b PAGE TWO .THEIF.MICH-IG1AN DLYT IVED.NESDAY, NCJVE MER 10, 1( 26 ..... ..... . . ... ..... ......w r r , ., ... v x .a. u ..+ u a1T ilsi.*'aawL- . apiQ10K' ...Awe1H lVlxJ11 EXTENSON DIISION I OFFERS NEWOURSES Professors Paton and Van den brok Wil Instruet, at Detrot Bral nch of University REUAR CREDIT GIVEN With the establishment of two new Courses offered in Detroit through the University':Extension division, the to- tal number of courses given through extenision methods has been raised to 2.. The-:latest additions are a course in advan'eed accou~iing given by Prof. William A. Patel:'~.o the :accounting department of th. Schoo of Business Adm iistration, and .a course in strength of material conducted1by Prof. John A. an den brok of the engineering college., About 90 students are enrolled in the new courses. A large number are graduates of the University, who are avaling themselves of the opportunity for advanced work. Elementary in- struction Js not offered in this man- ner through the extension department. Detroit and vicinity lead in the num- her. of courses with 13., The addition- al. ten, courses are being given in other Michigan. cities including Grand RAapids, Flint, Battle Creek and Lans- fing. Instruction offered is similar to that given in corresponding courses in the University. At the end of the course, those who wish are given an exami- nation, and i their grades are satis- factory, are given regular University credit for their work. AVIATION EXPERT PO-STPONES VISIT Word was received yesterday by Prof."F., Pawloski, head of the aero- nautical engineering department, that Prof. Theodor von -Karman, head of the aerodynamical laboratories of Asche, ,Germany, who " was to visit the,-university for one week starting today, has postponed his visit until Nov..-15. The length of. his stay here has also been changed, the German aeronautical expert leaving here on Nov. 18. Professor von Karman is touring the- United States under the auspices of -the. Guggenheim. fund for the pro- motion _of ,aviation, and will give le- tures at the University of New York, Massachusetts Institute of Technology t niverAty of, Michigan, and the Cali- forni& Institute of Technology. BRUSSELLS. -'Notables were ar- riving yesterday for the religious marriage today of the Swedish prin- cess- who some day will be queen of " the Belgians,. ATP THE DETROIT THEATRES CASS THEATER DTROIT "t afdiayete at Wayn e Cad to ".'The Vagabond King " Based on Y "IF I WERE KING" Nights, $1I0 $3 Sat. Mat., 75C to $2.50. BONSIELL. Nights.-7"c to $150 i Mat.Ts., Thus. Sat., OLAYII'1USK 50c and 75. NOT-If you like good drama of love, com- edy and thrils, we recommend SEVENTH'HEAVEN Signed The Bostelle Playhouse. Last week now payn . /A I ('T Nights . oc to $ 1'# 4 wed. Mat. - yo c to $ Sat. Mat. . 5oc t0 $ Something new to Detroit. A New York Theatre Guild success Garrick Gaities AU Intimate Musical Revue. SHUBERT LAFAYETTEJ Lafayette at Shelby Street I Biggest Musical Hlit on four continents. ! CASTLES'i 1N THE AIR With Doiial rian, Roy Cropper, Virginia O'Brien CASE WILL EXHIBIT ROCKS FOSSILS AT GEOLOGICAL JOURNAL CLUB TALK Prof. E. C. Case, of the paleontology at Washington, accompanied Profes- department, will speak at. the meet-c sor Case at the suggestion of R. A. ing of the Geological Journal club toj Smith of Lansing, geologist for the hob held at 7 o'clock tomorixow night in ;state of Michigan. room 436, Natural Science building.1 The new Museum, scheduled to be As a feature of his lecture on "Fos- completed in 1927, and on which con- sils of the D~evonian and MississippianI Formation," IProfessor Case will ex- struction work has already begun, will hibit the fossil specimens which he permanently house the 3,000 pounds collected last summer, in a geologic ofc rock fossil specimens brought back survey of Alpena and Chxarlevoix coun- here by Professor Case for exhibition. ties. E. 0. Ulrich, scientific expert of All those interested in the lecture the United States Geological Survey are cordially invited to attend. -r.r~rrrrrrrrrrrrrrsrrirrrr. rrrsr. e..r .r... .,, ., .,, .r~ . ., . ., . .r. . , Have Xou Written to Daukr TELLHIM YU CAN -iUY 'FRL1LS I THE WATCH SHOP EDW. A. CL.ARK XWhen 'vo'ir nerv es -ri'e driing yoIn J)old to j 514 East Liberty St. Phone 89,0," 71 i1=1U illl11i11f8[l[~ iZtCi6t~ tlEl llt 111,Ct ifi:; I1 11 South University Ave. V i { . . ur fl " ... 1. 1&.. 711 X.O.4.00 0.00 C44 iVtftl ' GOOD0 TASTE- That's what the fellows show when they select a suit from among th-e two hundred samples of Fine Wool Fabrics shown at THE GOOD CLOTHES SHOP 711 -North University Aic. Prices range all the way from $22.50 to $36.00 for Fine All XWool T ailored Suits and Ove coats. You can be well dressed without paying more. SPEIAL-Until November 15, you can get with your suit c rder" an extra pair of $'7.00 pants to match for $1.00. Better come ,in and get yours. Open 4:00 to 6:00 and 7:30 to 8:30 P. M. OPENING OF Vogel --Potes arket ; 11 Oscar M. Vogel Marti~n lH. Vogel WJe are offering the highest quality of meats that money can buy, at prices which are no higher. Also a complete line of canned goods. A visit will convince you. SPECIALS I F SWIFT'S AND ARMOUR'S HAMTS WHOLE OR HALF ............ 37c. I COTTAGE HAMS ....... . c PORK SHOULDER ROA S S.....25c We are exclusive agents for BAND INSTRUMENTS. The the new MARTIN very best instrument Phone 6656 339 So4 .M d.l. t on the market. Come in and let us show you the new improvements on these instruments. Alimendinge--r Mujsic So 305MAYNARD STREET Tuning, Repairing and Refinishing of all Musical Instruments. r . ..,.. ., . ,. .-_ . ._ - ,_. . - w. _ . ..._ . _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .._ _ _ _._ _ .. , . . . , . " ..4'l,°, . " " .!..;,e'd,.. .a " ' ".' .. ". o.. .",!. . "aI,,.o. 'a." , ..?.!: .e' ,'"*aM,>'r ...'+"A,.,..' e, ,' " °s," ,."'.o".s°aa "+ * .. : ' q.' .° d"' w.. Another Link In Our Chain 1 Accessry 4) Store S'' Now givine the public quality merchandise at the lowest possible cost. Our enormous Business shows most mnotdrists throughout Michigan, know we charge less and give more, and we're goin g to keep on doing it. 4 SPECIAL M.\ALTED MI4LKS It is the thick, rich malted milks that we offer that help make our fountain service so popular. Tile service is quick, so you will have plenty of time to drop in for refreshment. between classes. CRIxPPEMN S 30 x 3% 30 x3? / 33 x5 29 x4.40 30x,5.25 Cord, Reg. Cord, 0. S. Cord BalloonI Ballon $6.95 $8.35 $25.00. $8.75J $14.85 Cup Grease Foot Accelerators Heaters . Put up especially for this organization For all model Fords ............98c under our own label.~ Champion Spark Plugs, I~....9 Just arrived for all makes of cars, Vin .3cFive pound can ................ 65c Ever-Ready 45-volt B-Batteries.. $2.69 including the 1926 Ford. Three pound can .............. 45c Gun Cases............. .$1.50 '9 pto$.5 One pound can ................ 19c I battery Testers ................69 69c u o$.5 Batteries, 6-8 V. 1+ord, $8.5O .---iB ick, $13.95 -- Dodge, 12-16 V., $15.95 Oltte'rtes Expert Vulcanizing Done on Tires and Tubes 4 i 4 Announcement We will be open Wednes- day evenings until 104:30. Come here for refreshments after the dance or theatre. I 11 3, STORES Corner Huron and Ashley St. TOWNS IN MICI.IGAN. a Corner Huro n and Ashley St. "A Store in Eivery Shopping Center." 723 N. Univ. Phone 9797 217 N. Main Phone 8511 219 S. Main Phone 68 11 SO { r ' . , I ACESRESSOE Y IPT1 4E BEST FOR LESS AT, TWE 5I ' F TWE CWECKERIBOARD S 4 1 1 1 ... i 121 9. State St. Dial 9850 -. ........ ... .No "Nomommoom -----'I'.' "V Have You Arrange For N, U Wf~AD A 4 t ', rk.0 C " r--w"m a " wohh Ai N..pf '* I I