FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1926 THE MICHJGAN DAILY PAGE TIIREII U'RIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1~926 !~AGE THREJI OFFICIAL e~alpl, m~ found that 50 per cent! respect to the action of these various ofassdole( - arete ac ishage officials who discharge arrested perz- { tvniz AIDS CRIME RISE by authority of the prosecuting at-;soils prior to the trial of the case. At a latred thzat while toz ry without any further proceed-! present, in most states, the prosecut- many of those cc7 --ings against them; other cases are' ing attorneys havc practical authority u tpper court, ii A r (Continued from Page 1) ;dismizssed by the judge for lack of! to have cases dismissed without giv- Missouri ilnvesig-; After a detailed investigation, that evidence or some other" such reason;- ing any reason therefor. There is a 'cent of tihe(cases +commnission -issued a report stating1 and a number or them are acquitted' movem^-nt on foot," he stat ed, "to reversals. When that only 19" out of every 100 of those; by the jury. From these figures, Pro-' change the law so as to require the, such a coflditiofl ,who commit major crimes are ever fessor Waite pointed out, it appears prosecutors to give in writing their Professor WVaite ,caught by police. Professor Waite# thatt onlly five or six per cent of those# reasons for asking that cases be drop- law and said, "It believes that the failure in appre- who commit serious crimes are ever ped. This will, of course, be a desir- not impossible, to beniding the other 81 can be laid to actually brought within the function- able change, but unless one assumes b)y changes ini the oither causes beside police incapacity. iiig of criminal law. that prosecuting attorneys have b~een? als, generally sj. The report. also showed that of those Continuing upon the same subject, absolutely crooked in the way they _- apprehended by the police, many are ; Professor Waite said: "There may, of; have dropped cases heretofore, it will let go for leek of proof or other equal-J course; b~e some defect in the law in make but slight change in tile numnber I- 111101tile ground that for one reason. poi It ,a bit, he cu ' or other the convicted person had not it b ~rli~1\~1 ~~~ hd aftii' trial. Unfair trials are not Ii~i~eli il to the 112 ault of defects in the law but the, 'ast diso , d in tie ti' t of those who try the cases. Here at~ ~~~e mo ht ~~~ ain the failure of the law is thel appealled there w 'e i ailiire of those that administer it."I iasked as to whet her It is also Professor Waite's belief is a fault of the law, that, the criticisms of the parole and, aga1in ldef-1)del the probation laws, in a like manner, twould be difi('ult, if wihen analyzed, are found not to be' rectify the 'onidition! directed at the law itself, but at the elaw. These rever's- p),r'role officials who fail to administer :eak~ing, were made it, carefully and wisely. ' I 0ORNWElL COAL - COKE tee used the city of St. Louis as an AT THE DETROIT THEATRES _ BONSIELLE PLAYHOUSE Nights -75c tO $1.50 Mats. Tues., Thurs. Sat., 5oc and 75c. A G4olden Success 7th HEAVEN By AUSTIN STRONG « .._... 7 GARIC SUN. NOV 7.- An,:T141mate, Jrulsatinig Musical Revue The 'Garrick rGaieties ATheatexr Guild Sucess Wish Superb Cast-and Exceptional Chorus Discriminating Dressers Pick out the best dressed man you know. 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CORNELCAL - COKE OFFICE, CORN WELL BLOCK Phones, Office : 451-4552 Yard Office : 5152 TIE FlRST NATIONAL BANK ANN ARBOR OLDE:ST NATIONAL BANK IN MICHIGAN I i I ft I The ideal costume for Lab. wear. Watch our windows for a display of attractive styles in cotton and silk. They are tailored-looking and come in lovely blues, green, peach, lavendar, etc. RUBLEY SHOPPE t). 8, ROOMflt ~ dll 1j irhg roosti Ilic- slOe a~ lo BAGLEY.PflK AT AM' An l Lr p First Church of Christ, Scientist Ann~l n e rror, IN I ' Ive O CHRIS'TIAN SIENCE Bicknell Yioung, C. S.B. M~emiber of t he om(rd o t ebpo 'l'beMel er lChurch , 'Jhe First Cu rcot ( i'il ,Y' l~:M iz Stem M3asus. At NEW MASONIC TEMPLE Al S :011) Peloek111. Y Robley Sluoppe S Nickels Arcadui rer..rv..+rrr~sis.~ A ..^. ., .. * . .. .. ---------- ----- ---------------- NOW SHOWING M NOW SHOWING ---------- q~rowADOLPH ZStlOa .w JESSE. L LS iV A HIGH romance of an ace of cads who wears his sins as nonchalantly as his monocle. How you fans-and especially the ladies-love this debonair, suave, polished, peculiarly clever gentle- man who never :kisses a lady until he makes her want to be kissed ! i fN R! - rrcxuxxaa+mx ',.-. : ... _.- :. .": emu-rar p.a _ .. . ..e. .. . I II From the Story by Michael Arlen .n .. .! .s~ Othe Stage- HA MO A -With- HUDNUCT SISTERS' Assisted by rirv 'leiJTI"N'TTT n'TnT~I !J7lt%10 @I w AI motor. KING sth(/VIDOWS r.S 21t rodrtcion -7' ; J t }. ; '/l r / v WITH- ~ L\'9 BAIIUM f VV IANEY It U I 11 IU