SUNDAY, NOVEMBER7, 1926 THE MICHIGAN DiAILY ~GIB FIBU ...... ... .... LEAGUE TO CAMPAIGNjDescribe Advantageous Features To Be PITAL b'. fO0R LiFE MEMBERS' RFOI!NNINO TOMORROWI used In rroposec women s Structure f r- ALr -.. ~ - --j'*" ~ . ~ * -~. '~ >... -~ A ^y I I 4? WAP X14 RP"4 94, s !4f, ',,J ' 49 14 eI , ;"A r' Tomorrow marks the beginning of the Life Membership: drive of the Women's -eague, which will be con- ducted this year by Evelyn Ogborn, '28. During the next -two weeks everyupper class womanwho has, not already pledged to the fund will be called upon and given the oppor- tunity to take out a life member- ship in the new League Building. I The goal for this drive is $20,000, which is the largest figure ever aimed for in an undergraduate drive. l It is -important to remember that this year is the last one in which to raise the remaining $235,000 nec- essary to complete the million nec- essary. For th4s reason an laddedt zeal is evident in the plans of thes committee and the enthusiasm of thet workers. Under the leadership of Miss Og- born a central committee of ten women have organized ten subcom- mittees who will be responsible fora calling upon all upperclass women. A special committee, of nurses will " take care of soliciting all the wom- en taking the nurses training course. No effort has been made in previouss campaigns to reacb this group andk those in charge felt that they shoulda be made to feel as much a part of° the University as women in othert schools.o Thesadvantages of holding Lifes Memberships in the League will be emphasized by the solicitors. Thet building is planned and designed tot offer the utmost in facilities forr women on the campus, including meeting places for undergraduate ac- tivities as well as rooming accommo- dations for returning alumnae. In short, the new Women's league build- ing will be to the women of the Uni- versity what the Union is to the men. With this purpose in mind, more than 100 women will start tomorrow on an intensive drive for $20,000, last- ing until Nov. 20. For the past few years women un- der the supervision of the Undergrad- uate Campaign committee in a spirit of co-operation have very materially aided in adding to the League Building fund. Mr. Guy Mullison of Mullison Rid- ing Academy, gave 20 per cent to the League for all riding tickets sold by University women. Five hundred dol- lars was received from Himhelhochs* store in Detroit as percentage on goods sold during the Christmas sea- son through the efforts of Michigan women. Other contributions which are not supervised by the committee but are turned into the fund are the proceeds from the Junior Girls' Play, the Pan- Hellenic Ball and the Christmas ba- zaar. Betsy Barbour House has made CHANGE CLOSING CvHOUR FOBSUNDAY NIGHT S Official closing hours for the Univer- sity women were change(l to 11 o'clock on Sunday evenings by action of the Board of Directors aind Board. of Rep- resentatives of the Women's league in a joint meeting yestIerday. The pro- posed change from 10:30 to 10: 45 o'clock on week nights was voted down. This change from the old rule of 10:30 o'clock on Sundlay nights was deemed necessary because of the fact that social functions, and particularly the theatres, do not close in time for women to reach home within the lim- ited time. The fact that the feature of the bill is not shown until last oc- casioned difficulty in keeping the old regulation. The proposed change of week-nightI closing hours was rejected by a large percent age. It was felt by the league that Michigan's regulations are very lenient when compared to rules in ef- fect at other colleges. The change was also vetoed as a detriment to study, because the disturbance caused by those coming in would keep the houses noisy until too late an hour. Y. Finance Drive Ends Satisfactorily Final reports from the four day fi- xiance campaign of the Y. W. C. A. showed the total receipts of the drive t(, be $1781.05. Although this amount loes not attain the goal set for the campaign, the organization feels that the results are decidedly satisfactory. The success of the campaign is largely due to the generalship of Edwina Hog- adone, '28, and her efficient corps of team workers. The Y. W. C. A. wishes to thank the women of the University for their sup- port in the drive and for making it possible to continue the work of the organization through the coming year. The Y. W. feels that this support indi- cates a very real interest and sympa- thy for the association and ita work among the women on the campus. That the present campaign has stimu- lated this interest to a large degree is shown by the number of women who indicated their desire to become mem- bers of the organization. The following teams will play this week. Monday, Nov. 8, Martha Cool vs. Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma v. Alpha Phi, Kappa Delta vs. Helen Newberry Residence, Pi Beta Phi vs. Chi Omega. Wednesday, Nov. 10, Delta Gamma vs. Delta Delta Delta, Adelia Cheever vs. Alpha XI Delta, Betsy Barbour House vs. Phi Gamma Mu, Alpha Chi Omega vs. Zone 6. Howard McClusky wil address the members and guests of the Y. W'. C. A. at their weekly association which will be held from 4 unitil 6 o'clock Monday in Newberry hall. His subject will be "New Levels of Energy." NOTICES New Women's League Building which is the goal of Michigan women. The Ii a gift of $100 a year for three years. room, a dining room for men and By the efforts of all undergraduate women, a hostess' room and offices women $5,000 was raised last year, overlooking the walled-in garden. On and it is hoped that the same amount the west of the corridor is a large will be made this year. concourse, for women only, flanked. North University avenue between on the north by the women's private the Mall on the west and Twelfth lounge and on the south by a lounge street on the east will be the site of for both men and women. the proposed Women's League build- On the third floor in the tower and ing. The main entrance is from the occupying the space between the "Mall," through a dignified low tower upper portions of the two lounges is into a spacious chamber one step .to be a beautiful memorial library. above the ground. From here one Directly across the corridor to the goes up a few steps to the level of east, overlooking the garden is the the ground floor. Here will be the Lea- room devoted to the alumnae with a gue office, offices of other campus or- fireplace and appropriate furnishings. ganizations, an information desk, per- This room is surrounded by service sonal service rooms, a beauty shop, and committee dining rooms for var- kitchenette service, and a tea room ious clubs and organizations having and cafeteria for women and members a part in the league. Airy and invt- of the league. At the north end is l ng bedrooms are on the fourth floor the entrance to the theater portion for visiting guests of the league. of the building and to the visitors' The building is expected to add space about the swimming pool. greatly to the architectural beauty of The second floor will be devoted the University campus, and it seems to social purposes. Between the thea- certain that now another of the ter at the north and the assembly greater needs of the University will room at the south are the serving be supplied. f. h r 11 IF you Are Al/pays At Home Here New Individual Frocks Show Artful Design Prices The service here in Goodyear's, your store, is service of courtesy. You are treated as our store guests. You are ain'ays at home here. And there is a great deal of satisfac- tion in knowing that a transaction must be entirely satisfactory to you before it is entirely satisfactory to us. The Goodyear "money refunded" policy is not merely a slogan, but it is a policy carried out to the last letter. Goodyear's 124 South Main St. '29.75 to $39.75 I 11 Older Than the "U" 92 Years Continuous Drug Service The Downtown Drug Store-107 South Main The University Drug Store-1112 S. University Shop of Personal Service, / ' °.- 0 mm.wmmmwwm--mmmw I I -----nwa Goodyear Drug Co. P. H. STEGATI i a ... Scientifically Selected and Prepared Foods Margaret's GREY SHOP FILI ISHINING Service Benefit Wonen's League. Leave films for developing printing. or, enlarging at the,. ~u League Candy Booth "U" Hall = ' Call us about it. rr r I Regular dinners, 75c 225 S. Thayer Tel. 394 :. Sunday dinners, $1.00 Special Sunday Dinner 12:15-2:00 Evening Luncheon 5:00-10:00 a e"1 ''"d1.%',fi. ". s"". :".0°0. .A '.O. "s".r:.o"Ise.P./"y. Jle". '"./.0.a'1. ,/d1.0"./JJJ.PJ1./d11./1J.i'n CASS Lafayette at Wayne Tonight, 8:15 Sharp Matinee Today, 2:15 Sharp Second Week Begins Tomorrow Night I- - MANUFACTURERS SALE OF iA FUR C OATS Tuesday - and Wednesday November 9th and 10th An extensive line of Fine Fur Coats at =, Especially Attractive Prices. AAB I= tMAIN AT LIBERTY- = wI CU I" ti1 , $. a ~b a 1, , 1t , . c f Russell Janney Presents I HI It Ii ii "The Vagabond King" Good Looking Clothes Your Best Introduction You need no means of identification-your clothes are enough. At first glance the simple, elegant lines of your coat, the pert sauciness of your hat, the collar on your frock, your gloves, your handbag, all join to tell quietly who you are. If one of these is out of harmony, it spoils the picture. Beauty may be only skin deep, but everyone knows that beauti- ful clothes go hand in hand with good taste and careful judgment. And it's a well-known fact among the most fashionable women, too, that the selection of the wardrobe at Mack's store is assurance in itself that all will be correct. Based on "IF I WERE KING" MUSIC BY FRIML CAST AND ORCHESTRA 125 The Most Gorgeous and Thrilling Musical Play of a Generation Nights, $1 to $3; Sat. Mat. 75c to $2.50 4O. :IG .5 _TTER 66 E , '- ' PHOTOGRAPHS ,Avo- iddd&