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November 05, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-11-05

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PnrrSS0rS n ANTED WaBteoBlames Ineficiency of Officials
u u-uirn nr For Present National Crime Situation





Gimmell Memorial Scholarship
$10,000 Accepted; Also $3,250
In Fellowships


Leaves of absence for faculty mem-
bers were granted, and gifts, loan and
scholarship funds were accepted by
the Board of Regents at their meeting
last night. , Approval was also given
to the 1927 Summer session budget
which amounts to $236,031 or $10,000
more than 1926 total.
Practically all the leaves of absence
approved were given for the second
semester of the present academic year.
In that period Prof. Jesse S. Reeves,
of the political science department,
will attend the plenary session of the
Pan-American Congress which will
convene in Rio de Janeiro April, 1927,
for consideration of an international{
code of laws for the Americas. Inj
K no ' C ...n" nannt - -.fc in ted


Editor's note: The following is the first countries, also. All the statistics, tak-
of a series of interviews with University au-
thorities on the general crime situation in the en together, tend to prove the point
initei States. Prof John B. Waite, of the that crime is not on the rise.
Law school, gives his opinion today ; Prof.
Thomas H. Reed, of the political science de- "But whether crime is increasing
partnent, will be interviewed tomorrow. or diminishing," he stated, "there is
'These articles are copyrighted, 1926, by The
Alichi-an Daily. no use in blinking at the fact that the
situation is extremely bad. With the
Characterizing as a fallacy the gen- purpose of reforming the law, crime
eral assumption that a crime wave is commissions have been appointed in
sweeping over the country,. Prof. half the states in the country. These
John B. Waite, eminent criminal law commissions are distinctly worth while
authority, declared that such figures as there is much in the law that
as are available indicate that, on the should be changed."
contrary, lawlessness in general is on When questioned as to where the
the decline. blame for the present state of affairs
Professor Waite pointed out that ac- can be placed, Professor Waite an-
cording to all the computed statistics, swered that nine-tenths of the failure
robbery and burglary are less in enforcement of the law is due to
frequent today than they were five or 1 the failure of those by whom the law
six years ago. While the unlawful should be enforced rather than to any
taking of automobiles for joy rides is short coming in the law itself. On
very obviously on the increase, the this topic he added that the greatest
figures show that larceny or stealing inefficiency occurs in bringing the
of automobiles in the technical sense criminals within reach of the law and
is on the downward tread. In regard getting them into the courts, citing
to murder, the outlook is not so favor- the recent Missouri crime survey as
able, he added, but homicide has been proof.
increasing since the war in foreign (Continued on Page 3)

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\VVi1l.l11uGLL V11 1 GLryG J)

ipk-e Gies M1ain Speech, Attributing
Michig'an'sD Iefeat Last Week

1923, Professor Reeves was apponn
To Inspired Team
to serve on the commission which r
.drafted the provisions to be consideredA
by the conference next spring. 4,000 STUDENTS ATTEND
For three months beginning Jan 3, 1
1927, Dean Edmund E. Day of the Dd
School of Business Administration Declaring that Lloyd's run of 99
will engage in social science research 1 yards for a touchdown against Col-
work in New York city for the Laura gate university on Oct. 23 was the
Spellman Rockerfeller Memorial foun- play that inspired the Navy to beat
dation. Michigan last week,, and that this
Martha Guernsey of the psychology Michigan teek, nd thatoths
department was granted leave for the same Michigan team is now thorough-
second semester with possible ex- ly changed with an inspired determi-
tension of absence for the first semes- nation to complete the season without
ter of 1927-28 to work with Wolfgang 'a defeat, Harry Kipke, Michigan's
Koehler under a social science re- nine letter man, gave 4,000 students a
search fellowship at the University of determination to back their team to
Berlin. the limit in the future, and next Sat-
Sabbatical leaves for the second se- urday in particular, as the outcome
mester were granted to Prof. John of the pep meeting held last night in
Van der Brook of the engineering me- Hill auditorium.
chanics department; Prof. Edward L. I Kipke's speech was one of the high
Adams of the modern languages de- points of the program. In speaking
partment; Prof. Francis L. Schneider of Lloyd's 99 yard run, he declared,
of the engineering English depart- "that was the event that marked the
ment; and Prof. Clare Griffin of the change of morale of the Navy team.
business administration school. Pro- In the last two minutes of play, with
fessors Van der Brook and Adams will! Colgate leading 7 to 6, and with the
travel- and study abroad during their ; ball in Colgate's possession on Navy's
absence from the University. Prof. one yard line and three downs to go,
Walter W. Tupper of the botany de- the Navy rooters were as gloomy as
partment has been granted leave to could be. However, a minute later
study the microscopic structure of with the game won as a result of a
wood at Yale university. ' fumble and a long run, Navy had an
Gift of $10,000 from Mrs. A. S. Boal inspired team and inspired rooters,
of Oakland, Calif., for the establish- which lasted throughout the week and
ment of the Robert Campbell Gimmell I beat Michigan. Taken as man to man,
Memorial scholarship was accepted at the Michigan team was twice as good
last night's meeting. as the Navy," he continued, "but with
Four fellowships which will carry the inspiration that the rooters and
stipends totaling $3,250 for 1926 were the team had, it was impossible to
received from the Association of Na- h beat them." This sort of inspiration
tional Gasoline Manufacturers, Tulsa, that the Navy team had, he urged
for the encouragement of research in Michigan students to inject into the
the petroleum field. Funds were also team in all future games.
provided by the association to equip "Bob" Brown, captain of Michigan's
a motor fuel laboratory here which 1925 championship team declared that
will be used under the direction of no team in the country can put up the
Prof. G. G. Brown of the engineering record that Michigan can, which is
college. due largely to the famous and pro-
A gift of $200 was received from ; verbial Michigan spirit. He contrasted
Charles G. Coit of Chicago for the es- the effort put forth by a member of
tablishment of a memorial loan fund the football team in comparison to
for medical students, in honor of his that of the ordinary student on the
father Charles W. Coit. In his coin- campus, and then urged that students
munication to the Regents, Mr. Coit I make up the difference by their en-
announces his intenion of adding to thusiasm and inspired spirit. He also
the' fund each year. Donation of $500 asked more cooperation of the stu-
was received from the Frederick dents in the. matter of the cheering
Stearns company, Detroit, for me- section.
morial fellowships which will be "Michigan students are largely
granted to encourage investigation of responsible for the Navy victory of
the problems of insulin. last week," said Fred Glover, '27,
Delbert G. Half of Kansas City pre- captain of the golf team. "Due to the
sented the University with valuable success of our team in the past, it has1
Mexican Indian idols found in the become a certainty with the students
ruins of Mitla in the Mexican state of tha' the team would win in the future.

''Wer Against War" To Be Subject Of
Third Talk In Oratorical
Association Series
Will H. Irwin, war correspondent
and magazine writer and editor, will
give the third lecture of the Oratorical
association series at 8 o'clock Monday
night at Hill auditorium. His subject
will be "The War Against War."
Mr. Irwin, began his career as a re-
porter on a San Franciso paper. After
two years experience there he went to
New York where he became a reporter
on the New York Sun, and in 1904 he
was made managing editor of Mc-
Clures Magazine. When he severed
his connections with this magazine in
1906 he became a general magazine
writer and in 1914 was one of the first
war correspondents sent abroad.
He, with Irvin S. Cobb and John T.
McCutcheon, was the first English
speaking prisoner captured by theI
Germans. After his release by the
German general staff he continued hisj
work in the field and he was black-
listed by the French and British arm-
ies for his story of "Ypres." Lloyd
George later permitted him to re-enter
the field when it was learned that his
story was truthful.
After the war he stayed in the Ruhr
as correspondent and also wrote his
best known book, "The Next War."
He has contributed frequently to
magazines and periodicals since his
return from Europe.
First Showing Of "Tea For Three" To
Be Given In Mimes Tonight

Freshmen To Meet In Front Of Union
Sophomores Asked To Assemble
At Gymnasium
Rules and the system of scoring for
the annual Fall games between the
freshmen and sophomore classes,
which will be held tomorow morning
at South Ferry field, were announced
yesterday. Rules governing the con-
test will be the same as last year, al-
though the scoring will be slightly
different tomorrow.
The pillow fight will be the first
I event on the program. Two teams of
five men each will participate. Five
wooden horses, six feet in height, will
be used, the event to be run off in two
heats. A freshman and sophomore
will oppose each other, sitting on
either end of the horse, the object
being to knock the opponent off the
horse by swinging the pillow. The
event will count one point for the
class having the majority of winners,
I the issue to be decided by a play-off
j between the two class captains in case
of a tie.
Cane Spree Is Next
The second event will be the cane
spree. Two teams of five men each
will participate, as in the pillow fight,
the object being to wrestle the three-i
foot hickary stick from the opponent's
hands. The class having the majority
of winners will receive one point, as
in the first event, the captains, or two
picked men, settling the contest in
case of a tie.
All members of both classes will,
take part in the final event, the flag
rush. Three poles, 26 feet high, and
stationed 30 feet apart will be used.
The freshmen will guard the poles
from mass rushes of the second year
men who will try to remove the flag
from the top of each. The event will
be divided into two ten-minute halves,
the sophomores scoring a point for
each flag removed, and the freshmen
receiving a point for each flag not
taken down during tie Iprescribed
time of play. A total of three points
for one of the classes is possible in
this event, or five points for the en-
tire program.
Require Tennis Shoes
Tennis shoes must be worn by every
student taking part in the games, and,
no one will be permitted to partici-
pate who is not equipped with these.
Members of the Student council,
Sphinx, Triangles and "M" men will
act as officials during the contests.
Badges will be distributed to these
men at 9:30 o'clock at the Union. Earl
Blaser, '27, will be in charge of the
Freshmen will assemble in front of
the Union at 9 o'clock, and sopho-
mores will meet in front of Waterman
gymnasium at the same time. The
parade down State .street to the field
will start at 9:30 o'clock the program
being scheduled to start promptly at
10 o'clock.4

Crego Elected To
Lead Freshmen In
Annual Fall Event
Walter B. Crego was elected class
captain for the annual Fall games by
more than 600 freshmen who as-
sembled at the Union last night fol-
lowing the pep meeting in Hill audi-
torium. Talks by E. E. Fleischman
of the public speaking department and
by Lester F. Johnson, '27L, president
of the Union were also made.
Mr. Fleischman, speaking on "Men
and Boys", urged the gathering that,
through the organized games, they
might develop a form to which they
would look back as one of their fine
things and to which they could be
true in future life. Only by making
mistakes and profiting therefrom can
university etiquette be learned; by
organized class games, he pointed out,
can the freshman find himself by mak-
ing the least mistakes.
Earl Blaser, '27, explained the fea-
tures of next Saturday's interclass
conflict, of which he will have charge.
Johnson spoke in place of George
Rich, '29, Varsity football player who
was unable to speak.
Sophomore Groups
Select Committee
And Class Officers
Kenneth Holmes was elected presi-
dent of the sophomore architectural
class yesterday by a majority of 20
votes over Virginia Gies. Holmes
polled 31 votes against 11 for his op-
Miss Gies was unanimously chosen
vice-president of the class. Marshall
Rouse was elected treasurer, and Har-
riet Stone was chosen for the office of
Following the regular class election,
Donald Steinbach and Edmund Hillier
were elected to the committee in
charge of the Architect's May party.
In the sophomore pharmacy elec-
tions, Walter Malloy was elected pres-
ident of the class.
The remaining officers are as fol-
lows: Mary Brown, vice-president;
Lewis Sylvester, treasurer; and Dor-
orthy Campbell, secretary . All offi-
cers in the class were chosen unani-
Ishpeming Disaster
Costs 51 Lives; One
Escapes From Trap
(By Associated Press)
SISHPEMING, Nov. 4.-Snow was
laying a mantle of white mourning to-
night over the ugly crater left by the
cave-in that caused America's greatest
iron mining disaster here Wednesday.
Fifty-one perished when the Barnes-
Hecker mine caved in and the pass-
ages were filled with water and
quicksands. Only one man escaped
the death trap.
The cave-in left a yawning hole,
considerably sunken from the former
level and about 300 feet long and 200
feet wide. This was filling with water
today, a clear pool over the greater
part, but a murky, gloomy black scum
covered another considerable area.
The cave-in occurred a quarter mile
east of the mine's shaft.
It was learned late today by the
Associated Press that the cave-n was
absolutely without warning, almost an
unprecedented mishap. There usually
is either a lack of pressure on mine
timber, showing they are not properly
supporting the over-burden, or a
crack, which causes partial flooding
or excessive water. Neither occurred
in this instance, mine experts showed.
The men in the mine, 51 employees
of the company, and County Mine In-
spector William Hill, had no warning
whatever. There was a great crum-



William Lyon Phelps
Lampson professor of English at
Yale, who will speak on "What is
Truth" at the last of the fall series of
student convocations Sunday in Hill
Lecture To Be Fifth An4 Final One
Of Series Instituted By
Student Council
"What Is Truth" is the subject that
has been selected by William Lyon
Phelps, Lampson professor of Eng-
lish at Yale, who will give the address
at the fifth student convocation next
Sunday in Hill auditorium. The serv-
ice will bring the fall convocation
series to a close.
Editor, author and authority in the
field of English literature, Professor
Phelps has established a wide reputa-
tion during the past few years. Re-
cently he has been serving as minister
E near Huron City, Mich., during the
summer vacation periods.
The Yale professor will arrive in
Ann Arbor Sunday morning and will'
be the guest of Dean G. W. Patterson
of the engineering college during his
stay here. Dean Patterson is a Yale
graduate, entering there the year be-
fore Professor Phelps left. Dean Pat-
terson received his degree in 1884,
while the Yale professor was grad-
uated in 1887.
John Snodgrass, '28E, chairman of
the Student council committee on cop'
vocations, will preside at the service
Sunday. The soloist will be H. Wil-
lard Reninger, grad., while Dalies
Frantz, '30, will again be at the organ.
List Many Rooms
For This Weekend
Outside rooms available for the
weekend of the Wisconsin game, have
reached a total of more than 204, it
was announced yesterday by the room-
I ing committee of the Union.
Students desiring to engage rooms
are urged by the rooming committee
chairman to do so as early as possible
in order to avoid confusion the latter
part of the week.
Members of the committee will be
on hand from 2 to 5 o'clock every
afternoon at the side booth in the
Union lobby.

Will Speak Before Prince Of Wales
In House Of Lords And In
Five Universities
As the eighth lecturer occupying
the Sir George Watson chair of Ameri-
can history, literature and institu-
tions in British universities, Prof.
Claude H. Van Tyne of the history de-
partment will go to England next
spring at the invitation of the Watson
committee chairman. His leave of
absence was granted at the meeting
of the Board of Regents last night.
Professor 'Van Tyne's first lecture
will be in the chamber of the House of
Lords in the presence of. the Prince
of Wales. Five others will be given
in the prominent universities. The
"It should be a source of grati-
fication to all Michigan that Pro-
f fessor Van Tyne has been chosen
to deliver the Sir George Watson
lectures for next year. To hold
this lectureship., which i under
the patronage of the Prince of
Wales, is one of the highest
academic honors In the field of
American history. It is there-
fore with the greatest pleasure
J and pride that the announcement
of Professor Van Tyne's appoint-
ment ,is made public at this
chair was founded by Sir George Wat-
son, Bart., in 1921, being the first lec-
tureship in American history to be es-
tablished in the British Isles.
Bryce FirstSpeaker
The inaugural lecture of the series
was given in 1921 by the late Viscount
Bryce. Since that time, ex-president
Hadley, of Yale university; Nicholas
Murray Butler, president of Columbia
university; Prof. A. F. Pollard, of
University college, London; Sir Ro-
bert Falconer, president of Toroito
university; and R. M. McElroy, Harms-
worth professor of American history
at Oxford university and formerly
head of the history department at
Princeton university, have given the
State Purpose
The purpose stated by the founder
was to "assist in creating in Great
Britain" a wider knowledge of
America, and of its history, literature,
and political, eucational, and social
institutions, thereby knitting more
closely together the bons of comrade-
ship between the two great English-
speaking democracies, upon whose
goodwill and friendship the peace
of the world depends;"
It was originally intended that the
chair be named in honor o the Prince
of Wales, but he, in a letter express-
ing his appreciation of the foundation,
requested that it be given its present
Muir To Lecture
On Parliamentary
Government Decay
Prof. Ramsay Muir, former lcturer
in modern history at Owens ollege,
7 Manchester, and liberal member of

Parliament, will lecture on "The De-
ray of Parliamentary Government" at
4:15 today in Natural Science auditor-
ium. Professor Muir was educated at
[university College in Liverpool and
was later a lecturer there. He was
a member of the Calcutta University
commission from 1917 to 1919.
Among the several publications by
Professor Muir are "Peers and Bureau-
crats", 1910; "Britain's Case Against
Germany", 1915; "Making of Britis
India", 1915; and "The Expansion of
Europe", 1917. His works are noted
for their condensation and effective
Professor Muir, while in America,
will deliver several lectures at uni-
versities in the East and Middle West.
He will address the Academy of Poll-
ticl Science Nov. 17.
FThe Chimes business staff is in
need of a few second-semester
I rmen or Rnhomrnni'.a The

Tickets for the Comedy club play,
"Tea for Three," which will be given
at 8:30 o'clock tonight and tomorrow
night in the Mimes theater, are sell-
ing rapidly, according to the com-
mittee in charge, although there are
still a number of good seats remain-
ing for both performances.
The play, which is the first new one
presented in the Mimes theater thus
far this year, will be the first of the
four to be given this year by the
Comedy club, and the last production
in the Mimes theater until after the
Christmas holidays when the Opera
returns from its trip.
The play, "Tea for Three," is one
f lnnthn R CTtfr M~i uac too


Folk Songs, Ballads Will Feature
Program Of Singers Tonight
As the second number of the annual
Choral Union concert series the Eng-
lish singers, noted for their rendition1
of folk songs and ballads, will appear
tonizi.i hin Hill auditorium.


Regent L. L. Hubbard was appointed
with Regent Junius E. Beal to attend
the meeting of an association of i
regents and trustees to be held at
Madison, Nov. 11 and 12.
Phi Delta Kappa To
Hold Rites Tonight
Phi Delta Kappa, honorary educa-,
tional fraternity, will hold) its annual
fall initiation tonight, at the Union.
Dean Willis Uhl, of the school of edu-
cation at the University of Wisconsin
will be the speaker at the banquet
after the initiation.
PARIS.-The largest waterplane in
the world is being tested at St. Naz-
aire. It has five engines, giving a
total of 2,100-horse power.

oz We not oope Aleg UesDes
W Uh no heart in their yelling, and 1 known as well as one of his latest,
an indifferent attitude, it can be ex- being written in 1918. It ran a whole
po,'ted that the student body did not year in New York. It is a comedy of
inject a fighting inspiration into the American life.
team for the Navy game. The team The author is one of the best known
cannot keep itself on edge all of the of the younger American playwrights,
time and it requires help from their and has ben connected with the theater
supporters to attain an inspired frame since 1912, when his first play, "The
of mind for every game. Unlucky Star," was produced. SinceI
The Michigan spirit is not dead," then he has been identified with "Pot-
lhe declared, "it is just asleep, and the ash and Perlmutter in Society" in
I Navy defeat will do more to awaken 1915 and in 1916 he collaberated with
it than six 54-0 victoies." t ' Irvin S. Cobb in "Seven Chances."
Prof. Thomas H. Reed, of the poll- Thtiktslwicoiuehrg-
tical sicence epartment closed the Theticket sale il continuecthrough-;
ticl scene dpatmet cose th lout today at the box office of the
program of speaking with atribute to I Mimes theater and reservations may
Michigan. "The team can be defeated, be made by calling the Union and hav-
but Michigan spirit can never be de- in tiksheduiloig.Te
feated," he declared. "University ing tickets held until tonight. The
loyalty is the parent of all loyalty, and seats are priced at 50 and 75 cents.
there is no defeat for Michigan spirit T
which inspires this loyalty. Spirit REPUBLICANS GET
will lift the team to everlasting HOUSE MAJORIT Y
loyalty." HOUSE MAJITY
NEW YORK, Nov. 4..-The political

The English singers have a reper-
I toire in which all their songs are sung
in English, their program consisting
of folk songs, ballads, and madrigals,
many of them three centuries old.
The six singers seat themselves in-
formally around a table and their
numbers are' all rendered in a style
designed to recall the banquet halls.
of the Elizabethan period when the
assembled guests entertained them-
selves by singing largely the same
songs which the company will sing
Cheering, music and a speech will
be featured at a pep meeting which
will be held at 7:15 o'clock tonight in
the Union tap room, it was announced
by the tap room committee yesterday.
A similiar meeting was held in the

bling sound within the earth, and a ! Ann Arbor residents having addi-'
trembling. Carbide lamps were un- tional rooms available for the Wiscon-
doubtedly extinguished by the terrific sin game are also asked to call the!
blasts of air forced along the passages rooming committee at the Union.
by the cave-in. The cave-in also short i I
circuited the underground trolley, or h
tram wires, putting all underground English Coal Pe ce
electric lights out of commission and f
depriving the hoists and cage of Seen In Conference

Leeds Professor j
Will Open Series
Of Lectures Here
. Speaking upon the subject of the
"Conduction of Electricity Through
Gases," Prof. R. Whiddington, D. S. C.,
F. R. S., director of the physical1
laboratory of Leeds, England, will!
open a series of two lectures in the
west lecture room of the old physics
building at 4:15 o'clock today. The
second and concluding lecture will be

(By Associated Press)
LONDON, Nov. 4.-Peace in the coal
fields is in sight. It has not yet come,
but it is distinctly nearer to the medi-
ation of the council of - the trades
union congress and various more or
less secret conferences held betweenj
the interested parties in the last fewj
The ground is more favorable for
peace, because, although the miners
have failed to induce their brother
( unions to place an embargo on coal
movements or make a fourth levy to
help the strike, the trades union con-
gress has shown its good will by vot-
10,000 pounds from its funds to help
t na minnvorr +iha .otl am nt andAby


tap room two weeks ago following the
pep meeting in Hill auditorium.

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