:43 at I H
Pillow Fight First Of Three Contests
Which Will Decide Victors
This Morning
Smeared with the customary green
paint, the freshmen of the University
will assemble at 9 o'clock this morn-
ing on the steps of the Union, while
hundreds of red-faced sophomores are
making their way to the entrance of
Waterman gymnasium, preparatory to
the marches of both classes to South
Ferry field and the annual fall games.
At 9:30 o'clock the green and red
masses will begin the two parades
down- State street, each class to be
led by its respective band. The field
contests are scheduled to start
promptly at 10 o'clock.
Walter Crego, '30, will lead the year-
lings into the fray this morning, while
Jack Kelly, '29, will assume the roll of
sophomore captain.
The initial event of the traditional
program will be the pillow fight, with
two teams of five men each represent-
ing each class. The class having the
majority of winners in two heats of
competition will be awarded one point.
In case of a tie, each class will select
one member to settle the issue on the
wooden horse..
Five Men In Cane Spree
Second on the program will be the
cane spree with two teams of five
men from each class again participat-
ing. The class with the largest num-
ber of winners will receive one point,
as in the first event, a tie being de-
cided in the same manner as in the
pillow fight.
The major contest of the games
will be the flag rush when all mem-
bers of both classes will take part. As
in former years, the freshmen will at-
tempt to ward off mass rushes by the
second year men at the three poles. A
green flag will adorn each pole which
the sophomores will attempt to pull
down. Three points for one class are
possible in this event, each flag re-
moved counting one point for the
sophomores, and each banner undis-
turbed, within the time limit, count-
ing a point for the first year men.
The event will be divided into two ten '
minute halves with a five-minute
interval between the two periods. The
total points in the games will be five,
the same as a year ago.
Classes Dismissed
All freshmen and sophomores are
excused from classes this morning in
order to take part in the annual
classic. No student without tennis
shoes will be permitted to take part.
Slugging, kicking and any unneces-
sary roughness will be closely
watched by the officials and absolutely
Members of the Student council
junior honorary societies, and "M"
men are requested to report at the
Union at 9:30 o'clock to receive their
officials' badges from Earl Blaser, '27,
chairman of the games.
Many Wisconsin students and
alumni who are in Ann Arbor for to-
day's football game will attend the
games this morning, and preparations
have been made to handle a large
crowd of spectators.
English Physicist
Explains Discharge
Tube To Group
Explaining the k asic discoveries in!
connection with the cathode ray of
the gas containing discharge tube,
Prof. R. Whiddington, D. S. C., F. R.I
S., director of the physical laboratoryj
of the University of Leeds, England.
gave a brief resume of the field of
conduction through the discharge tubea
as the basis for his address yester-
da3 upon the "Conduction of Electric-
ity through Gases". Professor Whid-
"Crime Is Problem Of Judicial Reform,
Not One Of Legislation," Declares Reed,
Cardinal Leader To
Play In Game Today
Editor's note: Tis is the second of a
series of interviews with University authori-
ties on the crime situation in the United
States. Coplyrighlt 1926 by The Michigan
D ailjy.
Commenting on crime and possible
legislation which would aid in de-
creasing it Prof. Thomas H. Reed of
the political science department stated,
"It is not a problem of legislation, but
of the reform of judical proceedure, a
matter which must be handled by the
judiciary itself, and of a higher stan-
dard of ethics in the legal profession."
Professor Reed explained that little
could be done by legislation. There
are a few minor changes in some
states that might be made to remove
some obstacle to the sure and swift
administration of justice, but for the
most part all changes must come
from the' courts and the bar. He
added that punishment is not meant
for vengeance, but is to impress on
oth' s who are tempted, that there is
punishment. "It would do no good,"
he said, "to make the penalties of
crime more severe. It is the certainty
and swiftness of justice which counts."
Comparing English with American
proceedure Professor Reed stated that
English law is not much different
from the American law but that their
lawyers do not look for technicalities
to escape and delay trial as they do
here. The reasons for that are that
the barrister would lose the respect
of his colleagues should he attempt
the methods of American criminal
lawyers who make such efforts to have
their clients escape the law.
One of the changes needed accord-
ing to Professor Reed is a better jury
system. At present there are too
many corrupt practices in the pick-
ing and functioning of a jury. It was
his suggestion that the courts them-
selves change the system.
Will Observe Day On Other Gridirons!
Throughout The Country)
This Afternoon
Prior to the beginning of the Michi-
gan-Wisconsin game today, a bugler
will sound taps to the memory of Wal-
ter Camp, the "Father of American
Football." The flag will be raised
from half to full staff as the Michigan
and Wisconsin bands play the national
anthem. Between the halves the spec-
tators will h behnn inan nnortunit to I
Ooosterbaan ..LE..... Cameron
Baer........LT......... Leiti
Palmeroli . ..LG......Schuette
Truskowski ....C......... Wilke
Gabel.......RT......Kasiska 1
Friedman .....Q......Crofoot
Gilbert ...... LH...... larmton
Weber.......RH...... Barnum
[ Molenda .....F.........Kruez
IReferee=~James Maskter, North-
western. Umpire-Jolin Schom-
mer, Chicago. Field Judge- -H
B. Hackett, West Point. head
Linesman-J. .LIpp, Chicago.
Michigan May Substitute Plunging
Backfield For Vaunted
Passing Attack
Prof. Ramsay Muir Declares Decline
Of Representative Government
Prevalent In Europe
Misgiving in the working of, and the
decline of confidence in, representa-
tive government were emphasized by
Prof. Ramsay Muir, Liberal memberj
of Parliament who lectured on "Thet
Decay of Parliamentary Government"
yesterday afternoon in Natural Sci-a
ence auditorium. Pointing out the
break-down of representative govern-
ment in China and India Professor
Muir declared that in Europe there
has been the same general tendency.-
He mentioned Russia, Italy, and
France as examples. Of Italy he said,1
"In Italy there has been a reversion4
to a government similar to that of
Napoleon the third, a despotism byt
force." He expressed the opinion that
it was brought to Italy only for the
In England the misgivings in Par-
liamentary government have been
shown by the threats of organized la-
bor, by the unemployment, and by the
recent general strike. The causes of
this unhappy condition, he asserted,
was due to the immense problems
caused by the war. "The events are3
so tremendously great," Professor
Muir said, "that they dwarf the men
who handle them." The most per-
turbing fact is that representativef
government is now practically univer-
sal and there is now almost universal
dissatisfaction with it, yet there is no
substitute for it.
The idea that the state should have
everything to do with economic af-
fairs, and the opposing idea that the
state should have nothing to do with
economic affairs, he branded as "in-
sane." Pointing out that the per-
centage of the electorate who vote is
not what it should be Professor Muir
said that the true work of political
education was the work of the poli-
tical parties. He credited the Labor
party for its unresting preaching as
being the pioneers in showing the way
of reaching the electdrate.
Another cause of dissatisfaction
with Parliamentary government is
that the voter has an idea that his
vote counts very little. The present
discussion proposing proportional rep-
resentation, he said, is an evidence
of the lack of confidence in Parlia-
ment. Still another cause is that the
House of Commons has more than it
I can do efficiently and yet wastes its
time by discussions concerning selfish
class interests. The real government
is carried on by the bureaucracy, he
said. The defects of bureaucracy, he
went on, are first, its lack of propor-
tion in expenditure, and secondly, its
red tape.
The key problem, Professor Muir
{ concluded, is to restore confidence in
the instrument of representative gov-
ernment by securing good bureaucrats
and good legislators.
By Wilton A. Simpson
Filled with a vindictive spirit, and
anxious to avenge the 10 to 0 defeat
given the Wolverines by the Navy last
week, Michigan will line up against
a strong eleven from the University
of Wisconsin at 2:30 o'clock (city
time) this afternoon on Ferry field.
The time of the game is half an hour
earlier than the other games this
Upon his return from Baltimore last
week Coach Yost made immediate
First To Leave Here At Midnight
Friday Returning At 5:45 O'Clock
Sunday Morning
Arrangements for special trains to
Columbus for the Michigan-Ohio State
game Nov. 13 which were announced
yesterday by the Ann Arbor railroad
provided for round trip transportation
for $5.00.
The first train, composed of Pull-
mans and coaches, will leave Ann Ar-
bor next Friday at midnight, depart-
ing from Columbus the following mid-
night. A day train will leave Ann
Arbor Saturday morning at 7 o'clock,
and depart from Columbusat 7 o'clock i
the same evening. The day train will
carry coaches and Pullmans, the lat-
ter may be used as chair cars for a
small additional fee.
For those who desire to remain in
Columbus and return Sunday, Nov. 14,
on regular trains, a round trip ticket
may be procured for $8.75. Round trip
Pullman fares have been placed at
$7.50 for a lower and $6.00 for upper
berths. Drawing rooms may be ob-
tained for $27; $1.95 will be charged
for chair car seats on the day train.
The special train schedules, Ann Ar-
bor (eastern) time, will be as follows:
night train, leaving Ann Arbor, mid-
night, Nov. 12; arrive in Columbus,
5:45 o'clock the following morning;
leave Columbus, midnight, Nov. 13;
arrive Ann Arbor, 5:45 o'clock the
following morning. The day train will
leave Ann Arbor at 7 o'clock, Nov. 13;
arrive at Columbus, 11:5 o'clock;
leave Columbus, 7 o'clock p. m. the
same day; arrive in Ann Arbor, 11:50
o'clock Saturday, Nov. 13.
In order to facilitate arrangements
with the railroad company, tickets
should be purchased as early as possi-
ble. They will be placed on sale next
Monday at the main desk in the Union
French See Fascist
Move In Conspiracy
(By Associated Press)
PARIS, Nov. 5.-Official quarters
in France and newspapers are greatly
concerned over the Catalan conspir-
acy. Evidence gathered by the French
police shows that while it was organ-
ized ostensibly to secure antonomy for
Catalonia, it presents itself to the
French as a move by Premier Mus-
solini to strengthen his hand in Medi-
I terranean affairs by creating divisions
between the Spanish and French.
I Thus, it is commented by the news-
papers, the French police foiled both
the Catalan plot and the Italian
scheme at the same time.
In official quarters, it is held that
the Italians who threw in their lot
with the Catalans, really were acting
in complete understanding with the
Italian police and were working for
their own ends rather than for "the
liberation of Catalonia."
The real mission of these Italians,
the police say, was to stimulate an
attack on the Italian premier so as to
furnish grounds for complaint that
France was allowing plots against
Mussolin's life to be organized on
French soil. Their aim, as outlined
by the police, was to spur Col. Fran-
cisco Macia, the Catalonian auton-
omist leader, to action, and then, as
mshe was about to strike, to betray
I Macia and his followers to the Span-
ish police.
Capt. Doyle Ilarmon 7
orial now in the course of construe- , a;dge r lae a recovered * L .
subscribe to the Walter Camp Mem-1 Bde leader who has Mussolini . ~. un~
toriat New mHthenc.urse of construc-from injuries which have kept him outM ussoliis Cabinet y
Not only at Michigan, but in many of the game most of the season, and
other football fields throughout the will startWasclsft hal badtiater- Pass Drastic Laws
nation, Walter Camp Day will be ob- noon for Wisconsin. The Badger lead-
served today at the request of the Na- er was named on Walter Eckersal l's For His Protection
tional Collegiate athletic asociation. all-Western team last year and as
This body includes in its membership triple threat man is expected to playr
practically all universities and col- a large part in Coach 1yittle's attack. (By Associated Press). i
leges in the country. Each educa- ROME, Nov. 5.-Militant fascism,
tional institution was asked to set TAstung by last Sunday's attempt againstP
aside one Saturday on' its football IlN II hIthe life of Premier Mussolini, tod'ay
schedule as Walter Camp day. Michi- struck at its foes in a series of dras-1
gan selected the date of the Wiscon- tic, repressive measures which weref
sin game.-STAT[ iHR II N \HIJY approved by the cabinet sitting under
Fostered By Yale Men the presidency of the Duce himself.
The movement for the Walter Camp All the measures, after approval byt
memorial was fostered by Yale men. the grand Fascist council, will go to
They were wiling to assumethe en- Thompson Provides Surprise Of Meet the chamber of deputies at its session
tire responsibility of raising the $300,- Winning 100 Yard Breast Stroke next Tuesday, especially convoked byI
000 required for the memorial. But Over Shorr Of The Varsity the Premier.t
alumni of other universities and col- The decrees approved by the cabinet
leges insisted that they too be allowed SAMSON MAKES RECORD provided the penalty of death for.
to participate in paying tribute to the every attempt to injure or molest theI
great leader in athletics and physical Premier, or to strike against the
When the high schools heard of the Varsity swimmers made the initial Fascist regime; provided heavy penal-
education. step in defending their state champ-. ties, as much as 30 years imprison-
plan they also asked permission to 1onships in the first of the series of ment, for direct or indirect opposition;,
honor the memory of Walter Camp .dcreate an elaborate system of political
with the result that some 15,000 A. A. U. eets held last nght at the police to watch every movement of
schools also joined the movement. Union pool. every anti-Fascist at home and abroad
Consequently the memorial fund will In the 10 events on the program and to put the opposition press out of£
be composed entirely of voluntary sub- carded by Matt Mann, swimming existence.t
scriptions from those who revere the With the adoption of the decrees,
memory of Camp and wish to keep ,s Ithe opposition press will pass out of
alive in a memorial the spirit that four were broken, there being no of- existence, for the licenses of all anti-
animated his life and deeds. ! ficial standards in the open handi- Fascist periodicals are indefinitely
To Stand In Front Of Yale Bowl cap events, and in the men's 100 yard suspended. Henceforth, it will be'
The memorial is planned as an en- breast stroke The marks broken enough to voice an antagonisticI
trance to the Yale bowl and other were those in the senior women's 220 opinion by word or by writing to be
athletic fields in New Haven. On yard free style, and in the 500 yard considered an enemy of the regime,
either side of the huge gateway will [free style for men open to punishment by imprisonment.
he bronze panels on which will be cut In the first of these events, Dorothy Not only Italy but foreign nations
the names of every college and uni- Colter Detroit Yacht club, turned in will be watched by the new political
versity contributing to the fund. The police, while suspected persons will
committee, headed by E. K. Hallof tE Ka ich, lastyear:s.titlenhoer be compelled to remain within dead-
Drm theadeda by th. Hotall Edna Kranich, latyear's title holder, lines, like former convicts or known
Dartmouth, chairman of the Foot-ball I breaking her own former mark of insliefr rcovtsrkow
Rules Committee, is aiming to have on aul Samon r ar k c a criminals. Even foreigners suspected
these panels the name of every col- set his own pace in the 500 yard free in conniving in plots against the
lege and university in America where style and finished in 6:15.7; almost 18 government, while those known to be
football is played today, in order that seconds faster than he made in win- injuring Fascism will be liable to
this tribute to the memory of the ning the event last year. Wagner, a trial in Italy.
"Father of American Foot-ball" may g team mate, was second, while Craig, All passports allowing Italians to
I be truly a national memorial. Northwesternwhigh school, placed leave the country are annulled, with
third.the provision that anyone seeking
In the 300 yard medley event for to leave clandestinely wil be liable to
Special Decorations en, Dur, Northwestern high school be shot by the frontier authorities.
e re, DR NH ste M hign hon All non-Fascist clubs, associations
idefeated R. mostHainteresting races ofthne and organizations are abolished, while
eatur ~ an evoemg. nal s w a c utIn,'fo t ( the law permitting the government to
At Union Ballroom while the two werestwimming the dismiss anti-Fascist personnel from
At Un~n BalrI eveing. tHated was outmming fron the lawi permitin trh govenmente t
breast and back stroke, but he weak- the civil service branch is extended
r d ts r ened in the last 100 yards and was another four years.
S Permeated with an atmosphere of 1beaten to the finish. The time of 4.21.5 One indication of the Fascist deter-
football, the Saturday night dance at I was :11.1 seconds slower than the mrinaton to stop nowhere in their ef-
the Union to be staged tonight will be ( mark set by Wagner, Varsity swimmer, rtgtoend the menace againg the
specall deoraed. he ous con-j last year, but Wagner was not enteredf regime is the provision turning over
specially decorated. The house com- s e , all cases of violations of the decrees
mittee, which is in charge, has pro- Another one of the feature races on to special military courts composed of
vided an array of pennants and foot- the program came in the 100 yard Fascist militia officers and governed
balls, which will be strung around the breast stroke, when Thompson, of the by war time military law.
Sball room, freshman squad defeated Shorr, of the
At last night's dance the orchestra Varsity by a touch. The two UnionW ill ovie
entertained during the intermission swan on even terms throughout the
by parading in football uniforms,:entire .Tcos slowerstahtimehof 17 AlumniInformation
{which they also wore for teeea n t ires race. hon soen's iof1:7tA um i n or ato
deroftheyevenangS imilrethe remain- in the preliminary heat. Wagner was
der of the evening. Similar entertain- I hr pca sitneo aiu om
ment has been arranged forthis eve- a close third. Special assistance of various forms
ning, the committee has announced, The 100 yard breast stroke for wo~ will be provided today by the Union
and spotlights will play on a mini- m en was won by Gertrude Soederlund, for alumni and any other guests. A
ature football field with its struggling Detroit Yacht club, in a close race general information desk will be lo-
warriors of Michigan and Wisconsin. with Hazel Hutchinson, Woman's cated in the lobby, at which will be
Inasmuch as one of the house rules Aquatic club, who finished second, and found directories, a map of the city,
states that "The tap and grill room KathrynhSoederlund, Detroit Yacht and complete railroad, bus, and elec-
hIil e oe tome only," theex club, who finished third., The time ti a ieshdls
will beopen tomen ony"teex- tric car time scedues.
ecutive council of the Union has gone was 1:40.9. cwRooms for alumni will be in charge
Ion record as disapproving of the use The handicap contests were very of a rooming committee, which has
onloel recordsasedsapprovingfethebuseg
1 of the tap room by couples attending closely contested, several men being been preparing a list of all the avail-
these dances. The ladies' dining room ruled out of places for stealing on the able ,rooms. Another alumni aid will
Ion the first floor will be open during gun in the 50 yard free style. This be a directory at the Union desk in
the course of the dances, however; re- race was won by Newcomb, Northwes- which University graduates who are
gular fountain service will be giv tern high school, who swam on even in Ann Arbor for the week-end will
Sthere.terms with register and will be listed by class
No class preference will be given place man, and had a three second numbers.
for this evening's dance, tickets for handicap from Hubbell, Varsity swim-
which may be purchased at the miain mer, who placed third. In the back
desk in the lobby of the Union. stroke Lemak, Hyde Parkshigh school,lFranc s Rise Hurts
___________ beat Carruthers, of the same school
and Walker, unattached, to the finishi Stab 1it -Poineare
Football Scores To in an almost dead heat. The other tP
two finished in the order given.
Be Posted In Union In the 25 yard women's free style (By Associated Press)
handicap Winifred Smith, Detroit PARIS, Nov. 5.-Operations by the
---j Athletic club, was returned the win- E French government against its own
reparation for the Badgers and has
ust completed one of the most stren-
uous weeks of practice that any Mich-.
gan team has experienced. The-
Michigan team has had more scrim-
mages this week than ever before and
Is pronounced fit for any attack the.
Cardinal eleven has to offer.
Unsettled Weather Predicted
Although the weatherman has pre-
dicted unsettled weather and' probable
showers, the spectators are certain
to view a game featured with forward
passes. Michigan's forward pass at-
ack, which was so completely blocked
by the Navy, has been revamped and
will be given a real test today against
the Badgers. George Little, former
Michigan football coach and now dl-
rector of athletics and head football
coach at the University of Wisconsin,
is one of the chief exponents of the
forward pass, and will bring a team
on to the 'field well versed in the art
of passing,' and particularly well
schooled in pass defense.
However, there is cauw to4 belie
that Yost is going to vary his usua
attack and build up a line plunging
backfield. Weber, a substitute full-
back, has been working at half back
during the practices this week and is
likely to take the place of Greenwald
at right half back. Molenda will re-
sume his place at full back and will
share the burden of plunging with
Weber. Gilbert, who has been Mich-
igan's chief ground gainer in the past
few games, will play at left half-
back and do the punting for the Wol-
verines. Friedman will direct the
play for the Yost team from quarter-
Wisconsin Backfield Is Powerful
George Little has a powerful back-
field in Crofoot, Harmon, Barnum, and
Kreuz, and may cause some worry to
the Michigan line. Last Saturday the
Badgers were unable to gain through
the Minnesota line, but reports from
Madison indicate that Little has
strengthened his plunging attack.
Wisconsin received many bruises in
the grueling battle with the Gophers,
and is said to be weakened by in-
juries. Strauble, veteran guard, is out
of the lineup with an injured chest,
and will be replaced by Schuette, a
new man who has shown promise of
being a regular. Burruss, who has
had three years experience, may get
into the game, but will not start on
account of injuries. Welch will re-
place him at right end.
Michigan Lineup Not Announced
Coach Yost refused to announce his
starting lineup late last night, but in-
timated that there would be a few
changes in the personnel of the team,
the principal changes being made in
the line. One of the suspected chang-
es is Grinnell in place of Gabel, but
this is not likely as Grinnell was- in-
jured in Thursday's practice and will
not be ready, for service for another
week. Baer, who was off form in the
Navy game, will probably retain his
place at right left tackle. Baer played
a great game against Illinois and is
expected by the coaches to duplicate
his performance today.
It is rumored that there will be a
change made at center and also one at
left guard. Should Yost make a last
minute change, Schoenfeld will start
at center and Dewey will take Pal-
meroli's place at left guard.
President Approves
Tax Surplus Refund
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 5.-Immediate
tax reduction in the form of a refund
of ten or twelve per cent on individual
o opnnntion tvo nxnirl thi ve nn
dington illustrated his first lecture,
last evening, with diagrams of the edc- 'Engineers Elect
trical power curves discovered by
Broce, an English physicist, and later Sophomore Heads'
amplified by the French physicist,
Vill ard. -
Professor Whiddington will explain' John Gilmartin was elected pres-
in detail the results of his experiments ident of the sophomore engineering
v.ith the passage of currents through class yesterday by a majority of 18
the discharge tubes, at 10 o'clock this votes over Donald Smith. \ Gilmartin
mornirg, inthe west lecture room of received 67 votes as compared to 491
the old physics building. Hie will also for Smith.
offer some possible explanations of the Thomas Leslie was chosen vice-
phenomena of conduction through the president of the class by a large ma-
tube in consideration of his experi- jority. He defeated Otto Pommerin-
mni-its and other experiments by in- ing, polling 75 votes against 39 for the
t-) v'Pted physicits through out the latter.
world. 7 +- v+ nnfnr +h nfiia f.,on.