THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1929 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN a x a.u AVAANva ~T'HURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 192G TI-IF MTCHIGAN DAILY L if-A fl i ir!. ABOLITION OF ALL SHIFT PLAYS MAY TO DEFEND TITLE INTERSECTIONAL GAMES GIVE WAY TOIl IiIhigut lail BECOME NECESSARY COACH STAGG -CONTESTS AMONG TRADITIONAL FOES4Ia s-ifti rtiii jWANTE (Continued from Page 6) igame.-P (By Associated Press) there have come this fall reports of club, and Craig and Klintworth of De- (By Associated Press) impressive lead over the South and If you are a telephone subscriber call WANTED CHICAGO, Nov. -3.-Coach A. A. difficulty in keeping shifts within the troit high schools. Wagner and Klint- I NEW YORK, N:>v. 3.-There will be Midwest, for Yale rules a strong fav- will be charged. s locatiol Stagg, of the University of Chicago, ilaw against a team being i nmotion worth gained second and third places only two Eastern flares in the inter- orite over Maryland, while Willia T classify all wants ads under appropriate hea- rich at before the ball is passed back. in this event last year .sectional gridiron strife this week-end and Mary is not expected to seriously ings and to revise or withhom "niectionable one of the veterans of the game, "It seems a shame to deny the of- Shorr, of the Varsity team, should tt rtCs.e bis t hiy fensive team some freedom of forma- not encounter much opposition in the a ad it .eseiteteen eleven which found itself last week ing publication. Notice of any ecror must be game. "I wouldn't liketo see that happention and compel it to adopt mold for breast stroke and will attempt to set of the stage with these inteest cen- in a sensational victory over Cornell. CASH RATEnS . 5917. "I it t cme" ta sai in c-h its attack," said Stagg. "Such a limi- a new record in the event. Besides ters in the struggle being between Next week, however, there will be a Ten cents per readting line (oonhe basis or ienting on a move being currently tation would seriously hamper the these stars, there will be many others Hrvard and Princeton at Cambridge fresh outbreak of warfare between insertions. discussed in the Western Conference team with the ball and probably make entered in the open events. iand Pennsylvania against Penn State outstanding contenders for national Ninemcents per reading line for three or more at Wis as a possibility of the next rules com- the game less interesting. I at Philadelphia. honors with Army and Notre Dame casiedreceived at the Iaily officea95 mittee session. "There doesn't seem to be any other however, except to abolish the shift Indications are that in other con- unlimbering their guns here in one in The ress Building on aynard Street. From various parts of the country' change in the present rule possible,, entirely." tests the East will add to its already of the major battles of the. campaign. Special sCONTRACTrates v I sANTET t21716. WANTED --Two tickets. for Wisconsin hone 9132. 531 Third St. 33 )-Two Wisaco sin tickets any n, preferably together. Hed- 7038. 33 )-Tickets for Wisconsin Call Dodd, Buck or Taylor, 33-34-36 a-Stildents to sell arm bands consin and Qhio State games. 68. 33 D-Four tickets for Wiscon- Me, together or in pairs. Call 33-34-35 FOR RENTs FOR RENT-Fine three room and four room furnished apartments. WANTED-Two tickets for the 'Ohio game. Call 3. H. Wiener, 9217. f33. 34-35 WANTED-'Tickets for Wisconsin and Ohio games. Call Doench or Grim- shaw. Dial 5909. 33-34-35 4 Good location, moderate rent. Mr. Moran 8805 or 21467. Call' N .7 I The "G and K Special" we call it! UndeM- ably the outstanding translation of the college man ideas-of his tastes-of his preferences! FOR SALE FOR SALE-A Nash Co. Suit, Over- coat or Topcoat, marde to measure, $23.00. Guaranteed ft. Phone 21073. 32-33-34 FOR SALE-"Turkish Towel," a real Victor record; "Monte Carlo Joys." Schaeberle and Son Music House, 110 S. Main. tf. FOR SALE-Tuxedo, size 38 cheap. Phone 3478. 31-32-33 FOR SALE-Hear "Chick, Chick, Chicken" on Victor record, by Ted Weems and his orchestra. Schae-' berle and Son Music House, 110 S. Main. tf FOR SALE-Hear Paul Whiteman's new Victor record, "Trudy." Schae- berle and Son Music H-ouse, 110 S. Main St. tf FOR SALE-Latest model Remington Portable typewriters. A limited num- ber of used portables. For free dem- onstration phone 3489. FOUN~D FOUND-A man's watch on corner of Cambridge and Baldwin. Phone 9828. 33-34 LOST WANTED-A room for Friday, Satur- day nights for mother and daughter near Cambridge and Olivia. Phone 5618. H. Adler. 33-34-35 WANTED-Wisconsin ticket and $9.75 for new Radiola III. plus tubes and headphones. Only five left. Tisch, 323 Thompson. Phone 5665. 33-34-35 WANTED-2 or 4 tickets for Wiscon- sin game. Call 5474. 33-34-35 WANTED-Six tickets for the Ohio State game. Phone 3058. 33-34 WANTED-A college woman. Apply at once, Foster's tea room, 215 S. State. 33 WANTED-2 tickets together for Wis- consin game. Call 21900. 33-34-5 WANTED - Tickets for Wisconsin game. Promises will do. Dial15618, ask for M. Baer. 32-33-34 WANTED-Tickets for Wisconsin- Michigan game. Dia1 4779. 32-33-34 WANTED-Two tickets for Wiscon- sin game. Phone 7086. 31-32-33 WANTED-Two or three O. S. U. game tickets. Dial 9588. 31-32-33 WANTED-A-student girl to work for room and board. Call 21588. tf WANTED STUDENTS to know that Sam pays from $5 to $25 for old suits and overcoats. 121 E. ANN DIAL 4306 tf The complete list of November rec- ords are now in stock at Alimendin- ger's Music Shop, 305 Maynard. 33 The overwhelming favorite of the "inner circles" at the foremost universities-both east and west. Originated by and developed for you men right here at Michigan. A brilliant suc- cess, widely imitated -but never duphlcate . 0 Certain definite, yet indefinable character- iStics of the "G and K Special"-its uncom- Monly smart cut, well balanced with that -'rn c;P-r ati i e. that dil nied toucl aiways -se LOST-Glasses in a small silk bag, near Foster's, Nov. 1st. Call Adele Ewell, Phone 3881. 33-34 LOST-Log Log Duplex Slide Rule, in room 223. "Strome" printed on case, also monogramed. Dial 6950. W C. Strome. 33 LOST-At Sigma Chi house party, blue overcoat made by Spinaler- Scholz, Detroit. Call H. H. Bullock, 548 S. State. Phone 6417. - 33-34-35 LOST-A black silk and gold purse, Friday, Oct. 29, near Hill auditor- ium. If found, return to 237 S. Ingalls. Reward. 32-33-34 LOST-A black hand bag containing clothing. Initials E. C. C. on shirts.' Phone 6617. 32-33-34 LOST-On third floor of Library, an Elgin watch, small size, white gold finish, with fob attached. Finder please call 22131 or leave in Grad- uate Reading Room No. 1. 32 un-V - * -- - - sociated with the well dressed college man clothes-the total absence of freakish or bizarre FORD SALES AND SERVICE - . :, eects, - -usnbeet e- atese effects, of questionable extremes -all.IVthese, 1925 FORD, two-door, 5 balloon tires, upholsteringI motor A-1. TWO FORD COUPES, rubber, upholstering in shape, motor A,. good good, new good, I illiustrate admirably why Harvard, Yale and Princeton have and approved th so enthusiastically accepted "G and K Special" as the final word in college styles. ,.. Come in and inspect this smartest of all college styles-in a wide variety of exclusive fabrics from the finest foreign and domestic looms. Our prices range from fifty-two to eighty dollars-but the chances are two to one that you'll see just what you want at LOST-K. & E. Log-Log slide rule. Initials H. L. P. on case. Finder please phone 5368 and ask for "Herb." Reward. 32-33-34' LOST-Six months' old gray kitten. Reward. 912 Forest. Dial 21639. 32-33-34 LOST-Gold cloth cain purse in or near Barbour Gym. Reward. Fin- der dial 4329. 32-33 LOST-Tuesday, on campus, Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity pin. Initials M. S. K. on back. Dial 3540. 32-33-34 LOST-Person who found leather pocketbook Tuesday, October 26, call 3193? or return. Reward. 32-33-34 WANTED WANTED-Ohio State game tickets. Please call L. Shearman 3193. 31-32-33 WANTED-Garage near 1319 Cam- bridge. Phone 5618. Ask for Mann. 33-tf WANTED-Expert marcelling and wa- ter waving. Loretta Beauty Shoppe, 300 S. State. Dial 21410. 33-34-35 WANTED-Two tickets for Wisconsin game. Call L. Duprow after 7 p.m. 8533. 33-34 WANTED-Wisconsin game! Wanted to exchange good seat in EE for one in I or J. Dial 8561. 33-34 WANTED-One ticket for Michigan- Wisconsin game. Call Betty Cutter, Phone 21058. 33-34 1925 FORD TOURING, uphol- stering good, motor A-1, and 5 balloon tires. We also have a few Fords un- der $100.00 in good mechanical condition. Drop in and look them over at H. S. Platt. 31-33-41 SUITS AND OVERCOATS-Very reas- onable prices, tailored or ready- made. We have a wonderful vari- ety of patterns. Repairing -also a specialty. Beautiful fabrics for your winter overcoat. WILD THE TAYLOR 109 E. Washington Phone 5069 21 eod tf EXPERIENCED piano and pipe organ teacher. Emma Fisher. Cross, for- mer faculty member School of Mu- sic and pupil of Lechetiky of Vienna. Studio, Apt. 8, 610 E Lib- erty. Phone 3566. lleodtf VACATION ACCOMPLISHMENT ! Ambitious student, Mir. E. W. S., Lit. '27, with our co-operation .first semester, earned in vacation $295.70, and in addition, on Sept. 30th,,received profit-sharing check of $73.92. Stu- dents needing money, or merely wish- ing elemental business training will be afforded uncommon opportunities. Renowned national manufacturer- with convenient local branch ofilee. Call 209 S. State St., Suite 5. Dial 9592. 29:tf. To see best of 50 lines clothing drop card to 1103 E. Washington. Phone 6365 evenings. $22 to $30. tf TUTOR-Graduate student will take students in elementary Latin and French. Call J. E. Davis 3764. i 31-32-33 ( %52 7' . ;zf r' GREEWODndKILGORB IUpstairs Over Calkins-Fletcherl 1111111llalltlttl~tllttHFVTS !#tallllltt1 1PfI 11.1011111t1tI