P'AGE FOTJn THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in. Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Piss is exclusively en- titled to th, use for republication oiall news disp atches ,'editedrto it or not otherwise ci c'(ited =in Als paper and the local news pub- lished thertein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General, Subscription by carrier, $3.75; by mail, $4.00.. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 925; business 21214. EDITO1 AL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR SMITH H. CADY, JR. Editor................W. Calvin Patterson City Editor.................Ir win A. Olian -N~es Edtor .......... Frederick Shillito News E..............Philip C. Brooks Women's FEditor..... Marion Kubik Sports Editor .............Wilton A. Simpson Telegraph Editor............Morris Zwer,1ling Music and Drama........Vincent C. Wall, Jr. Night Editors Charles Behytr Carlton Chai Jo Chamberlin James Herald As Carl Burger Mar on Ander: Alex Bochno' Jean C-imphel Ila:-tin .. Cohl Clarence .Fdel William Emner o olinFriend i ert Gessn Flaine Gruber Morton 13. Ic Paul Kern Milton Kirshbs met V Ellis, Merry pe Stanford N. Phelps I Courtland C. Smith Cr.ssam A. Wilson ssistant City Editors Hlenry Thurnau Joseph Brunswick Reporters son G. Thomas McKean wski Adeline O'Brien 11 Kenneth Patrick In Morris Ouinn [soil Sylvia Stolle ry James Sheehan William Thurnau er Milford Vanlik r Herbert Vedder ove Marian Welles Thaddeus Wasielewski Baum Sherwood Winslow '4 ,. :, 'a '4 BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER THOMAS D. OLMSTED, JR. Advertising.................Paul W. Aiadd Advertising................William C. Pusch Advertising...............Thomnas Sunderland Advertising...........George H. Annable, Jr. Circulation...............T. Kenneth Haven Publication................John H. Bobrink Accounts..............rancis A. Norquist A~sistants George Abn Jr. Melvin 11.l Baer 1). M. Brown M. H1l. Cain Daniel Finley ]. Ii. Handlcy \. M. Hinkley t. L. Hulse S.Kerbawy A. Aleyer larvcy Rosenbliua \illiam F. Spmncer 'I arvey Talcott larold Utley L. J. Van Tuyl , B: Wood Esther Booze }iilda Binzer Dorothy Carpenter M'ariont A. Daniel Beatrice Greenberg Selma M. Janson Marion Kerr Marion L.eReading Harriet C. Smith Nance Solomon Florence Widmaier : . 1< THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1926 Night Editor-JAMES T. HERALD FAIR FOR ALL The Union Board of Governors, by the proposed amendments to the Union constitution, has attempted to solve the question which arose last spring as to what effect the inctease from $6 to $10 in the Union portion of the University tuition fee would have on the requirements and cost of life membership. Life memberships which have al- ready bsen granted would naturally be unaffected by the amendment. In the future, life memberships would be granted upon the payment of four of the present Union elements of the tuition fee, or by payments totalling $50. By the latter method, partial payments on a life membership would be credited, as - " old payments of the increased Union lee. Upon his com- pletion of the payment of the amounts required to become a life member, every student will become exempt from paying further Union fees in his tuition. Freshmen entering this fall w rvld, automatically become life members upon the completion of four' years in the University. A most liberal policy of allowing full credit on life memberships for the payment of the enlarged tuition, as well as for partial life membership payments, has been suggested. These amendments are fair both to 'the, Union and to the men of the Univer- sity; they should meet with the im- mediate approval of the students. MORE OF MUSSOLINI There are thirteen portfolios in the Italian Cabinet. Mussolini took over the seventh of these . personally two days ago. Simple mathematics would tell us that this is complete domina- tion-and it is. Are the people of Italy a party to this usurpation? There is no reason to believe that they are; for Musso- lini did this himself, alone-he is II Duce. Can a government exist without the support of the people? GovernmentsI have tried. Mussolini is trying, ap- parently-but for how long? THE C ,I."; NWEALTJI One of the greatest difficulties con- fronting the serious minded repre- sentatives of the English Imperial eonference isthat of giving the Do- minions the -st at as of nationhood yet matters. Only a few restrictions nowT~~~ remain denying such control, and CAMPUS OPINION m usi these have often been disregarded. Anonymous communications will be Iige T nSfm -C Canada's plan of having her own rep- cants wilde hver, be regarded as resentative at Washington has work- confidential upon request. ed out well. Similar concessionsID RA M A have been and will be granted. WAR DEBTS But giving the Dominions full pow- To The Editor:" ~-~~-~ er to control their foreign policies To all whose names appear in "JOAN OF ARC" and international relations is another "Who's Who in America" a leaflet is A review, by Kenneth kig matter. If this were done, it is to be now being mailed which contains a Whatever may be said of Mine. Ce- wot ered what would h power t tter from Frederick W. Peabody of iens' interpretation of Joan of Are, Britsh mpir. Wth ull owe toits sinc~rty is beyond doubt. Al- determine domestic policies, the Do- Ashburnham, Massachusetts, to Pres- though she lacks the youthful sim- minions ought to be satisfied for they ident Coolidge dated June 30, 1926. plicity and ingenuousness which the have much for which they can thank The purpose of this now open letter part demands, the sincerity and rver- England. As to foreign affairs it is "to bring about governmental re- ence with which she approaches the would seem that they could gain far consideration of the war debt problem part, helps to make the play a moving more by cooperating with the other through an enlightened public opinion spectacle. The supporting cast is no Dominions of the Empire than by bar- ....with the cooperation of those, I gannga .idviuls- less to be congratulated for managing Igaig as individuals, capable of leadership, who are willing . . --to put themselves to a little trouble to to inject a good measure of dramatic ARMISTICE DAY render a great public service." power into a script that is the veriest theatrical tripe. Particulary descry- Eight years! Eight years since This little pamphlet is, in my opin- ing of mention are Morris Ankrum, news of peace swept round the world, ion, a quite unanswerable argument who gave an excellent performance in and warring nations laid aside their for cancellation of the so-called "war his triple role, and Emile Klewer, who arms to end the untold suffering of debts" of the Allies to the United gave us a truly memorable Vendome. the war. Eight years of reconstruc- States; in fact, much the best state- As has already been intimated, the tion, progress, and a mighty move- ment I have seen. I sincerely hope dramatization itself is decidedly weak ment towards a permanent peace. that those of my colleagues who re- stuff. Those qualities which made The ew ra fr Aeria cae wtheive copies of this pamphlet will at Mark Twain's novel a prose poem, The new era for America came with have been almost completely lost, that Armistice day in 1918; an era of once ally themselves with the move- leaving a few moderately successful complete supremacy, and almost domi- ment so as to prevent a lasting shame theatrical situations, some obviousiy nation in the council of nations. The being put upon their fair land. manipulated puppets, superstitious armistice was a great event when it Under the present policy with re- young men, sentimental generals, occurred. May America use its in- spect to these "debts," America is a villainous judges, terrifying execu- 4 fluence to make such days unneces- veritable Shylock, as I have more than tioners-; and-Joan. But after all sary in the future. once stated in public addresses and Mine. Clemens and her company man- _ _ _aged to infuse enough life into the nthe public press. I know that many script to give an interesting, and, in THE HERO of my colleagues, including Republi- spots, a thrilling show, so why oe In New York city there is a shining cans, share this feeling. So strongly supercilious? white tomb in the midst of a green do I personally feel upon this sub- It is only fair to recognize the tre- ject, that, though I have been a life- mendous difficulties which attended plot and great throngs go each year H long Republican, if President Coolidge the performance of the play in Hill to visit the spot and pay tribute to should be nominated to succeed him- auditorium. The greatest miracle,-- the remains of General Grant. This apart from the thaumaturgic resusci- is one of the many statues and tombs self, I should be compelled to vote tation of the dead sosdier,-was the thei n oppositionold ticket. th and monuments that clutter up this the opposition ticketh fact that difficulties of staging were great city and every other city on A pamphlet which issues from Re- surmounted as successfully as they our Amercan continenth y publican headquarters in New York were. And the richness' and simpli- ourtAeemrica tienwhatwritten by one Strassburger and en- city of the settings added greatly to It seems that men who attempt to titled, "Is America a Shylock?", is a the total effect. shoot their neighbors for pay and are most After all, the play exists largely on shot first are heroes; if they succeed cts hopeful symptom; for it indi- sentimental values, and judged by for a protracted period of time they st these values it is decidedly success- are more heroes; but if they are hon- horses now feel that the American ful. It may not be a significant work est men merely seeking to earn a liv- conscience is in need of a soothing of art but it is more than moderately salve. I have taken pleasure in con effective entertainment. ing and are shot down in the exercise ** of their duties and for the protectionplying with the request for comments and have pointed out with some vigor "GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONES" of mankind, they are calmly passed ofr maunfitting material for the hals the essential untruthfulnessof the en- A review, by Vincent Wall over as tire document. of fame.Thwhlplywsrteana- I expect soon to have copies of Mr. The whole play was rather an ac- A short time ago in the Tombs cident-one of the freaks of the show Peabody's little pamphlet above re- prison in New York three desperate r world. Anita Loos first wrote her criinas tiedto scae. t i dififerred to, and shall take pleasure inr crimials tried to escape. It is diffi- mailing them to those interested. "illuminating diary of a professional cult to imagine the harm that these -William Herbert Hobbs. lady" to relieve the monotony of a men might have done if they had been trip from New York to California; allowed to get free. There stood be- SIDELINE PASSES John Emerson collaborated in the tween them and liberty, between so- E EEptamor na irraionat omnt; ciety and a murderous menace, only To The Editor: and its success at the first hectic pre- threemen;hande two ofd. them died that Shortly beforeon iere in Detroit, later in Chicago, and society might be saved. game, word was sent to all members ow in the mad welter that is the New All of these men had wives and of th "M" club that this year theYs families. They knew that to resist York drama is phenomenal. these desperate criminals was almost Athletic association had ruled tCa no Last night at the Whitney theater sthis farce was broadly burlesqued and suicidal,(yet they also knew that if M" man would be allowed to bringlae e they failed the men would escape. his son to the game and seat him on road companies ever to grace 'the They chose to do their duty; and died; the sideline benches as has been the boards of that theater. The lines-- and succeeded. custom for years. which are both pointed and risible, If we lack a war or two to provide The reason given was' that the de- and which make a success of a show us with sufficient heroes for monu- mand for sideline bench privileges that hasn't the ghost of a situation it ments, let us remember the men who was so great that more room vas ts ent the acts re intelligent- died in that prison outbreak, and the needed. hands of Iris West was the identical men who die continually in the war Last Saturday I went to the game plaintive and provocative moron that on crime that we may be safe. Jere- and got a sideline pass from the sec- June Walker has made her. Lorelei miah Murphy and Peter J. Mallon are retary of the "M" club as is the cus- (who explains that she was named not as picturesque names for school tom. When I arrived at the field, I for the girl who was made famous for children to learn as Aaron Burr and found the benhes already crowded. sitting on a rock in Germany!) is not Benedict Arnold, but they have ac- I was fortunate enough to squeeze in capble o even the most feat complished as much-and more, many a seat on the 25 yard line. Scores teough wide eyed innocence and a times over. Perhaps the day will of former baseball, football, track, vacuous high pitched drawl that her come when the phrase "I regret that basketball, and tennis players, many lines register in Miss West's interpre- I have but one life to give for my great Michigan stars 'of former days, tation. Continuing in the June country" will be placed on the same came in after I was seated. Some of Walker technique she has created a lofty pedestal as the dying statement them found seats and others did not. similar impression, with enough ° nearoriginality to satisfy the exacting d- of the warden: "Commissioner, not Many were crowded way down near nds f thoad. one prisoner got away." the goal line. Dorothy Shaw (played by Gadis Who were occupying the chioice Moore), was originally thrown in by RUSSIAN WOMEN SOLDIERS seats in the benches? Well, just Miss Loos to parry the unconscious Military training for male students around me were a grocer, a real es- serenity of Lorelei's back-handed epi- either Optional in the country b tate agent, an attorney, his chauf- gram, but in the slay she getsall the cihieroftollegeorbyheronan-rbyfeur, a bank clerk, a high school laughs in the first-adscndat l choice of college or by personal in- though she subsides to support the clination at institutions where the cc anschool superintendet an awkward unravelling of the untidy se-, training is not compulsory, may hard- miscellaneous number of othcrs who quence which has been developing ly be regarded as more than a policy far outnumbered the men who carried during the previous action. Her re- of national preparedness. Michigan's athletic banner during the marks are the most pertinent, her ten- The recent action of Russia how- past twenty years. derloin walk and hard-to-get-Gertie hereycn atio ofRssia, shodw- The sideline privileges were former- dialect are typical New Yorkese; and ever, by which all university students ly limited to men who had done some- her exotic bobbed head-equally as of both sexes are required to train thing for the glory of distinctive as Lorelei's blondeness-- fr military service is obviously an , Michigan. They all throw the luxurious affectation of expression of militarism. That a had the right to bring their sons who that lady into generous relief. country which, by the statement of were prospective timber for Michigan The play has much the same appeal its leaders, is trying to a n ofe teams. Now they are crowded out by that the popular musical comedy has: Sgain the anybody who can get his hands on quick laughs that are found in the recognition of the world, should at- recontion ofte w , s d a- sideline passes that are handed out lines alone, and almost the same lack, St ncule this spirit ito its without discrimination. Who is re- of plot. The humor that stops the citizenry is indeed surprising. show is not in any event subtle; the _m__tmninsponsible for this state of things? French taxi-cab joke and the unkind I am not complaining for myself. remark concerning Lady Beckman's HOWCOE] I get to the games quite often. But I1 HOW OME i gt t th gam s qite ofte. B t jlingerie will be repeated at every fra- Although the Detroit city council I what about the "M" men who travel ternity dinner tomorrow night. But it has spent nearly a million dollars for for hundreds of miles to a game, then is better entertainment than the aver- expert advice during the past four are treated no better than the man age musical show or revue, and the years, some of its members are very who sells groceries to fraternities? education of the lovely Lorelei who as prone to disregard the report of a These men have paid a big price for Dorothy remarks should be alineal 1 . descendant of the James' brothers, committee of experts on the sewage bringing glory for Michigan. I can dls et go teamentbfor disposal problem, as well as the be- boast of a broken ankle, two broken Peoria and Owosso for eas. lief of the commissioner on public ribs, a football knee which put me And in conclusion let me commend works. It is significant that the on crutches for three months, a bad most heartily Percy Baverstock for change in attitude on this question shoulder, and an unforgettable mem- his literal translation of Sir Francis followed' the establishment in Detroit ory of brusies and neglected class Beekman! of a lobby which is seeking the ap- work. There are hundreds of other proval of the screening methodassop- ( men who have given as much and RACERS LOST TO WORLD pose tothelinhff ankprocess as1 more. 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Please send checks for $3.75, or pay at the Daily Office, ii PrcSS Building on Maynard St. (Opposite the Majestic) he MichiganDail of Our lines of Cold and Grippe Remedies are very complete. 4 4 i 11