class of work. The;the Union, who will speak on its aims
Simpson Memorial Institute For Med- I
ical Research is an example of what Iand advantages.
is needed. It has been opened but re- Educational methods i the Philip-
cenly nd illlatr epecall d'pine Islands will be the theme of
cently and will later especially do Prof. Harold P. Scott's talk. The
work in the field of pernicious speaker taught English in the schools
anaemia. Provision of housing condi- te Iands Eng the shyear,
tions for tuberculosis patients would i returning this fall to the rhetoric de-
create and insure research in that line. partinent of hhe University.
Cancer, another one of the unconquer- Anthony Whitmire, violin soloist,
ed maladies for which there is at and Myron Burneson, baritone, ac-
present in the state no separate de- companied by Margaret File, all stu-
partment or hospital, should also re- dents in the School of Music, will
ceive attention . There are now in the present musical numbers.
hospital too many convalescent chil- -resent __usia __umbers'
dren who are taking up expensive,
time and room. They should have Local Air Course
their own institution where education-
al facilities could be incorporated Plan Is Outlined
along with medical attention. Such a
place would serve as a model for At First M eeting
other communities who desire some-
thing in that line."
"Radio-active substances, ne con- More than 350 students attended the
tinned, "have handed to the profes- meeting which was held last night
sion the greatest power in years and for the purpose of establishing the
at present we do not know properly University unit of the U. S. Naval Air
the dosage of them. This is the place Reserve corps. Lieut. Charles D.
where such problems should be work- 'Williams, of the Aircraft Development
ed out. Research in radio-therapy is of Detroit, and Lieut. R. Marshall, of
a great cornerstone in medicine, and the General Motors company, mem-
schools which feature and develop it hers of the reserve squadron locat-
will become the greatest in the coun- ed at Detroit, addressed the gathering,
try." fully explaining the course as it was
Cabot Urges Practical Experience offered by the Navy, and describing
Hugh Cabot, dean of the Medical its possibilities.
school, criticised the present method "The present course, as it is of-
whereby a student receives too much fered by the Navy," declared Lieut.
teaching during his first three years Williams, "is as thorough and as safe
in the Medical school and not enough as any course in aviation offered any-
of actual common experience. He said where in the United States. Its pres-
that even the training received in the ent standard is the result of 10 years
University hospital was of such a spe- of development, and the whole sys-
cialized nature as to leap over the tem is governed entirely on a compe-
fundamentals. Speaking on the sub- titive basis."
ject "Where Do We Go From Here?", The course consists of two years
Dean Cabot said, "A clear problem of ground school training at the Uni-
faces the profession today because versity, and two summers of active
of the immense increase in the amount flying at a Naval base. A thorough
of basic knowledge. The effect is a flying physical examination, a good
( strengthening of the basic sciences standing in th examinations given of
in the schools but the keeping of the the ground school lectures, and the
student form seeing his goal. Grad- decision of the board as to whether
uates should be left with a better or not the applicant will prove to be
orientation. This can be accomplished good material for a naval officer, de-

allatheti ties wit Harvard becaus
naI4ve (LUvULocaLea a nUiIncis Luca 'of ill-feeling surrounding their grid-
court by this nation on condition that iron relations, may lead to a shakeup
the subject or treaty creating it be all along thie eastern football front
amended to meet our views. The sen- t and the formation of an Eastern con-
ate has adopted a resolution for that ference of major colleges.
"Whilse. ntininove.ano The groundwork for such re-align-
Sbhile the nation involved cannot ment for college athletic interest al-
yet be said to have made a final de- ready has been laid to such an etent
termination many have indicated that
they are unwilling to concur in the
conditions adopted by the resolution ; Statements issued by Prof.
of the Senate. While no final decision Ralph W. Aigler, chairman of the
can be made by our government until board in control of athletics, and
final answers are received the situa- Coach Fielding H. Yost, before
tion has been sufficiently developed so Ithey left for Columbus last night,
that I feel warranted in saying thatjI intimated that, so far as they
I do not intend to ask the Senate to Iare concerned, nothing has been
mody ts posiion. said or thought of in regard to
placing of Harvard on Michigan's



Western1 Union Will Send A Special
Operator to Columbus Fore
Tomorrow's Game
Speculation as to whether or not,
the light representing the bail on the
grid-graph at Hill auditorium follows
the exact course of the runner was
set at rest yesterday by John M.
Bennett,9 '27L, who directs the ma-
chine. Bennett stated that the tele-
graphic reports from which the board
is regulated, for the Michigan-Ohio
State football game will not only give
the change in position of the ball,
but will contain the facts as to what
sort of a run the player who carries
the ball makes. The machine will,
follow these telegrams exactly and in
this way the audience will see the
plays as they are executed.
To guarantee more detailed mes-
sages than were received for the
Michigan-Navy game, Western Union
is sending a special operator from
Ann Arbor to Columbus. In this way
the company hopes to assure the best
Although there were no delays in
the showing of the Navy game it is,
expected that the experience gained
by the operators in that game will en-
able them to cooperate in giving a
better diagram of the Ohio-State
The management has arranged to
have several entertainers on the stage
before the opening kick-off and be-
tween halves. A varsity cheerleader
will lead the crowd in yells and songs.
There will be an announcer present
to read all telegrams of facts that the
board will not be able to show. Scores
of other games will be reed between
halfs and during the time-out per-
The doors of Hill auditorium will
be opened an hour before the start
of the game. Prices will be the same
as in the past, 50 cents for all main
floor seats and 35'cents for balcony
seats. Tickets have been placed on
sale at Graham's, Slater's, Wahr's,
Huston's, George Moe's sport shop,
and Caikins-Fletche's State street and
S. University drug stores. The box-
office at the auditorium will also sell
tickets from the time the doors open
until the start of the game.
BERLIN.-On the anniversary of the
revolution the Socialist deputy, Alwin1
Saenger, speaking in the Reichstag,I
declared that it was time the German
people told the ex-kaiser to stay out
of Germany forever.

': 1927 schedule.

that many close observers expect
Princeton to be invited without delay
to join a group that would embrace
Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth and
Pennsylvania, with Brown, Army,
Navy, and possibly Yale also sought
as members.
Subject Widely ilscussed
The possibility of such an associa-
tion, already known to be under dis-
cussion was an outstanding develop-
ment today as eastern eyes focused on
the results of the swift Tiger stroke
that put an end overnight to the old-
est of all football rivalry.
Many prospects that the sudden
breach between Princeton and Har
vard might be closed, as suggested to-
day by such prominent Crimson sup-
porters as Howard Elliott, president
of the Harvard board of overseers, ap-
parently was eliminated' by a state-
ment from athletic authorities at
Cambridge, accepting Princeeton's
decision "with regret." At the same
time, this statement emphasized a
Spolicy henceforth that will commit the
Crimson to only one fixed football
game a year, that to be the climax bat-
tle with Yale. Princeton's attitude
now apparently is that the case with
Harvard is "closed" and the Tiger
will pursue its own course without
further dealings with Crimson.
"Lamipoon" (Hastened Break
The step taken by the Princeton
board of athletic control last night,
although undoubtedly hastened by de-
velopments in connection with the
Tiger victory over Harvard and the
gibes of "The Lampoon," Harvard
undergraduate publication, actually
was the result of a long series of
events, it was made clear today. On
of the most important factors, from
the Tiger viewpoint, was the attempt
of Harvard not long ago to substitute
Michigan on its 1927 schedule for
The way now is open for Michigan
to have the first November date on
Harvard's calendar while Princeton
also faces the task of revamping it
Conference Is Possible
The realignment of playing dates
brings to the fore the possibilities of
an Eastern Conference, a grouping
which has been under discussion fre-
quently in the past, but the fulfill-
ment of which always has been block
ed by refusal of the "Big Three" t
take part.
The nucleus for an early grouping
already is provide by Cornell, Co-
lumbia, Dartmouth and Pennsylvania.
Cornell renews gridiron relations with
the Tigers next season, while there
has been considerable agitation to re-
store the old rivalry between Prince-
ton and Pennsylvania. The presence
of Brown, Army, Navy, and Yale
J would round out a representative list.
I Dartmouth, however, it is suggested
in some quarters, may more readily
Ibe persuaded to form a new and ail
i New England "Big Three" with Har-
vard and Yale.
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 11.-A de-
cision by Harvard to discontinue the
annual "Big Three" football games, as
such, immediately preceded Prince-
[ton's decision to break off all athletic
relations, it was disclosed here today.
While expressing regret over the de-
cision of the Prineoton hnrd of ath..


CHARLESTON, W. Va., Nov. 11-A
request for an investigation by the
Senate campaign funds committee into
the election in the sixth West Vir-
ginia congressional district and an
order for a recount of the votes cast
in Kanawha county were develop-
ments today in the situation which
has resulted from a close contest for
that seat in Congress.

LONDON, Nov. 11-Although George by bringingtmen ofhbroader practical
Bernard Shaw for many years en- experience to the hospital, who can!
joyed a reputation as a Mephistophel- improve themselves at the same time.
ian firebrand, Socialist, pacifist and and by sending students out for?
detractor of his own country, and ' monthly periods with state practition-j
has lived long enough to witness his ers and hospitals. Some form of thej
own apotheosis, mild surprise was old apprentice system shoull be re-
caused today when it was announced j stored."
from Stockholm that he had been Other speakers at the banquet were
chosen to receive the Nobel prize for Regent Walter H. Sawyer, a practic-
literature for 1925. ing physician of 42 years experience,
The dispatches from Stockholm did and Dr. John B. Jackson, president of
not indicate the specific grounds for the State Medical society. Dr. Harley
awarding him this honor, but it is A. Haynes, director of the University
generally assumed to be on account of hospital, acted as toastmaster.
his fame as a dramatist.
Bernard Shaw himself, when ques- Members of the State Medical so-
tioned appeared to share the public ciety will hold a general meeting in
surprise and professed ignorance. Natural Science auditorium tonight
which will be open to the public. Prin-
Se v v LI V A T71 C A C ' r, I inn ln nloevve will h Dr MArri;

j termines whether or not a student will
be allowed to attend the flying base.
For the first semester, Lieut. Wil-
liams and Lieut. Marshall will give
I the ground school lectures, and ar-
rangements have been made whereby
University instructors will give the
lectures during the second semester.
The Board of Regents have approved
the course and it is expected that Uni-
versity credit will be arranged for cer-
tain phases of the work. The only
requirements for applicants is that
they be 18 years of age, and are
male American citizens.
Nelson Will Speak
At Meeting Tonight

i .



The Ann Arbor branch of the !
Detroit Automobile club receiv !
ed a telegram from Marion, Ohio,
yesterday stating that the new
road between Marion and Dela- I

. Unpaid
Daily, of
than 400.

subscriptions to The
which there are more
must be settled on or




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