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September 28, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-09-28

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Deaths Caused By Traffie Accidents
Hasten Framing of New Ruling;
Committee To Judge

Faculty Comment Favorably
On Freshman Advisory System

Keen interest on the part of the
facutty committee has made the new,
advisory system a success, said Reg-
istrar Ira W. Smith yesterday in com-'
melting on the recently inaugurated
plan of individual interviews for en-
tering freshmen. "The principle is
working out well and we are delighted
with it," he stated; "the new students
will look to the faculty advisor
throughout the entire year."
Prof. William A. Flkyer, chairman
of the faculty committee, stated that
the plan being tried out was sound
and working out satisfactorily in
every respect. Faculty members on
ths committee expressed themselves
as grateful to the student advisors
who endeavored to make the new men
feel at home though not advising theta
on their courses. Waldo M. Abbot of
the rhetoric department, one of the
30 advisers, expressed the opinion that1

the, 4ew plan was far superior to th
old and that sufficient time was allow
ed under the new method for the fac
ulty adviser to outline a college cours
beyond the first year.
Carl Brandt of the public speakin
department believed the plan to b
working out excellently. Similar ex
pressions of opinion of the merit o
the system were made by several fac
ulty committee members, Robert C
Angell of the sociology departmen
.stating that the time permitted unde
-the recently inaugurated system al
lowed the adviser to plan a complete
college course if required by the en
tering student.
A check-up made yesterday showe
the system to be functioning with few
interruptions and general efficiency
the student advisers assisting the fac
ulty in getting the entering students

In keeping with the general move-
ment on the part of many colleges
and universities throughout the coun-
try toward minimizing the use 01
automobiles by students, the Uni-
versity has adopted specific regu-
lations governing student motor
vehicles and their use while tu
dents are in attendance here,
which will be placed in effect
the first time this semester. The
n \ction of the Board of Regents last
- ine adopting such regulations came
t the direct result of recommenda-
tioibs made to the Regents following
"everal conferences between a num-
ber of prominent students and Uni-
Versity officials last spring.
.three years ago a letter was sent to
parents and guardians of University
students by the late President Marion
L. Burton requesting their coopera-
tion. in limiting the use of automobiles
by their sons and daughters at the
niversity. The effect of this request
as not lasting, and in order to meet
with the problem of the unlimited use
of ,cars by students and the dangers
nvdlved therein, members of the Stu-
aent council and others conferred with
University officials on the matter. The
fact that several automobile accidents
in this vicinity during the past two
years have resulted in the death of
fqe Michigan students served to
iasten the framing of a number of reg-
ulations at these meetings last spring
which ultimately were adopted by the
Car Use Limited
The new rules do not prohibit the
use of motor vehicles by students in
general but merely limit their use by
.ty ents of more maturity and ex-
perience, whose scholastic record is
of a satisfactory grade and whose
parents or guardian desire them to
have tihe privilege of the use of a car
during the college year. In brief, this
year, no freshmen will be permitted
to drive cars, while neither fresh-
men or sophomores will be allowed to
operate automobiles next year; be-
ginning next semester all students
who, drive an automobile must be
scholastically eligible for campus ac-
tivities; finally every student car
Both me nd vmen students have
until noon t Saturday, Oct. 2, to
register thef cars with the dean of
students. ,All owners of registered
mac es are/ given cards signifying
tiS fact. Tie total registered up' to
yestetday w 101. Questionable or
d44btful c&ses are not disposed of by
(n Jos ph A. Bursley but are re-
fe;ed to1 the Committee on Automo-
biles which has been appointed to
superyse the situation.
Committee Formed{
SThe Committee on Automobiles was
appointed by Thomas Cavanaugh,
27L, president of the Student Coun-
oil, upon authorization by the Regents
at the time of the adoption of the new
regulations. The committee is as fol-
lows: Cavanaugh, chairman; Dean
BIursley, and Alice Lloyd, advisor to
wOpen, of the faculty; Richard Frey-
bug, '29M, SmithCady,Jr., 27, and
kelyn Murray, '27. One additional
jtudent is to be appointed at a later
The committee will hold regular and
special meetings. It has been given
power to grant special permission for
,the use of cars ;to discipline students
who are found guilty of violating the
regulations; to handle all doubtful
cases, and in general supervise the
enforcement of the rules and have
direct charge of the situation.
. The first meeting of the committee
was held last week. A number of
penalties for infraction of the rules
-were outlined and adopted. Any stu-
dent operating a car, whch has not
been registered, after next Saturday
noon will be automatically prohibited
from driviag_ for one year. If a stu-
dent in such a case is again found
driving, his case will be taken to the
committee where he or she will be
usbject to probation, suspension or
expulsion from the University. Any
such disposition by the committee,
however, may be appealed by the stu-
dent to the University discipline com-

mittee. No freshman will be allow-;
.ed - to drive cars this year without
special permission from the commit-a
tee, which will only be given in exL1
ceptional cases. Any permit obtained
through false statements, or the like,
will subject the owner to revocation1
fh -,.rit carl for aaro nr nr-



* information on the new
advisory system will be
page 9, column 5 of thi

Ticket Holders In Bloc Will Assehible
In Field House For Organization
Before All Games

* bt


With only a few seats remaining
among the 1,200 in the new permanent
cheering section, enrollment in the
large bloc will be completed within a
day or two. The section was opene'
to freshmen Saturday with the result
that a large number of first year men
welcomed the opportunity to obtain
good sekts by registering therein. The
few remaining applications for the
section will be received at the Union
All students enrolled in the new
section are requested by William War-
rick, '27, Varsity cheerleader, to as-
semble in Yost Field house a half
hour before the: start of the opening
game next Saturday.. Each student
wil don his uniform ofyellow or blue
cap and cape at that time. Upon en-
tering the reserved section in the
south stands, which will be marked'
off, students with blue outfits rwill take
places to form the block "M" while
those with yellow uniforms will com-
prise the background. 'As there are
no reserved seats for the .opening
game, those in the cheering section
will be permitted to sit where they
choose within the two color limits.
All seats in the -cheering section
will undoubtedly:be reserved for the,
remaining games here, Warwick:
stated yesterday, in order to avoid any
possible confusion. Students in the
section are expected to be present at
the short pep meeting in the. Field
house a half hour before each gaine'
for the purpose. of acquainting thein-
selves with new cbeers and songs and
to improve the cheering over past
years by more concentratedrefforts.
The project is tbe culmination of a
number of attempts on the part, of the
Student council - to form temporary
cheering sections and block "M's", on
a much smaller scale, during football:
seasons in past years. The permanent
cheering section ii not new to uni-
versities, however and has already
met with success at Illinois, Leland
Stanford, and California.,
The new cheering section is situated1
in the south stands. The 1200 seats7
comprise rows No. 15 to 45 in half of
section E, section F, and half of sec-
tion G. The bloc is located betweepn
the 25 and 45-yard lines.
The new cheerlg squad will be '
given daily workouts throughout the'
football season under Warrick's di-1
rection beginning this week. The
squad is composed of Warrick, four -
junior students, und a number of#
sophomore tryouts

Government Claims That Rihard
ierton Paid $150,000 To
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Sept. 27.-Tracing of
'five $10,000 liberty bonds which com-
prised a part of the $441,000 given the
late John T. King to "help and speed"
the release of $7,000,000 impounded
enemy property, to the Midland Na-
tional bank of Washington Courthouse,
Ohio, of which Mal S. Daugherty is
president, was stressed by the gov-
ernment today.
United States Attorney Buckner
brought out in the conspiracy trial of
SaWry, 1M, Daugerty,' tie banker's
brother, and attorney-general of the
Hardhing cabinet, and Thomas W. Ml-
-ler, alien property custodian at that
time, that four of these bonds were
sold on order of Mal Daugherty and
the sale price credited to the account
of Harry Daugherty. The other bond
was shown to be still in possession of
the Ohio bank.
The government claimed that these
bonds comprised a part of $150,000
bribe money paid Harry Daugherty to
release to. Richard Merton, German
metal magnate, proceeds of the im--
pounded effects of the American Metal
company. Evidence has been com-
pleted for the purpose of substantiat-
ing the government's allegation that
Miller received $50,000 for putting the
claims through his office.
Regents Hold
First Meeting
Of Fall Term
H. C. Weber Construction Co., of
Bay City, was awarded the general
contract for the new architecture
building, which is to be completed by
the fall of 1927, by the Regents of the
University at their first regular meet-
ing of the year held last week.
President Clarence Cook Little was
authorized by the Regents to invite
Queen Marie, of Romania, who will
'tour the United States, to come here.
Prof. Leon Maklelski and Samuel
Phamberlain, of the architecture col-
lege, were granted leaves of absence
for one year to study abroad. A gift
of $1,000 by William H. Murphy, of
Detroit, to provide a research fellow-
ship in classical archaeology was also
President Little was appointed to
represent the University at the 100th
jpniversary celebration of Western
Reserve .university to be held at
Cleveland 1b r. 12 and 13. Regents
Junigs E. Beal and Victor M. Gore
were appointed University delegates
'to the annual meeting of governing
bodies of the state universities to be
held at Madison, Wis., Nov. 11, 12, and
At the meeting Prof. A. G. Ruthven,
director of the University museum,
described the gift of a priceless col-
lection of Chinese art presented to
'the University by Mr. and Mrs. Fred-
erick W. Stevens, of Bay City. Two
collections of synthetic rubies and
sapphires presented by a Swiss and a
German firm to the mineralogical lab-
oratory were also acknowledged.

INCRAE OEDClass AppearsIST BE1 1
-J Once again the little gray pot makes
e its appearance on the campus today
Lwhere it will serve to single out the
g EA yearling students, until next May,Ud >
e LITERARY, ENGINEERING, AND marking one of Michigan's oldest tra-
f SLIGHT LOSS The position of the pot upon the
head is largely a matter of taste. The
. 271 MORE WOMEN majority seem to prefer striking aDurint pasAwe yo
t happymedium between the extreme D
r rear of the head and down in front Duhave b e past week you
-r School Of Education And Graduate as an eye shield. A slight angle is have been going through the
e School Show Largest generally considered quite modish. preliminaries to the opening of
Gains The -pot is to be worn very day ex- an Institution which for almost
cept Sundays and holidays. It is con- 90 years has been an essential-
d Complete registration figures bf all sidered wise to remove same when part of the fabric of a great
v schools and colleges of the University entering the stands at athletic games State.
at the close of the six day period last until seated, and obligatory to d It will be very easy for you to
night showed a gain of five likewise when entering and while in- see only the obvious and ma-
per cent side of all University buildings ,in- terial things about the campus
over last year, the total number of eluding the Union. . and to shape your standards to
students being 9328, a gain of 637 I conform with selfish comfort
e over the 8691 students of 1925-26. This rIand self interest.
s increase is due largely to gains made [ the Unisi of Mi-
in the School of Education and theTneho UnisiylMb .
Graduate school, the two schools each ' true test of whether you are or
showing 75 per cent gains. Other col-Y-are not to be a true Michigan r
exception of the Law, engineering, DISARM
and literary schools, which took slight the speed with which you see
losses in enrollment. ATTEMPT TO HASTEN WORK OF this distinction; the'udgment
There are 271 more women on the SUB-COMITTEES BY with which you can pick the
campus this year than last and #6 INSTRUCTIONS rog from the weak elmets
more men, the respective totals being I strong from the weak elements
2563 and 0765, against 2292 and 6399 TO IGNORE POLITICS in your environment f the or
for 1925-26. The figures available I age with which you can follow I
were those of last year at the close Hugh Gibson, American Minister To rthvie nd of development through
of the registration period, late ar- wtrldIA d service and the depth and Goal.
of the eisaionpt atSwtzerlarnd, Is Applauded ity of you affection for your
rivals being fairly constant eachyear For Speech fellow students, for the faculty
and swelling the total registration A which is your guide, and for the
about 500. (By Associated Press) I noble traditions and ideals of I
The literary college has two less GENEVA Sept. 27.-The American | the University. These things I
students enrolled this year than last, delegation to the preparatory disarma- can make happy all our mutual
h ed tal enrollent being 47y 5 as 'ment commission, actively backed by relations during the year and
compared with 4752 of a year ago. It 'the British, obtained the passage to- years to come.
Is thought that entrance requirements 'day of a series of instructions to sub- Clarence Cook Little.
tmay have affected the enrollment of committees which are expected to
new students to some extent. Men hasten the preparatory work and in-__
number 3315 while the registration of 'crease the chances of success for the-
women amounts to 1435. proposed international disarmament
The Colleges of Engineertg' and conference..
Architecture suffered a loss of 12 The experts attached to the com- PANY
over a year ago, the total registration mission henceforth are expected to ng 5 r o soWnnri
numbering 1454 over 1468 of last year. drop 6ll poliiioal -of tdVILOtIIU ILL
Twenty-four women are enrolled. problems submitted to them and limit LL
The Medical school total amounts to their activities to technical studies.
579 of which 548 are men and 31 are The unanimous vote by the commis-
women. This was an approximate sion came after Hugh Gibson, Amer- NEW NINE STORY STRUCTURE:
gain, of 10.per cent over the total -of c-an minister to Switzerland, made a IS PLANNED FOR
477 .for 1925-26.. speech which evdked the delegate's CITY
Te School -of Pharmacy increased applause, setting forth the stand oft
approximately 40 per cent, the enroll- the United States as regards disarma TO HAVE 200 ROOMS t
ment of last year of 69 being increas- ment.1 As .for criticism in the news-i
ed to 94. Thirteen women students papers and elsewhere that the Ameri- Plan To Open Building About Time
are registered as compared with nine can delegation was inclined to inter- That New Stadium Is
of last year. fere with rather than hasten, prepara- T omleted s
An increase of but one student was tion for the disarmament conference, Completed
noted in the figures of the dental col- he characterized them as misleading. .
lege, there being 364 students against Mr. Gibson, although voicing the Plans calling for the construction1
363 for last year. Of these only 27 opinion that the commission was not of a nine story modern, European-t
are women students. mislead by the criticism, he declared plan hotel have been revealed by an
The School of Education made the that he felt obliged to again outline announcement made recently -by A.F
largest gain of any school in the Uni- the American viewpoint. He called at- Morrissey of New York city, former
versity. The total number of students tention to the statement on the sub- o
registered is 704, of which 152 are ject contained in the recent speech of vice-president of the Biltmore Fin-1
men and 552 are women. This is a the American Secretary of State and ancing corporation.' The project was
gain of 308 over the 396 enrolled last emphasized that the way to achieve *made public a day following an an-
year. A gain of 123 was made last success for general limitation was to ,nouncement of a similar nature on the
year over the 273 of the previous year. deal with concrete problems in a di- part of a local apartment house
Closely following the School of Edu- rect, practical way. owner.
cation in increases is the Graduate An attempt to construct a municipal,
school with a gain of 183 over the - citizen owned hotel failed last spring
287 of last year. This year's total is .NIGOI MINERS STILL cmiafter an unsuccessful stock-sellingt
470, of which 286 are men. ,campaign.
The School of Business Administra-The new building, which will bes
tion showed an increase of six over 0Icalled the "Michigan," will be put up
last year, this year's total amounting .'at the southeast corner of Hurons
to 57 of which two are women. tree Fourth avenue. Optionsx
The Law school dropped front 501 Alfred Maki Volunteers To Attempt have already been secured on the
of a year ago to 497 for 1926-27. To Reach Buried Men 'land at an estimated selling price oft
Fifteen women are enrolled in various $300,000, from the five owners of the
courses. (By Associated Press) property.t
The nursing school has increased IRONWOOD, Mich., Sept. 27.-En- According to the architect's speci-
from the 242 of a year ago to 280 for tombed miners of the Pabst mine fication, the building will have a capa-
this year. All enrolled are women. spoke tonight to the men who are city addit nrooms with provisions for
It is expected that about 500 will toiling to rescue them. Tapping on the ad on of 0 more as soon as it
register after the semester has begun, a pipe leading down into the mine is necessary. Extra comforts for
paying the fine levied for tardy en- was heard by one of the workers, guests will include a summer roof
trance. University officials stated Alfred Maki. He returned the sig- garden, a dining room featuring an
that the total of 9328, an increase of nal, then, clear and distinct, came orchestra for dinner dances, a coffee
five per cent, was a normal growth eight separate taps, repeated several shop, ballroom, and a club room for
the use of city organizatons an

for the University. times.
It was the first definite sign from campus fraternities. Nine stores will
down in the earth since the shaft col- be erected on the ground floor. Thea
Teaching Permits lapsed last Friday noon, killing three investment in the building itself is t
W ill Be Granted miners and entrapping 43. Maki vol- expected to reach $700,000.1
unteered to squirm down through the Mr. iMorrissey, who resigned his po-c
As In Past Years mass of twisted steel and crumbled sition with the Biltmore company in
stone to tell the entombed men that order to organize the local campaign r
help was coming. He tied a rope will manage the project here in con- -
Students graduating from the Col- about his waist and went down into nection with R. E. Hampton, who also p
lege of Literature, Science and th e darkness. The shaft is 20 by 10 resigned as Detroit representative oft
Arts before Oct. 1, 1927, may receiv feet, divided into three channels, one the Industrial Bankers corporation ofe
the teacher's certificate upon ts, - for the cage, two for cars, by which New York to become affiliated with thef
pletion of certain requirements, itore is raised to the surface. In his enterprise.s
was decided by the Board of Regents pockod abets All necessary funds will be pro- s
at their meeting last week. pocets,tMaki carried food tablets. vided by the Biltmore Financing cor-
This plan, which was inaugurated His start was made from 100 feet poration with e possible exception
upon bEwation eyear o, ws to wh the second lebeen cleared. The of $200,000 worth of stock, which mayg
of Education five years ago, was to nd level is about 240 feet below be sold to local citizens. This organi- i
have been discontinued n Oct. 1, seco e s t et el zation owns a well-known chain ofd
1926. It was hoped that an arrange- the surface. As the eighth level is hotels including the Biltmore and t
met might be completed before be- 727 feet down, Maki has more than Commodore in New York city. Theo
mentfemight be completedg before be-
ginning this year whereby graduates 350 feet of peulous going before him. "Michigan" will be run on the Bilt-
of the literary college might , ere-more plan by a manager now con-d
after receive their teacher's certcate Engineers Change necte with one of the organization's
direct from the State Board of Edu- buildings, although it will not be ab
cation. Date For Sy1 oker direct member of the chain.
As it was impossible to complete d
this arrangement before registration Plans for the first smoker of the PARIS.-The coal miners' strike in s
"n1 4^f +h m no- a"+ rnoa a4f.I-,o . n Arehi- Eneinr1 has contributed to the in-g

Auto Restrictions Seen In Class WiI
Pots, Pipe-Smoking Traditions;
Asks Support Of Campus
"We must make Michigan the most
human and most happy University in
the world" said President Clarence
Cook Little in concluding his address
last night in Hill auditorium at the
first University convocation of the
year. "If we would make our Uni-
versity great, we must make it ht-
man and the other things will take
care of themselves. The University
wishes the students to feel that the
faculty are big brothers and big sis-
ters to them, always ready to help
them straighten out their troubles."
In opening his address the Presi-
dent stated that in accordance with
his policy of introducing, wherever
possible, students into the affairs of
administration, he would outline some
of the steps which the University is
taking to improve the relations be-
tween faculty and students. He stated
that the University is making a deter-
mined effort to discover and to re-
move the causes for impersonal and
unsatisfactory relationships between
the University authorities on the one
hand and the students on the other.
Conditions Studied
Investigations in the following
fields are at present being conducted
according to the President: Attempts
to ascertain a more accurate idea of
the student by information blanks of
a more or less personal nature, to be
filled out by prospective freshmen,
student housing conditions, establish-
ment of freshman week, revision of
the curriculum, pre-medical require-
ments, vocational guidance, cooper-
ative handling of the liquor problem,
thehonor system and the grades and
examination question."
"This is a so-called 'legislative'
year which means that a program of
the needs and plans of the University
is prepared for presentation to the
Legislature of the state. In doing
this the University, conscious of the
past generosity andi cooperation as-
sumes a genuine interest on the part
of the people of the state in the
progress of the University. The
Michigan Legislature is well known
for Its liberality and understanding
of the problems of higher education,"
continued the President.
Explains Auto Rule
The President wished the students
to feel that they were the legislature
before whom he was laying the needs
of the University. As regards the new
auto regulation, he stated that it was
not attempted in order to remove a
pleasure from the students but to re-
move a time-waster and habit-former
and to obviate a repetition of some of
the terrible accidents which have oc-
curred in the past. Dr. Little stated
that "out of eleven deaths among the
Michigan undergraduate body last
year, five were due to automobile a-
cidents. The terrible tragedy of the
death of a young Princeton man in
Detroit recently is another case of
automobile fatality.
Discretion Sought
Scores and perhaps hundreds of
students are not mature enough to

use with discretion the time wasting.
and dangerous power of the automo-
bile. Upperclassmen have always
been ready enough to assume pre-
cedence over the two lower classes.
We now ask that in addition to such
restrictions as deal with the pot, and
pipe smoking for freshmen and the
participation in class games which
tradition rules for sophomores, that
minors in these classes be restricted
from using automoblles. This re-
striction cannot be enforced if the
student body does not want it. The.
rule can be easily evaded and the
evasion will carry the same "kick" as
going out behind a building and light-
ing matches after being forbidden to
do so. We are merely trying to save
the student from kicking himself out
of college."
The President commended the Sun-
day non-sectarian services which have
been the work of the students and
have been of the greatest value to the
University since they provide an
avenue for those students who are
still in doubt and are not church-
goers to understand the twin of edu-

Two Michigan students,


Pond, '29E, George Ackerman, '29, and
John Black of Chicago, who was to
have entered the University this fall,
were drowned during a storm while
attempting to cross Lake Huron from
Coryell Islands to Mackinac Island in
a small boat on Aug. 24.
The trio had spent several weeks on
the Coryell Islands and had planned
to leave on Aug. 24 for Mackinac Is-
land, 18 miles by water. Although a
storm had been raging for three days,
they started as planned. The three
w. ev o_ n ,_ n3 1 f- fn- ss , -4r -

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