WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN EDDIOIl Final Drive Launched By Service Teams in Preparation For Big Game At Chicago L II(By Associated ress) games this week for the two struggles, NEW YORK, Nov. 2.--Army and with the Cadets opposing Franklin Delta Kappa Sigma advanced to the ATHENS, Ga., Nov. 2.-rEighteen Navy football elevens will plunge into Marshall and the future admirals semi-final round in the interfratern-I members of the University of G eorgia's the last half of the gridiron drive next meeting West Virginia Wesleyan. ity speedball tournament yesterday by first string football squad were in- Saturday with prospects of grappling Should the Navy add Yorktown to a defeating Phi Chi, 11-1. Kappa NuI definitely suspended from the team on Nov. 27 for the mythical champion- string of victims which already in- reached the quarter finals in the lower yesterday by Coach Woodruff for vio- ship of the East. eludes Princeton, Colgate, Michigani, bracket by winning from Phi Kappa. lation of training rules. Battles of Nov. 13 will measure the Drake and Purdue, and should the At 4:30 o'clock Thursday, Kappa Coach Woodruff said the men broke significance of the annual service West Point team bowl over Notre Nu will play Beta Theta Pi to de- training rules during Home-coming i teams' struggle. On that day the Dame, football critics feel that the termine who will meet Delta Sigma Day at the University last Saturday powerful Army eleven, which so easily Chicago classic would bring together Phi in the finals. The final game; and that he had not yet determined brushed. aside Yale, will face Knute the two most formidable service teams will be played next Monday.; whether he would permit the sus- Rockne's unbeaten Notre Dame team in the history of their gridiron rivalry.. The speedball games thus far haveI pended players to participate in any while the Middies will tackle York- been very closely contested and a closeI further games this season. town. Both will have preparatory Subscribe for The Michigan Daily, fight is expected in the final round. SEVERAL SCHOOLS ADOPT P idiN Bai WANTED FALL BASEBALL PRACTICE T1as s ni f irb A ba r r t i sa WANTED-Ohio State game tickets. Please call L. Shearman 3103. Fall base ball training was used to if you are a telephone subscriber call PlalicllLeh-3-39 advantage this season at the Univer- ti ed-Taker, Dial 21214, and your want ad oIoaadialocmn incharged 1 ity of Iowa and is also coming in wThe Michigan Daily reserves the right to I ANTLD-Two tickets for.. Wiscon- vogue at other Conference schools. classify all wants ads tnder appropriate head- sin game. Phone iOSG. 31-32-33 ings and to revise or withhold "niectionableI Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin are 1 copy. the other members of the Big Ten who This column closes at 1'. M. (late pr.ccd-i WANTED-Refined university student inv publication. Notice1 ny- eor must be to work for room, ,excellent house. have found themselves able to hold given in time for the second insertion. these sessions. CASH RATES 715 Monroe. 30-31-32 Ten cents per reating line ton the basis o Coach Ray Fisher believes them of five average words to the line) for one or to WANTED-Two or thre 0. S. U -distinct benefit and is desirous ofiseto. disd e cents per reading line for three or more game tickets. Dial 9588. 31-32-33 bringing the fall practice to Michigan. insertions. Th manraosfrscCneta (asr. classifieds received at the Daily office The main reasons for such an extra in The Press Building on Maynard Street. I WANTED-A student girl to work for ,practice season, according to Coach CONTRACT RATES room and board. Call 21588. tf I Fisher, are that it will eliminate a Special standardized rates given on applica-_- I great deal of work in the spring and iiI WANTED STUDENTS to know that afford time for developing material. Sa navs from $5 to $25 for.old / WHAT DO WE MEAN- ..', t,' 0 t. 1iy This is an Exclus ive Sho 0t FOR LRENT i FOR RENT-Single office, also suite, 3 fine offices facing campus; four- room apartment. All very desir- able. Phone Mr. Moran at 8805. 31-33-35 FOR RENT-For second semester and summer, professor's house,r seven rooms and, 10-window sleep- ing porch, completely furnished, electric appliances, garage. On bus line near Burns Park playground. Phone 21655. 30-31-32 FOR SALEl FOR SALE--A Nash Co. Suit, Over- coat or Topcoat, made to measure, $23.00. Guaranteed fit. Phone 21073. 32-33-34 FOR SALE-"Turkish Towel," a real Victor record; "Monte Carlo Joys." Schaeberle and Son Music House, 110 S. Main.1 tf. FOR SALEĀ±-Tuxedo, size 38 cheap. Phone 3478. 31-32-33 FOR SALE-Hear "Chick, Chick, Chicken" on Victor record, by Ted Weems and his orchestra. Schae- berle and Son Music House, 110 S. Main. tf FOR SALE-Hear Paul Whiteman's new Victor record, "Trudy." Schae- berle and Son Music House, 110 S. Main St. tf LOST LOST-A black silk and gold purse, Friday, Oct. 29, near: Hill auditor- ium. If found, return to ,37 S.I Ingalls. Reward. 32-33-34 LOST-A black hand bag containing clothing. Initials E. C. C. on shirts. Phone 6617. 32-33-34 LOST-On third floor of Library, an Elgin watch, small size, white gold finish, with fob attached. Finder please call 22131 or leave in Grad- uate Reading Room No. 1. 32 LOST-K. & E. Log-Log slide rule. Initials H. L. P. on case. Finder please phone 5368 and ask for "Herb." Reward. 32-33-34 LOST-Six months' old gray kitten. Reward. 912 Forest. Dial 21639. 32-33-34 LOST-Gold cloth cain purse in or near Barbour Gym. Reward. Fin- der dial 4329. 32-33 r LOST-Tuesday, on campus, Sigma lpha Mu fraternity pin. Initials M. S. K. on back. Dial 3540. 32-33-341 WILD THE 109 E. Woolington. TAYLOR. Phone 5069 24-eod-tf 4. A. suits and overcoats. 121 E. ANN DIAL 4306 tf NOTICE Pianos sand Victrolas For Rent- UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE, Phone 7515. 32-34-36 VACATION ACCOMPLISHMENT? Ambitious student, Mr. E. W, S., Lit. '27, with our co-operation first semester, earned in vacation $295.70, and in addition, on Sept. 30th, received profit-sharing check of $73.92. Stu- dents needing money, or merely wish- ing elemental business training will be afforded uncommon opportunities. Renowned national manufacturer- with convenient local branch -pfflce. Call 209 S. State St., Suite 5. Dial 9592. 29 tf. REMODELING Remodeling Ladies' Coats and Col- lars. Relining work done to perfec- tion. Both ladies' and men's gar- ments. 4 Certainly we don't mean expensive. Read that again. Let it soak in. As fine and as dis- tinctive as our clothes are, they cost no more than ordinary clothes. .4 4* .4 Why the term "exclusive"? Because we cater exclusively to the college man. Because Grand Piano-As good y as new ; slightly used; can save you $200.00. Easy terms.-UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE. 32-34-36 To see best of 50 lines clothing drop card to 1103 E. Washington. Shone 6365 evenings. $22 to $30. tf Expert Phonograph Repairing; all makes.--U NI V E R S I T Y MUSIC HOUSE, Phone 7515. 32-34-36 Private DeLuxe Bus to Ohio State game, $8.00 round trip. George H-ac- kett, 203 South Ingalls. 31 TUTOR-Graduate student will take students inJelezentary Latin and French. Call J. E. Davis 3764. 31-32-33 Prompt and Reliable Piano Tuning -UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE. Phone 7515. 3244-36 met t Oh enry! "The loyalty of my Legions was un- questioned and'now for the first tile I'll bare my secret. I paid them, eyu see, with bars ofOh Isenryt A Fine CandY Wc Eewher =7co Ch~lio Cb. "q. ~isb . l1la thWIuses we strive to make all our merchandise re- fleet the self-expressed tastes of the college man only. Because the "G and K Special"--Michigan's outstand- ing college model, originated by you men right here at Michigan-is produced exclusively for us. Because practically all the fabrics we show are exclusive -and are not to be seen elsewhere. Further than this, the fabrics are particularly adaptable to and designed especially for college clothes. And another word about prices-ours are extremely moderate and well within the reach of all college men no matter how modest their clothing budgets may be. Exclusive?-Yes. Expensive?-No. LOST-Person who found leather pocketbook Tuesday, October 26, call 3193 or return. Reward. 32-33-34 WANTED WANTED - Tickets for Wisconsin game. Promises will t. Dial 5618, ask for M. Baer. 32-33-34 WANTED-Tickets for Wisconsin- Michigan game. Dial 477,9. 32-33-34 READ THE WANT ADS WANTED-Salesman time. Phone 8805. for part or full Mr. Moran. 31-33-36 so GREENWOOD and KILGORE r, THE WESTMINSTER - ... .., fU St ai 1"7 s Over C imc-rietcberl / Because of its recognized lines of smart- ness and comfort the well dressed man mill like this oxford in patent or dul w4j