itLd&.l~ k
. ,r.
Constitutional Diagrams Of New .fetal
Properties Are Used To 3ake j
Statement's Clear1
Developing the line of attack along
which one should proceed in order to
get the necessary information about
alloys of more than two constitutents{
with the least amount of experiment,
Dr. William Minot Guertler, director
of the Metall-Institut der Technischen
Hochschule, of Charlottenburg, Ger-
many, gave a University lecture onj
the "Systematic Procedure in Es-
tablishing the Limits of New Metal
Combinati'ons in Technical Practice,"
yesterday afternoon, in room 1042 of
the East Engineering building. This
is the second University lecture Dr.
Guertler has given in the past two
I (By Associated Press)
I CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 2.-
ArnoldI-Horween, new Harvard
coach of football, has been offer-
ed a new contract "extending
ovsr a period of several years,"
William J. Bingham, director of
athletics at Harvard, announced
"The director of athletics,
through the committee of the
regulation of athletics at Har-
vard, has asked Arnold Horween,
head coach of Harvard, to con-
tinue in this position with a con-
tract running over a period of
several years," was the direc-
tor's statement.
"The committee is very anx-
ious to retain Mr. Horween's4
services and has offered him this
( contract. Mr. Horween has not
yet given any definite answer."
Program Will Include Entertainnient,
Speeches, Cheering, And
Exhibition Bout
Emphasizes Value Of Proportion
All Things, Including Dress
And Behavior
Sale of Student
Directories Will
Be Started Today
Student directories for this year will
go on sale this morning at the center
and opposite ends of the diagonal.
With the 3,000 copies available, the
same number was printed last year, it
is expected that the entire supply will
soon be exhausted.
In addition to the flaming red cover
which will distinguish it from those
of previous years, the book is featured
with a revised map of Ann Arbor
showing the greater part of the city.
Location of prominent buildings and
houses of social organizations has
been made easier by use of the
alphabetical method of listing.
In preparing the usual student,
faculty, and organizations sections of
the directory, the editors have taken
efforts to make the information rela-
tive to each as complete and as ac-
curate as possible. All data on stu-
dents has been taken from the files
of the Registrar.
The book will sell for 75 cents.
9,987 VOTES IN
Explains Diagrams
Dr. Guertler's lecture was illu-
strated with slides to better explain
the complicated diagrams of the con-
stitution of metals. His lecture was a
summary of the course which he gives
to his students in Germany and which
covers two hours per week for a half
To get a general survey of the.
properties of new metal combinations
it is necessary to know the constitu-j
tional diagrams of the combinations,1
according to Dr. Guertler. In case of!
the mechanical properties, the effect
of the structure must also be known.
Alloys with more than two constit-
uents are so complicated that a suffici-t
number of systems cannot be covered
over all ranges of composition. There-
fore, a method of finding the necessary
information with the minimum amount
of experiment must necessarily be
developed; for example, solubility in
the molten state, the formations of
solid solutions, the occurence of,
brittle phases, and the occurrence of
new phases which. behave as a new!
element as compared to the purej
metals and which might have new
properties. The solution to thesei
problems, Dr. Guertler explained by
means of his numerous diagramed
lantern slides of alloys containing
three constituents.
Will Publish Text
Dr. Guertler began his study of the
science of alloys during the first partI
of his term as assistant at Gottingen,
Germany. He planned an extensive
summary of the science ofalloys and
during his stay in America he cont-
tracted for the publication of a text
book on the subject.
The first parts of this book ap{
peared in 1909 and up to date, is con-R
c~r~wnrl a laarl_ it-n ~ tip
Members of the freshman class,
meeting at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow
night in the assembly hall of the
Union, will participate in a general,
informal get-together which will In-
clude speeches, entertainment, and
cheering, in addition to electing a
freshman captain for the annual Fall
Features of the program, sponsored
by the Union underclass department,
will be addresses by E. E. Fleischman,
of the public speaking department,
and George Rich, '29, Varsity football
player, on subjects to be announced
Entertainment will include an ex-
hibition wrestling match between
Clifford Keen, Varsity wrestling coach,
and Capt. Harold Donohoe, '30M, of
the wrestling squad. Following this,
there will be cheering led by a Varsity
cheerleader. Music will also be in-
cluded on the program.
All first year men are asked to be
present in order to choose their fresh-
man captain for the Fall games occur-
ring this Saturday. Earl Blaser, 27,
in charge of the freshman-sophomore
tradition, will explain the features of
the games to the assembly, in detail,
and will announce the rules and regu-
lations. Members of the Student coun-
cil will officiate at the election of the
class games leader.
Maentz Addresses
Freshman Groupsl
Addressing for the first time this
year a convocation of University wo-
men alone, President Clarence Cook
Little made a plea that the women
organize and utilize the forces of their
organization in the establishment of a
definite stand on all questions of co-
educational life. He spoke to more
than 1,000 women assembled at the
Union last night. Arguing that it is
in their power to carry out this pro-
ject, President Little outlined in brief
some of the causes for failure, some
of the drawbacks of present standards.
He continued with a discussion of
the value of proportion in all things.
Comments On University
In commenting on Michigan's posi-
tion as a university, President Little
said: "An institution like Michigan is
placed where it can form a fusion of
east and west, drawing the best from
all and creating a unique force
throughout the country." He spoke
further upon the work of the advisers
of women, Miss Alice Lloyd, Miss
Grace Richards, and Miss Beatrice
Johnson, as well as Mrs. Norma Mans-
field, assistant adviser of women.
President Little also introduced Miss
Doris Twitchell and Miss Ellen Steven-
son, the former specializing in a study
of the different levels of the educa-
tional system, and the latter working
on the housing problems of women on
Mrs. W. D. Henderson Speaks
Mrs. W. D. Henderson, executive
secretary of the Alumnae council, also
addressed the group, making a strong
appeal on behalf of the drive for the
Women's league building. Mrs. Hen-~
derson spoke of the wide interest and
co-operation being shown by Michigan
President Little praised highly the
work of Mrs. Henderson, and partic-
ularly the standards which she has
set by the spirit in which she works.'
Miss Evelyn Murray, '27, president
of the Women's league, introduced the
speakers. After the meeting everyone
was given the opportunity to meet
President Little, Mrs. Henderson, the
advisory committee, Miss Twitchell,
and Miss Stevenson.
eature Of Choral
Union Concert To
Be Novelty Group
Marking the second number on the
regular series of Choral union con-
certs will be the English Singers, who
will appear in Hill auditorium Fri-
day night. This organization, which is
heralded as a novelty in the concet
field, has a personnel of seven, I of
which three are men. The singers
will present a program of folk-songs,
madrigals, ballets, and canzonets all
sung in English. They sing grouped
about a table.
A hundred dates have been made
for the appearance of these singers,
and they have been received favorably
by critics and the press. Season
tickets for the course may still be
purchased at the office of the School
of Music on Maynard street, accord-
ing to Charles A. Sink, business man-
ager of the Choral Union concerts.
There are available single tickets for
the Friday night attraction.
TOKIO-Two hundred silk mills in
Nagano prefecture have announced
intention of closing Oct. 31 for an in-
definite period owing to the slump
!of silk prices. Many other mills are'
expected to reduce production.
Wilson Is
Selected President; Other
Are Poliock, Ridderiig
And Feinsinger
sidtered as ciassicai, ISnwyU01
termini having been accepted by the --
international scientific terminology Advising against the forming of
committee. cliques and small groups, Henry S.,
Maentz, president of the senior class,
P in ugave the principal talk at the fresh-
arliamnent Mienber jman discussion groups last night at
F.rida ithe Union. He stated that, for the
To Lecture1Frida ; last ten years, spirit of the University
has been gradually dying out due to
the fact that these small groups were
Prof. Ramsay Muir, member of Par- forming instead of the large groups
liament and former professor of mod- of the student body as a whole. He
ern history at the University of Man- urged the freshmen to become as well
chester, England, will lecture at 4:15 acquainted with each other as possible
o'clock, Friday afternoon in Natural in order to obtain a closer union in
Science auditorium. His subject will the class and believed that the result-
be "The Decay of Parliamentary Gov- ing rise in the spirit of the University
ernment." would greatly help the teams repre-
Professor Muir has had 'much ex- senting it.
perience in the field of political edu- Lester F. Johnson, '27L, president of
cation and has written ten books on the Union, pledged the support of the+
various phases of it. Union to the freshmen and urged thatj
His trip to this country was made they make use of its various depart-
for the purpose of speaking at the ments. He outlined the plans for the
annual meeting of the Academy of organization of the freshmen into
Political science which is to take place these groups. A program for the
Nov. 17. -w'eting of the freshmen tomorrow
night was announced by WiWm. V.
* .Jeffires, chairman of the underclass
y c hemist Icommittee.
William Wilson was elected pres-
ident of the Junior law class yesterday
by a margin of nine votes over Lowell
Birrell. Paul Bruske defeated Leo
Hoffman, as the J-Hop representative,
by a substantial majority.,
In the presidential race Wilson
polled 56 votes against 47 for Birrell.I
Bruske received 57 votes for the
J-Hop committee as compared to 42
for Hoffman.
Carl Riddering was chosen vice-
president of the class, receiving 64
votes against 34 for Charles White.
Florence Pollock was elected secre-
tary of the class, and Nathan Fein-
singer was chosen treasurer. Miss
Pollock polled 62 votes against 39 for
Mary Hillyer for the office of secre-
tary, while Feinsinger received 58
votes for treasurer as compared to 42
for Alexander Diamond.
In the Junior architectural elec-
tions yesterday, Edward Rich was
elected president of the class, and
'Harold Philpott was chosen as J-Hop
Margaret Funk was elected vice-
president of the class; Roy Lyndon
was chosen treasurer, and James
Beyvl was elected secretary.
R. M. Twining was chosen pres-
ident of the Junior pharmacy class in
the elections of Junior officers in that
college yesterday. Clarence Houck
was elected to the J-Hop committee.
The remaining officers of the class
are Lester Shaw, vice-president;
Homer Shaw, treasurer; and Mary
Winters, secretary.
Rossiter To Carry
On Work Of Hussey
President Makes Announcement After
Conference With Benefactor
Dr. Richard A. Rossiter, associate
professor of astronomy, is to carry on
the work of the Lamont astronomical
expedition which was begun by the
late Prof. William J. 'Hussey, who
died in London while enroute to
Bloemfontein, South Africa, where he
intended to establish an observatory
I for the study of double stars, accord-
ig to President Clarence Cook Little
who conferred with Robert P. Lamont,
91E, the benefactor of the expedition.
The decision reached during the
conference was that Dr. Rossiter, who
accompanied Professor Hussey and
who at present is in England, is to
carry on the work. Since Dr. Rossiter1
has been closely associated with Pro-I
fessor Hussey during his preparation
for the trip, Professor Hussey's plans
will be carried out.
Dr. Rossiter has been instructed to
go on to Bloemfontein to select a site
for the construction of the observa-
tory, in the meantime Prof. Ralph H.
Curtiss, professor of astronomy and
assistant director of the observatory,
and Henry J. Colliau, foreman of the
observatory instrument shop will go
to Pittsburgh to pick a dome for the
observatory. Mr. Calliau will then
join Dr. Rossiter in South Africa
where he will take charge of the con-
struction of the observatory. Mr.
Calliau has for many years been con-
nected with the University observa-
Gerrit Masselink Is Outnumbered
Nearly 3 to 1; Remainder Of
Democratic Ticket Weak
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, Nov. 2.-Fred W. Green,
mayor of Ionia, had virtually a 2 to 1
advantage over William A. Comstock,
formerly Democratic state chairmanj
on the basis of early returns from
the state's 2,983 precincts reported
late last night.
The returns were scattering from 34
of the state's 83 counties. They gave
Green 20,782, and Comstock 10,845.
Although trailing his Republican
opponent, Comstock was showing sur-
prising strength as compared with the
rest of the Democratic ticket. For
lieutenant-governor, Gerrit Masselink,
Democrat, was outnumbered nearly
three to one by the Republican, Luren
E. Dickinson of Charlotte. John Hag-
gerty of Detroit was even further
ahead of Mrs. Catherine Doran, the
only woman candidate in the contest
for the secretaryship of state.
Wayne county (Detroit), always
late in reporting returns, was not
represented in the early returns. Polls
in Detroit did not close until 8 o'clock,
eastern standard time.
In a few counties, early returns in-
dicated Green was going over with a
vote not far from unanimous. In Delta
county, Comstock polled only four
votes to Green's fifty eight in one
precinct reported. Upper peninsula
counties particularly were Green
strongholds, his margin being especi-
ally high in Delta, Houghton and
Comstock lost an early lead in
Kalamazoo county when additional
precincts reported and trailed there
by 200 votes, with one sixth of the
county in.
Early returnp were so fragmentary
that an accurate gauge of the trend of
battle was impossible. Comstock, for
example, had a lead of 100 votes- over
the Ionia, man in Arenac county, butt
the 19 precincts unheard from would
easily overturn it. The same was true
in Bay county, normally Republican,
where six out of thirty seven precincts
gave Comstock a slight lead.
Explorer Gives Second Lecture Of
Oratorical Series
Telling a story of thrilling interest,
l embodying the experiences of a recent,
expedition to eastern Yucatan, where
amazing evidences of a prehistoric
American civilization were 'discovered,
Gregory Mason, author and explorer,
!gave the second lecture on the Ora-
Itorical association lecture course last
night in Hill auditorium.
In his lecture, which was illustrated
I with colored stereopticon pictures and
moving pictures, Mr. Mason expressed
the opinion that the Maya's civiliza-
tion was the highest that ever flour-
ished in the New World before the
coming of the white man, and even
in some respects higher than the
white men who conquered them. This
statement Mr. Mason supported with
evidences of the advances in the May-
an civilization, such as astronomical
sciences and a very accurate calender,
which according to a Washington
scientist is superior to our own mod-
Sern calender.
It is true that certain character-
tstics of the Yucatan civilization re-
semble the civilization of the Old
World, but this is purely accidental,
Mason asserted. "The Maya Indians
were not originally an off-shoot of
the lost continent of Atlantis or of
Africa; there is no proof of the exist-
ence of an Atlantis or any other con-
nection between Africa and Central
America. It is the consensus of opin-
ion of archaeologists that the ancient
civilization in Yucatan was the work
of an absolutely native race of Indians
that originated in the highlands of
Mexico, where Mexico City now
stands," continued Mason.
Mr. Mason was astounded at the
fact that thousands of American tour-
ists are attracted every year to the
ruins of Egypt and Greece while very
few Americans are aware of the relics
174 of the 431 districts at stake in
Gov. Alfred Smith today's election.
It was in 12 Pennsylvania districts,
COMSTOCKlPVN IN now held by the Republicans, and
where George J. Casey, who sat in the
House as a Democrat two years ago,
had the endorsement of both the Dem-
ocrats and the Republicans.
Returnsfrom both the congression-
Democratic Candidate Receives 2,380 al and senatorial contest were un-
Votes While Green Polls . usually slow coming in. In the 174
Onily 2,047districts which have reported com-
plete returns, 102 were won by the
.EE Democrats and 72 by the Republicans.
MASSELINK LOSES HERE However, 64 of the successful Demo-
crats were unopposed, while nine of
Fred W. Green, Republican candi- the Republicans had no opposition.
- Hard fought senatorial races were
date for governor of Michigan, was indicated in several states. One of the
rejected by Ann Arbor voters last outstanding surprises was the close
night in preference for William A. ness of the races in Indiana between
Comstock, heading 'the Democratic Sen. James E. Watson, Republican,
party ticket, by a vote of 2,380 to 1 and Albert Stump, Democrat, Sen. Ar-
thur R. Robinson, and Evans Woolen,
2,047, Comstock leading by 333 votes. Democrat.
All other candidates running on the Revelations before the Senate cam-
state ticket with Comstock were de- paign funds committee concerning Ku
feated in the city. Masselink, super- glux Klan activities on behalf of Wat-
intendent of the Ferris institute, was son and Robinson had been expected
able to muster but 1,725 votes against to figure to some extentx
Dickinson's 2,741. Mrs. Catherine With most of the returns from New
Doran, the only woman to be named York city missing, Sen. James W.
by either party, was trailing Hagger- Wadsworth, Jr., was leadinghis Dem-
ty, Detroit Republican, by 1,205 votes. ocrat opponent, Robert S. Wagner, by
Earl C. Michener, present United approximately 90,000 votes in returns
States representative from this.dis- from 1,859 of the 7,818 districts in the
trict, had little difficulty in taking the state. Wadsworth had 385,072 against
city vote from Boyez Danzard, min- 298,460 for Wagner.,
ority party candidate nominated at the ,4 rW n
Democratic convention by Dean Mor- CHICAGO, Nov. 2.--Frank L. Smith,
timer E. Cooley of the engineering I Republican, who was far behind
college. George E. Brennan, Democrat, in
Wurster, former Ann Arbor mayor the Senate race in Illinois on partial
and president of the city council, ac- returns from Cook county, began to
cumulated a lead of 904 votes over his close the gap with additional returns
Republican opponent, Richarl Elliot,; from downstate.
in the race for county sheriff. The Reports from 1,698, out of 6,053 pre-
tote was 2,716 to 1,812.-j cincts, 485 from downstate and 1,213
Charles A. Sink, secretary of the in Cook county (Chicago), gave Bren-
School of Music was unopposed in his nan 242,551, Smith 207, 173 Hugh Mc-
candidacy for state representative in Gill, independent Republican 35,739.
this district.
Returns from outside the city are PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 2.-Approxi-
not included in these tabulations. mately a thousand districts outnf 8,-
Senatorial Races Closely Contested
In Many States, Especially
In Indiana
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 2.-Alfred E.
Smith has been elected governor
of New York for the fourth time
on the basis of returns from ap-
proximately three-fourths of the
Reports from 5,47 districts out
of 7,818 including 2,800 out of
8,188 in New York City gave him
a lead of 234,841 over his Re-
publican opponent, Ogden L. Mills.
The vote was: Smith, 1,159,106;
Mills, 924,265.
NEW YORK, Nov. 2.-Only a single
turnover for the new House of Rep-
resentatives had been recorded early
tonight, in in-complete returns from
Will Lecture Here
Dr. Hans T. Clarke, of the depart-
ment of synthetic chemistry of the
? Iastrnan Kodak company, will ad-
dress the University of Michigan sec-
tion of the American Chemical society
Several musical numbers were given
during the meetings. Songs and yells
completed the program.
Re-Elect Ministers
To Canadian Cabinet
OTTAWA, Nov. 2.-Fourteen mem-
bers of the Mackenzie King cabinet
were today reelected to their seats in
Parliament by acclamation. Those by'
reelection were held in accordance
with the procedure in Canada which
makes it necessary for members hold-
ing ministrial positions to go before
the people for reelection.
As expected, no last minute opposi-
tion developed and all but three of
the ministers have now been con-
firmed in office by the people.
Premier King himself, and Ernst
Lapointe, minister of justice,both of
whom are overseas, were among those
Beginning the annual lecture course
given at the Law school, L. S. Mercer,
'10, will give a series of five .or six
lectures during the week of Nov. 8, on
"The Use of the Law Books and Legal
Bibliography." The first lecture will
334 give Vare 149,232, and Wilson 57,-
680 votes in the senatorial race.
These figures include 595 districts in
Philadelphia, which gave Vare 117,089
and Wilson 24,437.
Fisher was leading in the governor-
ship race.
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, Nov. 2.-Labor and Social-
ist candidates in the elections today
for borough councils made heavy
gains at the expense of both Conserv-
atives and Liberals. They had a net
gain of 159 seats in the council.
Although the elections were not
fought wholly on political grounds, the
Labor-Socialist victory is attributed.
generally to dissatisfaction with the
government handling of the coal
MADRID-In well informed circles
it is said a decree will be issued late
in Noyember by Premier, Primo de
Rivera convoking a national assem-
at 4:15 o'clock, Thursday, in room 303 Gregory Mason, in an interview fol-
of the Chemistry building. l"Th
Dr. Clarke will speak on "Prepar-;lowing his address last night on "e
ative Methods in Organic Chemistry". Lost Cities of Yucatan-America's
For several years Dr. Clarke has been Egypt," expressed the hope to return
connected with the organic chemistry in the near future to Yucatan for the
laboratory of the Eastman Kodak purpose of further explorations.
company, evolving chemical mixtures As the Mexican government will not
that are used in the preparation of allow expeditions to excavate buried
photographic films and which are also cities, Mr. Mason hopes to secure the
marketed to allied industries. ermission of the government of
Guatemala for such excavations. Also
In commenting on the Mexican gov-
ernment's hostility to excavation, Mr.
Mason expressed regret in regard to
their unfriendly attitude, as every
year gone by in not excavating has
been uliduely wasted. The future may
be too late as the limestone structures
are rapidly crumbling away. It is in
excavation that the archaeologist
finds his best and most interesting,
material that enlightens the scientific
world, and hence considerable work