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November 11, 1926 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-11-11

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JIones That Do Not Hand Articles In
By Saturday, 'Nov. 20, Winl Be
All houses on the campus are to
s4nd representatives with samples of
the articles being made for the Wo-
men's league bazaar, at 4 o'clock to-
day to a meeting to be held in Bar-
bour gymnasium. Letters have been
sent to the various houses telling each
what article is to be furnished by that
house. If such a letter has not as yet
been received the house president is
requested to call Bernice Staebler, '28.
at 4911, immediately, so that the ar-
ticles will be on time. Any house
failing to get the articles requested
in on time will be charged a penalty
fee of $2 a woman, living in the house.
All articles are to be in by Nov. 20, es-
pecially those entered in the best ar-
ticles contest.
The list of articles sent to the sor-
ority houses and dormitories is as
Alpha Chi Omega, pillows; Alpha
Phi, tied and dyed scarfs; Alpha Xi
Delta, lamp shields; Alpha Gamma
Delta, combing jackets; Alpha Omi-
cron Pi, woofie dogs; Gamma Phi
Beta, rag dolls; Delta Gamma, candied
apples; Delta Zeta, handkerchief dolls;
Kappa Alpha Theta, party cases; Kap-
pa Kappa Gamma, rabbits; Kappa Del-
ta, painted scarfs; Chi Omega, step-ins;
Sigma Kappa, silk scarfs; Zeta Tau
Alpha, bridge covers; Collegiate Sor-
osis, handkerchief trees; Phi Gamma
Mu, shoe trees; Theta Phi Alpha, baby
dresses; Delta Delta Delta, flower
jars; Alpha Epsilon Phi, dusters with
bags; Phi Sigma Sigma, laundry bags;
Martha Cook, step-ins; Betsy Barbour,
dress covers; Helen Newberry resid-
ence, tea aprons; and Adelia Cheever,

Y. W. Worker Seeks
American Recruits

TE A TAPE[ WT DVInaugurate Special
TLife membership in the Wom- Hockey fournament
'W"II] DNNIHTONIHT !en's league is voluntary at the
present time. It is a direct meth- In accordance with the newly-inaug-
od of showing active interest in urated plans for actual hockey con-I
and keen understanding of the tests between the required hour clas-
Honoring Miss Winnifred Wygal, na- League building as a great con- ses in .gymnasium work, more than 80
tional student secretary of the Y. W. structive force in the. life of women took an enthusiastic part in
C. A. who will be in Ann Arbor for Michigan women. When the the games yesterday afternoon. Al-
the remainder of the week, a joint din- building is assured it is possible toug this was the first time that
that life members will be "draft- such a scheme has ever been carried
ner of the cabinets of the Y. W. C. A. ed," as in the present case with out in the women's physical education
and S. C. A. will be held at 5:45 o'- men students. No one who has department, much unusual skill in
clock today at the Haunted Tavern. been given the chance to "volun- Iplaying was displayed considering that
Miss Wygal devotes her time to travel- I teer" can ever have the same many of the participants had no pre-j
feeling of pride in achievement vious knowledge of the game before
ing to local Y. W. associations for the later on as if she took out her entering the academic classes.
purpose of aiding them in general ed- ( life membership 10w." The Tuesday and Thursday 11
ucational and informational problems.C.Te usta an Thrdy 1
urposeof aidingthmingeal leds-C. C. Little. o'clock section captained by Marie
At the present time she is especially Hartwig '29, won over the Monday
interested in arousing interest in the-I and Wednesday 11 o'clock team under
Pan-Pacific conference sponsored byn the leadership of colly Goodell, '29,
the World 'Student ChrT^t F d~~r_ :-- _-U 1T_ w_ ;h edrhpo ol odl,'9

Organization for a final drive among
undergraduate women for the Worn-
en's league building has been com-I
pleted and a staff of more than 100
women are canvassing the campus in
order to raise the $20,000 goal of this
Life membership in the League
building is urged for every Michigan
woman. It means a permanent con-
nection with a permanent institution,
and assurance that no University
woman will ever lose contact with her
school. Then, too, there are the bene-
fits open to her, she may return to the
campus at any time, for like the
Union, she will always be able to
count upon suitable rooms and food'
no matter what the occasion of her
return or when she comes.
Of the $1,000,000 necessary for the
erection of the building, $235,000 still
remains to be obtained before June,'
1927. In the undergraduate drive,
competition has been arranged by
houses, and on a percentage basis.
Charts will be hung in every house,
and credit will be given for the num-
ber of memberships already pledged.
This year, too, for the first time, the
nurses will be approached in an or-
ganized way, as a group of nurses
themselves will solicit memberships
among the women in training.


Every Michigan woman is being
given an unusual opportunity to win
a ticket to the fifth annual Panhellen-
ic ball through the poster contest
which is being sponsored in conjunc-
tion with the affair. The contest ex-
tends up until Friday, November 19,
at which time the posters will be
judged by a committee from the Arch-
itectural school.
The committee in charge of the cons
test urges that every woman on the
campus who is interested in submit-
ting a poster put gs much effort fort4
I as possible, as the prize will be of-
fered to the person who presents the
most striking and attractive poster.
Black Quill literary club announces
the following new members: Theodora
Aronstam, '27; Mary H. 'Wells, '28;
Marian Selker, '28; Alexandria Jan-
husky, '30; Eleanor Kenny, '29; Em-
cry F. Miller, '29; Frances Isabel
Mack, '27; Florence Robinson, '28;
Alice Lehtinen, '27; and M. Joyce An-
derson, '27. The applicants tried out
by the submitting manuscripts whin
weer judged by a special committee.
Initiation will take place tonight in
the play room of Betsy Barbour House.
WASHINGTON.-The government is
starting potash exploration work. A
sum of $100,000 a year for a period of
fve years has been made available for
this work.

Miss Theo Careaud
Miss Theo Carcaud is in America
after five years in India where she
was engaged in Y. W. C. A. work.
The British visitor was struck with
the terrific hustle and hurry here as
contrasted with the sense of leisure
and meditation in the Far East. "In--
dia," says Miss Carcaud, "is the home
of exquisite, leisure, of time regard-
ed as inexhaustible"" She has been in
touch with women and girls of all
castes and classes in India and states
that helping Indian women take their
place in the world by the side of oth-
er women of the world is one of the
challenging needs of the day. Miss
Carcaud plans an extended visit here
and in Canada to recruite young wo-
men to go out with the Y. W. C. A.

on "Civil Service" by Prof. James K.
Voters' Program To Pollock of the University of Michigan
on Friday; and on Saturday morning,
Feature Speech B ltwoimportant addresses, one on "El-I
ectric Power as Related to the Home
Political Journalist "and Citizenship" by Miss Sarah
dan, a vice-president of the Detroiti
Edison company, and the other on
"Publicity and Propaganda" is one "The Consolidation of Rural Schools"
of the subjects to be considered at by Prof. M. S. Pittman of Michigan
the mass meeting featured by the Lea- State Normal college. The program
gue of Women Voters convention in of the committee on living costs and
Saginaw on the evening of Nov. 19, education are just being developed
the speaker being the eminent political in the Michigan League and are at-
Journalist, Chester H. Rowell of San f tracting considerable interest.
Francisco, Califi Mr. Jowell has j:ust
returned from an extended absence in I The Faculty Women's club will hold
Europe during which time he took an an informal reception and dance at
active part in~ the program of the 8:30 o'clock tonight at the Union. Op-
School of International Affairs at portunity will be given for those who,
Geneva, and is visiting six Leagues wish to play cards, and dues may bef
of the Middle West on his present paid at the door. Admission is by;
tour. ticket only.
Other features of the program just
announced are an address by Dr. Lil- Announcement is made of the en-
Hian R. Smith, director of the Shep- gagement of Lucille. D. Marx, '28, to1
pard-Towner program in the Michigan Harold A. Marks, '28L. Mr. Marks is
state board of health, at the opening a member of Kappa Nu fraternity. ;
luncheon on Thursday, Nov. 18; a talk

1.110 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ivU U O1U.'1 11l~ an 11 e ra-{!
tir which wi nibe ;.held , durFn U ne inause For aried by a score of 2 to0. Mary Loomis and
tion, which will be held during tJe Jean Campbell were responsible for1
summer of 1927 in China. This Con- ic the goals and distinguished players
ference will be in the special interest ~were Marie Hartwig, Jean Hickey, and
of all student movements bordering on Louise Cody, '30Ed.f
the Pacific. Side-shows, tumbling acts, a play-
.At the dinner tonight, Miss Wygaf eI ,dnc ubrpiklmnd In the game between the Monday
t tedne oihMs ya lette, dance numbers, pink lemonade and Wednesday 3 o'clock class and
will discuss the plans and hopes for and peanuts and everything that make the Tuesda d Thursday 3o'cloc
the proposed conference and in addi- three ring circuses what they are will
tion will recount some of her experi- be featured in this year's Sophomore group, the former with Gretchen
ence as ne f th te delgate frnt , 0 Schultz, '29, as captain, were victor
ences asone of the ten delegates froni circus which will be given Dec. 3 and by a score o 2 to 1 over the latter
the United States to the bi-ennial i 4 in connection with the Women's lea-I
meeting the World Student Christian gue bazaar. team, which was led by Muriel Volz,
gue azaa. !'29. The goals for the winners were
Federation in Denmark last summer. There is something to do for every (made by Gertrude Wild, '29, and Otha
During her stay, Miss Wygal will sophomore who is interested in the Miller, '29
conduct a series of Bible studies, ap- circus. Dances, tumbling, slight of Because of insuflicient number of
proaching her subject from the point hand tricks, and instrumental music yy
of the personality of Jesus, and its will give talented ones an opportunity o'clock section captained by Esa
influence on the lives of people today, for participating in this class activity, o'lo e cton, atained by Elna
ratherthan rom aMiller, '29, defaulted to the M\onday
rather than from a purely academic while those who wish to enter for gen- and Wednesday 10 o'clock class under
and mechanical standpoint. The first eral stunts may try out for animal and I Elfreida Peterson, '29. Likewise, the
of the series will occur at 3 o'clock feature stunts. j Monday and Wednesday 2 o'clock team4
today in Newberry hall. The schedule Miss McCormack of the physical ed- with Alta Woodworth, '29, as captain,
for the remainder of the talks is as ucation department will take charge won by default'of Lois Parks' Tuesday
follows: From 3 to 4 o'clock and from of the tumbling act. Anyone having and Thursday 2 o'clock team.
7 to 8 o'clock Friday and from 8 to ideas for stunts is asked to call Agnes The winners in yesterday's games
10 o'clock Saturday. All students in- Hoffman, 3013, and those interested in will play Wednesday, Nov. 7.
terested are cordially invited to at- the music for the circus should call I_ _
tend any or all of the series. Mary White, 3526. , CHICAGO.-The Sahara desertwas!
I once a dense forest, inhabited by a
There will be another chance to join E TH WANT A thriving race of people, according to
t' lCy, Nov.1, at i a University of Chicago professor.
o'clock. A beginners' class will he
organized in room 330 of the Engi-
neering building at that time. -l
BAY CITY.-The condition of Unit-
ed States Marshal W. J. Daugherty,
who has been ill at his home here for THE
several days, is reported as grave.
Speaking of ®205 S. State - - Phone 9646
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