WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY irk)T~ LSTPA - , S; , 't . l 1 t l 2 t z i WOMN ( u1 [[(( Campaign Solicitors DISCIPLINARY PROBLEMS OF WOMEN UNI[ OLI[S 1ARLPledgeT1 WC. ARE SETTLED BY JUDICIARY COUNCIL' P.h Y. W. C. A. gives to the "X With the achievement of jurisdiction know the rules, or feel they are unfair women of Michigan an opportun- As a result of the self-soliciting of through their representatives, the Un- in any way. Only in cases where the in ity tobroaden themselves both team workers at the opening meet- iversity women have finally acquired council feels itself unable to handle in service to their University and CO C Ei8vXE1I oerte self-goavernmnt.ol yacqui estainisteofceoh d to the conmunity. It shouldr- Mrs. Steward Hanley Makes Frequent ing of the Y. W. C. A. finance drive complete self-government. w estuaome cl oforead-v r-h Trips To Coach University } Monday, team captains turned in pled- from a social organization to a law- oen ce viof cmm- suport. Gol Classes $326. This amount represents the gifts making body, and from a law-making tee is always ready to rysss and co- CHIALP NE SHILAND, '27, of 113 campaign workers and entirely body to a system of entire self-rule, operate with the judiciary council at Chairman of the PLAN ROOM FOR PRACTICE excludes any contributions recetved he Women's league, organized far any time. The councimetsevery i Judiciary Council. iiV~l~l xcludes ny contrbutions eceived back in the '90s, has evolved. And this ruesday l ycnasn.Teta ldigte+yatejdcaycuclmre h and Thursday from 4 to 6 o0 I___________________ by canvassing. The teanm pledging the 1year, the judiciary council marked the clock to consider cases. - Mrs. Stewart Hanley, district golf greatest amount is comprised of mem- last step by taking over all questions champion of Detroit, spent Monday in bers of the Y. W. cabinet and is cap- of moral or disciplinary nature. N O TIC E S Ann Arbor coaching the women's golf I tained by Josephine Norton, '28. In addition to all definite cases of J Sigma Alpha Iota announces the classes in the physical education de- The campaign which began yester- law-breaking, the council also has pledging of the following: Margaret day will continue through Friday. charge of the signing-out slips, which Stewart, 23; Roberta Dunlap, ' Io; partment. Because of unfavorable Each noon all team workers will meet indicate how the evenings of Univer- Lucille ,owe, '29; MarguerIte Well- as follows: At 4 o'clock Alpha Gamma weather conditions all classes were at Newberry hall for luncheon. . They sity women are spent. In this way man, '30; Elizabeth Maxey, '30; Opal Delta vs. Martha Cook dormitory; Zeta held in Barbour gymnasium instead will be expected to make their re- the council can check up on all who Coote, '30; Cecella Fine, '27; Fran- Tau Alpha vs. Helen Newberry rest- of on the University golf course as ports on the drive at this time. Mrs. come in late, or who are failing in cina Fead, '29; and Ruth Wilbern, X. dence; at 5 o'clock Pi Beta Phi vs. originally planned: Dorothy Wulp, associate secretary of their academic work with an accom- More than 20 students met with Mrs. the Y. W. C. A. will speak at the lunch- panying large number of social en- Hanley during the afternoon. She al- eon tomorrow. Igagements. A committee of ten wom- lowed each one to demonstrate their --en, selected by the judicary council, golf swing individually before her and Women's shoes of gold or silver kid assist in the checking of these slips. she corrected all errors, demonstrating and having straps embroidered in col- The council hopes to be able to ascer- herself the correct method. Up to date ored flowers are being worn in Lon- tain through this work whether the the students have only been practicing don. women breaking rules actually do not with the wooden clubs so no work was done at all with the iron clubs. ~ An attempt is being made to equip Jh ,, A fee of $1 is being collected from every junior woman on campus for the Junior Girls' play fund. Each woman must keep her receipt because without it she will not be allowed to tryout for the play. Delta Zeta; Delta Gamma vs. Zone 6 under Nellie Hoover, '28. Orchesis will not meet tonight. - a a a AVA-492%- -It*', -4v% .Nab- -.dmk - __Igmb--ddbk Sophomores and seniors will finish the game which was not completed last week at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow. Other practice games will be held at 5 o'clock. Zeta Tau Alpha announces the pledging of Dorothy Scrauf, '30. Sigma Kappa announces the pledg- ing of Flora Kents, '30. the corrective room of Barbour gym- nasium into a golf room where all students enrolled in the University golf courses and any others interested in golf may come at any hour during the day to practice. Nets will be put up and here everyone may come and work by themselves individually to improve their fom. There will be cer- tain regular days on which Mrs. Han- ley will come out to Ann Arbor tc. oversee the students and watch their progress but these days have not been decided upon. Watch The Daily for further notice, Mrs. Hanley expressed great pleas- ure at the progress of the University women enrolled in the golf courses and several students were found with such exceptional ability that an at- tempt is going to be made to organize them into a more advanced class. Mrs. Hanley has offered her services free of charge to the physical education department and will be in Ann Arbor at stated intervals throughout the coming year. MISS CO-ED Unbroken Links -fy IN THE Chain of Fashion The complete effect is never perfect unless "topped" with the kind of marcel given at Bertine Beauty Shoppe TLOCK WNV z .....-- 1, .a P0ERFECT __ G reenvtl ThLock Position Really you will be sur- Made of Solid prised at the kind of Nickeled Silver A a wave you get with * Waves Any Anna Greenwitch Water Wavers. Texture of Hair Without the inconvenience or fuss, Saves Natural or untidiness of the ordinary mar- Assists Hair eel given by a Hairdresser you Growth can have a water wave that actual- Makes Thin Hair ly rivals the wave of Nature-in Appear plentiful softness, glossiness, and fluffiness. Wave Not Af- fected by Damp 5 each. Weather or Steam Thousands of women who are Prevents Harm using Anna Greenwitch Water Waving Wavers now, enthusiastically rec- Keeps a Perman- ommend them to you. ent Wave Set Notions-Main Floor Annex Takes Out the Fuzz and Kinks Rivals the Wave of Nature And the Wave Lasts Slender= wrists bear the tinkling weight of 1111 South University "Over Students' Supply Store" two-or three-or more-slave bracelets. Metal links are alternated with cabouchon stones. And these stones may be in the orange-warm tones of carnelians, the cool greens of jade, or the smooth blackness of I I =-_o - - - i onyx. WE =IT EY Select Chairman Of Bazaar Committeel Cooperating in the last drive of the Women'sleague for funds, the commit- tee for the annual Women's league bazaar is Vorking on plans, for the Christmas sale which is expected to be a source of money toward the Wo- men's league building. The committee chairmen are as follows: Ruth Hirsch- man, '27, general chairman; IKather- ine Lardner, assistant; Mary Green- shields, treasurer; Gladys Appelt, ser- vice; Lydia Kahn, '27, posters; Jean McKaig, entertainment; Margaret Meyer, '28, flowers; Margaret Parker, '27, sellers; Bernice Staebler, articles; Rhoda Tuthill, '28, candy. Invitations to the bazaar will be is- sued to Ann Arbor alumnae, sorori- ties, dormitories, and all league hous- es. Each house on campus is re- quested to cooperate with this plan by giving a list of its alumnae, and the name of the head of the house to Hel- en Johnson; '27, Martha Cook build- ing. Posters will be the most important feature in the advertising of the func- tion. Handpainted ones are consider- ed more effective than printed ones by the committee, and volunteers are needed to produce them. Women who are interested in poster work may call Miss Kahn or Thelma Anton at 6810. Handbills telling the most interest- ing features of the bazaar will be dis- tributed at the Majestic and the Ar- cade theaters three or four days be- fore the event opens. DELEGATE IS CHOSEN1 TO ATTEND CONVENTION Mortar Board, national honorary so- ciety for senior women, will hold its biennial. convention this year at St. Louis, Mo., from Nov. 11 to 13. Mich- igan will send Irene Field, '27, presi- dent of the local chapter, as its dele- gate. The three-day program will in- elude business meetings, and enter- tainment in the form of teas and din- ners for which the members of the Mortar Board chapter at Washington university will act as hostesses. A final banquet will be given for every- one at the convention on the last night, when a program of stunts will be featured. Any Mortar Board member, active or alumnae, is invited to attend the con- vention. TI-I EATRE Wednesday Nvember iL EDCAEQ JQLWY('JThe Nt'aional erg s a Laulhter re refe p b- 6yANITA LOOS&JON MSON The woman of fashion is a willing slave to these bracelets-manacles of the mode-that .ink and chain her to undeniable chic. These at r ~ ~ GOODYEAR'S 121 Smith Main St. - n a as n - - _ I uPI twvelve stiands of pure thread silk. $1.85 to $2.50~ r t MAIN AT LIBERTY S Iilk liiillSlil-ilI I FORMAL GOWNS FOR PAR TIES GEORGE TTES VEL VETS TAFFE TA LACE FOR DANCES ALL THE LATEST STYLES AND COLORS hOF Priced at $17.95 - $29.95 to $37.50 = All sizes, 14 to 40 NOTE.-This is the Chicago Company and Ann Arbor is U 0f e-'- one of the few smaller cities getting this attraction. Mail orders now. Lower floor, $2.75; Balcony, $1.10, $1.65, 323 S. MAIN STREET $2.20. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. I "THE BEST PLACE TO SHOP AFTER ALL.' Seniors Avoid the Msho U U _..o 0 9 .r m®-ma - r-7-, ". smommommomm -