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November 07, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-11-07

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Johnson Claims Present Social
SSystem Hinders Crime solution;



Was Instructor At Alma Mater From
1892 to 1896; Now Is
Lampson Professor
Terminating the second series of
student convocations, William Lyon
Phelps, Lampson professor of English
at Yale, will address the fifth Sunday
service at 11 o'clock today in Hill
auditorium on the subject "What Is
Truth." Professor Phelps is a well-
known author and editor and a na-
tional authority in the field of English
The holder of four degrees, Profes-
sor Phelps received his A. B. at Yale
in 1887, and his Ph.D. there, four
years later. The same year he re-
ceived his A. M. degree at Harvard,
and in 1921 was awarded Litt. D. de-
grees at Brown and Colgate univer-
Professor Phelps was instructor in
English at Yale from 1892 to 1896, and
assistant professor for five years after
that. In 1901 he was made Lampson
professor at Yale which position he
has since held.
Has Edited Works
During the past 25 years, Professor
Phelps has edited 14 poetical, dramat-
ic, and narrative works by prominent
authors, and has written 17 books on
English, dramatic and historical sub-
jects. His best known books include
"A Dash at the Pole," "The Pure
Gold of Nineteenth Century Litera-
ture," "The Advance of English
Poetry," and "Human Nature in the
Professor Phelps has also contrib-
uted to various periodicals on literary
topics and has given numerous lec-
tures on the subject. He now is the
writer of a column in Scribners, en-
titled "As I Like It." He is a fellow
of the American Academy of Arts and
Sciences, and the American Geo-
graphical society, and a member of
the National Institute of Arts and Let-
ters, Ends of the Earth club, the
Authors club of New York, the Auth-
ors club of England, and the Anglo-
Russian Literary society, and pres-
ident of the New Haven Symphony
Patterson Is Host
Recently the Yale professor has
been serving as minister during his
summer vacations near Huron City;
Mich. He is the guest of Dean G. V.
Patterson of the engineering college
John Snodgrass, '28E, chairman of
the convocations, will preside at the
service today. The soloist will be H.
Willard Reninger, grad., and Dalies
Frantz, '30, will again be at the organ.
The program follows:
Organ Prelude-'Largo From the
New World Symphony"..Dvorak
Mr. Frantz.
Hymn..... ..............John Zundel
Prof. William Lyon Phelps.
Offertory Solo-"Recessional"....
Mr. Reninger.
Address-"What Is Truth?"
Professor Phelps
Organ Postlude-"Prelude and
Fugue in D Minor" ........Bach
Mr. Frantz.
Playwright To Talk
On Phases Of Drama
John Van Druten, author of "Young
Woodley" in which Glenn Hunter
starred last year, will lecture on vari-
ous phases of the drama at 4:15
o'clock Tuesday in Natural Science
.auditorium. The speaker, who will
appear under the auspices of the Eng-
lish department, has not definitely an-
nounced his subject.
After the initial success of his play
In New York, ir. Van Druten, just 24
years of age, kept his identity from
the theatrical world, and it was be-
lieved that "Young Woodley" was the
work of som prominent English au-

tho- writing under a pseudonym.
When the true creator of the play was
discovered, Mr. Van Druten was
brought to America where he is now,
lecturing on the drama.
Illinois ridders
Beat Chicago, 7-0

editor's note: This is the third of a
seies Sri inter iw with Uiversity athori-
tH'; on the crime situation in the United
States. Copyright 1926 by The Michigan
"Given our present social organiza-
tion, crime seems insolvable," in the
oin ion of Oakley C. Johnson of the
rhetoric department.
There are two questions which are
of the greatest consequence in regard
to crime at the present time, accord-
ing to Mr. Johnson, and both of these
must be answered in the negative:
1. "Is it possible to reduce the
amount of crime to any considerable
extent under the present social organ-
2. "Can our courts, influenced by
anti-labor, anti-foreign, and anti-Ne-
gro prejudice give justice in case of
crimes where these prejudices play a
I part?"
Mr. Johnson divided the criminals
Was Sunday Editor Of San Francisco
Chronicle And Editor
SOf 3McClures
Will Irwin, magazine writer, editor
and well known author will give the
third lecture of the Oratorical associa-
tion series at 8 o'clock tomorrow night
in Hill auditorium. His subject will
be "The War Against War."
Mr. Irwin, a native of New York
state, began his career as a reporter
on a San Francisco paper in 1901. A
year later he was made Sunday editor
of the San Francisco Chronicle, and
in 1904 came east as a reporter on the
New York Sun. After two more years
there he accepted the position as ed-
itor of McClure's magazine and after
a short time became a writer for Col-
lier's weekly.
In 1908 he began his career as a
general magazine writer which has
been the chief basis of his reputation.
In 1914 he was one of the first war
correspondents in the field, being con-
nected with the German, Belgium, and
British armies and writing for various
American publications as well as the
London Daily Mail. He was the first
English speaking prisoner of war,
when he, with Irvin S. Cobb and John
T. McCutcheon was held by the Ger-
man General staff for a time. After
his release he continued the work in
the field and when the American army
arrived in France he was assigned
to it.
His story of "Ypres" was read the
world over and because of it he was
blacklisted by the English and French
armies. Lloyd George, however, wiped
out the journalistic blockade when it
was found that the' story was truth-
ful and complimented Irwin on it.
After the war he continued over-
seas as correspondent with the armies
in the Ruhr and won the title of the
"Ace of War Correspondents" for his
work both here and on the actual
During all this time he had written
stories; and several, such as "Old
Chinatown" and "Men, Women, and
War" had attracted wide attention.
At the conclusion of the war he wrote
his best known book, "The Next War"
which was a best seller in 1922
and 1923. Mr. Irwin has contributed
frequently to periodicals since that
Champion To Tell Of Anatole France;
Was Life-long Friend
Edouard Champion, one of the most
prominent figures in the French liter-
ary and publishing world, will speak

on "Anatole France Intime," at a Uni-
I versity lecture to be given at 4:15
o'clock tomorrow in Natural Science
j Auditorium. M. Champion will recall
j personal recollections of his life-long
{ association with the great French man
of letters, for he played with Anatole
France inatheir childhood days, and
I developed a warm friendship with him,
terminated only by the eminent auth-
or's death. He will accompany his lec-
ture, which is to be in French, by
numerous slides relating to the sub-
M. Champion is reputed to be the
greatest publisher of linguistic, his-
torical, and literary works in France.
His firm prints a majority of the im-
portant journals for literary study inI
the country, in addition to nearly all
of the works of the historical and lit-
erary sciences.

under discussion into two classes. The
first of these includes those guilty of
crimes arising from clash of social in-
terests, taking in those jailed because
of radical or strike activities. The sec-
ond class deals with the crimes and
injustices arising from race prejudices 1
and involves lynching, and mob vio-
The most serious problem, stated
Mr. Johnson, is to find out how our
courts can give justice. In industrial
disputes the courts are more apt to
side with capital than with labor; inI
crimes arising out of race animosity
local courts are apt to be swayed by
the same prejudices that influence the
"More leniency should be used with
respect to political extremists and
organized labormen in order to pre-
vent various social and political prob-
lems from becoming acute," Mr. John-1
son continued. He then pointed to1
the treatment ofathe Passaic garment
workers strike, and the resulting in-e
junctions and jail sentences, as an ex-
ample of what should be averted.
Commenting on the use of social
service in preventing crime, Mr. John-
son expressed the view that it has
apparently no hope for success in this
field, since conditions are alleviated
without touching the main problem.e
"Crime grows out of bad social con-l
ditions, poverty and ignorance, and I
social service does not remove these."
Prof. R. Whiddington Of University
Of Leeds Delivers
Second Address
Disregarding the effect of electrical
force in the discharge tube, Prof. R.
Whiddington, D. S. C., F. I. S., direc-
tor of the physical laboratory of the I
University of Leeds, England, advanc-
ed two explanations for the presence
of striated flashes when the discharge
tube is rotated in his second address
upon the "Conduction of Electricity
through Gases" in the west lecture
room of the Old Physics -building at
10 o'clock yesterday morning.
Professor Whiddington stated that,
most of the experiments had been per-
formed with low currents which pos-
sess a steady, unflickering light to the
eye, but when photographs are taken,
equidistant flashes appear that travelc
up and down the tube, their angle of;
inclination increasing with the speed1
of rotation of the tube. Each of thesei
flashes has four little subsidiary
flashes within it and increase in bril-
liance when they pass through a mag-
nectic field.
"The velocity of the flashes varies
inversely with the pressure of thei
gases within the tube," continued Pro-
fessor Whiddington, citing two ac-
ceptable explanations of the phenome-1
na of the flashes. The first theory is
that the groups of positive electrons
forming upon the positive pole, anode,
are pushed down the tube by the for-,
mation of another layer of positive
electrons, each of these electron
groups being a flash, and thus the
speed of the flashes is determined by
the rate of the formation of the pos-
itive electrons upon the anode. In
the second explanation the atomic
rays of the cathode are excited by
the onrushing electrons through
which they pass with a loss of voltage,
assuming a negative charge. Later
they are again excited when a suffi-
cient speed is attained and the pro-
cess recurrs, the flashes being the re-
sults of this excitation. Thus, again
the velocity of the atoms is in pro-
portion to the pressure and the elec-
trical force is disregarded.
The experiments have only been:
with the negative glow of the dis-
charge tube and explanations offered
by Professor Whiddington are only

applicable to the negative glow. Ex-
periments' with the positive glow of
the tube are rapidly nearing comple-
tion in his laboratory in England and
he soon expects to have a working ex-
planation for the entire phenomena
of the tube.
Dr. Kirsopp Lake of Harvard uni-
versity, who was last year's special
lecturer of the Michigan School of
Religion, will deliver the Armistice
address at a service arranged by the
American Legion at 3 o'clock todayj
in St. Andrew's church.
Dr. Lake will also speak at 11
o'clock this morning in the same
church, and will give a series of lec-

Copies Of Amendments May Be Se-
cured In Student Offices After1
Tuesday Noon
By action of the Board of Directors
of the Michigan Union last week, the
following sections have been adopted
as proposals for amendments to the
Union constitution to take care of the
life membership proposition as affect
ed by the Board of Regents' action last,
spring in increasing the Union ele-
ment of each man's tuition from $6 to
"Article III, Section 2, Paragraph
1. Student members. Every student
of the regular session of the Univer-
sity shall become a student member
upon paying such tuition fees as may
be prescribed by the Board of Regents,'
including the portion of such fees des-
ignated as the 'Union Fee,' such mem-
bership to continue during the period
for which he has paid tuition, except
that it shall immediately expire if he
withdraws from the University before
the end of the college year."
No "Participating Life"
"Student member," under this plan
covers the "Participating Life mem-
ber" of the present constitution; with
the new plan in effect there will be
no participating life membership.
"Article III, Section 3, Paragraph 1.
Life members. All students becoming
Student members after Sept. 1, 1926,
shall become Life members after pay-
ing the prescribed tuition fees, includ-
ing the 'Union Fee' for four years.
Any student who shall be in residence
in the University as a Student mem-
ber after Sept. 1, 1926, for less than
four years, 'may become a Life mem-
ber upon the payment of the differ--'
ence between fifty dollars and the
total amount of Union fees paid by
him after Sept. 1, 1926.
Would Give Credit
"Any student who shall be in resi-
dence in the University as a Student
member after September 1, 1926, and
who has before that date made par-
tial payments or a Life membership
subscription shall receive further
credit towards the payment of such
subscription for the full amount of
Union fees thereafter paid py him.
Upon his completion of the payment
of the amounts required to become a'
Life member, every student shall be
exempt from further fees for member-
Under this plan entering freshmen
this fall will automatically become life
members after the completion of four
years in the University. Present par-
ticipating life members will be given
$10 credit toward their life member-'
ship from this fall's tuition, also the
same amount from any other year's
tuition after this year until the life
membership fee of $50 is paid; after
that time the $10 Union element will
be refunded. Should such participat-
ing life member withdraw from the
University before the $50 has been
paid, he may become a life member
at any time by paying the difference
between the amount he has already
paid and $50.
Fully paid life members will be
given a $10 refund from this fall's
tuition, under the proposed plan; also,
in any succeeding year, fully paid life
members will be given the $10 refund
from their tuition.
"Article III, Section 8. All other
obligations for Life membership sub-
scriptions incurred before Sept. 1,

1926, shall remain in full force and
be governed by this article as it read
before this amendment except that any
person who has made a subscription+
pledge while he was a member of the
University shall be a life member from
the date of the completion of the pay-
ment so pledged by him."
A meeting. of all members of the
Union will be held on Wednesday,
Nov. 17 for the purpose of voting on
Pte proposed amendments. Copies of
the proposed amendments in their en-
tirety may be secured in the student
offices of the Union any time after
~Tuesday noon.
Members of the life membership ad-
justment committee of which Clarence
V. Little, '23, is chairman, will be in
the student offices of the Union from
(2 to 5 o'clock any afternoon this week.j



Mich. Wis.
First downs...........14 3
Passes attempted ......17 20
Incomplete passes .... 7 11
Intercepted passes .... 1 4
Yardage on passes ..172 39
Yards on rushing ....149 51
Traditional Struggle Is Carried Oni
With The Accompauiment Of
Two Class Bands
Fighting valiantly to overcome the
more experienced sophomore classes,
freshmen of the class of '30 won the
annual fall games this morning, 4-1,
before large throngs of upperclass-
men, visiting alumni and Wisconsin
students here for the football game
today. By winning the pillow fight,
the cane spree, and successfully de-
fending green ribbons attached to two
different poles, which were rushed by
'the second year men, the yearlings
had little difficulty in capturing the
Led by their respective captains
and bands, the green-painted fresh-
men and red-smeared sophomores,
paraded wildly down State street to
South Ferry field where they faced
each other on opposite sides of the
minature hippodrome. Both bands
blared away at intervals until the
first event was started at 10:30
The first year men got off to a fly-
ing start by winning the pillow fight,
13-2. The event was reduced to one
heat of five matches due to the delay
in starting. A freshman was the first
to topple off the. wooden horse, then
a sophomore, a first year man again,
and two more sophomores, by the time
the ten minutes had elapsed. The.
event gave the yearlings one point.
The class of '30 demonstrated their
superiority again in the cane spree,
though the event was close. The
score was 5-4, one match 'ending in
I a draw, with the opponents still
clinging madly to the hickory stick
when the gun sounded after ten min-
utes of struggling. One freshman
was disqualified for striking his op-
ponent with the cane. The victory
&ave the first year men another point.
After the freshmen had divided
their class into three groups, one sur-
rounding each pole for the flag rush,
the sophomores crashed the first pole
with a flying wedge. After seven
minutes one of the red-faced youths
managed to get to the pole and was
boosted to within reach of the green
ribbon. The achievement gave the
second year class their first point.
Time was taken out for five minutes.
With the resumption of activities,
the sophomores attacked the second
pole. After ten mnutes of tusslng
the flag remained still intact, although
at two different times a second year
man started up the pole only to be
jerked down again by the freshman.
The games 'were terminated with the
firing of the gun, the yearlings win-
ning two more points in the event for
a total of four. Their superior num-
bers told the tale.
The first year men left the field in
snake-dance fashion, zig-zagging up
State street to South University ave-
nue, through the engineering arch
and down the diagonal to the steps of
Angell hall where they were photo-
Band Plays New
Football March

Michigan's newest football song re-
ceived its first official recognition yes-
terday afternoon when it was played
before a large homecoming crowd.
Contrary tomtheprevious announce-
ments, the march was played before
the gamebstarted. Playing of the
piece had been announced for earlier'
in the season but with the exception
of a rendition at the Illinois pep meet-
ing and one at the Michigan-Navy
game at Baltimore, it had never been
presented before.
The "Stadium March" was composed
by Carl E. Gehring, '23, and dedicated
to Fielding H. Yost. The words were
written by Allis F. Hussey, '21; daugh-
ter of the late Prof. W. J. Hussey,'
director of the University observatory.






Northwestern* ... 3
Ohio State....... 2
Minnesota .......2
Indiana .........0




0 .000
0 ' .000




Teams Appear To Battle In A Chargeda
Atmosphere; Demonstration Follows
Bitterly Fought Contest
(By Associated Press)
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov 6.-Har-
vard's dream of a return to "Big
Three" championship heights this
year was shattered today by Prince-~
ton's alert, aggressive eleven in a bit-~
terly fought and raggedly played bat-
The Tigers, staging a comeback, I
ploughed their way to victory by tak-
ing advantage of the Crimson mis-
plays and rolling up a margin of 121
to 0, that was composed of a touch-
down, safety and field goal.7
When the final whistle blew, a
frantic throng of Tiger rooters rushed
onto the gridiron in a wild demonstra-i
This demonstration, an outburst
that resulted in the tearing down of]
the goal posts after a pitched battle1
with squads of police, was one of thes
most exuberant in "Big Three" annals.]
The details of bluecoats, formingr
quickly about the uprights as the]
game ended, at first deterred the van-
guards of onrushing Tiger sympath-
izers, but bolder spirits soon overcame
this hesitancy. With the bars down at]
one end of the field and broken to bits,s
the crowds, several thousand strong,
swept to the other end of the grid-
iron, where after another brief but
desultory engagement the police again
were overcome and the posts wrested
from their moorings.'
Gophers Crush Iowa
In Onesided Game
IOWA CITY, Nov. 6.--Out of the1
north a Minnesota avalanche rolled
today, crushing Iowa's football team
under a 41 to 0 score and ruining the
Hawkeyes' annual homecoming.
It was a Gopher team of varied at-
tack that swamped the Iowans, a team
that rushed around ends, plunged.
through tackles and guards, and
tossed forward passes with deadly ac-
Never did the men of Coach Ing-
wersen seriously threaten, their only
first down from rushing coming on
an 18 yard dash by "Cowboy Nick"
(By Associated Press)
ANNAPOLIS, Nov. ' 6.-Navy's un-
defeated eleven climbed another rung
on the 1926 championship ladder when
its juggernaut attack crushed West
Virginia Wesleyan 56 to 7 here today.
Wesleyan's only score, was made in
the last minute of the play, the result
of a frantic overhead offensive .
The Miners' line was too weak to
withstand heavy, powerful plunges
and after it was pierced for two
touchdowns in the opening quarter,
substitutions became plentiful.
(By Associated Press)
SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 6.- Iaving
said farewell to Canada by the brief
visit at Vancouver, B. C., Queen Marie
.o Roumana and hr suitereuned o i

By Wilton A. Simpson, Spots Editor
Benny Friedman, the "Big Bertha.
of the Michigan artillery, had his
range set perfectly and launched a:
aerial assault which completely shat2
tered the strong University of Wis
consin eleven yesterday at Ferry field.
When the smoke had- cleared, a crowd
of 48,000 amazed spectators found that
the Wolverines had scored 37 perfect
hits, while the Badgers failed to regis-
ter a single score.
The Wolverines, maddened by the
defeat they suffered in the East last
week at the hands of the Navy, staged
a brilliant comeback, and made a
showing beyond the hopes of even the
most ardent Michigan supporters.
Their decisive victory over the Badg-
ers indicates that they are still one
of the outsanding contenders for thg
Western Conference football cham-
pionship. The Michigan team looked
better yesterday than it has during
any of the previous games, and is now
considered a dangerous opponent for
Ohio State and Minnesota.
If Friedman and Oosterbaan played
themselves off the mythical All-Amer-
ican team at Baltimore last week as
some of the Eastern papers said, they
certainly played themselves on again
yesterday. The Friedman to Ooster-
baan combination worked to perfec-
tion and played a great part in Mich-
igan's victory. Friedman, playing his
last game for Michigan on Ferry field,
made a showing that ranks him as
one of the greatest players in Mich-
igan's football history.
Gilbert Stars
Louis Gilbert continued his fast
pace and proved to be one of the out-
standing stars of the'game. He was
Michigan's chief ground gainer and
most dangerous threat. His punting
was up to his usual high standard and
figured strongly in repulsing the
Badger attack.
Michigan's line which' was riddled
by the Midshipmen last week, showed
the effects of Coach Wieman's repair
and recalled memories of the strong
line of the 1925 eleven. The ends
covered the punts well and did not al-
low Crofoot, the shifty quarterback
of Little's team to gain much ground
on return kicks. Lovette was a
noticeable figure in the line, often
breaking through to stop the Wiscon-
sin backfield before it could get under
During the first quarter, both teams
resorted to a punting duel, Wisconsin,
with a wind at its back, trying to force
Michigan far back into its territory.
The teams see-sawed back and forth
until the middle of the second period
when Friedman gave his team a three
point lead by a place kick from the
30-yard line.
Fumble Leads To Score
Michigan was given an opportunity
to score again when Barnum lost the
ball on a fumble on his own 28 yard
line. A forward pass, Friedman to
Oosterbaan, advanced the ball to Wis-
consin's 16 yard line. Another pass,
Gilbert to Friedman, brought the
Wolverines to the two yard line.
Weber carried the ball over for the
first touchdown.
Gilbert caught a punt in midfield
and raced to the Wisconsin's 16 yard
line before being tackled. Oosterbaan
made one of his famous catches of
Friedman's pass over the goal line.
In the third quarter two long end
runs by Hoffman and Gilbert, respec-
tively, put the Wolverines within
scoring distance. On a series of line
plunges, Weber took the ball over for
his second touchdown.
Friedman made a touchdown in the
last period when he caught a long
pass from Gilbert and dodged his way
to the Wisconsin goal line. He was
tackled five yards frop the line, but
managed to drag himself over, making
the score 31 to 0.
In the final minute of play, Hoffman
broke through the center of the line
and ran 12 yards for the last touch
(Continued on Page Six)

St. Louis 7, Detroit 28.
Centre 14, Michigan State 42.
Chicago 0, Illinois 7.
Indiana 0, Notre Dame 25.
Northwestern 22, Purdue 0.
Missouri 7, Oklahoma 10.
Columbia 0, New York Univ. 6.
Colgate 26, Providence 0.
Dartmouth 13, Boston U. 0.
Georgetown 13, Syracuse 7.


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