P'AGE TWO. HRDY OEBR4 0( THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, Z 4, 1926 :IflflIIT°°L NomineeAT THEDETROT THEATRES1 D ~ d r U d a 4fe ats S n B t e H B N S tELLE N ight s 5 c o $15 [C [ [ [jPLAYHOUSE 50c and 75c. A Golden Success niglsh Professfor Will 'balk On rihysteR-Of :Electricity Friday After- noon And Saturday Morningx G ARRICT? SU BEGINNING WIL:XPAN ESSAn Intimate, Pulsating ILL EPLAIN7 EST I lusical Reuey Pr. R vdington, Cav endish A ~' TeGrikGite z AbToater Guild SuceetsWith roessor pf ?ph -iso h nvriySuperb Cast and'ExcptiInl of Leed giajnd, will deliver the first ~~Cou of two I es upon the "Conduction !SHU BE RT LAFAY ET'TE of Electricity throigli Gases" in the Laaet-tShlySre west lecture rboom() the old Physics: S NGO.H building at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow. = 4r ? A O G O H The secon~d lecture. will be given Sat- CF A E urday, Nov. 6, at 10 o'clock. Great developments in. this par-X ticular field were made bySirJ. J.I TESSA KOSTA Thomnpson, :kno*wn as the "father of Scenery by Josef Urban the electron theory," through his re- search at Cavendish laboratory of !CA SS THEATER I Cambridge universit y. Sir Thompson 1Vet atWaTROd.IxooI evo~v'k , electron theory of matter TH C froi ; . studies, which made poMsiBlc- V!TH AGABOND I th l't~'great advance in electrical, - PANAD Z. VAL5I I K N rfne( industries that include,l Based on Justin Hluntley NeCartliy's pow pr~ o w;.p~er high lines, the; Former Democratic Senator from1Roac radio, too E l'ctri VW8I 1 -.11i~ . 'Massachusetts, wlho vas elected to fill "F 'RoEaNce ° _ - - that position again, Tuesday, winning, Subrscribe'for ihe Itigan Daily, over Sin. William M. Butler, Patronize Daily Advertisers. * Thursday-Friday Chias. Hoyt's Comedy "A TRIP TO CHINATOWN" Sunday "THlE JOIINSTOWN FLOOD1" l Note :-We D)o Not Use Tear G"as I RA FA j3lankets,, mommomram A443 a ni k J1 I -o- Sri ~-THE HOME-THE CAR i -THE GAME --THE COTTAGE i Whitney Tileatre Wed. Nov. 10th (YAnied . , atn Finetsr3 (Bsda ia sos aespSeler) "1keNatiohal Gate It IMAUXOLS COMEDY OF THlE WCRULYS GREA:h5A . NOTE-This is the Chicago Com- pany and Ann Arbor is one of the few smaller cities 'getting this attraction. Mail orders now. Lower floor, $2.75 Balcony, $1.10, $1.65, $2.20 Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. GR tAT L E 4 I i t i I I I 1 ALL THISWE r. i Musingwea fir i I MEN -WOMEN -CHIL: :-Nolv Is The Time DREN 4 0 STARTING TODAY 40%0%0 ----------------------------------------- Now SHOWING. I MLLEN" ' SUSY STORE 111 S.9 Mai~n St.Phox'e 9 511 i .; ., ... .. - V '4r j~OP hS4LAA . I I I I IFI READ THE WANT ADS ' m Read The Daily "Classified" Columns . a' Y4 : I r i ,1 ,r i I *1 AHIGH romance of an acc of cads who wears his sins as nonchalantly, as. his 'monocle. How you fans-and especially the ladies-love this debonair, stave, polished, peculiarly clever gentle- in Ian who never kisses a lady until he fmaqkes her want to be kissed! From the Story by Michael' Arlen -t t9