ESTABLISHED 1890 itt at l MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVII. No. 39 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTa PROGRAM IS OUTLINEConsistent Discipline Is Important RV fly inrmTi Poh i rIn Preventing Crime, Dean Believes I U1 IUULII2 UUUIiUlL FOR NATIONAL MEETING 200 COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS TO CONVENE DEC. 24 IN CONGRESS MEIKL JOHN TO SPEAK Student Council Favors Proposal For Drafting Amendment To Union Constitution Outlining the program for the sec-} ond annual congress of the National Student Federation of America, which will be held in Ann Arbor, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Dec. 2-4, James Boyer, '27, reported to the Student council, at its regular meeting last night, that arrangements for the con- vention are nearing completion. Three hundred delegates from 200 colleges and universities throughout the country, including student repre- sentatives of women's colleges, will attend the meetings here. The pur- :litr's note: This is the sixth of a sei es f interviews with University authori- ties on the crime States. Copyright D~aily. situation -in the United 1926 by The Michigan In the opinion of Prof. Allan S. Whitney, dean of the School of Edu- cation, "the chief cure for crime is fair, steady, and consistent parental discipline. This should be followed by like treatment in the schools. Early in life the child ought to be given some task that would develop his or her sense of responsibility," he declared. The laxity of some parents in their control of children, the inconsistency of others in treatment of some of the actions of the children, and the utter inability of still others in holding the interest of the children are some of the 'many causes that divert children to crime from which it is difficult, often impossible, to rectify them, stated Professor Whitney. "People often wonder," he remark- ed, "why the rural districts contribute such a great portion of our really great men. The reason for this is that the country boy is early in life im- pressed with a sense of responsibility. He has his chores to fulfill and is made to realize that their fulfillment depends wholly upon him. He culti- vates a feeling that his father has a great deal of confidence in his ability and that he is really his father's part- ner. The boy thus brought up also AT 9:09 TONIGHT Michigan's football team will I leave Ann Arbor at 9:09 o'clock tonight at the Michigan Central station, en route to Columbus where, on Saturday afternoon, Michigan will meet Ohio State inI a game that- will be a deciding factor in determining the cham- pionship of the West. j An Ohio team has not beaten ! M Michigan since 1920 and every ef- fort will be made to turn the game Saturday into a Buckeye holiday. Students will have aI last opportunity to voice their confidence in their team tonight. Cheerleaders will be present to direct the crowd. Beat Ohio ! Student Council. pose of the federation, which is an outgrowth of the World Court confer- ence held at Princeton, N. J., last win- ter, is largely for the considerationj of common problems of university life and the interchange of ideas and opinions, in this connection, from stu- dents in all parts of the country. The first business meeting of the second annual congress will be held Thursday night, Dec. 2, in the assem- bly hall of the Union, which will ba the headquarters of the convention. Delegates will arrive all day Thurs- day. Friday and Saturday will be devot- ed almlost entirely to discussion groups and round table talks on as- signed subjects. The latter include: "Fraternities," "Athletics," "The Hon- or Sytem and Student Government," "The Choice and Methods of Teach- ers," and "The Nature of Curricula.' An entertainment program will bej afforded the visiting students Friday night. The congress will adjourn following the election of officers Sat- urday night. All meetings of the convention will be held at the Union and meals will be served to all of the delegates there. The visiting students *ill stay at fra- ternity and sorority houses. Ten distinguished men will address the congress during the three-day program, among which is Alexander Meiklejohn of Wisconsin university. It is planned to have President Clar- ence Cook Little deliver the address, of welcome Thursday night. The Stu- dent council will have charge of the convention program. BATTLE CREEK EDITOR 'SPEAKS ONREIPORTING Discusses Questions Connected With Newspaper Profession At Press Gathering CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS Touching upon those things which j every student of journalism has defi- nitely at heart, A. L. Miller, manager and editor of the Battle Creek En- quirer News, spoke to a group of near- ly 100 aft the meeting of the Student's Press Club last night. Is the newspaper business a good, one to go into? Is there a profit in it? Is there a good chance for ad- vancement?-these were the questions thc former University Press Club! President asked and chose to answer. "Getting started in the newspaper business is the sane as getting started in life," said the speaker, "because the qualifications are the same. It is a matter of personal effort and resolve, of sincere dedication to the task. Do your best and you will go ahead. In- cidentally, there is nothing peculiar about the newspaper business as dif- ferentiated from any otherbusiness: there is plenty of room at the top; but you will find no elevator to take you there: you must walk." Mr. Miller advised those 'looking forward to going into the newspaper profession "to look out for the rut. Do not become so absorbed in any one job that you becomeso satisfied and comfortable that you fail to get out and go on." Pregeding the address a short busi- ness meeting was held. Eugene Gute- kunst, '27, was electedapresident of the club to take the place of Court- land C. Smith, '28, whose letter of resignation was tendered. Everett K. Wright, '27, was elected editor of the Press Club Journal which will be read at each meeting. lbecomes self reliant-if while out in the field some part of his plow or other implement he happens to be working with breaks down he exer- cises some of his own ingenuity by re- pairing it himself rather than have some one else repair it." 1 "By discipline I don't mean that the parents should be intolerant or 'crab- by,' no, the parents should be fair minded and just in all actions and also consistent-what is considered wrong one time should not be con- sidered right the next without suffi- cient reason," he concluded. LACKLAND WILL TALK ON LAORMOVMETS Well-Known Minister Is Acquainted With Present Conditions On European Continent WILL AID DISCUSSIONS Dr. George S. Lackland has been announced as the first of a series of speakers who are coming here under the auspices of - the Industrial Re- search commission of the Student Christian association. He will lecture on "Lessons from European Labor Movements" at 4:15 o'clock Tuesday, in Natural Science auditorium. Dr. Lackland is one of the foremost ministers of the country. Since his coming to Denver, Col., in 1918, he has been active in work on labor condi- tions and has been very successful in bettering the status of the working man. He is the head of the Denver Labor college and a leader in the Den- ver open forum.C Dr. Lackland has just returned from Europe and is therefore acquaintedp with the present conditions there. Be-c sides making the speech in Naturale Science auditorium, he will visit sev-t eral smaller groups and discuss vari- ous topics with them. Some of theset are: "Why United States is Not Pop-C ular," "American Debtors," "Musso- lini, the Alternative to Democracy," 'The New Germany," and "Research and the World Peace." He will re- main in Ann Arbor from Nov. 15 ton 18.!t The Industrial Research commis- b sion, under whose auspices Dr. Lack-a land is appearing here, resulted fromc a movement started in Denver about six years ago, the purpose of which was to bring the students face to face with the real problems of life. Inb 1920 a number of students went toh Denver and spent the summer in or- ganized study of industry. They met I together and discussed their discov-o eries several times a week. Since then the movement has spread rapidly and now is in many of the largest cities of the United States.- Plans are already being made ford work next summer in Detroit and a group of fifty will be chosen who willt take part in the work. Those inter- ested should turn in their application to the committee in Lane hall. How-c and Puckett, '27, is general chairman of the committee.C ENGLISH FORESTER! WILL VISIT CAMPUS S. T. C. Stillwell, of the Forest Products Research Laboratory of South Farnborough, England, is to be the guest of the Forestry. department of the University today. Mr. Stillwell will spend the day visiting the differ- ent forestry rooms and departments, and in consultation with the members of the department. In the evening he will be entertained at an informal din- ner at the Union.I Mr. Stillwell is chiefly interested in the dry kilning of wood and is in this I country for the purpose of making an; extensive study of our methods and practices in this line. SEAT LOCATIONS INl OHIO STAND GIVEN Michigan's allotment of tickets in the Ohio State stadium for next Sat- urday's game includes seats in sec- f tions 7 to 15 inclusive. Section 15 is on the 50 yard line while 7 is on the 10 yard line. The tickets are also marked accord- ing to the letters A, B, and C. Seats in A are in the lower deck and in front of the balcony. Those in B are in the lower part of the stands but under- neath the balcony. Balcony seats are marked with a C. MEMORIALTO'HEROES OF WORLD 0AR IS TO BE DEDICATED TODAY COOLIDGE TO ADDRESS CROWD, EXTENDING "TRIBUTE FRO I HUMBLE AND RICH" WDAF WILL BROADCAST Bost Of Disting'uished Guests Gather Fe.' Ceremonies; Queen Marie To Leave Bronze Wreath (By Associated Press) KANSAS CITY, Nov. 10.-A giant limestone shaft, thrusting heavenward a huge bowl of perpetual fire, will be the gathering place of a mighty throng tomorrow when the Liberty memorial is dedicated in memory of the city's heroic veterans-dead and living-of the World war. A tribute from the humble and the rich is the ode in stone that will be dedicated by President Calvin Cool- idge, who, with Mrs. Coolidge and party, will arrive from the national capital on a special t r a i n tomorrow morning. M o r e I than 87,000 per-1 s o n s contributed more than $2,000 ,- 000 to the construe- I tion of the mem- orial. Atop Mem-I orial hill, oppositea Union station, the . shaft pierces thef --+----- sky and commandst President Coolidge a vista of the city and a portion of the Missouri valley. The building that flanks the shaft will; be used for a war museum and a mem-I orial hall for the American Legion. A battery of French 75's, Missouria National Guard, will bark out a salute I of 21 guns as the President and party emerge from the Union station on their arrival.a It will be the second day in the his-v tory of the memorial that President t Coolidge has had a part, for on Nov. I 1, 1921, he was present as vice presi- t dent when the site was dedicated. An address at the memorial by R.1 A. Long, president of the Libertyn memorial association, will precede that by Mr. Coolidge. The armisticet hour of 11 o'clock will be tolled byv a bell that will be heard all over the country, for its vibrant tones will be picked up by WDAF of the Kansasa City Star and broadcast.i The President's address, also to ber broadcast, is expected to take a halft hour. The ceremonies will close atn noon. On the day's private programt is a presidential luncheon at one o'clock at the Hotel President. Fol-. lowing the luncheon, the presidential 1 party will motor across the inter-cityd viaduct for a brief tour of KansasI City, Kan. A mighty. chorus of chil- dren, stationed at the Kansas end of the viaduct, will sing "America" as the party passes. A host of distinguished guests be- gan arriving today for the Armistice day program, which concludes tomor- row night with a visit by Queen Mariee of Roumania, who will place a bronzet wreath at the base of the memorial.£ Three Day Clinic Of State Doctors Will Begin TodayI r More than 600 medical men from all< over the state will convene in Ann Arbor today for a three-day practi- tioners' clinic. The sessions will be held at the hospital beginning this morning at.9 o'clock and end Saturday noon. All arrangements for the clinict are in charge of Dr. James D. Bruce, director of the internal medicine de- partment at the University hospital. Dr. Morris Fishbein, editor of the Journal of the American Medical as- sociation, and Lee A White, of the De- troit News, have been obtained as speakers for the general meeting to be held at 7: 30 o'clock tomorrow night in Natural Science auditorium. This meeting will be open to the public. An informal dinner will be held by the doctors tonight at the Union, at which time addresses will be given by President Clarence Cook Little, Hugh Cabot, dean of the Medical, school, Regent Walter H. Sawyer, and Dr. John B. Jackson, president of the state medical society. More than 400 men have signified their intention of attending this dinner. General sessions will start this morning and continue until Saturday. Clinics will be held at the University hospital from 9 to 5 o'clock today and tomorrow, and from 8 to 12 o'clock on Saturday morning. Life on Mount Athos most nearly resembles that of the Middle Ages than that of any other place in the world, said. Prof. Kiropp Lake of Harvard, speaking of "The Monks and the Manuscripts on Mount Athos" yesterday. This was the first of aI series of three lectures by Professor Lake which are being sponsored by the School of Religion. "Until 1913 religious superstition was so strongly opposed to the pres- ence of any female on Mount Athos that there was not so much as a hen to be found there, and even now the UNION PLANSTO END LIFE MEMBER DRIVES Credit Will Be Given For Tuition Fee If Students Favor Amendments To Constitution WILL VOTE WEDNESDAY Life membership drives such as have been conducted annually on the campus by the Union, will end in the future should the proposed amend- ments to the Union constitution be adopted, it was announced by the life membership committee yesterday. The task of obtaining life members would be alleviated inasmuch as the amendments, if adopted, would auto- matically provide life memberships for students entering the University this fall and thereafter. It was also decided by the Board of Governors who drew up the amendments that since all payments of the new $10 Union portion of tuition might be credited to a permanent membership, any annual attempt to secure the dif- ference necessary to obtain such a membership would be unadvisable. Should the amendments not be passed at the meeting of all Union members which is to be held next Wednesday, the life membership committee under Clarence W. Little, '28, plans to con- tinue the annual drives as in the past. The committee also wishes to make it clear that of the $8 increase" men's tuition this fall, the Union ele- I ment was increased only $4, from $6 I to $10; the other $4 went to the Uni- versity Health service. The Boardt of Regents on voting this increase lastt spring also directed the Union to apply $5 per annum per student to1 its maintenance fund and to apply thet remaining $5 to its capital account, all to be handled according to the judg-t ment of the Board of Governors oft the Union.I Copies of the proposed amendments 1 in their entirety and any information1 may be secured any time in the stu-. dent offices on the third floor of the Union. HONOR SOCIETY HOLDS BANQUET; Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineeringj society whose purpose is the recogni- tion of distinguished scholarship and, exemplary character of undergradu- ates, and of attainments of alumni, initiated 19 new men to membership last night. Initiation ceremonies were followed by a banquet at the Union Prof. J. A. Van den Broek of the engineering college, and J. W. Parker, chief engineer of the Detroit Edison company, were the alumni among the initiates. Two juniors, J. E. Starrett and C. E. Robinson, were also includ- ed in the group. Senior engineerng students initiated were G. F. Wyllie, C. T. Schieman, Jr., W. N. Curtis, R. W. Higbie, S. Lifshitz, G. A. Black- burn, J. H. Hansen, J. S. Congo, H. A. Wagner, A. J. Diakoff, H. W. Gould- tborpe, G. G-. Lamb, F. A. EnEarl, L. F. Finkler, and W. A. Kuenzel. BATES TO LEAVE FOR KANSAS TOUR Dean .Henry M. Bates, of the Law school, will leave this morning for Topeka, Kan., wherehhe will give a series of lectures this week-end. The first of these talks which will be to- morrow night under the auspices of the Kansas State Bar association will be on "Constitutional Interpretation." Saturday night he will speak on "Popular Discontent with the Law," before a closed meeting of the bar as- sociation. Dean Bates will also make addresses at Washburn College of Law, Topeka, and the University of Kansas Law school tomorrow and Sat- urday mornings respectively. WILD TO ADDRESS. TOLSTOY LEAGUE Harvard Professor Compares Life On Mount Athos To That Of Middle Ages presence of the hens is looked upon with great disfavor by the monks," the speaker said in discussing some of medieval characteristics that are found in the monastaries. I The lecture yesterday, which was mostly concerned with stereoptican scenes of the mount with its collec- tion of monastaries together with a few illustrations taken from pages of the early Greek manuscripts found (in the libraries of these colonies, will be followed by a lecture at 4:15 o'clock today in Natural Science audi- torium on "Manuscripts of the New Testament." Professor Lake will con- duct a study of them while showing slides of the actual manuscripts. NO DAILY EXTRA WILL BE ISSUED FOR 0. S. U. GAME I II Due to the fact that a large ! percentage of Michigan students I will be at Columbus for the j Ohio State-Michigan football game, there will be no extra edi- ! Ition of The Daily next Saturday 1 Iafternoon. The last Daily foot- j 1 I ball extra of the season will be placed on sale immediately after1 the Minnesota-Michigan game at I Minneapolis on Nov. 20. The complete automobile log < to Columbus, a distance of 190 i miles will be found on page 8 of ii this issue. ! DESIGN CONTEST FOR, IHOP OPENS TODAY Faculty And Decoration Committee To t Judge Plans Submitted In 1 Sketch Formt COMPETITION ENDS DEC. 1 Decorations for the J-Hop to be held Feb. 11 will be decided by the committee 'in charge from *a contest opening today, Harold Philpott, '28A,t chairman of the decoration committeeF has announced. The competition will be open to .individuals and organia-p tions: architects, professional decora-t tors, and art clubs are privileged to submit their designs for consideration.b Plans drawn up by the students will be given special attention.b All entrants in the contest are askeda to submit sketches, because it is prac- tically impossible to judge fairly from F written descriptions. It is expected f that a large number of designs willP be submitted, and the Committee in-? tends to give special attention to those6 received first. u From all plans submitted, the twos most outstanding ones will be selectedt by.a jury composed of factilty mem- bers and the J-Hop decoration com- mittee. These choices will be submit-f ted to the general committee of ther J-Hop, and this body will make thef final choice. The winner of the contest will re-f ceive a ticket to the hop and in addi-I tion a cash award..N All plans must lie submitted tog Harold Philpott, '28A, 608 E. Madisont street, before Dec. 1.c Michigan Progress Selected As Theme' For 1927 Yearbook Of the several themes suggested for the 1927 Michiganensian, . one desig- nated as the "Progress of Michigan" and stressing the development of the University has been selected by Louis Robertson, '27, managing editor. The historical treatnent will be , accomplished by combinations ofI views of the campus as it formerly , existed with those of the present con- ditions. More than fifty old pictures o% University buildings and campus scenes are available to the 'Ensian staff and the best of these will be used for this purpose. Tinted borders will be used through- out the book, as was done two years ago, although the general tone will be? slightly lighter in this year's issue. The general art scheme, however, will be entirely different than any used heretofore. Seven pages of the volume will be printed with four-color~plates. For greater interest to alumni, the 1927 'Ensian will include an alumni - section. In the athletic section indi- cation will be given of the class with which the Varsity athletes will grad- uate in order that alumni may know what men will be eligible for the next ! year's teams. 1 In the senior section, the students PRINCETON ANNOUNCES BREAK WITH HARVARD IN SPORT COMPETITION ACTION IS TAKEN AFTER HEAD OF INSTITUTION GIVES APPROVAL BINQHAM IS SURPRISED Yale Regrets Rupture Because it Puts End To Triple Agreement Executed Several Years Ago (By Associated Press) PRINCETON, Nov. 10.-All athletic relations between Princeton and Har- vard universities were broken off to- day, Dr. Charles W. Kennedy, chair- man of the board of athletic control announced. Princeton was willing Doctor Kennedy said, to finish such events as were on the present sched- ule, but he deemed it "inadvisable." The action was taken this afternoon at a meeting of the board which Princeton's president, John Grier Hib- ben, was present as ex-officio member. Dr. Hibben announced the severance with his approval. Doctor Kennedy intimated that the climax was capped by the receipt this morning of a copy of resolutions adopted by the Harvard board. The last paragraph of a letter to William J. Bingham, chairman of the board of athletic control of Harvard, read as follows: "I may also add that Princeton, so far as she is concerned, would never accept the implications of the athletic policy recently adopted by the Har- vard committee on regulation of ath- letic sports as set forth in their reso- lutions of Oct. 14, which I received this morning." Doctor Kennedy declined to make known the provisions of the resolu- tions. Trouble between the universities be- gan brewing last spring when Har- vard suggested cutting Princeton from the football schedule in favor of Mich- igan. Il-feeling in existence since then Was brought to athead Saturday, when throngs which attended the Harvard- Princeton game in Cambridge were greeted with a special issue of the "Lampoon," Harvard undergraduate publication. The edition was devoted to jeers and insults at Princeton. The text of Doctor Kennedy's letter to Mr. Bingham follows: "At a meeting of the Princeton board of athletic control, held this afternoon, the board voted unanimous- ly to sever athletic relations with Harvard in all sports. We have been forced to the conviction that it is at present impossible to expect in ath- letic competition with Harvard that spirit of cordial good will between'the undergraduate body of the two univer- sities which we think should charac- terize college sports. "Unless athletic contests between colleges grow out of and reproduce a feeling of friendly rivalry and mutual respect, there can be no valid reason for their continuance. "Under these circumstances we pre- fer to discontinue competition with Harvard altogether. Should you wih, we will, of course, complete such en- gagements as may. have been s~hed- uled between us for the present aca- demic year. We should regard these contests as inadvisable. But we will be glad to discuss the matter with you should you so desire." (By Associated Press) BOSTON, Nov. 10.-Announcement from Princeton that all athletic re- lations between Princeton and Harv- ard have been broken by Princeton authorities came as a complete sur- prise to William J. Bingham, director of athletics at Harvard. "I have received no word of any such break from Princeton, he told the Associated Press over the tele- phone from his home in Wellesley to- night. "And of course until I receive definite word from Doctor Kennedy that he has made such an announce- ment, I can say nothing beyond re- peating the assertion that this is the. first news to me of the ,matter." Director Bingham said he first would have to receive official confirm- ation of Princeton's action from the authorities of the New Jersey univer- sity before he would decide what his course in the matter would be. (By Associated Press) NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. 10. - News of the break between Princeton and Harvard was received at Yale tonight with great regret. Harold S. Woodcock, general Mana- ger of the Yale athletic association, f said that the rupture was most regret- table from Yale's standpoint, because it upset the triple agreement executed several years ago. He had thought, he said, the differences between the two i 1 Aviation Engineer The council went on record last .1 night as endorsing the recently pro- i willi ve dr( posed amendments to the constitution iv of the Union providing for a new sys- L tem of life membership payments. Lieut. Charles D. Williams, of The following resolution was unani- engineering staff of the Aircraft ously adopted: clpmentcompanytofsDetroit, "Be it resolved that the Studen tndtgress students interested in council, as representative of the stu- Lion tonight at a meeting which dent body, believing the proposed l e held to establish the Unive amendments to the constitution of of Michigan unit of the U. S. N the Union, to be beneficial to the in- Aim' Reserve corps. The meeting terests of men students, recommend be held at 7:45 o'clock in room that all members of the Union be pres- I of the ast Engineering building ent at the general meeting next Wed-t Enrollment of all those who nesday, Nov. 17, and vote favorably Ito take the government course in thereon." ation,is all that will be acconpli essI the De- will avia- will rsity naval will 1042 wish avi- I ished ADELPHI DEBA TES1 ON DIVORCE LAWS1 Adelphi House of representatives held its regular weekly meeting last night in the club's room on the fourth floor of Angell hall. The question de- bated was the advisability of federal control of marriage and divorce laws. This meeting was postponed from Tuesday because of the Oratorical association lecture held that night. toinight in theestablishment o the University uiit. Lectures on the! theory of aviation for training in the ground school course will start Nov. I 1 18. The course is open to any, stu- dent on the campus.a BIBLE AR TICLES ATTRACT NOTICE Reports indicate that interest has been manifested in the series of arti- ,_ cles on the new testament written I GAROYL TO for the Dearborn Independent by iGARGOYL I TO GO