WEDNEiSDAY, NOVEAMR 3, 1926 THE MICHIGAN D)AILY WORLEY CIVES TALK TF HOSEDON ON TRANSPORTATIONi 1 "Tiransportation had its germ in the~ ' (arliest desire of man to move himse lf~ and some of the things necessary to his existence. Since then the com- plexity of the field has increased until;: there is nothing in life that has not some connection with the subject. This assertion in, itself gives us the reason why its study is so important I "...:... and interesting." These were the' ;statments of Prof. John S. Worley oft ithe ytransportation engineering depart- ment yesterdaymonnintescd takoftheseries to egivendunring the rest of the year on the subject of + transportation. Professor Worley exhil'ted slides and told of the inception and develop- mnent of the idea of transporation. In the later lectures the specific detailIs of separate divisions of the subject are I c. '' Centr to be covered. The lectures are tooc cur the first Monday and 'Tuesday of A.10 Seach month. Ljw~r ~r, . A. ' cTA AS HEAb RAILROAD - Make Reeservations Now for -This Week End, TISH'S PLAYHOUSE Phone 8908 Tjj l11il 1II 11111111 111116t il II il 1111ifit11111111111111111111111111111 - SHUBERT LAFAYETTE1' Lafayette at Shelby Street "SONG OF THE FLAME" TESSA KOSTA Scenery by Josef Urban C ;kA SS THEATER DFTROZT f~afayette at Wayne Cad. iio THE VAGABOND KING Mised on Justin IHuntley N~eCarthy's Romance "IF IL WERE KING" Subscribe for the Michigan waily. in NTCWI RTTL'D 2 N 0 : SHOW THiAN1 TISM Is .4 z'. READ THE ANT ADS INMVI e( ~t~u re u Ut I ei1- linois Central, who has been with the road 30 years./ A.*sure - bait for BigMarlzsI ofS ERNST L 1BISProducti on A I'agrislai nigli's frollie! AI tale of Hited simours ;qnd husndsl1 and weves whio. are' fer- vently in love - wth somleonie! The Newest Thing in F~tue and the Most Clever ,Enter- tainment of the Year. PASYRUTH Fivolous Paris- A p the pursuit ofp making iis a cpcea 40~ r~ ~art I I THE chances are, everything else being equal) that the jneatly typewritten report or thesis will be marked higher than hand-written work. The profs, like every one else, appreciate clearly legible work, and unconmiously it creates a better impression. The Remington Portable is always ready to help you get the best marks you can. It is the simplest, fastest, and easiest to. operate of all portables. Weighs but 8Y2 pounds, net, and the carrying case is only 4 inches high, so that the machine can be put away in a drawer when not in use. All these features plus the four-row standard keyboard. The Recognized Ledder in Sates and Popularity -where pleasure cia rove- .ationAl Iris-t he 1 b ay s ;. Terms as low as $10 down and ~5 monthly 5 . ALLIED ENTERTAINMENT___ 'Keitlh Vau,4ville Feature- AMERICA'S LPOPUtLAR Ct11-POSEt Assisted by ARTHIUR '~EALY 1. "kTHE SWIMMING INSTRUCTOR"0 A Von Bibber Comedy -by- Richard IHarding Davis NEWV AESOP FABLE CARTOON PATILE REVIEW IKINOGRAMIS Ma ;jes~tic Orchiest ra. ILeonard Falcone, Director 11 1I I: Thursday - ADOLPHE MENJO in "THE ACE OF CADS" r 'Lwm-_ Remington Potable Mayer Schiauer Co,. Paul 11. Lanidis Rider's Pen Shop~ 112 S. 1la in St 203 S. Thaiyer St. 31 S. State St. Anii Arbor, liehi. Ann Arbor, 1Micli. Amii Arbor, a4Tch. HEI ING"ITON TY PE WRITERU CO., IJETRO [T, MICH. ......................................................... m ........................... ........... i 4 Y :. _______________________________ lIIII~il 1111111ItIFiIIII1111119leili~lI1iI 1IA 6IItt~srr -f 111Illlttl1il II tt1 1 Haero Pi Yu P w1 P =1 w _S All urptos of $3.7 oft pi bPovme t P y- I - N oVH u sAMn a e rt is te tin~ o sttlethi accunt Pleasebsendchecsofor$3.75 otpayittediyNovfieber Pf rs uligo anr t Opst h aetc 1t h dvnc t 42. ftr o mBer 20hTal T aF J f : f i - !' I., I II