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November 02, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-11-02

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1 890


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Republican Expects OPPOSING CAMP
Victory In ElectionO


llhIU~LJ li~it- UU H~
Brown Says 016fetio it To Famous
Treaty Are Political, Despite
Many Atual Defects
Europe taught Turkey that "might
makes for right" and conversely that
"right is might," declared Prof. Philip
Marshall Brown, of Princeton, who
spoke on the "Lausanne Treaty and Fred. W. Green, '98L
our relations with the Near East"t= Republican nominee for Governor,
yesterday. Turkey was taught this who appeared in Ann Arbor Oct. 16.
doctrine by actual precept, the speak- Both he and Earl C. Michener, can-
er continued, and cited as examples didate for reelection to Congress from
some of the concessions that were this district, are convinced that they
wrung from the cmuntry, the Turks "will win by the usual large Republi-
always reluctantly granting them. can majority." Mr. Green was form-
For instance, the French missions erly mayor of Ionia, and treasurer of
schools were at first maintained with the Republican State central commit-
out any actual control by the Turkish tee.
government, and later this same con-
cession was broadened by other na
tions to include their own mission iiunr
schools. The capitulations were an-
other example of this same sort of
treatment of Turkey by foreign pow- l
ers, Professor Brown stated .1
Protection bras Disg'uise
PHowever, this is only one of the
characteristics of the influence of west-f
ern civilization, he said. A second Surprisig Degree Of Available Talent
can be found in the protection of min- Shown In Preliminary Rehearsal
orities. "Generally this plan of pro- Of Tryouts For Group
tection of the Christian minorities byR
outside powers was a disguise for LEWISTO BE DIRECTOR
political aims," contended Professor I
Brown, "and the Turks soon came to Preliminary rehearsals of tryouts
know this." He continued by showing for the orchestra of "Front Page
how the nationalistic ambitions of ,, h oceta f"rotPg
hos thes ationalstimbiations or Stuff," the 21st annual Union Opera,
various racesnwere stimulated there- have disclosed a surprising display
by, the Armenians in particular being( of eligible student talent, as well as
encouraged to believe that they would nsprmsig nmbentfstudets for
be given an independent existence. material, it was announced yesterday
There then followed great massacres, mater isanceyeteday
for the Turks naturally came to be-cowtsfheea orchestra fo
lieve that the Armenians were a dan- the 1927 production.
ger to them. Contrary to expectation, the final
Professor Brown then turned to the seection of musicians for the hefina-
.ubject of Turkish nationalism, stat- sel
ing that there was' a thoroughly gen- aof iront Page Stuff" will fully
uine spirit among the young Turks eal in numbers t ingrust yh
with which he was entirely in sympa- 'ipaie Tacbourine"hls year,'
thy. However the liberal powers ofs orchestra is to be organized along
Europe showed little sympathy for
them, and as a result they turned to regular musical comedy orchestra
the Germans for their friends and lines.,,
counselors ."With a slightly smaller group,
counsexllorsnMr. Lewis stated, "It was thought at
Explains Situation i first that more specialized work could
side of Austria and Germany in the be carried on, but if the quality of
World war, is easily explained on the material so far is any indication of
basis that Russia had been an old success, this year's orchestra will be
nenemyof theirs, the speaker pointed ever better than that of last year."
out, and they suspected the Allies .
Oper rhsr okfrteps
would give Constantinople to Russia. ia orchestra work for the past
There has been a profound altera- seven or eight years, as well as being i
prominent in musical circles of Ann
Professor Brown continued. They have Arbor.
a new constitution which is almost In order to secure as effective a
unique in character. They have group of tryouts as possible, it was
changed their administration of laws, also announced that eligible students,
com'pletely abolishing all connections payig the following instruments,
between the state and thechurch. In and interested in Opera orchestra
educational matters they are endcav- work, ma:~y still enroll themselves on
oring to introduce the best of the th' list from which the group will be
western methods. There has also been selected. Men playing the bassoon,
social revolution, and finally many oboe, viola, cello, clarinet, bass viol.
economic reforms, he said in expla- trumpet, and French horn, are asked
nation. to report at 7:30 o'clock tonight or
In conclusion the speaker consider- tomorrow nigt, in room 318 of the
ed the Lausanne treaty and our rela- Union, ad to bring their instruments.
tones with Turkey under it. "Although Tryouts will be accepted at this time
there may he many inherent defects only.
inI iLt)Eno c fn t t ' S oboe tio s are


SCoinstlock Believes That His Ticket Is
Best Eger Offered To Voters
01 Michigan
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, Nov. 1. -- Democratic
campaign guns boomed tonight right
up to the zero hour for the opeping
of polls for tomorrow's state elections,
while Republican leaders spent their
final day quietly, trying to figure just1
how big would be their majority.
While Mayor Fred W. Green of Ionia
indicated that he expected to win by
the usual large Republican majority,
his Democratic opponent for the gov-
ernorship, William A. Comstock of
Detroit, issued a statement of confi-
dence in Democratic victory. Com-
stock completed his campaign tonight,
addressing a rally at Monroe. Green
returned to Ionia early in the day.
Candidates ConfidentE
Comstock predicted victory not only
for himself and the entire Democratic
state ticket which includes one woman
candidate, but expressed the belief
that his party would make inroads in-
to the solid Republican congressional
ranks from Michigan and would also
win some state legislature seats. 1
Mayor Green confined his pre-elec-
tion statements to thanking the peo-
ple of the state for the manner in
which they have received him and1
urging Republican voters to go to the
Early tonight Comstock issued the
followi'ng statement "Our case is in. I
We have placed the facts of the Demo-
cratic proposition of service before,
the great jury of Michigan voters.-
Whatever their verdict may be we
shall abide by it."
Policies Outlined
"We are confident of the result be-
cause we believe that the people of
Michigan want a complete change.
Our party offers it's service which is
a pledge of service that is progres-
sive, constructive, and workable. It
has for its purpose, the welfare of the,

Little Comes Back
After Speaking Tour
Through The West
After completing a speaking tour
of the large alumulI bodies of the West
and the Pacific coast, and attending
the national Michigan banquet in
Philadelphia last Friday night, Pres-
ident Clarence Cook Little returned
to Ann Arbor on Sunday afternoon.
Dr. Little stated that he found the
alumni interested and wide awake to
the problems which now face the
University. In general, the attitude
toward the plan of building dormi-
tories seemed to be very favorable,
he said.
Visits to all the great universities
of the west have shown that Michigan
is in the most favorable position to
combine the ideas of the west and the
Dr. Little lunched with Com. Rich-
ard E. Byrd and Edsel B. Ford, presi-
dent of the Ford Motor company, in.
Detroit yesterday.
- "- t
Speaker Is Head of Metali-Institut
Der Technischen In
Explaining the new developments in
this phase of metallurgy, Dr. William
Minot Guertler, director of the Metall-
Institut der Technischen of Charlot-I
tenburg, Germany, presented the Uni-
versity lecture, "Corrosion Resistance
of Steels," last night in the amphithe-
ater of the chemistry building. This;
lecture is the E. D. Campbell Me-
morial Lecture which the American
Society of Steel Treating, under
whose auspices Dr. Guertler is speak-
ing, has dedicated to the late Prof.
Edward D. Campbell, head of the
chemistry department, who died last
According to Dr. Guertler, the total
amount of metal abstracted from ores
during the period of time fr'om 1890
to 1923, would 'be contained in a cube
measuring 640 meters to the side. In
comparison to this, the amount of



OCIETY IS O ANE tes Campaign


Half A

Must Attain Average
and Half B In Order
To Be Eligible


Phi Eta Sigma, honorary scholastic
society for freshmen in the literary,
engineering, and architectural col-
leges, was informally organized at a
meeting of the prospective members
held yesterday in the Union. It is
planned to hold the installation and
initiation banquet on Nov. 19, at
which Dean Thomas Arkle Clark, of
the University of Illinois, has been
linvited to be present.
Phi Eta Sigma is an honorary so-
I ciety for freshmen, designed to cor-
respond to Phi Beta Kappa in the
senior class, its purpose being to en-
courage scholastic efforts of freshmen.
Dean Clark of Illinois originated the
idea behind it and the first chapter
was established there in 1923. Last
spring a chapter was installed at
the University of Missouri. Other
chapters will be established in the
Middle-west this year.
Fifty Charter Members
All freshmen who attain an average
of half "A" and half "B" grades are
eligible to membership. This can be
attained either in the first semester
or for the entire year's average. A
list of the members of last year's
freshman class was made up by J. A.
Bursley, dean of students, of those
with the necessary average and from
this group of approximately 50 sopho-
mores will be composed the Michigan
The society will sponsor 'a smoker
and a banquet each semester. Oc-
casional meetings will take place at
which subjects of scholastic nature
will be discussed. The society urges
its members to enter into campus ac-
tivities. The emblem of the organiza-
tion is a key in the form of a scroll..
At Illinois, a list of the members of
the society is placed in the year book
and the members hold friendships
'through their four years.
Permanent officers will be elected
at the installation banquet. For the
present Dean Bursley will be in
charge until the society gets under
way. Jo H. Chamberlin, '28, has been
appointed senior advisor of the so-
Eligible Men Listed
Although the list of men eligible

great majority with the thought of metal lost by corrosion in the same
humanity as its inspiration. { period would be contained in a cube
"Our candidates are without ques- measuring 420 meters to a side. Thus
tiom or doubt the best balanced ticket it can be seen that this loss cannot be
that has ever been offered the people neglected, and causes it to be an all
of this state by any party. Every can- important issue with metallurgists.
didate named at our state convention In explaining the cause of corro-
is superbly qualified for the office for sion of metals, in water or moist air,
which he was nominated." Dr. Guertler pointed out that these
Green's statement, issued earlier in agents absorb the carbon dioxide of
the day, was short and recited his the air, thus becoming weak acids.
pleasure in meeting so many people As the water evaporates, the solutions
of the state and learning so much of become more acidic and cause corro-
the problems of every section of Mich- sion.
igan. le also gave a graphic illustration
of how a metal rusts. Each'atom of a
cube of metal is attached by arms to
Religious Institute j atoms around it," he declared. "Then,
T" 'if a piece of the metal is cut away, it
Ti o Start Its Fifth leaves a layer of atoms with arms
Toutstretched into the air and nothing
Annual Fall Term I to hold unto. Upon these arms, atoms
of oxygen attach themselves and
form a thin layer of oxygen. Then,
Tonight marks the opening of the by diffusion, the oxygen enters the
Fall term of the fifth annual religious 'metal and forms a layer of oxide."
institute, organized under the ausp- Dr. Guertler dwelt at some length
ices of the Student Christian associa- on the constitution of acid resisting
tion and the Ann Arbor Bible Chair. alloys and explained results of ex-
I The first meetings of the courses will ,on ments by himself and Prof. Tam-

William A. Comstock, '99
Democratic Gubernatorial nominee,
who declares himself to be confident
of a party victory at the polls today.
His running mate is Gerrit A. Masse-
link, nominee for Lt. Governor.
Fall Gaines Will Begin at 10 O'Clock
Next Saturday Morning
At Ferry Field
Dates of class' meetings for the
election of captains, and the program
of events for the annual Fall games,
which will be held next. Saturday,
were announced yesterday by Earl
Blaser, '27, who is 'in charge of the
freshman-sophomore tradition again
this year.
The sophomore classes will meet at"
5 o'clock tomodtrow afternoon in Na-
tural Science auditorium for the pur-
pose of selecting their captain, while.
the first year men will assemble
Thursday ' night at the Union to
choose their leader. The time of the
freshman meeting will be announced
Three events will constitute the
games again this fall. The feature, as
in past years, will be the flag rush in
which all men of both classes will
participate. Picked teams of ten men
each will take part in a cane spree
and pillow fight.I
The games will begin promptly at
10 o'clock Saturday morning and will
be over in ample time for those tak-
ing part to attend the Wisconsin game
in the afternoon. The freshmen will
assemble in front of the Union at 9
o'clock and the sophomores will meet
in front of Waterman gymnasium at
the same hour. At 9:30 o'clock both
classes will start the parade down
State street to south Ferry field, and
will probably be led by their respec-
tive bands.
Members of the Student council,
junior honorary societies, and 'M'
men will officiate at the games. Rules
governing the contests will be strictly
enforced this year. They will not
differ materially from those of previ-
ous games and will be announced by
Blaser in detail at both class gather-
In the confusion of getting off the
train Sunday after reurning from Bal-
timore, a member of the band lost a
brown Gladstone bag and a black
traveling bag . A request has been
issued that anyone who sees either of
the bags inform R. A. Burhans at
MOSCOW-The Soviet government
has approved the con1struction of the
$60,000,000 hydro-electric plant o the
Dnieler River in Ukrania, plans for
which were drafted by Col. Hugh
Cooper, American engineer.

"America's Egypt" Is Name AIplied
To Territory Where Ancient
Civilization Existed
Discoveries of a remarkable civili-
zation which flourished on the Amer-
ican continent thousands of years ago,
rivalling even that which existed In
ancient Egypt, will be the subject of
a lecture to be delivered by Gregory
Mason, author and explorer, who will
speak in Hill auditorium at 8:00
o'clock tonight as the second lecturer
on the annual series of the Oratorical
association. Mr. Mason's subject will
be "The Lost Cities of Yucatan."
The speaker has recently returned
from the Yucatan penninsula where,
'in conjunction with Dr. Herbert
Joseph Spinden, anthropologist and
archaeologist, Mr. Mason headed an
expedition which visited the 'sites of
five prehistoric cities, hitherto un-
known. The uncovered palaces, tem-
ples, tombs, and other remains of the
'ancient civilization.
The lecture will b illustrated with
stereoptican slides made from pictures
taken on the last expedition, and on
two previous expeditions which the
'explorer has made to the country. The
last investigation he made there was
in conjunction with the Peabody mus-
eum of Harvard.
Country Uncivilized
The country is almost entirely un-
civilized, and before the explorers
could make their way through the
juggle they were forced to make
fr ends of the Maya Indians, which in-
habit thearea. The onlyntrails or
roads in the whole pennnsula are
those which representatives of the
b,American Chicle company have es-
At Muyil, one of the cities discov-
ered, Mr. Mason found a subterranean
chamber in a teipple with several
passages leading to still deeper cham-
bers whichmay contain articles of
rare value, and which will be explor-
ed later. In another of the cities,
.eight buildings were found in a fair
state of preservation, and only the
fact that Mr. Mason contracted a se-
vere case of malarial fever prevented
the expedition from making even more
complete investigations. As it was,
a number of objects of immense arch-
aeological and historical value were
Language Lik Greek
The language of the people in this
region contained a large number of
words similar to Greek and Latin,
and the explanation for this fact is
only found in the submerged contin-
ent of Atlantis, connecting South
America with Africa and which is
'estimated to have been lost 11,000
years ago. There were also large
numbers of relics and remains un-
covered which resembled closely those
of other civilizations on the other side
I of the globe.
This civilization, Mr. Mason be-
lieves, existed even before that of an-
cient Egypt and it was in many re-
spects just a far advanced.
The country through which the ex-
plorers passed is now inhabited by
the uncivilized Maya Indians, which
made it difficult for the party to proa'n
G eed and would have halted operations
altogether if the members of the ex-
pedition had not made them their
Mr. Mason was for several years
on the editorial staff of the Outlook
and during the Worla -war, he served
as press correspondent. Since that
time, he has travelled extensively in
all parts of the world.

Butler To Speak On
Trip To The Balkans
Recently returned from a trip
through the southeastern part of Eu-
rope, W. Hackley Butler, former pres-
ident of the Chamber of Commerce;
Will address members of the organi-
zation on "My trip To The Balkans"
r at the regular weekly luncheon today.


for the society from last year's fresh-l
man classes in the literary, engineer-i
ing and architectural colleges wasi
compiled as accurately as possible,
Dean Bursley requested that any
sophomores who had the necessaryi
scholastic average last year eitherI
for the first semester or the entire
year, and who have not been notified,
get in touch with him so that he can
explain the nature pf the society.
Prof. Hussey 's Body
Will Be Cremated
LONDON, Oct. 30.-The body of
Prof. William J. Hussey, noted astron-
omer who died suddenly Thursday
night, will be cremated next week,
Mrs. Hussey decided today aftercom-
municating with relatives in the
United States. Mrs.rHusseythen will
return to her home at Ann Arbor,
where Professor Hussey was director
of the observatory at University of
Deane Prescott Mitchell, at whose
Kensington home the astronomer
died, is an old friend of the profes-
sor, having known him in his student
days and also at Bloemfontein, South
Africa, to which Professor Hussey
was en route to erect an observatory.
BERLIN.-The Society of Germans{
in Foreign Countries soon will release
in the United States a motion picture
of German life.


purely political," he said. And fur- b - e held at 7 o'clock tonight at Lane
thermore there is no other alternative Germy Is AnxioUS ll.
than to continue under the article of ; A variety of courses have been
that treaty be concluded. To Retrieve 'olonv planned in an effort to cover as large
-and as interesting a field of religious
activity as possible. Studies in the
Student Directory (By Associated Press) psychology of religion, the teaching
TOGENEVA, Nov. 1.-- Germany's of the Bible, special courses for, wo-
To Be Ptut On Sale known desire to get back at least one men on the social development of
Tomorrow M o n of the many colonies which she lost children and a student investigation
i/IrW ornng~ es :' resuip- cf' the World war is a #group are among the studies planned.
naV problm which is now confront- A faculty of men and women prom-
Sale of the 1926-27 Student directory iig the League of Nations. The prob- inent in religious and social work
will begin at 8 o'clock tomorrow atE1r' is felt here to be all the more has beenwsecured to conductethe
the center and both endcs of the dia-; grave because no light is seen as to courses which will be held on every
gonal, with 3,000 copies available. how the question can be solved. Tuesday evening for the coming five
Since the number printed is no great-- Germany is known to be keenly de- weeks. Persons interested may enroll
er than in former years, however, it sirous of getting back one or more, at Lane hall. No charge is imposed
is expected that the order will be sold colonies. for any of the work in the institute.
out in a few hours.
Included in this year's issue is a
reswtemaatopAnrorwhich ilkey Deplores Public Condemnation
revisthraedrof a r or h ich.
The key to the location of the build- Of Students' Moral and Spiritual Life
ings and the houses of social organi- -
zations has been improved by the use
of the alphabetical method in its pre- Contending that "we are involved one to make sweeping generalizations,
paration. in a tide of moods, attitudes, and con- condemning or defending the present
As in past years, the book is com- ditions" in a period of moral and generation."
posed of student, faculty, and organi- spiritual confusion, the Rev. Charles The Chicago clergyman is of the
zations sections with complete in- W. Gilkey, in an interview following I opinion of Dr. Henry Emerson Fos-
formation relative to each. All data his address at the student convoca- dick who recently pointed out that
on students has been taken directly tion here Sunday, remarked that it is "we cannot judge the morals of the
from the files of the Registrar. The unfair to make students "the scape- modern co-ed by those of her grand-
price of the directory which has been goats" for public criticisms. mother, who never attended a uni-
bound in a flaming red cover will be "We don't need to blame the stu- versity in the first place, and who
75 cents. dents and flappers for the confused lived in a period whose conditions
1 r~arf rt and iritual hinzs." wre vatlv different."

mann, of the University of Dorpat.
Chromium gives the greatest pro-
tection against corrosion, and accord-
ing to Dr. Guertler, it is possible, by
numerous tests with chemical and
- mechanical attack, to determine the
{ extent to which the observed resist-
ance is due to the automatic forma-
tion of a protective coating.


(By Associated Press)
WEST POINT, Nov. 1.-Authorities
at the military academy here issued a.
statement tonight concerning the an-M
nouncement in New York of a tem-
porary break in athletic relations be-
tween the Armay and Syracuse. The
announcement, similar to that given
out at Syracuse, declared that while
the "situation involved no difficulties
which could not be satisfactorily ad-
justed in time," it was deemed advis-
able to "temporarily suspend athletic
The statement disclosed that no
judgment had been passed on the
"recent development in the athletic
relations of the institutions," at a con-,
ference in New York between Chan-I
cellor Charles Flint of Syracuse, and
Brigadier-General Merle C. Stewart,
superintendent of the military acad-

Meiklejohn And McCracken To Address
National Student Federation Meeting



Prof. Alexander Meiklejohn of the
University of Wisconsin and President
Henry MacCracken of Vassar college
will be the speakers at the National
Student Federation of America in its
second annual congress to be held on
the campus on Dec. 2, 3, and 4. Last
I year the federation was inaugurated
at Princeton, with, 245 institutions
represented, and this year Michigan
will be hosts to "collegiate America."

and committee meetings affords an
opportunity for a thorough considera-
tion and careful analysis of these
questions. These committee meetings
are divided into ten groups dealing
with the subjects of the honor system
and student government, athletics,
fraternities, the choice and method of
teachers, and the nature of the cur-
Joseph Prendergast, president *of the
Senior class and Student council at

Junior architectural class at
4 o'clockin room 311 of the En-
gineering building.
Junior pharmacy class, at 5
o'clock in the Chemistry build-
Junior law class, at 4 o'clock
in room B of the Law building.
Wednesday Elections
Sophomore literary class, at 4

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