TUESDAY, NOVEMBER "2, 1926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TIJ. %:E TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 192G T~GE T11RE~ WOLEGIVES OPENING'TMay Use New, Gun Against Mail TRANSPORTATION TALK!, Finleering Professor Gives First Of Series Oi' Lectures WMich WIII Continue Through Year OUTLINESHISTORY ! Telling of research and study of the problem of transportation in times which we, at present, regard as prim- itive, and outlining in a brief sketch the history of railway transportation for 100 years in the past, automotive travel and invention for 300 years, aiid wheeled vehicles for 500 years, Prof. John S. Worley, of the trans- portation engineering department, in- augurated1 yesterday morning a series of lectures on transportation which is. to Continue throughout the year. He explained that the first few lectures were merely for the purpose of inter- esting the listeners in what he had to relate andI to give them a background which would enable them to relate and join the later revelations. Professor Worley has done much research work in all lines of tranis- portation, andl was for nineteen years a consulting engineer. He served on the Interstate Commerce' commission Sand was a director and officer of the llabirshaw Cable and Wire corpora- tion, of New York City. The next lecture of the series comes this morning at 9, in room 411 West Engineering building. All persons in- terested are invited to attend. The succeeding lectures in the series will he given on the first Monday and Tuesday of each month, unless chang- es are announced. A course in physical education is I required by law in the schools of 35 states. j- B andits ILEAGUE T START Preferences of te individual! 'DEBATESschools were considered as much a s DE AT S NOV . 19, possible in arranging the schedule,s according to Professor Densmore. I Ifirst meetings of the teams; enter- our days of workd were required to cmlt h arns ed in the annual contest of the MVich~-,cOmpethe aiings.tocodctn A ign 1li g Scool ebaing eage Ithe debates are enumerated in a bul- have beery scheduled f0or Nov. 19, ac-! letin sent out by the league. Judges cortliiig to Prot. G. FE.IDensmore of the are to be selected with the utmose care public speaking (departmlent. managerE and the approval of the visiting loft' he league. Although changes in schools must be secured before final I dates rmy be made by mutual agree- choice is made. Publicity is to be the Smerit of the schools concerned, all de- lot of the entertaining schools. The' b~ates must take place not later than cooperation of all the schrools entered Nov. 20. esakdi rert epdw x- iisakdiore kkepdw Enrollmnent in the league closeds pceises in carrying on the debates. withi196 schools entered in tihe pre- liminary series. After the preliminaryr debates, the teams of highest rating I i ir1l engage ini an elimination contest, NOTICE similar to that last year, which ended I in afinial deb~ate frtile state char-4t ubcribers of The Dailywh pionsi at A:frbor. Enteredl also fail to receive issues are request- Debating league, together with mern- street. The telephone number bers of a Detroit organization of 12 toi 21214.j schools. 1________________________________ s f i i i J 7( t{f I I f{ ' .r_,y,,. i; 4 i 1 L" . wl '. d. ; . ?. q d .i . f , ,.. y a;:.+ , , . _.- , i , y ".a z, __ '- ' ' fa 11 44 t, Now Show' Zing - -f Now SII4twhig I Sandwiches Delivered Photo shows Postmaster General Harry S. New being told by R. M. Cutts, U.. S. marine corps, of the workings of compensator attached to the Thompson miachine gun-,to beI used against mail bandits. . AT THE DETROIT THEATRES Call few gas and leave you:- order and within a very minutes thie food will be at your door. Four Students Pay Fines For Rioting The last echo of the student riot which followed the "pep" meeting in Hill; auditorium recently was heard 'here yesterday when four university students appeared before A. E. Gib- son, justice of the peace, and paid costs amounting to $4.45 -and $12.50 to replace a door in police headquartersI broken during the disturbance. The four students were Sam Levin, of Mt. Clemens; Frank Rindhage, of Sagi- naw; W. R. Wright, of Byron, and P. L. Shanley, of Ann Arbor. The students were arraigned on charges of disorderly conduct and pleaded guilty.1 LONDON.-Umbrellas have dropped to pre-war prices. BQNSTELLE PLAYHOUSE Nights - 75c to $1.50 :fats. 'Tues., 'Thurs. $StL, Soc anud 75c. Come in and try Steaks and our excellent Chops. A GIolden Success 7th HEAVEN By AUSTIN STRONG SANITARY LUNCH 6ll11 ast Liberty 4t. Phone 6262 JI 'i DAILY RATES WILL ADVANCE Subscriptions for rhe Michi- gan Daily must be paid before Nov. 15 to secure the present rate of $3.75. After this date the rate will be advanced to $4.25. ii , BEGINNING GARRICKSUN. NOV.7 An1Ilntiate, Pulsating 'M1usical Revue IThe Garrick Gaieties A Theater Guild Sucess With SSuperb Cast and Exceptional Chorus SHUB ERT LAFiAYETTE1 I Lafayette at Shelby Street "6SONG OF THE FLAME" Willi TESSA IROSTA Scenery by Josef Urban I- } NOW PLAYING : Shiowinlg Ilimiin Action in't'wo (rjig h [.ENI I' }S.NEY- ' Vl/ I4I (IIMIO-- 7 .. .... . - III Th~le Monarch of' Sophisticated Comedy I Gi}7 Y AND TOMOL ROW Ni Here's your ch auice to get a howig eyeful in the funniest department store everilmued. Yiou'll s ,e for Owe first (anid last!) time, floor-ivalkers oni r oiler skates, -and a huIndred prankislh absurdities -that make this super farce- c{*neiy the miost fan- tastic furore of fun ever Mutned! & --- N ,'37 YOULL FIND NO BE"TTER SHOW THAN THIS! ' ERNST Production / FrvoouPPri th prsito 3 iuNsascec i maEkigia thcsity ofT S 'wanted to see! f24 4fld E A} Parisian night's frolic! A Wei of mixed amnour's and hiusbands and4 'wives who are fer- vently inl lo-se - with somieonie: The Newest Thing in [ictlures and the A/lost Clever Enter- tainment of the Year. I tATP ®r" a eitfro f mthe sensational musical conea-Y I ,y WIILIL 1B 4;OfNrloNI MI ~andWIILIL .. AND]EdaOl Also C omfdy--lBodge Podge- Topics-Locals-News -Cfondig- 1" MIN i: damod k ato -'fe ti t k a m o d "t x A rlette? mikrch t t 4.4j -0- ' t. t 4 $1s k .. Y '. 1 1Y ~" j ~a l Lf / d-(.thfLir tti j ."'r '1 ?:'. p_ f:- .,' ; ; "," r, 'p .z naf''f i ' = . t .. 3-where pleasure nui love- national axis-tke 1'w a ys I - ALLIED ENTERTAINMENT Relh 'Vaudeville Feature-I £GBER T VAN ALS TYNE &CO. IA )EItI( AS POPI LIAR CO3IPO1SER SAs~sisted by ARIIIUR ~tNEALY Thursday -- ADOLPHE MENJOU Feal nrc Comedy- "THE SWIMMING INSTRUCTOR" A {'on Bihhcr (omnedy llicliaurd Harding 1Davis NEW A ESOP F'ABL E (ARTO'(ON VAluIIE REVIEW El NOGRAMS ~i aetic Orehistraa Leoauarcl Falcone, Director . a. ':, - 3 ' -: ; - ,:~ 4 ry Ir 7 j f J I (.'; . 7 ., -., .:, 33i [' ' r: 5 E.,,;' x' . R . 1 i - ; i ; . 1 Y,', i F R! ; ^. }1 tf,,1 .:; A. ~~ ~ E IT i e eia' eZ>ir 1TARIE PRETOST -Ili- "ALMOST A LADY" '.AROHIN GILBERT in "ADELYS THrE 1AGNIFICENT" in "THE ACE OF CADS" U' i M iN m S$ 6Y i I 2 F7mn a a ina -. 4. .. . : .: :. . ,r., t ,j<. 7. .. ,I "' T \ . j\J~,;~Y ~ -K AL i. . 3 e : e . r'. . r Z-. q }} =1 IS" c '( .; ,I J ej ' y'' a r- . '.) 4 1