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September 30, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-09-30

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it a







points Out Fallacies Of Specialized
Educations; Explains Failures
Of rshmen
Pointing out the urgent need of a
better national defense, Dean Morti-
mer E. Cooley of the Colleges of En-
gineering and Architecture, stated
yesterday that, "Conditions in the
world today are more serious than
prior to the World War and if the na-
tions of the world were able to finance
themselves, the world would now be
involved in the greatest war in his-
tory." The talk was delivered to a
group of freshmen engineers.
Dean Cooley went on to say that at
one time the R. O. T. C. department
of the University was made up
almost entirely of engineers, but that
their numbers in that division have so
decreased of late that engineers now
constitute but 50 per cent of the reg-
istration. Dean Cooley characterized
the state of affairs in this country
at the time of its entrance into the
World war as tragic because of the
length of time it needed to put an
army of any size into the field and
lamented the fact that "Sears-Roe-
buck" officers had to be put in com-
-Dean Cooley, a Spanish-American
war veteran and an Annapolis gradu-
ate, lamented the expenditure of so
much money by this country for lux-
uries and so little for national de-
fense. He declared that whereas in
the past this country's policy had
been one of isolation, in the future
Eonditions might draw it into world
affairs. Dean Cooley then turned to
Wildiscussion of a college education
and its value.
According to Dean Cooley, the ma-
jority of students come to college to-
day for the purpose of learning to
earn money easier and in larger quan-
tities. This is the reason, he said,
why few graduates are capable of
handling positions that command large
salaries. Every student shoul enter
the University with the gaining of' an
education as one of the primary ob-
jects of his matriculation. The edu-
cation that an engineer receives today
does not compare with the education
that the same person would have re-
ceived in an engineering course 50
years ago, said Dean Cooley. He de-
plored the fact that former college
men were broadly trained, while the
college man of today is specially
trained and warned the freshmen
against the "specialists" on the
;Dean Cooley said that the reason so
many men fall by the wayside during
the first year is that they fail to make
the transition from high school to col-
lege, rapidly enough and find them-
selves out before they have become
Among other things, Dean Cooley
told the freshmen to be proud of their
class and the traditional "pot." Ile
also told them to learn to know the
prominent men on the campus and to
be able to recognize them.
+The meeting was the first of the
weekly assemblies that are held for
the purpose of acquainting the fresh-
men of the engineering school with
their University.

(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Sept. 29.-The con-
spiracy trial of Harry M. Daugherty
and Thomas W. Miller, halted to per-
mit Judge Mack to listen behind
closed doors to lengthy argument of
defense counsel for dismissal, will re-
sume tomorrow. The dismissal mo-
tions were denied late today.
The scene of the trial was trans-
ferred to the judge's chambers in the
Woolworth building from open court,
as soon as United States Attorney
Buckner rested his case yesterday
afternoon. The jury was sent home,
the defendant left, and only the judge
and the counsel were permitted to
attend the private hearing.
In the Woolworth building, reports
were numerous and varied as to what
was going on in Judge Mack's rooms.
Buckner told newspapermen that the

Swiss Expert
Will Lecture
On Relativity
"Gravitation and Relativity" is the
title of a University lecture to be de-
livered by Prof. Herman Weyl, mathe-
matician and physicist, at 4:15 o'clock
today in Natural Science auditorium.
'Professor Weyl is a teacher of higher
'mathematics in the Technical High
school of Zurich, Switzerland, and is
'the author of an authoritative book
on relativity "Space-Time-Matter."
Prof. J. W. Glover of the mathe-
matics department stated that Profes-
sor Weyl was one of the outstanding
authorities on the theory of relativity,
many American students of higher
mathematics and physics traveling to
Geneva each year for his lectures.
Professor Weyl will treat his sub-
ject in a non-technical fashion de-
signed to appeal to students besides
those especially interested in physics,
astronomy and other sciences.
Professor Weyl will lecture on "The
Role of Infinity in Mathematics" at
4:15 o'clock tomorrow at the same
place. This lecture will also be non-
technical in nature. The departments
of mathematics of the engineering and
literary schools are giving a dinner
for Professor Weyl at the Huron Hills
Club tonight at 6:30 o'clock.
$100,000 TO FUND
Robert Lamont, '91, Donates Huge Sum
To League Through Efforts of
Mrs. Henderson
Robert Patterson Lamont of Chica-
go, class of '91 signed a pledge yes-
terday for $100,000 for the Women's
league building fund. This is the larg-
est single gift which has yet been re-
ceived and brings the total amount to
be raised down to $260,000.
Mr. Iamont is a graduate of the en-
gineering school and has since been
very prominent in engineering and
commerce. He was given an honorary
degree by this University in 1912 for
exceptional work in his line. Mr. La-
mont was an engineer of the Chicago
Exposition in 1892 and 1893, and later
became the first vice-president of the
Simplex Railroad Appliance Co. At
present he is president of the Ameri-
can Steel Foundries and director of
the First National and Morris Plan
Banks in Chicago besides being on the
advisory boards of several large cor-
He has given large sums to the Uni-
versity before, being interested mainly
in the exploits of the astronomy ob-
servatories. It was Mr. Lanont who
financed the large telescope which is
being erected in South Africa under
the auspices of the University Astron- I
omy department. He has given other
sums at different times in the same in-
Mrs. W. D. Henderson, executive sec-
retary of the Alumnae council, has
just returned from Chicago where she
was working in the interest of the
Women's league building fund. It
was through her efforts that Mr. La-
mont became interested in the cam-
paign and signed the pledge.
Oklahoma Aggies
Leave For Game
(By Associated Press),
STILLWATER, Okla., Sept. 29.-
Twenty-four Oklahoma A. & M. col-
lege football stars, wearing cowboy
hats, left here today for Ann Arbor,
Mich., where they meet University of

Michigan on Saturday. They play
Iowa State the following Saturday.
Former Dartmouthj
President Is Dead
(By Associated Press)
HANOVER, N. H., Sept. 29. - Dr.
'William Jewett Tucker, eighth presi-i
dent emeritus of Dartmouth college,
died this evening at his home here.'
He had been ill a long time but the
end came suddenly. Mrs. Tucker was
the only relative with him at the time.
BUCHAREST.-Queen Marie will
leave Saturday on a special train
bound for Paris on the first stage of.
her journey to the United States.

Opportunity Will Be Given Students
To Get Actual Flying Experience
With Trained Aviators
Announcement that the University
is to have a government air reserve
unit similar to those already in ex-
istence at five other conference uni-
versities and similar in its organiza-
tion to the R. O. T. C. was made yes-
terday by George P. Hineman, '26E, of
Bryan, Ohio, who is president of the
Michigan Aeronautical Society.
The air unit comes as the result of
the efforts of Prof. Felix W. Pawlow-
ski of the department of aeronoutical
engineering, Prof. Neil H. Williams of
the physics department, and Prof.
Herbert C. Sadler of the marine engi-
neering department, who have been
attempting to secure the establishment
of the unit for some time past. The
corps will be started some time in
October, if present plans materialize.
The naval air reserve unit will af-
ford students in the department of
aeronautical engineering an opportun-
ity to secure flying experience under
actual flying conditions, according to
Mr. Hineman, in addition to giving
them all of the thrill of flying. With
the corps will also come trained in-
structors in the art of handling a
plane, who will be able to give the
students a great deal of the practical
side of their work which they would
otherwise miss.
In addition to the program of the
aerial unit the aeronautical society
will this year attempt to build a small
airplane which will be in the flivver
class and able to compete in the Ford
reliability tour in Detroit next sum-'
mer. The University already has a
balloon, the Michigan I, which entered
the contest conducted by the Detroit
Newsthis summer and in which sev-
eral successful flights have been made
by university students.
The airplane will be built by mem-
bers of the club and will be ready for
flight some time next spring, it is an-
ticipated. Plans for construction
will be taken up at the first meeting
of the aeronautical society for the
year which which will be held this
evening in room 316 of the Union. All
interested in the work of the club are
invited to attend. '
Director Larson Gets Organization In
Shape For First Game
Contrary to the usual custom, the
Varsity band will play at the first
game of the season Saturday with
Oklahoma A. & M.
In the past years no attempt has
been made to get the organization on
the field until the second game. How-
ever, through the efforts of Normanj
Larson, the new director, assisted by
Nicholas Falcone, leader of the
Wherth theatre orchestra, and J. E.
Maddy, supervisor of music for the
city, 45 men have been picked from
the 300 tryouts.
' A rehearsal was held last night in
'Morris hall and another one is
scheduled for tonight, while drills willi
take place tomorrow afternoon and

'Saturday morning. Uniforms are be-
ing issued today and the drill Satur-
day will be in uniform, for the benefit
of newspaper photographers.
Among the changes in the band is
the expansion of the clarinet section
to 24 men, the largest ever used. The
cornets have been decreased in num-
ber. According to Director Larson, an
attempt is being made to develop the
'band into a symphonic organization
rather than keep it in a class with the
average band.
New arrangements of the "Yellow
and Blue" and most of the Univer-
sity's songs are being written and sev-
eral new marches will be presented
by the band Saturday.

Lawrence Will
Address Eighth
Press Meeting
David Lawrence, Washington politi-
cal correspondent, and Erie C. Hop-
wood editor of the Cleveland Plain
Dealer, and president of the Society
of Newspaper Editors, will head the
list of those addressing the eighth an-
nual conference of the University of
Michigan Press club in association
with the school of journalism, which
will be held here October 21, 22, and
23. They will speak at a banquet giv-
en by the Michigan press.
Speakers at the Thursday night ban-
quet, arranged for the visiting jour-
nalists by the University, will be Prof.
W. A. Frayer and W. D. Henderson of
the history and extension departments,
respectively, and Regent James O.
Murfin of Detroit.
Among others included on the pro-
gram for the three-day round of con-
ferences are Prof. John B. Waite of
the Law school, Prof. Thomas H. Reed
of the political science department,
and Dean W. R. Humphreys; Lee
Woodruff of the Grand Rapids Press,
S. Beach Conger, former Associated
Press correspndent at Berlin, George
Adams, veteran editor of the Fowler-
ville Review, and Virgil V. McNitt of
New York.
The officers of the society are A. R.
Treanor, editor of the Saginaw News
Courier, president of the Michigan
Press club; Louis Weil of Port Huron,
George R. Averill of Birmingham, and
Frank J. Rusell of Iron Mountain,
vice-presidents, and Prof. John R.
Brumm of the school of journalism,
secretary and treasurer.
Traditions Will Be Explained And
Various Phases Of University I
Life Explained
All freshmen in the University, in-
cluding first year women students, are
expected to attend the Freshman Tra-
ditions meeting at 4 o'clock this after-
noon in Hill auditorium. The time of
the assembly was previously announc-
ed as Wednesday.
Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley
will be the principal speaker. His talk
will be preceded by remarks from
Thomas Cavanaugh, '27L, president
of the Student council..
Dean Bursley will explain the vari-
ous traditions of Michigan in addition
to discussing a number of matters per-
taining to the life ot the University
which are distinctly new to the enter-
ing students.
The functions and purposes of the
Student council will be explained in
detail by Cavanaugh. He will also
name the member of the council who
will act in the capacity of presiding
officer of the freshmen until the 'regu-
lar class elections are held. The elec-
tion this year will not be held until
after Christmas in the first year class-
es, all meetings and freshman gather-
ings until that time to be called and
conducted by the presiding officer.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Sept. 29.-Another
reminder that a congressional elec-
tion is in the offing was heard in the
capitol today from both the Republi-
can and Democratic camps.

After two visits to the White House,
Chairman Butler of the Republican
national committee, asserted that
prosperity and endorsement of the
Coolidge 'administration are the para-
mount issues in the present campaign.
William B. Wilson, Democratic sen-
atorial nominee in Pennsylvania, how-
ever, held that in the Keystone state
the voters would be asked to pass
upon the expenditure of funds by Rep-
resentative William S. Vare in obtain-
ing the Republican senatorial nomina-
tion last spring.
While Senator Butler declined to
say what he discussed in the White
House, he asserted that the campaign,
was in "fine shape" and that he ex-
pected a "satisfactory outcome," add-
ing the Coolidge administration and
its policies again should be given the
support of a Republican Senate and
Mr. Wilson said Pennsylvania would
be called on by Democratic candidates




Rescue Workers Reach Miners At
Noon; Were Fed Underground and
Later Helped to Surface
(By Associated Press)
IRONWOOD, Sept. 29-Forty-three
imprisoned and starved miners were
found "alive and well" today half a
mile from the earth's su'rface in the
G. Pabst iron mine, where they had
been imprisoned five days. A plea
for light greeted rescue workers who
I crossed a shaky, 30 foot "cat walk"
and penetrated the prison of the men.
} The miners reported they had sub-
sisted on birch bark tea which they
made in their lunch pails over the fire
of their miner's lamp.
Sirens and horns of the town sound-
ed the hopeful notes which thousands
waited for since noon last Friday,
when a cage dropped in a shaft, loos-
ening tons of rock and earth, killing
three men outright and trapping the
43 miners on the eighth level of the
mine almost a half mile from the sur-
Shortly before noon, miners and
rescue workers from Chicago worked
their way up to the eighth' level from
another level almost a mile from the
earth's surface and found ladders ex-
tending to the eighth level in fair con-
dition. They threw rails and power
lines across a 30-foot chasm, and with
the daring of tight rope walkers, skip-
ped across to the hole of the impris-
oned men to be greeted by Tom Tre-
wartha, a sturdy miner, who reported
all hands well.
Rescue workers tapped a signal on
an iron pipe shortly before they
reached the men, receiving a signal In
Fruit, coffee, cigarettes, chewing to-
bacco, and fuel for their lamps com-
prised the first load of relief supplies.
Hundreds of anxious relatives and
rescue workers on the surface were
overjoyed when rescue workers re-
ported the men were "alive and well."
The 43 men had descended the shaft
to the 20th level while they were Im-
prisoned but as there was no tunnel
connecting the 20th and 21st levels,
they were unable to come further
down and then across horizontal pass-
ages to the other shafts of the mine.
The miners who climbed in the dark
down 1,200 feet of the shaft from the
eighth to the twentieth level, were un-
able to reach the twentieth level be-
cause the shaft was wrecked in that
The men were fed late today and
were given a few hours to rest, while
the safety work was being done in the
lower part of the shaft and the ladders
repaired. They planned to come to the
surface tonight.
Recently Appointed Body Decides On.
Interpretation Of Measure
Basing their decision on the fact
that the term "owned or operated by
students" is contained in the auto-
mobile regulations passed by the
Board of Regents, the' committee ap-
pointed to interpret and enforce these
rules decided yesterday that the rules
also applied to cars loaned or rented,
either through friends or the organ-
izedRent-A-Car companies.
Under this decision, students in-
eligible to own cars in Ann Arbor
will also be ineligible to drive them,
and will be subjected to the same
rules as apply to the owners. A stu-
dent eligible to drive, but not owning
a car, must register at the office of
the Dean of Students, giving his Mich-
igan driver's license number instead
of the license number of a car, before
he may operate a borrowed or rented
Registration of student cars will re-
main open until Saturday noon.

Tryouts For
Glee Club To
Be Held Today
Tryouts will be held today, Friday,
Saturday and Monday for the Univer-
sity Glee Club. Many applications are
in the hands of the officials at present,
over 150 having signified their inten-
tion of trying the test. The number
which will be accepted will be smaller
than last year, and the nucleus for the
personnel of 36 will be made up of
several memebrs from last season.
Theodore Harrison of the University
School of Music will again act as di-
rector and will be in charge of the
tests. All old members should get in
touch with the officials as soon as pos-
As yet, little is known of the later
season activities, but some such expe-
dition may be made as the one last
year when the Glee Club went on a
four thousand mile trip through Mich-
igan, Ohio, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri
and Oklahoma. The farthest 'point
reached was Tulsa. Three week-end
trips have been decided upon al-
though the cities have not been
chosen. The club will again entertain
at football games.
The organization will go to Chicago
during the season to a sectional com-
President Will Address Audiences In
Ten Cities In Plea For University
President Clarence Cook Little will
leave on his extended tour of the Pa-'
cific coast on Oct. 10, covering 10 large
cities and delivering as many more
addresses, it was announced yester-
day at the President's office. Presi-
dent Little will return to Ann Arbor;
about the first of November, the main
purpose of his trip being the organiza-
tion of the alumni for the building of
University dormitories.,
President Little will go to Ironwood,
Mich., on Oct. 7 to address alumni at1
a banquet Friday night. On Saturday,
he will address a sectional meeting of
the Michigan State Teacher's associa-
tion. Returning to Ann Arbor on Oct.
10 the President will then leave on
Oct 12 for his tour of the Pacific
coast, arriving in Seattle on Oct 16'
wher'e he will speak at an alumni
The President will then leave for
Portland, Ore., for a sectional alumni
dinner. Following this President Lit-1
tle will go to Eugene, Ore., where he
will deliver the principal address at1
the inauguration of Arnold BennettI
Hall as President of the University ofI
Oregon, which is located at that place.
Also he will speak before a meetingi
of scientists.
He will arrive in San Francisco oni
Oct. 21 to speak at an alumni dinner.
While there he will be the guest ofI
William Wallace Campbell, '86, Presi-
dent of the University of California
and former instructor of astronomy in
Ann Arbor from 1888 to 1891. LeavingI
San Francisco, the President will stayI
three days in Los Angeles. He will
address students of Pasadena High1
School while there.
From Los Angeles President Little
will go to Denver on Oct. 25 and from
there to New York City via Chicago.j
On Oct. 29 he will attend the Michigani
Dinner at the Sesquicentennial in
Philadelphia. Before returning to
Ann Arbor President Little hopes that
he will be able to attend the Michigan-
Navy game at Baltimore on Oct. 30.
Opera Rehearsals

Will Begin Today
Chorus rehearsals for the 21st an-
nual Union Opera will be resumed at
4 o'clock this afternoon, when all men
who took part in the preliminary
dance training last May will report at
'the Mimes theatre, although the first
review drill is open to men who were
out last spring, a general call will be
issued soon to all other students in-
terested, following eligibility reports.
Students wishing to try out for the
Opera cast will be called within the
next two weeks. The Opera book is
now complete, as is the music.

Members Will Make Effort To Curtail
Activities Of Upper Classmen
Hazing Freshmen
Endorsing the rules and regulations
adopted by the Board of Regents last
June restricting the use of automo-
biles by. students, and recommending
that the various organizations on the
campus cooperate in carrying out the
new system, the Student council held
its first meeting of the year last night
at the Union. The council also went
on record as strictly opposed to the
hazing of freshmen.
The opinion was expressed by vari-
ous members of the council that it is
the hope of the Regents and the stu-
dents and University officials who
framed the new automobile regula-
tions that the enforcement of the sys-
tem will eventually take the form of a
tradition at Michigamn The council-
men, therefore, agreed to help enforce
the 'regulations in every respect and
to report any infractions thereof. The
motion passed regarding the approval
of the system was as follows:
"The Student council herewith goes
on record as endorsing the rules and
regulations adopted by the Board of
Regents restricting the use of auto-
mobiles by students, and 'recommends
that the various fraternities, honor so-
cieties and other organizations on the
campus pledge their support and co-
operation towards enforcing the ap-
proved regulations."
It was the determination of council
members that every effort shall be
made to curtail such practices of haz-
ing as have occurred on the campus
during the past two dayp, and that
students found guilty of participation
in such hazing shall be disciplined.
The following resolution was adopted:
"The Student council is oppd(dd to
the hazing of freshmen, such as has
occurred during the past two days, be-
lieving such practices are contrary to
Michigan traditions." Each council-
ian pledged himself t report to the
council discipline committee the
names of any students taking part in
such :practices in the future.
The council passed a motion defer-
ring the 'regular election of officers in
the freshman classes until some time
after Thanksgiving. It was pointed
out that more spirit and better results
were evident last year by postponing
the elections until the Fall games, but
an even greater improvement is looked
for this year with, the elections still
later, and a consequent opportunity
given for the first year students to be-
come better acquainted. Frederick S.
Glover, '27, was named as presiding
officer of the freshmen, to hold office
until the election. He will call any
freshman meetings that are necessary
this fall,
The council voted to hold pep meet-
ings in Hill auditorium before the
Wisconsin and Illinois games. A pep
meeting for the second Minnesota
game may be arranged at a later date.
Programs of short talks by represen-
tatives of the student body, faculty,
and alumni will be arranged for each
ass mbly by George Stanley, '27E,
who was placed in charge of the meet-
ings. The Varsity band will also be
on the program

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Sept. 29.--Recogni-
tion by Germany and France thatcon-
stant discord is "not worth while" is
leading them to mutual harmony,
Jacob Gould Schurman, ambassador
to Berlin, said today after a confer-
ence with President Coolidge.
The ambassador asserted the most
amazing thing he had noted was the
"change of the psychological atmo-
sphere between Germany and France."
The only major problem now con-
fronting Germany, in the opinion of
the ambassador, is the unemployment
situation, about 1,500,000, largely for-
mer soldiers and employees of World
war supply factories, now being sus-
tained by the government.
BEIRUT, Syria.-The French au-
thorities state that, between July 19
and Aug. 22, the military commanders
in the Damascus region received the


Spots Now To Be Seen On Sun Have
No Special Significance, Is Claim


Year Old Boy Will Get Counsel'
From Grave Today On Opening Letter

(By Associated Press)
VINELAND, N. J., Sept. 29.-To

was gassed in the World War. He
died last April, after an operatioon for

I t

t . .. _ ..


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