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November 04, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-11-04

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Republican Congressiona Candidates
In Michigan Elected With
Large Majorities
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 3.-The shadow
of an insurgent hand on the control
lever of the new Congress took in-
creasing shape tonight with slowly
mounting election returns.
As far and near districts sent in
their belated votes the Democratic in-
roads into the working majority of the
Republican party had reached such
proportions that it became certain
that the Western insurgents would
hold the balance of power in the
Senate and possible in the House.
Besides gaining seven of the nine
seats constituting the Republican
majority in the senate, the Democrats
reduce by 13 the present Republican
majority of 36 in the house.
Democrats Gain Goverorshlip
These gains, added to the capture
of the governorship in two normally
Republican states, South Dakota and
Colorado, lifted the banner of De-
mocracy to the highest pinnacle it has
reached since the Wilson administra-
tion was returned to office 12 years
A number of senatorial, congres-
sional, and gubernatorial contests still
remained to be decided early tonight,
with Republican candidates having
the edge in the Senate fights in In-
diana, Oregon and California and the
Democrats far ahead in Kentucky.
Republican insurgents in Congress
not only held their own, but they ad-
ded two new members in the Senate
in Smith W. Brookhart of Iowa and
John J. Blaine of Wisconsin. With
the Republican majority reduced to a
bare two or three, this group will
hold a strategic position in the 70th
47 Democratic Senators
Leaving aside the four contests on
which the decisive returns are yet to
be received, the Democrats have
elected 14 senators and the Republi-
cans a like number. This gives the
Democrats a total of 47 in the new
Senate or two less than a majority,
while the Republicans have 43 and
are certain to elect a senator from
Maine on Nov. 29.
Should all four of the seats in di-
pute go to the major party it still
would fall one shy of a bare majority
in the new Senate and so Senator
Shipstead, Farmer-Labor, Minnesota,
would be placed in the position, the-
oretically at least, of controlling the
deciding votes on Senate organization
and on other matters.
DETROIT, Nov. 3.-The tide that
swept an entire, slate of Republican
candidates into state offices in the
general election Tuesday carried with
it a solid Republican congressional de-
legation from Michigan. Partially
complete returns today disclosed that
Republican candidates in every dis-
trict, walked away from their Demo-
cratic opponents with comparative
ease. Majorities of two and three to
one were the rule.
With two exceptions the Republi-
cans elected to congress were incum-
bents. Robert H. Claicy, who was
elected from the first district (Wayne)
as a Democrat in 1922, replaced Con-
gressman John E. Sosnowski. State

senator Frank P. Bohn, of Newberry,
won the seat held by Congressman
Frank D. Scott of Alpena.
NEW YORK, Nov. 3.-Returns from
yesterday's election in the North,
Atlantic states received today from
isolated districts showed no reversals
of early forecasts.
In New York the victory of Gov.
Alfred E. Smith for a fourth term be-


Illinois Senatorship IIC


> fP.N~k 'X3M1YT+

Newly elected Senator from Illinois,
who defeated George E. Brennan, the
Democratic "boss", and Hugh Magill,
Independent, who entered the cam-
paign following the "slush fund" in-
vestigations of his opponents.
Yale English Authority Will Give
Final Address Sunday; Has
Served As Minister
William Lyon Phelps, Lampson pro-
fessor of English at Yale university,
will bring the fall series of student
convocations to a close next Sunday
in Hill auditorium when he gives the
address at the morning services.
Sunday's program will be the fifth
convocation this semester under theI
auspices of the Student council and
Women's league.
Professor Phelps is well known
throughout the country as an editor
and author. At the present time he
conducts a column in Scribner's'
magazine, entitled "As I Like It", and
is in close contact with affairs in the
literary world.
Though not generally known, Pro-
fessor P'helps has displayed a keen
interest in religiousendeavors and
has been serving as minister near
Huron City, Mich., during his summer
vacations recently. He has also writ-
ten a number of books on religious
subjects, his two best known contri-
butions being "Reading the Bible",
and "Human Nature in the Bible".
Professor Phelps was born in New
Haven, was graduated from Yale in
!1887 and received his doctor's degree
there in 1U91. Since that time he has
been a member of the English faculty
at Yale.

Roumanian Room In New Fine Arts
Building Will Contain Royal !
Gifts When Completed
(By Associated Press)
MARY HILL, Wash., Nov. 3.-Queen
Marie dedicated the Mary Hill Mu-
seum of Fine Arts today in a dramatic.
address in which she explained that
her long journey from Roumania,
which reached its climax in the bare
cement hall of the museum was a mis-1
sion of love and understanding.
Referring to criticism of her visit,
Marie declared she would give no
other explanation of it. Her majesty!
touched also upon an undercurrent of!
adverse comment concerning her
friendship for Samuel Hill, founder
of the museum, and Miss Loie Fuller,
former dancer, and close friend of the
Hill she pictured as a dreamer and
worker whom she understood because,
"I, too, am a dreamer and worker."
The name of Loie Fuller, the Queen
said, "has often been slighted," addingI
that the former dancer gave me her
life in my hour of need," referring to
assistance rendered the Queen during
the World war.
"There is a dream built intoethis
place, a dream for today and espe-
c ially for tomorrow," Marie said in
dedicating the cold, unfinished walls
i of the square squat structure.
Many cases of gifts from Marie
which will occupy a Roumanian room
of the museum when it is completed
within a few years will be taken to
Seattle to await completion of the
building. With them will go other
presents from the French government,;
which was represented in the cere-
mony today by Albert Pirman, coun-
sellor of the state of France.
Queen Marie left Mary Hill for
Portland, Oregon, where she was to
be the guest of the city and attend the
Pacific-Northwest Horse show.
Need Of State Help
For Saving Forestsi
Stressed By Young

Beginnifng with Friday's issue
Tphe Daily will publish a series
of articles by prominent Univer-
sity authorities on the general
crime situation in the United
States. This subject will be
treated from different points of
view; that of attorney, the busi-
ness man, the sociologist, the
public official, the political scien-
tist, the physician or psychia-
trist,'and others. The first art-
icle will be by Prof. John R.
Waite, rational authority on
criminal law, of the Law school,
which will be published Friday.
Others will follow from day to

Gives Brief Survey Of Changes Which
Have Taken Place Since Start
Of Twentieth Century
Treating diathermy in particular and
all the ways of healing by means of
heat rays in general, Dr. Frantz
Nagelschmidt of Berlin, Germany,
spoke before a large audience in the
amphitheater of University hospital
last night. The occasion was the first
meeting of the clinical society, a body
of faculty and students. Dr. Lawrence
McCaffery, instructor in obstetricsf
and gynecology in the Medical school,
presided over the gathering and an-
nounced the plans for future meetings.
Dr. Preston M. Hickey, head of the
department of roentgenology, intro-
duced the speaker. Doctor Nagel-
schmidt is traveling throught the
country and giving courses of lec-
tures in many large cities. He is at
present in Detroit.
The visiting professor began by a
brief survey of the changes which
took place in the medical profession
with the beginning of the twentieth
century, placing special emphasis,
upon the introduction and develop-
ment of the patent medicine indus-
try. He stated that this turn of af-
fairs, with its accompanying fraudu-
lent measures, necessitated the bring-
ing in of new scientific measures with
which to combat it, and that physical
therapy was one of these measures
which came in for development. The'
importance of this branch of the sci-
ence was speedily recognized in Ger-
many and other continental countries,
but its advent into the United"States
was slower. One of the most impor-

State Mining Inspector And Officer
Trapped With Entire Shift On
Duty At Time Of Accident
(By Associated Press)
ISPHEMING, Mich., -Nov. 3.-Be-
twen 45 and 65 miners are believed to
have lost their lives when the bottom
of a swamp under which the Barnes-
Kecker iron mines near here have
been extended dropped into the shaft
Deepened by recent heavy rains, the
bottom of the swamp gave way and a
section 300 feet long and 200 feet wide
fell into the mine, trapping the men
at work.
Officials of the mine were checking
tonight to ascertain the exact number{
of men on duty at the time of the
disaster. From 45 to 65 are usually1
employed but it was not known if the
entire shift reported for duty today.
Inspector Trapped
W. E. Hill, a state mining inspector,
and William Tibbett, an official of the
mining company, were among those
trapped. They were inspecting thej
shaft at the time of the disaster. Of-
ficials of the state mine inspection
department at Lansing could not be
reached early tonight to ascertain if
s Hill's visit to the shaft was other than
a routine trip of inspection.
The disaster occurred shortly after
+-r ^1nnl +ha ftan Prcn

Willis Is Reelected
Senator From Ohio

Republican Senator from Ohio, who
was re-elected in Tuesday's election,
after a close race with former Sen.
Altee Pomerene.
Freshman Class To Assemble Tonight
At Union For Entertainment
After Pep Meeting

two o'ciock tnis a ternoon. rersons Meeting primarily to elect a class
reported hearing a terrific swishing
thud as the huge section of mud and captain for the annual Fall games,
water dropped into the pit. Rushing members of the Freshman class will
to the gaping mud hole, they reported 'gather at 8:30 tonight in the assembly
seeing the gushing flood swirl about hall of the Union immediately after
the first level 125 feet down and then
force itself through the outlet to the the pep meeting. Speeches, entertain-
next level. As the lower reaches ment, and cheering will also be in-
were flooded, muck arose again to .E. Fleishman of the public speak-
the top level and fed by the seepagelingdepartmentwilladdressthegroup
from the surrounding district tonight Ing"depaMenwladr egRoup
had flooded the entire mine as well on "Boys and Men", and George Rich,
as an adjoining shaft to which there '29, Varsity football player, will speak
was an outlet from the Barnes- on "Sportsmanship". Earl Blaser, '27,j
Kecker shaft. in charge of the traditional interclass
The Barnes-Kecker mine is 1,060 struggle, will explain the features of
has thro levels, The f 'ftgames to the assembly, in detail,
feet deep and has three levels. The '
swamp bottom dropped into the first an wl announce te rules and reg-
swam botom roped ito he frstulations, for the coming event.
level and slowly forced its way from Entertainment will be furnished i."2
one level to the next. the form of an exhibition wrestling
StnarthRescue Work match between Clifford Keen, Varsity
A score of mine rescue teams re-f wrestling coach, and Capt. Harold
sponded to first call for aid from Donohoe, '30M of the Wrestling squad,
near-by cities in the iron mining re- and by music and cheering. William
gion but were powerless to be of any V. Jefferies, '27 will preside at the
assistance. The mud flooded shaft was meeting, which is being held under
impossible of penetration two hours the auspices of the underclass depart-
after the cave-in occurred. ment of the Union.
Mine officials rigged up bailing ap-
paratus and made a start at driving
the water from the mine. They had Champion To Relate
not decided if they would continue
their attempts at clearing the shaft Intimate 1M emories
beyond the first level.
The Barnes-Kicker disaster prob-
ably will be the worst of its kind in
the Lake Superior mining region. Four
years ago 41 men were drowned in the Edouard Champion, acknowledged
Milford mine in this district under as France's greatest lover of books,
conditions similar to those of today's will speak at 4:15 o'clock next Mon-}
disaster. The drowning of 28 men day i4 Natural Science auditorium,
in the Mansfield mine near Crystal and also at 8 o'clock Monday evening
Falls about 25 years ago was the in Clement's library. M. Champion's
worst previous accident on the iron first lecture will have for its topic,
range. 1"Anatole France Intime," and the sec-

Glover Will Represent Student Body;
Varsity Band And Glee Club
To Aid Demonstration
Two Michigan captains of Confer-
rnce championship football tems will
address the Wisconsin pep meeting
at 7:30 o'clock tonight in Hill audi-
torium, it was announced last night
by George Stanley, '27E, chairman of
'the meeting. Robert Brown, '26, re-
presenting the alumni, and Harry
Kipke, '24, as representative of the
athletic association, are the two
former. Wolverines leaders who will
be on the speakers' program.
Prof. Thomas Reed, of the political
science department, will address the
assembly as the facuity representa-
All members of the Varsity
band are requested to report at
7:15 o'clock tonight at Hill audi-
torium, according to an annouce-
meat made last night by R. A.
1Campbell, faculty manager of the
I band. No uniforms are re
J quired.
I Members of the Varsity Glee
club are also requested to be at
J Hill auditorium at 7:15 o'clock
tonight for participation, with
the band, In the pep meeting.
The glee club will occupy the
first two rows of the main floor
Ias usual.
tive, and Fred Glover, '27, will speak
as representative of the student body.
Browen, who captained last year's
championship eleven, gave talks at
several pep meetings while attending
the University. Kipke, Michigan's
nine-letter athlete, who led the Yel-
low and Blue team to a Big Ten title
in 1923, has addressed many tradi-
tional gatherings since his graduation.
Professor Reed has been the faculty
speaker at pep meetings in the past.
The climax of his addresses at vai-
ous campus gatherings was reached
three years ago when he gained his
distinction of being the recipient of
the traditional Oil Can at the annual
Gridiron Knights banquet.
Glover is one of the senior mem-
bers of the student council and ca-
tamn of the Varsity golf team.
The Varsity band will be present to-
night to play at intervals throughout
the meeting. The Glee club will lead
the assembly in the singing of Michi-
gan songs. William Warrick, '27,
Varsity cheerleader, will lead cheers
Stanley will preside tonight during
the speakers' program.
If the expectations of the Student
council are fulfilled tonight, a capa-
city audience will occupy the audi-
torium. The average attendance at
every pep meeting in past years has
been 4,000. The fact that Michigan
was defeated last Saturday is expected
to attract even a greater number than
usual to the meeting as a mark of
loyalty and moral support to the team
in ist game with Wisconsin Satur-
day, is the belief of the council. The
gathering, which will be the second
I pep meeting of the year, was neces-
sarily scheduled for tonight due to the
fact that the auditorium is engaged
for tomorrow night.
Men students will gather at the
Union at 7:15 o'clock tomoroy night
for a demonstration and rally in the
tap room. A program of speakers and
i entertainment has been provided by
the Union house committee,

Cards of the University registra-
tion of automobiles, which have been
accepted by the committee, and a
number of pending applications which
lack parental consent or the drivers'
license number, are on hand at the
office of the Dean of Students. It is
urged that these be called for or the
necessary information secured Immie
diately for their acceptance by the
student committee on automobiles.

Debaters Prepare
For League C

Stressing the importance of state tant factors in this late recognition,
aid in preserving forests, Prof. L. J. in his opinion, was the disappointment
Young, acting head of the forestry I in the use of radium, also its accom-
department, addressed the members panying danger. The expected revo-
of the Forestry club last night. lutionizing of certain curative proces-
"Ohio has made the most advance- ses by means of radium failed to ma-
, terialize, and scientists were 'forced
ment," declared Professor Young,inorertoohrfels
describing the results of the expedi- Doctor Nagelschmidt dwelt on the
tion that visited the different nurse- development of hitherto unknown uses
ries and reservations of the Buckeye I of the X-ray and the ultra-violet ray.
state last week. "Demonstrations and--
research in forestry are being made Of these, he said, the one offering the
to convince private interests that it is greatest chance for research at pres-
to conviie privationterests hat ts et is that of curing mental diseases,
a business proposition and a means of the possibility of which is only sus-
obtaining wealth." Experiments are, pected. In regard to the use of the
also being carried on with trees of ultra-violet ray as it has been promul-
other countries and sections of the ga-edoetervysitoanyprous-
United States suchl as Japanese, Cor- gated extensively into many house-
sican, and Austrian pine, Norw I holdsandaboudoirs, he said that the.
sprce ndandfir. ustianpie, oray practice was in many cases distinctly1
spruce and firs. harmful in others, beneficial, all ac-
cording to the user, but that in any
First Of Comedies Icase more caution should be exercised
than at present. That the ultra-violet
process is especially practicable in the
r healing of wounds in a quicker and
On Fal Seres~ i more satisfactory manner was one of
Be Presented Soon the theoriesad'ad"


Members of the intercollegiate de-
bate class, from which the Varsity
team for the Central League debate
will be chosen, have started work on1
the definite points which will be used
in their cases for and against the
principle of governmental legislation
on the prohibition question.
. Mr. Gail E. Densmore of the public
speaking department, who has charge
of the class, is well pleased with the
material available, although no de-
finite teams have been chosen as yet.
Th, v'ork of the group thus far hasj
con.Aisted largely in debates between
temporary teams in an effort to find
I the best combinations.

" s

s " ' ~V W d ~u'

came even more apparent, when, wizh BKARiN I ELLU I (L!)
only 233 upstate districts missing he AS FINANCE IVEA D
had a plurality of 272,906 over his R- H
publican Ogden L. Mills.

As the first new production given Change Seats In
this year in the Mimes theater, the
Comedy club will present Roi Cooper C e
Megrue's comedy, "Tea for Three," at C ering Section
two performances, tomorrow and Sat-i
urday nights. This is the first of the! Owing to an error in cheering see-
series of four plays which will be tion ticket distribution, students hold-
given by the Comedy club this year. ing the following seats are requested
The cast of the play will contain to bring their tickets and yellow uni-
actors well known to local audiences, forms to William Warrick, Varsity
among them Minna Miller, '27, who cheerleader, 604 South State street, at
took part in several of the campus 5 o'clock today, to exchange uniforms
productions last year. Phyllis Lough- and tickets for the poper blue see-
ton, '28, noted for her work in "Great tion. The seats affected are as fol-
Catherine" last year, has directed the lows: Row 17, section E, seats 11 to
play. , 20; row 17, section F, seats 1 to 20;
Roi Cooper Megrue is one of the and row 17, section G, seats 1 to 10.
better known of the younger American All exchanged tickets will be in the
playwrights and has been connected cheering section, but in other loca-
with the theater since 1912, when his tions, due to the necessity of new color
first play, "The Unlucky Star," was distribution in the "M".
produced. Since then he has written
several successful plays, among them inn l-) n V I
(t~laTT i P-4-t~

Wisconsin's Band
h To Play At Game
AccordIng to a telegram received
by R. A. Campbell, faculty advisor of
the Varsity band, the Wisconsin band,I
consisting of 75 men, will arrive here
Saturday morning.
The members of the visiting organ-
ization will be met by a delegation
from the Varsity band, which will
escort them to the Union where the

Carl G. Brandt, instructor in publicj
speaking, has been appointed financial(
chairman of the Oratorical association
for the coming season. Mr. Brandt
replaces Prof. Richard D. T. Hollister
of the public speaking department
who has filled the position for many
years. Mr. Brandt was recently ap-
pointed to the Oratorical board by the
public speaking department to fill' a
vacancy caused by the resignation of
Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood.,
Professor Hollister will act this
year as chairman of the speakers'I
committee of the association and also,
plans an extension of the program for

ISHPEMING, Mich., Nov. 3.-Seven
bodies have been recovered from the
Barnes-Kecker mine, including that ofj
Capt. William Tibbett.
The seven bodies recovered tonight
had been stripped of their clothing
and some of them were mangled, with
arms and legs broken. Two of them
were hardly recognizable.
It was learned tonight that Captain
Tibbett had signaled to have the cage
sent to the third level a few moments
before the cave-in occurred. It is be-
lieved he signalled when he heard the
roar of water coming through the
. The seven bodies were found about
4,000 feet from, the Barnes-Kecker
shaft in a tunnel which connected that
mine, from its third level, with the'
North Lake mine. The men apparent-
ly had run for their lives, but were
overtaken by the torrent of mud and
water. Their bodies were washed
several hundred feet and were found'
.half-buried in mud.
The highest point reached by theC
water in the Barnes-Kecker shaft was!
about 250 feet from the surface and
at 8 o'clock tonight it had receded to
a level of about 186 feet.

ond address will be on "Personal
Recollections of Henry Vignaud."
Both lectures are to be in French.
The father of M. Champion, Honore,
was the successor of the bookseller
Thibaut, the father of Anatole France,
and young Edouard became a great
friend of the famous author and so
has many intimate recollections of
the man which he will relate in his
lecture Monday.
Frederick Asbeck was elected pres-
ident of the sophomore literary class
yesterday by a large majority over
James Duffield. Asbeck polled twice
as many votes as Duffield ,receiving
128 as compared to 64 for the latter.
' In the race for the vice-presidency,
Betty Van Antwerp was chosen for the
office by an overwhelming majority
Miss Van Antwerp received 146 votes
against 42 for Marie Hartwig.
John Knight was elected treasurer
of the class and Marion Reading was
chosen secretary. Knight defeated
Emmet Brown for the office of treas-
urer, receiving 103 votes against 74
for the latter. Miss Reading polled
107 votes as comnared to 78 for Ellen

"Potash and Perlmutter in Society" 1JutHaICy 1C eCU
in 1915, and in 1916 collaberated with For Tld Term
Irvin S. Cobb in "Seven Chances"
"Tea for Three" is one of his latest,
'having been written in 1918, and has, (By Associated Press)

Sophomore architectural class
at 4 o'clock in the lecture
room of the Parthenon.
Sophomore class of the School
E of, Education at 4 o'clock in
room 206 of Tappan hall.
1 Sophomore pharmacy class at

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