THURSDAY, .SEPTEMBER', 30, 1926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THUUSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Li PY DISPLAY'S F31T COLLECTION ExhbitIs Gift Of Regent Hbad Editions Will Remain On View jFor Two Weeks IN CLUDES 650 VOLUMES VarmJus selections from thecacllec- tions 41 of "Gulliver's Travels," Jona- thon Swift's memorable satire opi the goverment of his day, presented to the general library by Regent L. L. Hubbard, are now on display in the main 4borridor of the library. The ex- hibit, ;which was completed last Fri- day, j rill rremain until about October' 17, to note the bicentennial anniver- sary of the first publication in 17261 Original copies of the first five edi- tions 'are shown; some, including the first 4o, in the original covers. Oth- er ea ly editions are on display, some of w 1 ch are first editions of transla- tions into several foreign languages. Other, cases are given over tpsil bour41 material, other wrkcs by Swift, and modern illustrated editions. Early English editions, ranging from 1742 to 1840, form one group. Anothe~r is made up of the imitations, In English and other languages, which began to spring up within two years after fthe first :publication of the orig- anal story. The entire collection of "~Gulliver's TraNMs," consisting of about 650 vol- limes is only a part of the collection of fie tlous travels and voyages, made up ofd about 3,000 volumes, presented to the; library. by Regent Hubbard. A groupG of 1,200 volumes devoted to the tale c f Robinson" Crusoe by Daniel Defoer form the principal -block in the collection, which is housed in a spec- ial ropm in the rare book section of the lbrary. I GARGOYLE TRYOUTS I All men and women eligible o activities" and interested in wting or dnsawing for the GAR- GUOYLE may report at the edito- rial office' any afternoon this weok between 2 and 4. Material is 'now being accepted for the I Novkember edition. L PU HogD IER HELPS ICI RELIEF RK FOR FLORIDA AREA (By A:,socatcd Press) CHICAGO, Sept. 28.-Proposals that Herbert Hoover, secretary of com- merce,,be put in, charge of relief work in Florida drew from the secretary to- day the response that, as a member of the eid cutive :board of the American 'Red Gross, he already is helping to revive and rehabilitate the devastated area. j DAILY STAFF COMPETITIOIN Te'dtoral staff of The Milligan Daily offers practical newspaper experience and inter- esting campus associations. Scc- on4 semester freshmen or, sopho- mares who wish to try out. are ask~ed to see the News Editor at the,, offices in the Press building Iat once. Add New -Course {isgnto In Architecture. study of pattern design in the teach- Announcement has been madec of awing of which consideration will be given to the research work of the late! new course In the School of rchi- J. Ilanbridge and Dr. iDenian W. tecturc, to be conducted bly11. A. Ross. Classes will bo held Tuesday; Fowler, instructor of decorative de- and 'Thursday. 1)ISTI7NCTIVE FOOTlWE AR THE MORROW w FOR MEN $10 Tan and Black-Imported Scotch Grain - Heavy Double Sole - Narrow Heel Fitting. The J. Murphy Boot Shop 12 Nickels Arcade - 2 :01) 7 :0 3:3"v SLAST PERFORMANCES TODAY And the Critics Continue "One niust consider ' len of Steel' as worthy to belong to the seiao' s bet Jpethres." RIICHlARD A. IIOWL.ANI Presents II K 'I Mate Allison George F iveett - special And in Adiilon ARC(AD)E Showing Comted y Creation ORCREIS'1 RA 1)EMPSEY "1THE' OLD WAR Sliad l2I"NEY Jlu cild Claissic Topics hut! I cc ils (oaut1log - FRIDAY AN]) SATURDlIAY j ~JOSEPH SCHILDKRAUJTf q Otober 18 ]FRIEDA HE PEL, Soprano I moveber TH ENGISHSINGERS ORCHESTRA Ossip Gabrilowritsch, Januay 17MARION TALL Y', Soprano Jauary 31 FRITZ IiREISLER, Violinist Mrch UOSRNVE, Pianist Otober 9 UNITED STATESMRN BAN 1JCaptain Win. H. Santeaun November 29 MORIZ ROSNHL ins December 4 ROLAND HAYES, Tenor January 10 RUSSIAN COSACCHI Sergei Soeoloff~ Conductor oebruary 21' DETT tTYMPO O RCHES'TRA, ssipC udiscorii I I i 1 " 4' if ANO SH IBERT LAFANETTE MEATRE - - DETROIT 17HER GORGEOUS PRODUCTION Gilbert a nd Sullivan's M. S. PINAFORE"s eek Deginning Sunday, Oct. 3 Prices $8.3 0 to 500 ri Nights - - 50c to,$a.5o ~jARR C K Wed. iM'at. - 50c to $r.5o .--r------ Sat. Mat. - S5c to $1.50 'The Crook Comedy Drama with a Million iLaughs Square Crooks With DOROTHY APLnBY A play in which melodramatic "situations have been placed in comedy environment. CASSTHEuATER 'CAS'Mats. Thur. and Sat. iafayette at Wayne Cad. ixoo The MI$SS KS. SIIUBI;RT'S phINCESS FLA VIA Wth Howard Marsh, Evelyn Herbert '*~ err/ tJ , ;. k rou f1?ivr WE are glad to wel- come you back to z Michigan and to our new floral shop. Your every pllant in flowers can be -ILL AUD170:FZ Ium ANN -ARBOR Season Tickets for. the CHORAL UNION SERIES ($6.00, $50-50), ind for the EXTRA CONCERT SERIES (55.00. X94.00, S3.44) may i If III 11