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November 07, 1926 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1926-11-07

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FlAUMichigan called for time out for
Baer who was hurt. Harmon made
a yard around his right end. Bar-
num punted to Friedman who return-
ed the ball 10 yards to Michigan's 44
yard line. Weber gained three yardsa
on a line plunge and added a
yard on another plunge. Gilbert
'age One) punted out of bounds on Wisconsin's
TER 15 yard line.
of Wisconsin Barnum punted to Friedman who
an of Michigan brought the ball back five yards to
ssed a coin to his own 44 yard line. A short for-
rmon won the ward pass by Friedman over the line
fend the west of scrimmage was blocked. Friedman
ing advantage made two yards around his left end.
us back. Gilbert punted to Crofoot, who was
to Crofoot on downed by Flora on Wisconsin's 23
e and Crofoot yard line. Crofoot made two yards
s own 29 yard jaround his own right end.
yard on an at- Barnum punted out of bounds on
the next play. Michigan's 35 yard line. Weber failed
lman on Mich- to gain on a line plunge. Gilbert made
he Wolverine five yards around Wisconsin's left
ter he squirm- end. The quarter ended with the ball
f the Wiscon- in Michigan's possession on her own
Weber plunged 40 yard line.
his line for 5 Score, Michigan 0, Wiscons n 0.
on the next . SEC Q 11TAUTER
ert punted to Gilbert punted, and Baer of Michi-
24 yard line, gan downed the ball on Wisconsin's
in his tracks. 14 yard line. Harmon failed to gain
n the Wiscon- around Flora's end. Rose made three
the end. Bar- J yards on an off tackle play. Bar-
an on Michi- num punted out of bounds on his own
riedman fum- 4.5 yard line. Gilbert was stopped for
recovered for no gain. Friednman faked a forward
pass and ran around his right end
ass to Flora for a five yard gain.
Michigan was Wisconsin called for time out. Gil-
'ds for crawl- bert skirted Welch's end, failing to
through the make a first down by inches. *o-
ng Michigan a lenda made. a yard to supply the nec-
t play, Gilbert essary distance for first down. Weber
t end. smashed through the line for two
for a 10 yard yards. Weber added six yards on an-
attempted to other line buck. Molenda hit the line
punted to Cro- making two yards and another first
his tratks on down for Michigan.
H-armon failed Molenda gained another yard on a
an's end. Bar- line plunge. Friedman made two
n who return- yards through right tackle. jolenda
to his own 32 failed to gain. Standing on Wiscon-
sin's 3 Oyard line, Friedman made'a
way through place kick, giving Michigan a three
Molenda made point lead.
the line. Mo- Score, Michigin 3, Wisconsin 0.
y through the Harmon kicked off to Gilbert who
,yards, giving racdd 20 yards to his own 33 yard line
st down .Gil before he was tackled. The next play,
loss of three Gilbert kicked to Crofoot, who fum~
d an end run. bled but recovered on his own 25
to Molenda, yard line. Barnum made two yards
rt punted to through the line. Hoffman replaced
ed by Ooster- Molenda at right half. Molenda left
ird line. The the field limping. Crofoot made an
zed five yards eleven yard gain on a sneak play.
,e kick recall- Barnum made two yards but fum-.
Michigan's 35 bled on the play, Michigan 'recovering
ited again to the ball on Wisconsin's 28 yard line.
d by Baer on A forward pass, Friedman to Ooster-
Ze. baan, advanced the ball 12 yards to


1st . 2nd

3rd 4th







Wisconsin's 16 yard line. Gabel re-
placed Squier at right tackle. Gilbert
made a yard around left end.!
A forward pass, Gilbert to Fried-
man, was complete, the Michigan cap-
tain being forced out of bounds on
Wisconsin's two yd line. Weber
placed the ball within six inches of
the goal on a line plunge. Kreuz re-'
placed Rose at right half for Wiscon-
sin. Weber plunged through the line
for a touchdown, going through right
tackle. Friedman's attempt to kick
goal after touchdown was successful.
Score, )iichigan 10, Wisconsin 0.
Harmon kicked off to Weber on!
Michigan's 20 yard line but the kick-
off was recalled because Wisconsin
was offside. Kicking off from his own
35 yard line, Harmon kicked to Gil-
bert who brought the ball back 30
yards to his own 48 yard line. Hoff-
man was ,thrown for a yard loss on
an end run. Michigan called for time
Friedman threw a long pass to
Oosterbaan who made a spectacular
catch to complete the pass, the play
netting Michigan 32 yards, placing the
ball on Wisconsin's 21 yard line.
Friedman's pass to Gilbert was in-
complete. Hoffman failed to gain on
a wide end run. Friedman's pass to
Gilbert was incomplete and Michigan,
was penalized five yards. Nyland re-'
placed Flora. Michigan called time
out for Friedman.
-Friedman threw a pass to Ooster-
baan but the end was not able to
snare the high pass. Michigan lost
the ball on downs on the Badger 27,
yard line. Barnum passed to Welch
but the play was incomplete. Bar-
num was thrown for a 13 yard loss
when he attempted to throw a forward
pass. Gael broke through, downed
Harmon for a seven yard loss, bring-
Ing the ball back to Wisconsin's six
yard line.
Barnum punted to Gilbert in mid-
field, the halfback returning the kick
to Wisconsin's 31 yard line. However,
the play was recalled because Michi-
gan was offside. Barnum kicked to
Gilbert again in midfield, Gilbert zig-
zagging his way to bring the ball

back to Wisconsin's 16 yard line be-
fore being tackled.
Oosterbaan made a great catch of
IFriednian's long pass over the goal'
line, scoring another touchdown for,
the Wolverines. Friedman kicked
i Score, Michigan 17, Wisconsin 0.
Harmon kicked off to Gilbert who1
returned the ball 25 yards before
being downed on his own 45 yard lire
as the helf ended.
Score, Michigan 17, Wisconsin 0. 1
Harmon kicked off to Flora, who
had resumed play at the beginning of'
the half. Flora returned the ball to his
own 30 yard line. Gilbert punted to
Crofoot who was tackled by Flora l
I and Oosterbaan on Wisconsin's 44i
I yard line. A pass, Rose to CrofootP
gained a yard. Mansfield replaced I
Barnum. Mansfield threw a pass,
which Hoffman intercepted on his
, own 40 yard line. Gilbert kicked to
Crofoot who was downed in his tracks I
on his own 20 yard line.,
Rose made a yard through the line.
Sheutte punted to Friedman who
was tackled on his own 45 yard line.
Friedman threw a forward pass to
Oosterbaan, the play gaining ten
yards and a first down. Weber made
two yards on a plunge. Friedman
threw a forward pass, but it was wild
and grounded. Gilbert punted out of;
bounds on Wisconsin's 34 yard line.
Baer stopped Rose lch- he at-
tempted to plunge through tackle. A
forward pass, Rose to Crofoot, was
complete and gained three yards.
Mansfield's forward pass to Harmon
was incomplete. Sheutte punted to
Michigan's 26 yard line, Cameron of
Wisconsin downing the ball. Gilbert
punted to Crofoot who dodged Ooster-I
baan and Flora to bring the ball to
his own 35 yard line. Michigan call-
ed for time out for Baer who .was in-
Crofoot made two yards through his
right guard. Weber intercepted
Rose'ssforward passgiving Michigan
possession of the ball in midfield.
Hoffman gained three yards around

right end. Weber addedt
by hitting the line.
Friedman's pass to . Flora
complete. Gilbert punted an
baan knocked the ball out
on Wisconsin's 5 yard line.
gained three yards on a li
Crofoot made two yards on
terback sneak. Shuette pun
own 35 yard line where Vo
downed the ball.
Hoffman skirted left e
twelve yard run. Gilbert ra
right end for eleven yar
Michigan first down. On
buck formation, Gilbert too
to Wisconsin's 4 yard line.
Weber hit left guard forI
yards and then plunged th
center of the line for his seco
down. Friedman made his ti
after touchdown by kickin
Score, Michigan 21, Wisco
Harmon kicked out of b
Michigan's 48 yard line.
kicked off again, this timet
on Michigan's 15 yard line
back being tackled on his
yard line. Gilbert puntedt
who returned the kick 35
Michigan's 41 yard line. S
made the tackle.
Harmon found a hole in
side of Michigkn's line and
yards. Dewey stopped Ro
gain. The third quarter e
the ball in the Badgers' pos
the Michigan 35 yard line.
Michigan 2A, Wisconsin I)

FOURTH QUARTER and Michigan was penalized 15 yards
Kasiska substituted for Wagner. for holding.
FINAL Gilbert blocked Rose's forward pass. Gilbert made two yards around end.
jMansfield threw a long pass close to Michigan called for time out for Gil-
AMichigan's goal but Hoffman blocked bert who was hurt on the play. ,Af-
it. Michigan was given the ball on ter a long intermission Gilbert r-
its own 33 yard line when Wisconsin suined his place. Gilbert punted to
failed to make its downs. Weber I Crofoot who was downed on the Mich-
made five yards through center, igan 49 yard line.
Weber hit the line again for three A forward pass, Rose to Harmon,
more yards. Gilbert punted to Cro- gained four yards. Oosterbaan leap-
' foot who was- downed by Oosterbaan ed high into the air and intercepted
on Wisconsin's 25 yard line. Har- I Rose's forward pass, Michigan getting
two more mon made a yard through left tackle. possession of the ball on their own 37
A forward pass from Mansfield to, yard line. Rose intercepted Friedman's
i was il- Welch brought the ball to Wisconsin's { forward pass, the Badgers' taking the
i 35 yard line. ball on the Michigan 45 yard line.
nd Oos Mansfield failed to gain through Shaw replaced Mansfield. Nyland
of bounds right guard. Gilbert blocked Rose's substituted for Oosterbaan at left end.
Harmon forward pass to Cameron. Shuette Rose threw a long pass to Shaw but it
ine buck. punted io Friedman who returned the [was grounded. Shaw completed Rose's
n a quar- ball eight yards to the Wolverines' pass but the play was recalled; Mich-
ted to his 38 yard line. Wisconsin called for igan being offside. Rose threw an-
n Bremer i time out. other forward pass but it. was incom-
I Von Bremer was carried off the field plete. Wisconsin was penalized five
nd for a and Schweers took his place. Palmer- yards for throwing two incompleted
an around oli replaced Dewey at Michigan's left passes.
ds, giving guard. Gilbert found a wide hole in Rose threw another pass but it was
+hn li e nrl mnln r 1 m 1 IIi . .:, ,..,,.]... ..





a delayed !
k the ball!
two more
rough the
Ond touch-
third point
a goal
'nsili 0.
bounds on
to Gilbert,
the half
s own 38
to Crofoot
yards to
the right
added six
se for no
nded with
session on

the center at the line anct madte a U7
yard gain, but the play was recalled,

blacked. Wisconsin; was penalized an-
(Continued on Page Seven)




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